Shen Yun in Wo king
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Had a day off today. Took a quick trip to China and back with my parents. It was epic! Quite a long way to go for a couple of hours, but well worth it. Such lovely people!
Did I say we went to China? Well, not quite. We went to Wo King, to see Shen Yun. If you haven’t heard of it, Wo King, it’s near Guildford off the M25.
Shen Yun? Now THAT’S a heavenly thing right there. It’s a Performing Dance group from China. Nope. That’s not true either. They are a wonderfully talented troup of mostly Chinese dancers who aren’t actually allowed to perform in China, because apparently they represent a threat to the Communist government. So we went along instead, to show our support, and be absolutely bewitched for 2 hours.

I asked Mum, “do you like it Mum?” Response: “Oh yes! What’s not to like!” In a word, the whole production – from costumes and dance, to the performers and music – BEAUTIFUL. Gentle, elegant, sophisticated – simply BEAUTIFUL.

There was a political message underpinning the performance for sure. How ironic that these young artists are displaying ancient Chinese culture, dance and tradition at its very best, at its core – and yet they are banned from being in China. What a damning indictment of the controlling regime.
Here’s a trailer, for you to enjoy…
I think it was the raw talent, the totally human skills which hit me most. No wizardry (although there is a very very clever backdrop screen, which kind of integrates onto the stage). Everything was created by humans: the costumes, the music (full live orchestra) , the dancers. You sit and watch, and you realise just how incredibly capable and brilliant human beings can be. The timing, the control, the balance – honestly – you just have to experience it to appreciate it.
Mum, Dad, Dave and I were all blown away by the sheer talent and beauty. Dad said the dancers were perfect. That was his word.
Look them up if you are intrigued. I just read an article in the Guardian which is very interesting – pretty unnerving Here is the link. It’s a long read – but a serious eye opener.
Love & Hugs,
Barb xxx
15 thoughts on “Shen Yun in Wo king”
I’ve seen this trailer on YouTube and thought how bright and colourful it looked. It reminded me of the scene from the film ‘House Of Flying Daggers’. Well worth a watch stunning film. Glad you had a great day with family. Xx
I looked into getting tickets to go to see them. They are pretty amazing. Glad you all enjoyed the performance.
Wow!!! Such athleticism, wish I could see more. A pity they cannot perform in China as so much of the old Chinese arts are beautiful, be they dance, costume, painting or anything else.
My Dad was born in a communist country in 1900. He escaped, and many years later told me that in theory communisim, ie: everyone being equal, is a great idea. The trouble is that there will always be those who lead and therefore have more, or seem more equal, than everyone else. In the end it does no-one any good.
About to read the Guarian article now.
Have a good evening 🍒🍒🍒
Just finished the article – it was very long, but worth the read.
Wow looks amazing will watch video soon so sad how some of those country’s treat such talented people terrible control over lives glad you had w great day out would mind going to see them will look them up xxx
Wow looks amazing will watch video soon so sad how some of those country’s treat such talented people terrible control over lives glad you had w great day out would mind going to see them will look them up xxx
That show looks fabulous. What a treat for you all!
Hi Barb,
Oh! I am so jealous! I have seen the advert for Shen Yun on tv and really would like to go and see them. They are superb and so beautifully graceful and artistic. To be honest, I don’t know how they do some of the jumps etc in their costumes – if it was me , I’d break my neck or trip over the costume! I’m so pleased that you all had a great time – that would have chilled you out for a couple of hours at least taking your mind off the move etc. Love and hugs,Alison xx
It looks amazing!!I saw a similar type of thing at Croydon some years ago, only they were more of a gymnastic group. Brilliant was an understatement. They had also been banned from performing in China. They’ll kill their ancient culture if no-one sees sense.
BTW I hope you are watching the Great Pottery Throwdown on More 4?
So pleased you had a spectacular time. Amazing dancers. The article was extremely thought provoking for the future.
Changing the subject – I spoke to the lovely Jeannine today. She is an absolute star. I have had three problems with my Christmas orders and have to admit that I was a little annoyed. Jeannine was delightful (I hasten to add that I did not get annoyed with her). She was apologetic, helpful and truly professional. What a real asset to Clarity.
I do hope this comment is read by the hierarchy. She deserves much praise. I was also relieved to hear that her husband is “mending” as she put it.
Thank you so much. Best wishes
I saw this group last year and was blown away by their skills and athleticism. Shame they are banned from China. Glad you enjoyed yourselves.
Hello Barb, good to have a recommendation for this show. The add pops up on YouTube and I have wondered if it is worth going to see. Glad you enjoyed your trip out with Dave, Mum and Dad. It is very sad though that they are banned from China, especially when they show much of what the traditions and culture means. Take care all. Bx
I’ve seen the adverts and thought it looked like an amazing show. that’s a very thought provoking article you shared though.
Looks fabulous and you obviously had a great time. As for the Chinese government I think they are one of the biggest threats to the world right now. They are insidiously evil and they seem to be happy to hurt others to get their way. I feel very sorry for anyone who has to deal with them x
Have seen the TV ads for this and would love to see it but nothing happening near us so makes the cost of a trip very, very expensive. So happy to hear that you all were enthralled by the show tho!