It’s Official! #Gracerocks

It’s Official! #Gracerocks

Hi there.

Friday’s blog a private peek, right?

Thanks for popping in. I’ve got good news, very good news indeed! If you read this ‘ere blog daily, you will know that I miss my kids Grace and Mark madly. They live in the States, and have done for many years. Both are happy, healthy and beautiful, we speak every week, and I am grateful every day to have them in my life – albeit thousands of miles away, living the dream.

Uncle Steve sandwich!

Well, here’s the BIG NEWS! We are opening a New York office – and Grace is coming on board the good ship Clarity. Woohoo!!! She will run the company stateside. We already have so many American customers, and it’s time we made their shopping with us easier, and built a bridge to America. There’s so much to do! So much to ship! So much to plan! Boy oh boy! But I have to tell you, with Grace at the helm, I have no doubt that it will work just fine. No doubt at all at all. Do you know her? She is fabulous. Super smart, very kind – and a great crafter, too. It’s in her blood. Her lovely fella, the other Mark, apart from being a really nice bloke, also happens to be a very astute Cornell Business School graduate, so that can’t be a bad thing, now can it?!

The Clarity Dream Team just got even dreamier…

She can still pursue her acting and voiceover work, of course. That was always her dream and she is so good at it, too! But life is what’s happening while you’re busy chasing dreams, so now she can build a back-up career with Clarity. I like that idea. And I know she has reached that point too now. Her gorgeous brother Mark is in California, carving out a pretty immense business career, so he will be there too, if we need him. And suffice it to say, he’s DEFINITELY IN THE RIGHT BUILDING!!!

Happy Days. Official start date with Clarity is June 1st. That’s less than a month away! So Dave and I are off to the Big Apple for our first intercontinental meeting the week before! (Smiles, and wonders why they didn’t work this one out years ago…)

To celebrate, let’s say it with flowers this Bank Holiday weekend! Remember the Floral Groovi ABC which sold out in record time recently?

Well, brother Steve has made some more, so let’s have a special Weekend Only sale. Until midnight Tuesday, the price on this popular Alphabet Collection, illustrated by yours truly, is greatly reduced, in case you missed it when it launched.

Was 129.74
Now £100.00
Buy it Now

G for Grace.
G for Good times ahead…
G for God works in mysterious ways
G for Gratitude in spadefuls.

When will the stamps be ready? The stamps are on the bed. The artwork is perfect, the negs have been made, and we are set to hit the Go! button. They will be ready soon…one thing at a time, eh. All good things take time, and we want these to be as perfect as the Groovi plates.

R is for Remember to Relax and Rest.

Happy bank Holiday Weekend. I will be on the HOCHANDA telly 2-4 Sunday, and it’s lovely Josie Davidson’s début at 6pm Sunday, when she launches her latest fantastic Palace corner-grids. You need these!

Love & Hugs,

Barb xxx

64 thoughts on “It’s Official! #Gracerocks

  1. What fantastic news. Onwards and not only upwards but skywards! Well deserved and I’m sure Grace will be amazing. You deserve every success….wishing you all the very best…..x

  2. Barbara,
    This is FANTASTIC news! While I don’t live close to NYC, I plan to visit. Will there be a retail store or just an operations type place?

  3. Congratulations on your new adventure! Enjoy the trip to New York. Hope it won’t be all business. Have a good weekend. Will be watching on Sunday. X

  4. They didn’t work this one out before because THE RIGHT TIME IS NOW!!! Such great kids are a credit to you and we wish you all every success in this venture.
    The floral alphabet stamps will be a welcome addition to our gear but will we be getting the numbers soon? Very much hope so.
    Josie is someone I followed when I was doing “proper” parching and I still have some of her patterns, so I look foward to seeing her on TV.
    Enjoy your Bank Holiday.
    Hugs 🍒🍒🍒

  5. So thrilled for you ,your family and and clarity ! I have no doubt it will be a super success ! I await the alphabet stamps with great excitement too .Best of wishes Carmel

  6. Wonderful news and yes I have met and chatted with Grace and she is a lovely young lady. You have two kids to be proud of. Josie on board with the TV as well, more brilliant plates. xx

  7. Great news, I’m sure it will be a great success, it’s got the right ingredients, the right people at the helm, and fantastic product.

  8. Grace by name and certainly by nature!
    Perfect Barbara!!!
    I remember how Grace used to work with you at the shows… Always so helpful and able to deal so well with customers needs. I know that’s always one of your big things in your little but ever expanding company.
    Well done Grace… You’ll be great at this.
    Love and hugs Xxxx

  9. Simply the best news!
    Exciting times ahead indeed! Couldn’t be more happier for you Barb – enjoy your week over there too! As Cherry said – this is the right time! Looking forward to the shows and of course the new products.
    Alison – I shall depend on you once again to purchase, until I finally get settled somewhere.
    Love and hugs, Gilly xxx

    1. Hi Gilly,
      Are you trying to get me into the Workhouse?!! Definitely need the new palace plates! Love and hugs to you and Neill xxx

  10. Love that Clarity is going across the pond. How wonderful to have Grace at the helm too. I’m sure it will be a dream team. Have a good weekend with your shows. Xx

  11. Afternoon bloggy friends, hope everyone has had a great day. Looking forward to the shows on Sunday. Xx

  12. What wonderful news a can imagine how thrilled you are to have Grace working with you remember when she did her shows on C@C few years ago she was good brilliant news exciting times to come x

  13. What brilliant news – I know Grace is uber-oranised and she will do fantastically well. A chip off the old block!! Good luck to he
    Maggie (Bendy Yorkite) – sorry if uber is spelt wrong, I only did french!!

  14. As I live in Canada we will still be confronted with the exchange on the US dollar, will be interesting to see if it might be cheaper to still order from the UK.
    Congratulations on this new venture and I wish you all the success in the world as I am a huge fan of groovi and all your wonderful products,
    Best wishes from Canada 🇨🇦 🇨🇦🇨🇦👍👍👍

  15. Good luck with your US venture! I love the floral alphabet and have made several little birthday books for my friends – a page for each letter in their name, with interesting facts on the opposite page.

  16. Sounds like a great plan to take Claritystamp on its next part of its journey. You know how Grace works & she knows all about Claritystamp so definitely a great match.
    Another great weekend to look forward to on Hochanda as well.

  17. Hi Barbara,
    Well this is great news, I can remember when I first ordered form Clarity , when my order arrived I had more stamps then I should have had.
    I called Clarity and Grace picked up the phone , I explained the problem and it was sorted out so easily.
    I rest my case , such an asset to your business.
    Looking forward to the shows, on Sunday should I say !!!!! Can we have something like the groovi plates A bc in Fresh Cut plates even if it is just flowers.
    Safe journey on Sunday.
    How long for a sell out!!!!!
    Look after yourself.
    Lynn xx

  18. Smashing news……what a thrill to see it coming to fruition❣️ CoNgRaTs all round & across the sea. 👏🏼🌹🤸🏻‍♀️

  19. So pleased for you Barbara and for Grace
    Perfect match the dream team is growing and long may it continue
    Ohh loved yesterday’s tea pot and the story behind it
    Hugs 🤗

  20. Hi Barb,
    Great to hear you are getting away to New York for a bit. It will be lovely for you to spend time withGrace and such exciting news about Clarity New York. Grace will do a fabulous job I’m sure. Sending love and hugsAlison xx

  21. This is such FANTASTIC news, Barbara! To have a U.S. office AND it’s run by your gorgeous Grace. Doesn’t get much better that that! I am so excited that you will finally be here in America – YEAH!

  22. I am excited for you and wish you all every success with your new venture. I also remember Grace demoing on C&C and what a lovely young lady she is. Both your kids must make you so proud. So much for you to look forward to!
    Have a great weekend. I can’t wait to see the new Groovi plates. Hugs. Annette X

  23. As one of your stateside customers I am happy to hear this news! Now if we can just get Grace (or you or both) on craft day on HSN life would be nearly perfect!

  24. Great news for all of you and those in America! It all makes sense and if I was you I’d have more business trips. I’m way behind on plates now as I’ve tried to cut back a bit for space and expense ! Just used a plate for the first time today which I’ve had for ages ! And I’ve got plenty more of those ….. have a good weekend, look forward to seeing you on tv and am loving catching up with Linda’s shows! X

  25. Oh wow! Barbara. Sooo happy for you, what fantastic news – keep in the family eh?!
    I wish you, Clarity and the lovely Grace the very best of luck across the pond!

  26. Good luck in the new venture Barbara, keep it in the family! Go Groovi!! Some very kind Groovi soul has sent me tickets for the open day in June! thank you so much, I am at the opposite end of the country but ever hopeful I can get there! Very much looking forward to meeting everyone! Best wishes and many thanks!!

  27. Congratulations on your exciting news. I’m sure the New York office will be a great success. With Grace at the helm, how can it fail?!! Looking forward to the show on Sunday. xx

  28. Oh Barb! The USA will adore having you on the same continent! I just offered a prize of your ‘Lizzy & Rockery stamps with masks’ on my blog and they loved them! The only thing, and am waiting to be shot down by others here needless to say, it would be good to have either no mounts or the option not to have them. With stamping platforms I just feel so bad that I end up ditching my mounts! BUT, keep the fabulous quality to your stamps as well as as many masks as possible please. Only a suggestion 🙂

    1. I agree, the option to have or not have the mounts would be great. I have 2 drawers full that I never use and it seems such a waste of material. 🍒

  29. Hello Barbara I’m the proud mother of Mark Key. We couldn’t be any happier that Grace has came into Our lives. She’s a wonderful person she is doing great things. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting your Mark and hope to meet you and Dave one day also.

  30. Congratulations Barb and Dave, amazing news. What an achievement for your company, it goes from strength to strength. All due to your hard work and the clarity team. Be lovely to have Grace on board. What an offer too on the alphabet plates, so hard to resist, think Pete may have to tie my hands behind my

  31. That is fantastic news! I am so pleased for you to have your wonderful Grace on the team! Just remember me when you need someone to travel back and forward to New York 😉. It would be lovely to catch up with Grace xx

  32. Hi Barbara
    This is fantastic news and makes perfect sense. Grace is a lovely young lady and will be a credit to you, and what an amazing front woman for Clarity USA. I think you are going to enjoy your business trips to New York. Loved your tea pot yesterday, I hope your spout and handle stay on. Oh you do make me laugh!
    Love Diane xxx

  33. That is such exciting news. I live in Canada and always order from the UK. Perhaps I will be ordering from your New York branch depending on exchange rates. Wishing you every success and know Grace will do a great job at the helm. Hugs from Canada 🇨🇦

  34. Congratulations to you all. Now you will have good reason to visit NY and have some lovely time with Grace. She will be great, like her mum.
    Your tea pot looks good. The tea will taste better in that. I haven’t written for a while, but have read the blog which I love. Also your letters that come with the club, which are wonderful this month, thank you.
    I haven’t watched Linda’s shows yet as it was my birthday yesterday and I had the pleasure of one of my sons, and daughter in law visit for the day, we had a lovely day driving through some good bits of lancashire, the trees are beautiful in May .
    I am hoping to get some treats from clarity, if they took notice of my hints. Enjoy your visit with Grace. Xxxxxxx

  35. Wow, such exciting news for you all, congratulations.
    And yes God does certainly move in mysterious ways, and always at the right time.
    Looking forward to seeing the shows Sunday/Monday 😀 have fun across the pond xx

  36. Congratulations Barb & Grace & to Clarity, a wonderful move, no worries there, it’ll fly, such great products , the USA Crafters often complain we have better stuff.. I’m thrilled for you all, your going to be run ragged ,,! But in a good way, hugs xxx😘🙏💝

  37. This is terrific news, especially for those of us in the States! I hope this means that you will have some workshops in the US? Please? I’ve looked around and just can not find anything. I would gladly hop on a train and visit your NYC office.

  38. That’s a wonderful piece of news….congratulations to you all….happy family times ahead x

  39. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOW – What exciting news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Congratulations and the best of luck to you, Grace and the whole the Clarity-team.
    Rolf xxx
    P.S. Hope you will be in Germany again once.

  40. Congratulations Barbara, Dave, Grace & all of you that work so hard to bring us the best of everything!
    You are truly an inspiration and a testament of what hard work, kindness and dedication is.
    What a lovely family you are too and I wish you all much success and happiness for the future!
    I hope life continues to reward you all!
    Thank you for all you do!
    Jules x

  41. What a great step for Clarity…..wishing Grace & the state-side crew the best of luck for the future.
    This is sure to be a hit with our friends in the USA 😊 xxx

  42. Wow that’s fantastic news! I’ve got a few friends stateside who are crafters so I’ll get busy spreading get the word. Grace will be amazing I’m sure (Amazing Grace!) and how fab to expand the business within the family. Onwards & upwards 😆

  43. Wonderful news. Wishing Grace all the best with the US launch – she is such a charming and talented lady, just like her mum!

  44. Hi Barb, such wonderful news, and it shows your commitment to your loyal customers and followers. Good Luck Grace, you will rock it. Take care all and have a great Bank Holiday weekend. Bx

  45. Many congratulations on your success and great news about your lovely daughter Grace joining you on your business expansion. Wow I have followed you for so long and you are an incredible lady along with your brilliant Clarity team. Really happy for you x

  46. Congratulations on expanding and going Stateside . I wish you and family all the very best wishes .
    I love the stunning alphabet set . Sadly 8 cannot afford them even at the fantastically reduced price this weekend . Is it possible to buy then singularly .
    Good luck with all the planning .

  47. I am so happy that the Groovi products will be available for shipping from the US. You have hooked me on this beautiful craft, Barbara! I am not a patient person, and being new to parchment crafting has meant long waits to get anything. Hurray!

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