Mr Pergaman!

Mr Pergaman!

A belated good evening everyone!

Just checked into my hotel after setting up for the Pergamano shows tomorrow at 8am, 12 midday and 4pm.

Normally it would be the lovely Linda Williams entertaining you but she is in court this week (don’t panic! Linda is on jury service! ha ha ha).

Worry ye not, Linda has designed a beautiful new Heart Sampler plate which I will be showcasing along with some of Linda’s other fantastic designs. I have put together some super deals on the Perga Glitter and the Perga Brads.

Despite Linda being in court, she has managed to put together some amazing demo’s for me to show you. Also a big thank you to the lovely Lynne Jackson for helping me out with a demo.

Look at how much detail is on this plate. So many elements and so many uses – lets spread the love!

Here is some inspiration from the design team

Karen Jackson
Glynis Whitehead
Karen Jackson
Linda Page
Frances Knott
Glynis Whitehead
Carole Panksztelo

Right, I better go and grab some food. I wonder what I should have? Maybe a burger to complete my full title “Mr Pergaman, Burgerman!!”

Enjoy the rest of your evening and I hope you can join me tomorrow.

Happy Crafting!

Paul xxx

17 thoughts on “Mr Pergaman!

  1. Hi Paul
    Thanks to all at Team Clarity my Princess plates have arrived already.., amazing service ( as ever)
    Looking forward to tomorrow

  2. Beautiful samples and beautiful plate too. Good luck with the shows Paul, I’m sure you will be great but I hope you’ve been practicing your Welsh accent! Enjoy you burger. XX

  3. Good evening Paul,
    Such beautiful samples from the DT, such clever people and such varied designs.
    I am sure you will do Linda proud tomorrow and I have set the alarm so I don’t miss the early show. Glad you had some help with the prep as you’ve been so busy lately.
    Sleep well, 🍒🍒🍒

  4. Hi Paul,
    Beautiful new plate and stunning samples from the DT as ever. Really looking forward to the shows and the recorder is already set for them. Have a good night’s rest ready for an early start tomorrow and good luck for the shows although I will miss Linda’s beautiful Welsh accent! Love Alison x

  5. Have a fabulous show Paul, loving the plate, it is really lovely and you will showcase it beautifully. Xx

  6. Good evening Paul
    I am looking forward to the shows and the plate design from Linda looks amazing
    I hope by now you have managed to get some food and are relaxing early start for you in the morning
    Hugs 🤗

  7. Hi Mr Pergaman, Lettuceman… Well, maybe one day… But I’ll no be holding my breath on that one!!! Good luck for the shows tomorrow, I’ll be watching hopefully. Xx
    Life is soooo precious, and soooo fragile, try your best to make every day count

  8. Hope you enjoyed the burger. Fabulous designs. Good luck for the coming shows. You need a holiday. The fact you can do anything doesn’t mean you can do everything.

  9. Hi Paul, I think you are in for a very busy day, what beautiful designs on the new Plate. And the samples, gorgeous as always. I wish I could peek inside of the DTs brains, just to see where they get their ideas from. Take care all. Bx

  10. What a great show Paul – couldn’t resist ordering Linda’s new hearts plate….. thanks for an inspirational demo too. Didn’t Yanis do well…….. Beryl x

  11. Wonderful samples. It is a beautiful plate. You will be a great stand in for Linda just need to practice your Welsh accent. X

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