Reality check.
Hi there.
Good of you to pop in. Just had the wind knocked right out of my sails. Grace told me that one of our lovely Clarity friends and customers, Linda Williams Woodland, died this week from this awful virus. I can’t believe it. She was always commenting here on the blog, always fun to be around. Big Groovi fan. Very creative, very upbeat, very kind, great energy – a real light. Gone. Just like that.

Dearie me. So so sorry to hear that. She was a good woman. Grace has created a little arty tribute to Linda of some of her lovely work which she posted over the years. You will find it tomorrow, over on the Clarity Matters blog.
Love from us all to her family and friends at this sad time.
And for the love of Linda, and all the thousands of other poor people who are dying,
Barb xxx
78 thoughts on “Reality check.”
So sorry to hear this sad news. I have seen many of Linda’s comments and artwork. It brings the reality home. Our kids are making sure we stay safe but I do worry for them too. This horrible virus is not selective. Take care everyone. xx
Such sad, sad news. My sympathy and love to all Linda’s family and many friends.
Linda D
So sad. My thoughts with her family at this time. Xxx
Often seen Linda’s thoughts, work and comments. It is beginning to hit deeply now, so many of us can now put a name to one of these statistics. Our love, prayers and thoughts to her family and their huge loss
So sorry for the loss of one of our crafty members, her photos of her work will be greatly missed. 😢
So sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with her family & friends x
Oh my goodness, how sad, I’ve seen Linda a lot on the pages and enjoyed her work. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends xxx
So very sad that Linda has gone to this awful virus. It definitely highlights how important it is to stay home and stay safe.
My sincere condolences to Linda’s family!
And sending you a hug too Barbara as I know how deeply you feel about your friends. Xxxx
So sorry to hear about this tragic loss. I have seen Linda‘a comments on the blog and elsewhere. RIP
Absolutely heart breaking. Linda will be sorely missed by everyone who crossed paths with her. My sincere condolences to all her family RIP Linda xx
Such sad news thoughts are with family and friends who I hope are well. Can’t believe they are even discussing loosening the lockdown when so many people still dying. So hard for everyone. Xx
Such sad news. It brings it home what a serious situation we are in just now.
Thinking of all her family and friends. Will miss seeing her posts on here x
So very sorry for this sad news, have seen Linda Woodland Williams post many times and so awful that this dreadful virus has taken another special person, please send my good wishes to her family xx
RIP Linda, sending my deepest sympathies to all her family and friends, it really does hit home hard when this awful virus takes someone you know. Stay safe all.
So sorry to read this. Sending hugs and condolences to all her family.
Mags xx
Oh no! We never met, but Linda was always hoping to come to one of our East Northants Groovi Group meetings.
So sorry to read this, it really hits home how awful this virus is. Sending love and condolences to Linda’s family and friends xxxx
So very sad, you feel it’s one of your own when it’s someone from the wider Clarity family. Sincerest condolences to Linda’s family, RIP Linda x
Oh, that’s so upsetting. I didn’t know Linda, but I did read all her comments both on here and anytime I ventured into facebookland. My heart breaks for her and her family. After all, we are just one very big Clarity family aren’t we. We don’t need to see or speak to someone in person to get to know them or feel them there, and sadly feel them gone too. (Linda is the first person I know who this virus has infected.)
Do you know what, I have been feeling so angry this afternoon. Why? Because a household across the road from me are totally ignoring the rules, they don’t social distance, they go out more times than they should, and now they are mixing households with their other family households. Today a car drew up and out pours the grandkids and into their house, after hanging about the street for ages. A teenager and 2 toddlers one of whom has a disability! It’s folk like them who are causing good people to be taken from us and putting me and my community, all of us, at great risk… I did try to find out how to report them but I can only find stuff for England, nothing for Scotland.
I look forward to seeing Linda’s work tomorrow. How about we all collectively gather to look at Linda’s work tomorrow at 4pm, just after Barb’s show on Hochanda? We can all say our words to Linda, and her family, at the same time in our heads?
Barb, how about setting up a memorial gallery on your website, so that anyone we sadly lose will forever be remembered as one of our own through their artwork?
I was about to start having a go at learning to draw the hot air balloon but suddenly this feels wrong right now…
Group hug Barb and everyone xxxx
Love and strength from me to Linda’s family.
Actually, lets all craft our hearts out this weekend, in memory of Linda. Those who post on facebook flood the group pages with your artwork in memory of Linda.
I’m with you, I’m seeing what looks like similar behaviour near me, and it makes me so cross.
Time for me to breathe deeply and do another doodle to clear the head.
Claire x
Brenda, it is a dreadful shock to hear this news, and it really brings it home to the rest of us. If you can carry on with your hot air balloon, and imagine her spirit flying free with it, I feel it would be a perfect way to commemorate her. Take care of yourself, Brenda. xx
Hi Brenda,
These people are breaking the law and putting others in danger. The next time this happens ring the police, they will help.
Thanks guys xx
So so sad. I’ve joined in many a chat with her. Such a lovely soul. Oh dear. It’s claiming so many people.
Stay safe everyone xx
How very sad to lose a lovely crafter due to this horrible virus. Sympathy goes to her family.
Looking forward to seeing her work when it is compiled.
Rest in Peace Linda
Stay safe and well everyone. xx
Oh my that is such sad news, always read the comments here so feel that name is one I know. This virus is such a horrible thing, ta king people before their time. My heart goes out to all her family and friends. Stay safe everyone. Xx
Thats so sad news condolences to her family ,when is this going to end such a lot of people dying
So sad to hear this. I didn’t know Linda personally but like a lot of other people knew her through the Clarity family and have read her comments and seen her lovely artwork.
Thoughts and condolences to her family and friends.
Love to everyone. xx
Oh no. Became good fb friends with Linda due to our common hobbies. Groovi, motorhoming etc. Tried meeting up many times but never managed it. So sorry for robbie and family. This is an awful disease. Makes you stop and think. Stay home stay safe is a must. Keep crafting everyone. X
So sorry to read this blog today Barbara. As a newcomer I don;t know anyone, but I can already feel that there is a big community spirit here, and this awful news will hopefully galvanise the message. Stay at home. Stay safe everyone, please.
Such sad news, to lose a clearly valued member of the Clarity community (or should I say family). May she rest in peace, and rise in glory
Claire x
So sad on reading this blog to hear that Linda is no longer with us. Look forward to seeing all her artwork again tomorrow as she did some lovely pieces that she shared with us the last only a couple of weeks ago. My thoughts are with her family & friends. RIP Linda xx
So very sad to hear of this news. I often saw Linda’s posts and comments. She will be greatly missed by all. Looking forward to seeing her lovely artwork again. Sending hugs from Canada 🇨🇦
It is so sad to read of our loss of a talented lady. Linda had hoped to get across to us at Bromsgrove to join in our meetings, but, sadly, we have now lost the chance to meet up with her in person. My thoughts go out to her family and friends at this time. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
So very sad. Rest in peace Linda xx
So sorry and sad to hear this news. My thoughts are with all her family and friends
Oh my goodness, what sad news. I didn’t know Linda personally but always enjoyed seeing her work and reading her comments. We will miss her. Love and condolences to Linda’s family and friends.
Sorry to hear this sad news. Our thoughts are with her family and friends x
Sending love and prayers to her family.
So so sad, what a great loss to our Clarity community. Sincere condolences to Linda’s family, May she rest in peace xxx
So sad to hear about Linda. I have seen her comments on here but sadly haven’t had any personal conversations, but I send my condolences to her family and friends. x
Such very sad news our thoughts go to her family at this awful time. X
Such sad news. Sending my sincerely best wishes to Linda’s family.
So very sad and my condolences to Linda’s family and friends. I have always enjoyed reading her comments and seeing her work. She will be greatly missed by all of us in the Clarity community. X
Oh no! What sad and shocking news! This virus is just so vicious! My thoughts are with Linda’s family and friends. May she rest in peace. ❤
So sorry to hear this terrible news.
My thoughts and prayers go to Linda’s family, at peace Linda.
Hugs to you Barbara .
Lynn xx
So very sorry to hear that, Barbara. I have often seen Linda’s posts on FB and see from her own FB page that Linda had a real social conscience and a lovely family. What we are all acknowledging, which is important, is that Linda is not a statistic but a loving wife and mother, a friend and a member of the Clarity family. May her family and all who knew her in whatever way for however long, may each one know that the loving arms of God, which welcomed Linda home, surround each one of us. Lots of love to all. Hxx
That is such tragic news. I’ve read lots of Linda’s comments here and, as others have been saying too, it feels like someone we all know has left us. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends
I am absolutely stunned! Linda was so sweet. A real treasure.
Such sad news, my condolences to Linda’s family and all her friends.
It really emphasises how deadly this virus is and I am terrified of it.
My heart goes out to all those front line people who are working so hard to keep matters under control despite the lack of PPE. They all deserve medals.
Keep safe people. 🍒🍒🍒
Ray has been searching and has found how to report breaches of the lockdown law. Type in the following.
http://www.police.uk coronavirus breaches.
This will take you through the process no matter where youlive.
Hi Cherry, thanks for this. It just comes up “page not found”. If you and Ray don’t mind, could he please find it again and let us know where to go to get this page. Looking myself I still can’t find anything for Scotland except it telling me not to phone either of the police numbers for coronavirus! I couldn’t phone myself anyway, too scary for me.
Thanks if you can xx
Thank you for breaking the news so sensitively and bravely, Barbara. Any death is tough news to share and Linda was one of ours. I often read her comments and appreciated her generous nature. My heart goes out to her family – and all the other families facing the same. RIP.
So very sad to hear this news Barbara. Sending sincere sympathies to Linda’s family and friends. Stay safe everyone x
I’m so sorry to read this. It seems it’s getting very close to home now. Remembering a fellow crafter xx
So sorry to hear the sad news I loved her artwork
So sorry to hear news like that and so sad that you had to break it to us Barbara, it couldn’t have been easy. I saw her comments and work on FB many times. My thoughts are with her family at this awful time. RIP Linda, we will all remember your lovely work. It really brings it home to us how vulnerable we all are. We all have to try to stay safe.xx
Such sad news .May Linda rest in peace and may happy memories help to sustain her family and those who knew and loved her at this really difficult time.
Sad news, my thoughts and prayers are with Linda’s family & friends. xx
So sad 😪xxx
Hi Barbara
So sad to read this sad news
I did not know Linda but by reading all the comments she was a lovely lady. that was my loss.
I send my deepest condolences to all of Linda’s family at this sad time. Rest in peace Linda .
On Barbara! I’m so very sorry to hear this! I will pray for her family and for you too. ((((HUGS))))
I am shocked to hear this! I’m not a parcher, but I’ve seen her beautiful plates on Hochanda. What a tragedy this is! Prayers to her family and to everyone who knew and loved her……..One day at a time.
Hi Brenda, she’s not Linda Williams the parchment master expert, she’s another Linda Williams, but who was clearly just as loved and cherished by her Groovi facebook friends. xx
Oh. Thanks for that clarification. Still a great tragedy. I’m new to this community, and sense the love you all have for one another. So sorry for the loss of your dear friend!
Yes, every single person lost to this nasty virus is a tragedy. Welcome to our Clarity community. I hope you keep commenting each day so we can get to know, and include, you too xx
Such very sad news. Sending heartfelt condolences to Linda’s family & friends.
RIP Linda xxx
Hi Barb,
Thank you for letting us know about this very sad news. I didn’t know a Linda personally, but read her comments and saw her artwork regularly. It is always very sad to lose someone especially when it is to something like this horrible virus. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends. RIP Linda xx
So sorry – such a horrible indiscriminate disease – my love and prayers for her family and friends. Rosemary xx
I feel like one of MY friend’s has DIED, and I only knew her from Facebook. RIP Linda. Take care everyone and stay safe. SHAC.
So sorry to hear this news. My thoughts are with her family and friends at this terrible time and with you too Barbara for having to break this news to us all here in the clarity family. That is after all what we all are to each other here, family. We may never see each other but we read each other’s comments, share our work and are always there to help each other. Stay home and stay safe everyone.
Such sad news Barb, I have seen plenty of Linda’s work. My deepest sympathy to her family . Stay safe and take care everyone. Bx
Sad news, sincere condolences to her loved ones. Never met the lady herself but loved reading her comments and thoughts here. Reminds all of us how important it is to stay in and stay safe as possible. We too have a neighbour who appears to think the rules don’t apply to him and it’s absolutely infuriating!
So very sad, what a huge loss to all who knew of Linda personally or via Facebook. Feels like a personal loss. Condolences to Linda’s family. In her name we must keep crafting and stay at home.
That s so sad. God Bless her. Sad for her family and friends. This awful virus. This awful virus! Stay safe Barbara and everyone xxx
I am truly sorry for your loss of such a dear friend to this awful virus. Sending hugs.
What a shock, such an incredibly talented lady. I always admired her inspirational pieces, which often gave me ideas. So Thank You Linda, you were taken far too soon. God Bless you, may you rest in peace. Sending love and prayers to your family and friends.
This virus really is evil, but we are all doing our best to stop it, and hopefully, after this is all over, maybe this world will be a better place.
Such sad news have seen her comments and work posted hearing of so many people been taken by this horrible evil virus. My prayers and sympathy go out to her family heart breaking my love goes out to them and to you Barbara as you care so much for each of us deeply. Live to you all keep safe and craft. Joy Xx