Here we come, ready or not!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Early doors here. Dave’s gone to sort out the plumbing noise in the new building. Every time somebody flushes a loo, it sounds like we’re under attack from above!! And we’re planning on recording YouTubes there!
Paul and I are prepping telly projects for tomorrow. These are the first TV shows of the year, so we want to dyb-dyb-dyb-dob-dob-dob! Either way, we’ve done the best we can do, we’ve put in the action; we’re as ready as we’ll ever be to entertain and showcase our new products and designs. Now we have to hand it over. Whether you love them too, and love them enough to invest your money in them rests with you.
That’s how it works, doesn’t it? The new stamps and dies by Cherry and Mel are pretty special mind…
I’ve done so many little zippy projects with the stamps – far more than we will ever get to – so let’s have a look at one of them:
Cut a piece of Clarity Stencil card into quarters (3.5”sq.). Mount one of our new Texture Stamps onto a sheet of acetate (bendable). I am using the Dots and Spots Grunge pair.
Pick 3 mini Archival ink pads. Work in layers to build up the background. This is simple. Lightly dab one of the colours onto the stamp, then randomly dab the card onto the stamp, picking up patterns here and there.
What a coup these new MIXED IMPRESSIONS texture stamps are! If you haven’t seen them, if you aren’t familiar with these new stampsets of ours, it might be worth further investigation – they are a game changer. CLICK HERE

Now let’s take just one little Doodleology stamp from the Square set. By the way, we’ve got a special introductory offer on these stamps tomorrow: two for the price of one! £19.99 for BOTH A5 sets.
Turn the stamp and plant it 3 times diagonally. Then pick 3 matching colour pencils, and colour in. Perga Liners (£23.99 for 36 colours) or Polychromos (£129.99 for 60 colours). Both will do the job well.
Add 3 cool stickers from the Barb Sticker Booklet, edge the white card with a coloured Perga Colour Felt tip pen (£25.95 for 30 colours). Finally, mount on a 5”sq white cardblank .
I learned a long time ago, that the reward for never tiring of doing the next right thing, of trying to always be a good person, is just that:
Be good, Do good = Feel good.
Here’s food for thought: swap the word GOOD for BAD. There’s the convincer.

I hope you can join us tomorrow! 2-4pm 6-8pm 9-10pm
Love & Hugs
Barb xxx
21 thoughts on “Here we come, ready or not!”
Can’t wait to see these! Haven’t bought stamps for a while so I think these will be burning up my voucher ! So many possibilities ! X
Ps if you were not ready you’d still give a good show ! X
I love those background stamps. My order was in the crate that went astray, but it was so worth the wait!!! One more day to play with them before I go back to work … looking forward to your shows tomorrow too. x
Loving the different ideas and combinations Barb. The shows are all set to record tomorrow in case I am occupied elsewhere. Hope Dave solves the plumbing noises lol.
Just yesterday ordered the dots and spots mixed impressions set. Ummed and ahhed over which to choose. Eventually decided that this one would suit my ‘style’ (plus sort needed it to use with December club stamp). Now I’ll be wanting this lovely doodle set too having seen this step-by-step. Oh my!
Looking forward to your Hochanda shows tomorrow.
Loving the look of the new doodle stamps, will be watching for all the hints and tips you give us during the shows. Need to clear up and put away Christmas decorations and then I will be ready to get back to crafting. XX
Sure the shows will be brilliant and sell outs , might have to dip into my retreat savings 😁😁
Looking forward to the shows. Safe journey north. Hope Dave gets the plumbing sorted out! What a handy man to have around! Hx
The stamps look interesting, love how they mix n match with others.
I am paper piecing today but of the wallpaper kind not craft. I know which I prefer but thought I had better show willing as I increased the size of the project 😂. Will put the shows on to record once I know the electric isn’t going off again just in case it throws a wobbly & looses the info.
Safe journey to Oundle & hope Dave solves the plumbing issue. Nothing worse than noisy pipes.
Hi Barb,
I am so looking forward to seeing the new stamps in action. I know for a fact that at least one set will be falling into my basket! Love this little demo you’ve done for us here and also looking forward to seeing your other demos and the DT samples. The recorder is set for all the shows and hopefully I’ll be watching live unless my Dave drags me out somewhere! Hope your Dave manages to sort out the plumbing – I know one certain thing – my Dave couldn’t! Have a safe journey up to Hochanda and I know the shows will be brilliant. Love and hugs,Alison xx
Love the textured mixed media stamps, I’ve used them on everything I have made since they arrived at my crafty house. Now looking at the doodle stamps I may be breaking my New Year resolution. 💖
Love the demo, looking forward to the shows, all being recorded in case of interruption, don’t want to miss anything.
Now all the prep is done try to relax this evening as you have a busy 2 days ahead.
Hope Dave solves the plumbing problem.
Safe journey tomorrow, weather doesn’t look too bad.
OK…What goes Clank clank clank , rattle rattle, boing boing boing , and vibrates vigorously ? (Steady !)
A large sticking Ball Valve and loose pipes that’s what . All sorted now and insulated, ready for a cold snap. Hope you get a chance to watch Barbara and Paul on Sunday and Monday. Some truly sublime Stamps and Dies. x
You’ll be absolutely brilliant as ever Barbara! You’ll have demos over I’m sure! The stamps and dies over the weekend are brilliant.
Anyway hope Dave sorted your plumbing out… Ooo err missus!
Safe travelling to Hochanda and back again on Monday!
Love and hugs Xxxx
Hi Barb, Dave to the rescue, again. Dave, have you got a spare couple of weeks to come up here and do the jobs I’ve been waiting years on folk helping me to get them done, please,?! I wish! I’ll pay you, not expecting it for free!!!😉
Why are you going to be making youtubes in the toilets, Barb? Can’t work that one out?
I’m sure you don’t have anything to worry about, these are going to go down well methinks, but I totally understand why you get nervous. Love the wee step by step card here. Thanks for sharing. My thought was, which of your kids are those words intended for, it sounds like something a good mum would try to instil in her kids! It’s so true, the good feelings you get from trying to be a good person. Not a reward though, no one should need, nor expect, a reward for being a good person, being the best person you can be is what every human being should be…
I’ll defo be watching all your shows tomorrow and Monday, happy Sunday and Monday days for me I hope.
Hope you are having a happy evening. Safe travels to the Hochanda. See you tomorrow. Love you xxx
Love these stamps and am so tempted, but love the dies even more, so will be after those tomorrow evening! The stamps will go on my wish list -at the top!
Your talk about making videos despite the plumbing reminded me of the film about making the song Telstar apparently the acoustics were much improved in the loo!!!
These stamps look great my background stamps arrived today so great timing too
Looking forward to the shows tomorrow and Monday, have to remember to record them if we go out. The stamps look great. Safe journeys Barb, relax and breath, you’ll be as brilliant as ever as will Paul. You could do it with your eyes shut.xx x
Hi Barbara
Looking forward to watching the shows tomorrow and Monday, you’ve got some interesting stamps and dies to start the new year off with! Oooeeer Dave, nothing worse than a vibrating ball cock and loose pipes! Glad to hear it’s all sorted now, it’s a good thing you are a dab hand at fixing these things.Have a safe journey to the studio.
Love Diane xxx
I am looking forward to seeing your demos with the stamps. They are my style and I get some idea of the size now as well. Perfect. Reckon you and Paul together make a great show. X
Hi Barb, hopefully Dave sorted the rogue plumbing. Looking forward to the shows, I am sure that you and Paul will be doing the perfect double act filled with loads of inspiration and creativity. Take care all. Bx