Take the High Road…

Take the High Road…

Hi there,

Thanks for popping in. Monday’s blog Flowers and trees, right? Here is a piece I made using one of my favourite stencils: the Treescape.

Treescape Stencil

You know it’s available in Stamp, Groovi and Die too, don’t you ?!

This was done using a Gelpress and alcohol ink on Chromo Card.

I added one of the sayings from the Barbara’s Sticker Booklet. Comes in so handy when you are in a hurry or stuck for a link!

Speaking of links, Gracie has asked me to reach out to all you good people on the other side of the pond, in the States. A HUGE shipment of Clarity goodies is just about to leave port here, headed for the Americas! It’s not huge in American terms, but it is sizeable in Boutique-Clarity-speak!! So it won’t be long now, before you can buy Stateside. We are building a Clarity Amazon shop, with stamps, stencils, Groovi AND Fresh Cut dies. So you can order directly from Amazon USA – and they will dispatch on our behalf. Grace is the heart behind it, and will help keep the shelves there stocked. We will build the stock slowly, little and often to begin with. Grace will be your contact over there. Got any questions? Got any requests? Got any ideas? Grace is there to help. Can you help us spread the Clarity word in America? Grace is all ears!! Well, not literally. But we certainly would appreciate a hand getting our lovely products and Youtubes seen and heard about!

Here is the link for our USA friends to join. Then Grace and I can send you updates and keep you in touch with what’s going on. Finally, we will be able to offer our Clarity Clubs in the States, and send them out of New York! This will be so much better and faster -and keep the postage costs down! All very exciting. So sign up for info from the Big Apple! CLICK HERE

Time to stop today. We went to the 02 last night, to see Muse. What a night!! My ears are still ringing!! Too old for this lark? NEVER!!! And if you’ve ever seen the base guitarist from Muse, you’ll understand!

He could have been playing the tambourine and I’d still pay good money to see him!!! Dave thinks he’s a great base guitarist too. Bonus.

Love & Hugs,

Barb xx

24 thoughts on “Take the High Road…

  1. I need to get my notes out to remind myself how to do the treescape. It doesn’t come out as well as yours Barbara but practise, practise. It must be so rewarding for you to know that all is progressing in USA. Well done to Grace.
    Glad you enjoyed the concert – not a group I know SHAME. xx

  2. Also not sure how to do the treescape with the gel press -any clues gratefully received!! Good luck with the US side of the business.

  3. What a fabulous project. The chromo card really stands out. Love it. Get you eh, still gigging!! You go girl, if it feels good, do it! Ooh, he is rather easy on they eye isn’t he? 😍😍 The USA are lucky to have Grace steering the ship out there – I am sure the Clarity word will spread far and wide and quickly. Xxx

  4. Never mind the tambourine, even the triangle would do it for me! 🤪 glad you enjoyed it.
    We had our monthly East Northants Groovi Group meeting today at Coleman’s and, as always, it was a great day, enjoyed by all. We also raised £46 in donations for the lovely cake and ice cream provided by Ros and Jean. Thank you to everyone – I shall be sending the money off to Macmillan this week, for their big Coffee Morning appeal. Hugs. Annette. X

  5. I was using the treescape die yesterday to make the first batch of my Christmas cards! So simple, but so lovely, and very quick! I was also looking for my alcohol inks to put into a new storage tin that I bought the other day – I have no idea where they are, but I’m sure I have some, as I bought them with some yupo paper!!! I’ll keep looking….

  6. I love the treescape and have it in all its forms. The die was new out last year so I used it for my Christmas cards. Love the alcohol ink so will have to give it a try. Good luck Grace with all things Clarity in the US. Xx

  7. Good luck with the USA not that you’ll need it , clarity is such a brilliant company . Two of my friends went to see muse last night ,they’re well chuffed got to stand right at the front barrier ,Sue even had her hand touched lol lol , xx

  8. Hi Barb, that technique you do sure is effective, and different, lovely. Thanks for sharing. I don’t use alcohol inks but I still enjoy watching you create with any medium, and I sure can appreciate and getbpleasure from seeing the end results. Glad you had fun at the concert last night. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Muse, should I hang my head in shame?!!! I’ve never been to a concert either, but my autism couldn’t handle it, sadly.

    Good luck with Clarity USA, Barb, and Grace. Fingers crossed the word quickly spreads. Sorry, I don’t know anyone in America.

    I really enjoyed, and learned a lot from Lou today. What an a amazing teacher she is, and such a fun lady. I love the product designs featured today too. I love watching Lou. Paul did a brilliant job of being the pupil too, asking questions that I was wondering. You would never know you hadn’t done any mixed media before, you were great. I did feel for you Paul, you looked uncomfortable with your messy hands at times. Thank you for going so far out of your comfort zone for us. If I get brave enough, I think I could follow Lou’s lessons to try myself.

    Hope you have your feet up. Love you xxx

  9. These treescapes are so useful in all forms. My Gel plate work is a bit erratic, think I will have to practice a lot more.
    Hope all goes well in the US. Once Grace gets going, if she is anything like her mum, I can see Clarity taking off like a rocket. You may have to build a manufacturing site over there to cope with all the orders !!!!!
    Never heard of Muse but this chap looks dreamy. I love all sorts of music but unfortunately my poor ageing head cannot take the horrendous volume most of the concerts put out. Our local memorial hall puts on some great musical events, the last being a Pink Floyd tribute which I enjoyed with ear muffs on !!!
    Pleased you are finding time to relax and enjoy yourself, all work and no play doesn’t cut it for me. Life is too short not to make the most of it while we can.

  10. Hi Barb,
    I’m sure that Clarity in US will do really well and Grace is just the person to do it – she is certainly her mother’s daughter.
    Love the treescape – I have die, stamp Groovi and stencil ( that’s how much I like it!) . Pleased that you had a good time last night, not that I know who Muse are! Love and hugs Alison xx

  11. Good luck Grace. I am sure it will be just Grete.

    No one knows what Brexit will bring but I do hope we will be able to buy your lovely products in the rest of Europ, in the future.xxx

  12. Looking forward to your new American shop, but must say that I’ve never had any problems ordering straight from you. Your shipping charges to the US are very reasonable and I’m always surprised at how fast things arrive.
    One request would be a Clarity retreat on this side. I’d love to attend some Groovi related classes.
    BTW the USA Signup Forms page has no form. I’ll keep checking.

    1. Wanted to add that the Signup form works on Chrome, just not on Firefox. I mostly use Firefox as it’s a safer browser, but do block 3rd party cookies and tracking, so that might be the issue.

  13. I am sure people in the States will be clapping their hands to find out that their parcels & club stuff will be reaching them more quickly once Grace gets the office up & running. Then I am sure word of mouth will spread the news like wild fire.
    Exciting times ahead.
    The treescape looks good as a Stencil, Groovi, die or stamp as it can be used for so many different occasions.
    Love the description of the show last night, like some of the others not one I know

  14. Stunning artwork, I have the die version of this but love the effect you have achieved using the stencil and alcohol inks.
    My hubby went to see Muse at the O2 on Saturday, said it was the best concert he’d ever gone to and he’s seen many of the greats. Hubby always takes a great interest in the bass players but for different reasons lol, he plays Bass too x

  15. My birthday weekend papers arrived today, just beautiful, even better than they looked on screen. All put in their folders. Thank you for all the extras, the colouring book is amazing. Xx

  16. Great to hear things are progressing well over the pond Barbara and I’m sure Grace will do a grand job and everyone in The States will be waiting with great anticipation for their first parcels to arrive from the Big Apple. I have to confess that I know nothing about The Muse but glad you had a great evening. x

  17. Beautiful project Barbara. I have the Treescape in all its forms including the large stencil as it is so lovely and gets used over and over again. All my Clarity birthday weekend goodies arrived yesterday. Well worth a little wait. Good luck with project America. Grace is doing an amazing job!

  18. Sounds like the USA arm of Clarity is stepping g up agear. My sons former teacher is a relative of the Muse bass player so I guess that’s one of my Six Degrees of Separation.

  19. I am just beside myself with joy at Clarity coming to the States! We here are so spoiled by Amazon two day delivery and free shipping and I’m looking forward to getting my Clarity fix sooner and without the overseas delivery costs. Yay!

  20. I have lots of friends Stateside so happy to share on my FB. Don’t forget, if Grace gets snowed under with all the orders, I will happily go and help out 😁😉. You are so lucky to go and see Muse. They are fab. Tom’s niece even had their music playing during her wedding. We all sang and danced along to them at the reception too! Oh, and the bass guitarist is very good 😍. He has a funny name. I must google it as it’s bugging me lol xx

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