Sew Happy! Tina’s back!
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. It is so wet today and rainy here today, which is not good for Tina. She has a substantial leak in her roof at home, and the water is pouring straight into the house. I spoke to her this morning and she was pretty distressed. Who wouldn’t be?! Blimey! I remember water pouring into our kitchen at Christmas – I tried to laugh it off, because we had a house full of friends and family, and at least we could just turn off the water at the mains. But Tina can’t stop the rain. She’s got it under control actually. Well, she’s got loads of buckets and water catchers until help arrives. Her help must be coming in on horseback from the Outer Hebrides too, because he’s definitely taking his sweet time getting there. Dave would have gone up there to help without question, but he had to drive up to Port Sunlight for the exhibition. So all in all, it’s a shambles, and it’s still raining.
She’s got 2 hours of TV tomorrow, too! I called her this morning after I saw the watery pictures on Facebook, fully expecting her to cancel, but she was adamant that the show must go on. In fact, she said, that the first thing she did when the water started coming in, was to grab all her prep fo the shows and get them to dry land! Now that’s what I call dedication! Tina calls it escape !!
Do you remember the last time Tina was on HOCHANDA, she launched those lovely Embroidery Groovi plates, which promptly sold out in next to no time? Well, brother Steve has been busy on nights all week, so – as things stand right now – she is bringing them back tomorrow, at 10am and 2pm.
The artwork that Tina has created with this clever concept is outstanding. Really very beautiful. Tune in tomorrow and take a look.
Here is a downloadable guide for you too.

Anyway, please join me in wishing Tina well. This too shall pass – it will be repaired, the carpet will dry out, things will get back to normal again – but boy oh boy! This one’s certainly testing her nerves!
Love & Hugs,
Barb xxx
24 thoughts on “Sew Happy! Tina’s back!”
How awful for Tina, I do hope it all gets sorted soon. I am sure she will have another sell out tomorrow.
How awful for Tina, I do hope it all gets sorted soon. I am sure she will have another sell out tomorrow.
Hugs to Tina. I really hope the rain holds off until things are fixed. I am really looking forward to Port Sunlight.
Oh poor Tina. I feel for her and hope that help arrived quickly. It is terrible when someone you know has a problem and there is nothing you can do to help, except send good wishes.
I shall be watching tomorrow and enjoying her amazing talent. Safe travels for Dave. Have a good evening. Hugs. Annette X
Oh no poor Tina, but what a trooper. Do hope everything gets sorted out for her quickly and satisfactorily
Dear Tina . So very sorry you are having to cope with that, and a TV show. Lets hope it stops raining. Will be watching and learning. Best wishes. Xxx
Oh no, water can be so persistent it feels like it might never stop. Hope her roof person arrives soon, waiting for people is also stress inducing at times! Good luck with the shows, and my fingers are crossed for sun. XX
Evening bloggy friends, sending hugs. xx
Hello Donna, thought I would send you hugs back, lots of love, the other Donna X
Oh poor Tina, I do sympathise! She’s a real trooper to carry on with the shows under the circumstances. Water damage can be devastating – hope it gets sorted soon.
Found the sentiment I was missing, it had fallen off the stamp carrier!!!
Made some more stamped Nursery Rhyme items today, colouring them was very relaxing following my pedicure and hairdo. They really are wonderful designs.
All for now. 🍒🍒🍒
Hello Barbara – please pass on my best wishes to Tina, hope that things get sorted quickly. For anyone who hasn’t bought these plates yet, seize the day, they are great. As I said on yesterday’s blog, I am totally addicted to these. They will add a new dimension to your crafting. Great on paper as well as parchment. Hope there will be more and perhaps an ii book of patterns. Enjoy the rest of the evening. Me, I’m off to bed, have a great book on the go. Lots of love Donna X
Hi Barb,
Oh how awful for Tina, she must be worried sick. I hope that by now someone has managed to get to help her. How professional of her to think of the prep and the shows as well, bless her. I was one of the lucky ones who managed to get these plates before they sold out and they are lovely I can assure you. Such a wonderful concept too. I am using one of them alongside one of Josie’s new plates ( when they arrive) to make a 70th birthday card for a friend – I’m hoping that they will work together ( I’m sure they will). Sending love and hugs ,Alison xxx
Bad luck Tina, I hope your problem has been sorted. When we have heavy rain and driving wind, like today, I have a paddling pool inside my backdoor. Very minor compared to your problem Tina but oh so frustrating. I will have to set the recorder for tomorrow as duty calls with Grandchildren. Sleep well everybody.
Hi Barbara
Oh no poor Tina, how terrible for her. I wish I could do something to help!
I can’t wait to see her on Hochanda again. I love her shows and her embroidery plates are right up my street.
Love & Hugs
Water is one thing that is difficult to stop spreading once its got loose. My thoughts are with Tina whilst she gets the house sorted but will enjoy watching her tomorrow when she is back on Hochanda. I have got as far as embossing my first embroidery plate now I need to find a piece of paper/card to go behind it so I can get on with the embroidery.
Was thinking of Tina and mum family hope the repair man got there sorted the leak seems few more days as yet not been so heavy here today thankfully but heard bit of news we need it . So sending hugs to Tina and family and this distressing time. Must watch the shows just set record as out in morning so will catch up early afternoon sure will all go again look great night if yo bed late xx
Saw the pics of Tina’s ‘waterfall’ not funny in any respect but fingers crossed it’s now sorted and they can begin to dry out! Definitely dedication but when you think of all the work that’s gone into the prep I think I’d do exactly the same! Looking forward to the shows, recorder will be set too! xx
Hi Barb, poor Tina, I do hope it got sorted, she really shows her mettle coping the way she did. She is very talented and to see her prep get soaked would have been a pity. Wish her well from me please. Bx
really hope that it’s sorted out by now, such a worry for Tina xx
Hi Barbara
Oh poor Tina I do feel for her and what a trooper she is carrying on regardless. I hope she can dry herself out in the studio and hopefully working will take her mind off of things too for a while. I’m looking forward to seeing the plates in action as I missed them last time.
Love Diane xxx
Poor Tina. I really hope it gets fixed soon and that the internal damage isn’t too bad. What a trooper to say that the show must go on!
Oh poor Tina, doing anti-rain dances oop norf for her, hope the help has arrived by now. I have just sorted my mum’s home and contents insurance with Direct line so she has emergency help in situations like this – shame Mr Wolf won’t be there lol.
Anyway I received my embroidery plates this week so looking forward to some play time at the weekend, I have set the box to record today’s shows as well – Tina what a trooper xx
hello to you all, YES! I have got tinas plates this time. more stock well done tina. happy crafting.
Poor Tina , we had a leaky roof when I was a child , always buckets in my bed room .
Saw lots of lovely people at Port Sunlight today , Paul , Jane Tenent , Linda Page and your lovely Dave took my money at the till and chatted a wee while . It was mad busy , too crowded as usual but glad I went . Nice work with my friend and her dog after to blow away the cobwebs . x