Paul’s Left Me!!!
Hi there. Thanks for popping in! Paul’s left me! Well, he’s taken up residence at HOCHANDA , because he’s on telly yet again tomorrow evening at 6pm. Qué? You thought he had actually left me?!? Now be serious. We are family. Maria took all the midmonth One Day Specials off his hands, so that he can lend a hand with last minute TV shows as the gaps appear in the roster. Believe you me, we’re on it like a car bonnet!
Rally Round !!
Dave came home this afternoon, and caught me talking to myself up here above the garage. Oh dear, he must have thought, she’s finally lost the plot. No, no, no. I was timing this Sunday’s Craftalongabarbie, trying to work out how long each project is going to take! And trying to work out how long YOU and Janice will take!! I hope you’ve got your stash ready to go? Stamps first. Then Stencil. Then Die. Then Groovi. We won’t have time to finish the Groovi one, so that’s your homework!
I had to stop because the old neck was giving me stick again. Dave could see the discomfort. “Give your nest a wreck” he said. And we curled up. I don’t know what’s happened to his wiring, but he is a dab hand at spoonerisms nowadays!!
Nest your Wreck. How about Wreck your Nest. That seems to be a popular pastime at the moment. Build a nest, then wreck it. But heyho. This too shall all pass. Everything does, you see. I had a good talk with my dear friend Mike Bossom this morning. You know, the über-talented Welshman who has been quietly pioneering Encaustic Art for ever. Blimey. If he could just bottle that wisdom and sell it….

It certainly was a fun day!
Great news! We are planning a TV show together: A hot and cold show. Mike will present hot waxart at one end, and I will present cold Gelpress printing at the other end. And then – we will swop ends, and he will dive into the Gelli, and I will do some ironing! What a cool plan, eh? He has also offered to take on a Craftalong Sunday some time soon. That will be awesome, I am so down for that!! There’s nothing like crafting along with Mike. He takes you through the creative processes gently and effortlessly. I must say, I do love encaustic art. I find it very empowering. And exciting, because you don’t really know what you will get.
But now I am going indoors, to wreck my nest.
Love & Hugs,
Barb xxx
35 thoughts on “Paul’s Left Me!!!”
Ooh, this is getting so exciting. Yes it certainly was a wonderful day back in June on the safari with you. Now you are giving other new things to look forward to. If Mike and Shona do a Craftalong, I will be there with my shoes polished. I have the kit but have never had the courage to get it out and play. Sadly, I will have to do the Craftalong later in the day as I haven’t seen my daughter and family for nearly three weeks between her commitments and mine. I hope you and everyone at Clarity are well supplied with doughnuts etc. Take care. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
P.S. Safe journeys to you and Paul. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Hello Barbara
It must feel like Paul has left you. He is spending all day tomorrow with Karen Smith and me at Colemans Craft Warehouse! We have the chocolate!
Looking forward to Sunday, Karen and I will be there at my kitchen table all ready to go.
Hope your wreck is nested ! I like watching encaustic art but never had a go. Look forward to craft along although I shan’t be doing it I’ll be watching. Need to get on with my PTC now before another batch of birthday cards. I took pressure off my niece’s which is tomorrow as my Groovi wasn’t going right so I just got some bits of old kits out and it just fell together in a few minutes. She had the bra and pants last year so she’ll have to wait for a Groovi one again next year ! Everyone seems to be having a special birthday at the moment (except her thankfully!). I still haven’t progressed from the Mary plate yet either ! Have a good weekend on telly ! X
What a shock to hear Paul had left you! I thought the worst. My poor heart. Never tried encaustic art but, if you recommend it, it must be good.
Oh I could listen to Mike & watch him encausticing all day. I totally failed to get to grips with it all sadly – produced sheet after sheet of muddy looking messes… lol. You have my sympathy with the nest that needs wrecking….. I have to wreck mine a lot now – had to stop with the Groovi because of it too……. rats.
Paul really is a gem. I did not think he had left you, I know you are a tease. I shall be taking my seat in front of the TV on Sunday. Might be there a while I think. Rest that neck , if you can of course. I get problems with my neck and sometimes forget and try to twist the wrong way, not good. xx
Hope you have taken Daves advice and nested your wreck. I often get in a mucking fuddle when I’m trying to be creative with inks and paints! Looking forward to the shows at the weekend. Paul and Maria are doing a grand job. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone is organised for the Sunday CraftalongaBarbie. My job tomorrow is to find the closest match to the Artistry inks needed as I don’t have the set we will be using. Xx
Hi Donna,
I’ve been in a mucking fiddle today trying to organise all of my Groovi plates – gosh I didn’t realise just how many there are – & ive only done the A5 square ones!!! Enjoy the craftalong , love and hugs,Alison xxxx
That should’ve said mucking fuddle !!
Paul cannot leave you for long – he’s family !!! Great he’s got things in hand at Hochanda.
As soon as I saw what Mike did with a few waxes and an iron we were both hooked. We went for a one to one lesson with a gent near Colchester and loved some of the unpredictable results we achieved. Alas since we moved here we have not had the chance to do much with it. Must get out the gear ready for the craftalongamike!
You will really enjoy the experience and we will be glued to your shows.
Hope your “necked wreck” improves soon.
Have a rest this evening. Hugs. 🍒🍒🍒
Do you know the fable of the boy who cried wolf, Barb…!!!!
Glad to hear plans are afoot, and falling into place nicely. Aye, I know, swans and all that…! I just hope all the exciting new wee companies can be put in place quickly, before this extra effort takes its toll on you all… So, aye, do your shows this weekend Barb and Paul, but rest too when you can, please.
I’ll be watching all your shows. Not able to join in the craftalongabarbie this time, but I’ll try and do a wee bit of my own crafting along with you instead. Loving all the extra shows.
Take it easy, and safe travels xxxx
Hope you manage to rest your neck before the Big Sunday event. I can’t wait, have organised the family around watching the Craftalong, saying “I can’t possibly go out for lunch on Sunday!”
Take care xx
Give that wreck a nestim finding more and more the shoulder pain stopping me playing but will be there crafting along me and Katie got to get out rest of kit out ready tomorrow. Looking forward to playing along ago and with Mick love playing with wax and iron haven’t had it out for while and you and him playing along together wonderful Paul and Maria doing fantastic job and all back at clarity towers and hochanda so much to look forward to loved show this week with Maria Paul Lou and the new inks thought of your pottery and the unicorn stiuff she had yesterday and of cause a Leonie great week amongst the bad stuff on Fb. Watching Maria’s show with the Phoenix you all shall rise as the Phoenix Rises from the ashes those words just one from seeing the Phoenix, good things will come of this week for a Hochanda etc I’m sure love joy x
Wishing you luck for this weekend, #teamhochanda. Don’t forget us Hochanda Blog Ambassadors need help to. I’d love to do a blog about Clarity products.
Take care Barbara – we met at Maidstone in May.
Hope your neck pain eases off with a little rest Barb. All this extra work takes its toll. You ought to try and rest when you can. Have you tried one of those neck collars when you are at home watching Tele, they say they help. Oh I’m in love with encaustic art, never tried but always watch Mike and Shona when they are on tv and at the shows, haven’t had the courage to try it especially in front of a crowd of people. Also it’s having the time. Good luck with the craftalong and have a safe journey,xxx
I tried encaustic art at a craft shop open day a few years ago. I produced one small pretty good piece and then left it in a library book when i returned it. I never bothered again, but a friend made me two framed pieces which are stunning. It is a lovely craft.
I hope all goes well this weekend. I won’t be able to watch live, but I am sure it will be a great success and enjoyed greatly by those who do. Take care. Hugs. Annette X
Well I wreaked my nest tonight!!! A whole evening of crafting to myself after a couple of horrendous weeks at work. The craftroom looks like a bomb has gone off. Just put sewing machine on dining table the next place on the Wreakathon!!!!
I bet Paul feels like he’s on a bungee! But instead of up and down he’s back and forth! But all is good and I am sure things will settle once the dust stops flying around!
Looking forward to the craftalong on Sunday! I will be crafting along but maybe not what you are doing! I’ll be getting secret stuff done!
Now get your neck rested and safe journey to both you and Paul!
Love and hugs xxx
Encaustic Art and Clarity – now that’s a ‘must’ to craft along with! Do play with the waxes on occasion but need to do more. My mum introduced me to this technique about fifteen years ago as she’d been to a demo and thought it would appeal to me too. How right she was and was even well enough to view the beginnings of my foray when I purchased my own kit a few years ago. ;~}
Hello Shelagh crafting hugs xxx
Have a wonderful time at hochanda you and Paul .have you tried an ice pack on your neck might work
I received my members sale parcel today thank you clarity towers .xxx
I too love the sound of the “hot and cold” Craftalong. I bought an encaustic kit but never quite got to grips with it, even though it looks so simple when demonstrated. I will get my encaustic waxes kit out, dust it off, and heat up the iron to follow along…….
looking forward to Sunday 😜😜😜
Hi Barb,
Sorry to hear your neck is giving you grief again, but glad Paul hasn’t left you. I was looking at the wedding photo and trying to work out where I’d seen the man and woman at the front before. Then I read Encaustic Art and it all clicked! I love watching the encaustic shows and find them so fascinating. I’m really pleased to hear that there will be a craftalong for that too as well as a Clarity/Encaustic hot and cold show. They will definitely be ones to watch. I’m looking forward to the weekend shows although I have got to record the craftalong to do later as I’m at Linda Page’s Groovi class on Sunday. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Well they say absence makes the heart grow fonder and we all love Paul too! I’ve been busy planning some breaks away from work and hope you can too. The most recent booking is for October but it’s there like a beacon on the horizon so it’s helping keep me focussed. I’ll be watching when I can but those pesky guests are back and need attention when I could be crafting!!!
I have excitement overload. There are so many fantastic crafty things to look forward to. I love to watch encaustic art but have not tried it myself. I hope your neck will improve with rest. It’s certainly all go at the moment. I’m all set for Sunday. It will be a lovely day for me as we are eating out with friends in the evening so no cooking , just crafting.
A big hug from Chris X
Am just enjoying my Saturday morning catch up with your week’s musings. Hope your neck is soon feeling better Barb. I’m still working on my shoulder function (physio twice a week!) But I’m geared up ready for the craftalong tomorrow. My friend Jean is joining me – just hope we can keep up with you!!
Hello Barb, I do hope that the lovely Dave got you to relax and even put a warm compress on your neck. You must take care, we need a well Barbara. Love the blog post with the pic, and well You go Paul, thank you and Maria for doing all the shows. Looking forward to Craftalong tomorrow Barb. Take care all. Bx
The hot and cold show sounds interesting
I found a proverb many years ago that I’ve never forgotten and I think it applies to the lovely #TeamHochanda: Persevere in right conduct and loyalty and you shall find life and honour.
It’s wonderful for the viewers/customers that we’re getting more Clarity shows but I hope the pressure soon eases for you, lovely lady. (It would be lovely if Paper Artsy and Dyan Reaveley products could come to Hochanda….here’s hoping!!! ) xx
I am looking forward to your craftalong tomorrow Barbara and it’s great the way you are managing between you to fill some extra slots , but hopefully Hochanda will get one or two new people to fill some of the gaps. x
I am sooooo looking forward to craft-a-long! What with it being my birthday as well!! Thanks to the loverly Barb, I have my kit ready and have sorted out all the other bits and pieces I need. Anything I don’t have, I will improvise. Samuel will be with me and I might even see if he can help me! That really will be fun!
Hope you are all ready and as excited as me. I have actually arranged all my birthday celebrations, family visits etc AROUND the craftalong, so I don’t miss it lol 😂 xx
Looking forward to Craft-a-long on Sunday. The next CRAFTALONG will the products rotated i.e as Groovi will be the last project, will Groovi be the first project NEXT time, if you see what I mean. ROTATION, with lots of INSPIRATION.
Just going up to the making room to get ready for the 2.00pm craftalong. It a lovely sunny day here in Leyburn and I was going to do an hour gardening but crafting won – again!