Good Days and Growing Days?
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. How has your day been? Has it been a good day? Or a growing day? With everything that’s going on in the world, it is so very easy to get caught up in the shocking developments both at home and abroad. And if you’re pinned to the news, then you will be soaking up all that collective sadness, fear and awfulness. It’s seeps into your subconscious; it brings you down, makes you anxious – if you let it.
Hang on though. Reality check coming through right NOW.
It’s 8pm here. And suddenly the whole of our street has come alive. The people are out cheering and clapping, banging pots and lids and hooting and singing! Ah yes. That’s right. It’s a tribute to those amazingly brave Doctors and Nurses and NHS staff who are laying their lives on the line to help others.
Let me add the postmen and the shop assistants and the dustbin men and the delivery men to that list. And women of course! All those people who make it possible for you and me to stay at home and be safe.
And I had the audacity to think I was having a bad day yesterday. Silly woman. Sometimes I just need a little leveller – and the good people of Crowborough just supplied me with one. No no no. Not a bad day. Let’s just call it a growing day. In fact, when I think about it, I had a pretty good day! It’s all about perspective, eh.
So as I wrap it up for the day, I am overwhelmed with gratitude.
Here’s a little Pergamano gallery of lovely artwork by the Clarity Team, using that uplifting new Groovi plate which Linda Williams designed for us, and which sold out today on HOCHANDA!

Mmmm. Fresh and lovely.
Be safe, keep crafting.
Until tomorrow.
Love and hugs
Barb xx
27 thoughts on “Good Days and Growing Days?”
Had a busy morning at work with all the extra on line orders coming in ,,more overtime , more money to spend on stamps and clarity goodies , every cloud 😁. Enjoyed today’s shows .we went to our doorstep to clap and cheer along with the neighbors . Loving the doodling .keep safe
What a wonderful thing to do. They are working long hours with inadequate equipment, knowing that they could be next and they just keep working.
I’m glad you mentioned all the other people who are keeping us all going. I make a point (when I do need to venture out for necessities) to thank them.
We could hear them banging from up on t’hill in Kent too. ‘Banged’ out of the window!!
I am making fudge and little crispie cakes to leave out for the postie (who comes on 3 days a week now) and any other delivery people-like our local shops who deliver for us. Got a lovely delivery from butcher and local general store today. Also 2 items ordered from ebay and Amazon, so will leave them all some fudge! Not a Groovi fan (can’t do it now -hands too painful) but love Linda’s new plates. That window is quite 3D! Enjoyed doodling with my friend this evening. 10 am is dog walking time!!
Let us not forget the firefighters-my son. The police- my daughter in law et al. All working their hearts and souls out and getting plenty of abuse. You are so right about soaking up the news- depressing. Far better doodling along with you. I might not be very good but it does me the power of good and brings down my blood pressure. Love to everyone
Absolutely love this Groovi plate but unfortunately I can’t do Groovi. Would love it as a stamp but can appreciate the stunning gallery. It’s beautiful Linda – thank you. x
Hi Barbara. Just spent an uplifting few minutes catching up on your blogs from the past couple of days. Its been a very tough week at work. Thankful I have a day off tomorrow – going to catch up on the Facebook videos with some doodling, and have a virtual crafting session in the afternoon with my friend, using Zoom. Will also make time to watch the Hochanda shows as well. Thanks for keeping the Clarity community together through this
Yes my neighbourhood has been out clapping and banging saucepans this evening, makes me quite emotional.
Barbara I am really enjoying your doodling you tubes and I am being quite brave and doing them straight in my sketchbook. I bought it a while ago after being inspired by Tina’s doodles but only used 2 pages. I have never really done much drawing and have surprised myself and even gone on to add little bits, so thank you so much.
I don’t know about you but when I am watching people presenting or being interviewed in their homes I am looking at what’s in the background!! It mostly seems to be bookshelves. I’m waiting to see a pile of ironing or dirty dishes in the background!!
Take care xx
Loved today, from the daily doodle, the shows and going outside to cheer with my neighbours. Even managed to tidy my craft table a bit and chat to my friend on the phone for about an hour. Just learning to take more joy from the smaller things is making my days easier.
Just want to thank you Barbara for the doodle shows you are doing. Missed the first one so must go back. You have helped me to forget, well for half an hour, the troubles we are having. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Hi Barb, I had a bit of a better day today. Glad you managed to turn your day around.
I was clapping out my window at 8pm, very poor showing on my street again! My next door neighbour was out though so we had a quick wee blether, well over the 2m away, probably more than 2 or 3 times that, (and she didn’t cough or sneeze!!!). It’s hard eh, needing to keep safe, but needing to be kind to someone who is also on their own, then afterwards going – oh no, what if, even though we were so far apart. Viruses don’t have wee legs or wings, dope, but try telling my autistic brain that when it’s default is always ‘what if’!!!
Yes I think about all essential workers too, not just the NHS, although the NHS are most at risk. But all these other essential workers who could never have dreamt that their job could ever mean they had to risk their own health. Us who are staying at home have it so easy in the whole scheme of things. How lucky are we!
Yes, I am one who is obsessed with watching the news, and can’t break into that. From morning to night, and sometimes it’s on all night too. It’s always the same for me when there’s a big thing going on in the world. I’ve still to watch your Hochanda shows, so I’ll try to do that this evening.
I hope you manage to chill, and you get a good sleep. Hope to see you at 10am. Love you xxx
Matt Hancock for PM!
P.s today is world autism awareness day. How did I forget that…!
The missing puzzle piece –
We do not need a missing puzzle piece,
What we need is acceptance!
I hope you are okay Brenda and crafting a little too. I always look for your comments when I read Barbara’s blog, you have a fan!
Brenda from Barnsley xx
My heartfelt thanks go out to ALL who are working to keep us safe, supplied, connected and fed under very difficult circumstances.
I placed an order for some bespoke craft furniture earlier in the week and was told delivery would be 4 – 6 weeks. OK, sez I, that’s normal timing. They phoned me today to say it will be delivered on Monday. Howzat!!! I am one happy bunny.
We went back over the doodle videos today between the Clarity shows, and did them all again, better this time.
Linda’s Groovi plate is a great addition to the garden set, and of course, the samples were beautiful.
Tina’s flower set and plates also went into the basket. Nice tohave something to look forward to, just hoping the post keeps going.
It has been sunny and dry for most of today but a bit chilly. Looks like the weekend will be much warmer.
I have to go shopping sometime in the next few days and I am dreading it. I can’t stand still for very long and the shuffling along creases my back and hips, much rather go for a long walk, but we have to get fresh veg and fruit so it’s grit the teeth and put up with it. I suppose it serves me right for being fussy – the lot that was very kindly delivered recently looked like it had been on the shelf for a month.
We are weathering the lockdown well, lots of giggles, are catching up on various projects and generally enjoying ourselves. Sleeping well too which is good.
Keep cheerful everyone – we will get on top of this virus to all
Hugs to all 🍒🍒🍒
Hi Barbara, You are such an amazing teacher, I enjoy drawing but you have taught me so many tricks. I look forward to joining you daily, if not at the 10am slot. I am not a facebook subscriber I only go for the public sites like yours but I cannot comment, so I am glad of the opportunity to comment here. Thank you so much for your time, and doing this for us it makes me feel part of a family and that I know you, even though I have only seen you in the flesh a few times. Your funny stories are priceless, you have such a sense of fun. x x x Sue
I took a drawing course once and told the teacher I’d like to be able to make nice stick figures. That should tell you how bad I am. I’m drawing along with the videos (yeah, I live in Florida, ha!). I wish I could send you a pic of my tree scene. Even my husband was impressed, lol. Please keep the ideas coming! Keep smiling and be safe. Barbara
Great shows today. Loved the demos and the SHAC SHACk even though it was more of a challenge! The artwork on your blog is super. I loved both Linda and Tina’s designs today. Just spotted a deer on Sheila’s Bradley’s card, nose on to the edge of the parasol. The heart is the nose with a white embossing line underneath for the mouth, the circle is the eye and to the left of that is another white embossed line that marks the end of the face, moving in towards the neck. There ends the deer, dear! Do you think being in the house is getting to me? Lol. I actually got out today for a wee while. I planted up a half barrel with a wee rhododendron and half a dozen beautiful two tone primula. It looks lovely. Really blessed to have a nice garden. I’m quite happy being shut in. I don’t mind it although I dare say I might be in the minority. It is what it is. Anyway, take care of yourselves. Stay safe and well. Hx
Hi Barb,
Great doodling video today – I’m really enjoying these. Shows great as well, Linda’s plates are fabulous as are Tina’s floral sprays. I did buy the floral sprays stamps and stencils and would have loved all of the Groovi plates, but just can’t afford it at the moment, too many goodies all coming at same time! My order of Sam’s stamps & stencils came this morning and I really like them – hopefully going to play tomorrow. Thank you for everything you are doing, love and hugs,Alison xxx
The school where I’m the Science Technician have donated to the local hospital all our PPE supplies, goggles aprons & gloves. Think most people are trying to ‘do their bit’ even if it’s staying indoors isolating to hopefully lessen the strain on the NHS. Take care everyone.
That was a generous thing to do, Janet.xxx
I admit to a few tears in my eyes tonight when I heard the whole of our crescent cheering and applauding. I also included in my own applauds, the home carers too. They are often hidden from view, but are so much appreciated at home.
Lovely samples for Linda’s plate. Just had to have it, to go with the other garden plates, they are all so beautiful. Enjoyed the doodling this morning too. Must admit didnt do too well, think I must be too tense, tended to rush it pressing too hard on the pen so my lines didn’t flow, nevermind I can try again. Watched you on zHochanda brilliant Ordered the postcards so I can join in on the colouring, need to learn how to shade etc. A pretty good day on the whole. Shopped a bit earlier tonight but it was quite busy, make it later next week again. Thank you for all that you are doing to keep us mindful. You take care and stay safe with Dave, lots of love.xxx
I had to rush at 8pm as I had got wrapped up in the free show on YouTube from the National Theatre. It is up all week for anyone who likes a farce. James Corden is servant to two masters. I was gladdened by the clapping and hope the right people know how proud and grateful we are.
I was pleased more people here out clapping yesterday, only three of us last week. Loving the doodling lessons. The shows yesterday were great too, so pleased that the crafty community is still able to keep us going and grateful for all the lovely people like Barbara and Lou giving their time To all the FB lives. Thank you
Thank you Barbara for your uplifting blog. We were out there at 8pm clapping . Our daughter is a paramedic so we know how hard they are all working. Wonderful Groovi plates yesterday and I can’t wait for mine to arrive. Stay safe x
Hi Barb, what a great show of appreciation for all the frontline workers. They are just incredible people. Had a good day yesterday (it was my Bday), and hubby put up the blinds purchased as a result of the ads on this ‘ere blog. I am over the moon with them. Love all the beautiful artwork shared, such enormous talent. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
They are beautiful and Barbra you are doing a fantastic job .
You put your heart and sole into every thing
Thank you for all the groovi i just thank heavens for Clarity
Love Kathleen
We were applauding in our street last night, and even had a couple of pipers adding their thanks musically too. It made me quite emotional. I feel very lucky to be able to work from home, that I am not solely dependent on my closed B&B business for income, and that we can stay home, safe and well. Counting my blessings, not my problems, and hoping this will soon be under control as the growing number of cases and deaths is very sobering. Sending a virtual hug to everyone who needs one x