Time Out
hi there
blogging against the clock here. 20 minutes of internet. wrote a proper blog just now and lost it in the ether. Haven‘t got another one in me today. So, just a wee one …
Glad we came to Glasgow. 8 years is way too long a break! Really enjoyed catching up with old friends. Such great people up here! Coming back in October for sure.
Back home tomorrow. Looking forward to being there, not so much the 9 hours slog in a van. Still, Dave‘s the driver; I‘m the singer. Paul? He‘s on percussion! Triangle tomorrow …
see you on the other side!
Next stop Birmingham
love Barb xxx

19 thoughts on “Time Out”
Was at SEC today, you and team did great, love your products.
XX 💕
Get a good night’s rest and safe journey tomorrow. X
Safe journey home. Xx
Lol. Do you mean you’re tired? Don’t understand that!! Lol. Don’t think I’m going manage another hour. Will be hitting the hay quicker than I thought an hour ago!! Lol. Case packed. Cuppa on the cards and that’s it for tonight. It was great having you here. Looking forward to October already but lots more Clarity to come before then. Sleep well. Think you might. Lots of love and a safe journey home. Hx
Safe journey Barbara, Dave & Paul. So glad you are pleased with how Glasgow went. What a shame you lost the blog , all that work. I hope you have time to recharge when you get home before setting off again.
Safe drive home tomorrow. Three rings when you’re there!
Love and hugs xxxxx
Ah, I wondered when you’d earn your wings, I always suspected you were a real live angel you know…
Glad you’re glad you came to Glasgow. I’m glad too 😉 Hopefully in October there’ll be no infectious outbreak going on, and word will have got round about you being there, so even more people will attend.
I hope you have a good sleep, and a safe journey home tomorrow.
That’s so funny, picturing Paul on triangle, I’d love to witness that!!! Sounds like you’re all getting back to your hippy days…. Love you xxx
Safe journey home and I’ll see you in October.
A new version of the Angel of the Norf? Hope you have a really restful night and a good n safe journey back home xxx
Great picture – you’ve certainnly earned your wings this weekend. Glad all went well.
Have a good sleep tonight and a safe journey tomorrow.
hugs 🍒🍒🍒
Sleep well and safe drive home tomorrow Barbara. So pleased you have enjoyed being in Glasgow and I know there are a lot of people who are pleased you went. x
Great photo. Safe journey home and I’m glad you enjoyed your time across the border. You bought Scotland luck in the rugby too xx
Hi Barb, what a funny photo, our crafty angel! Safe travels, make sure to have frequent rest stops. Take care all. Bx
Take care
Hi Barb,
Glad Glasgow has gone well. Sorry you’ve lost the blog- things like that happen to me all of the time! Have a safe journey home . Lots of love Alison xx
So it’s true. You are an angel in disguise
hope you have a smooth journey home today. It is a long slog back down from Glasgow, after you’ve all been working so hard. Hoping that I might get to the NEC show.
Don’t you just hate technology when everything you have done suddenly disappears. It’s probably hiding somewhere in that space called the black hole!!
Safe journey home, I wonder how many songs you will get through? You could always test Paul’s musical knowledge by singing the music man😂
So pleased everything went well in Glasgow. It was nice to see you back again. Looking forward to October.