It’s all a Myth.
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. So glad you enjoyed Maria on HOCHANDA yesterday! Didn’t she do a cracking job? Super demonstrations! Our dear Mel drew these beautiful images a while ago, and Maria was the obvious choice for launch.
Unicorns and dragons are so popular nowadays; with our younger crafters – and the young at heart too! The whole magical realm: Arthur, Merlin, Game of Thrones, Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter – we certainly do like a bit of fantasy, don’t we ?!?!? Groovi or Stamp though – now that is a serious question of choice!
Let’s take a look at the wonderful Groovi lineart and some of the superb artwork from the ever clever Clarity team….

And here are the stamps. If I had to pick, I would pick stamps. Oh yes! But if I had to pick a favourite – I couldn’t. I reckon these would look fantastic on T-Shirts on the pocket. Just stamped in black with a flash of red.

If you like these designs, then head on over to our website to investigate! CLICK HERE
Thank you to Maria for showcasing Mel’s artwork so beautifully. Thank you to Mel for creating such original and exciting lineart. Thank you to the DT for inspiration and ideas – and thank you to YOU for supporting us.
Love & Hugs,
Barb xxx
23 thoughts on “It’s all a Myth.”
I’m relieve to say I’m not a mythical person so I can save my pennies but I loved what people have done with them, to me they don’t come to life until they’ve had a bit of colour and bits and bobs added to them! The colouring on all these samples is stunning though! Happy Valentine’s ! X
What fantastic shows. What fantastic artwork. What fantastic DT samples. What a fantastic company. Overall – bl***y FANTASTIC. XXX
Hi Barbara
WOW what beautiful, stunning artwork. I love anything a bit mystical.
Your Dream Team have worked their ‘magic’ and have produced some amazing samples to give us all inspiration – thank you all.
Love & Hugs
I agree – FANTASTIC !!! Loved the shows, love the samples, all truly magical. Ordered both sets so we are on bread and water for the rest of the week 🍞unless I can find a tin of beans – ha ha.
💛💚🧡Happy Valentines day to all at Clarity and many thanks for all you do for us 💛💚💓
Love and Hugs
Oh that dragon stamp will be mine……….. 🙂 Been looking for a “proper” dragon for ages (as against a cute one). Fab. C xx
They are such gorgeous images to work with. It is hard to pick a favourite, but I do like the dragon. Great job Maria and fabulous drawings Mel.
Fantastic stamps and groovi plates! Hopefully at some stage, it may be possible to have these mystical creatures in stencil form too 🤞xx
Love them all but think dragon is my favourite one beautiful colours amazing. Maria did a great job very blessed with Paul and Maria both on same day xxx
Hello Barbara – love everything mystical, magical, so these are ideal. Can’t get enough of vampires lately, Vampire Diaries, and Twilight Series on constant loop. Strange, but feeds my imagination. Enjoy the rest of the day, lots of love Donna X
Just got back from weeding & prepping our allotment, with the gorgeous smell of the earth now in the car. Love it. ☀️👢(Closest emoji to wellies!)
What a beautiful day to spend with loved ones. 💑
I loved Marie’s colourful top yesterday…..just the thing to present the beautiful works of art & new papers. I really enjoy scrapbooking so I’m looking forward to playing with/ stroking/smelling these stunning 12″x12″ papers. I might even use them with a photograph eventually 🤗
I think these new designs are great. I had to choose and went for stamps too. The samples from the DT were amazing and the demo that Maria did with the angelina fibres was good to see as I have a stash and need to do more with it. Looking forward to the next show on Saturday and then the craftalongabarbie on Sunday. Xx
Afternoon bloggy friends, hope everyone is well. Sending hugs. Xx
Hi Donna, same here I know we are having cold and frosty mornings but very warm days bliss .
Keep warm and stay safe.
Lynn xx
Hi Barb,
Yes, Maria did a fantastic job as did the Design Team. Their samples were superb. As much as I like fantasy films , I’m not into dragons, unicorns etc on cards. I can admire all the work that went into designing by Mel and the work of the Clarity Team though. I think the dragon is my favourite – reminds me of Shakira in Eragon , closely followed by the Phoenix. Looking forward to the weekend shows and craftalong a Barb. Love and hugs to all. Alison xxx
Hi Barb, hope your day has been a good and productive one.
Dee’s artwork is amazing! Just hits the spot for me. I don’t think I actually got to focus on Maria, or Paul, yesterday, but I’ve got them recorded for watching, something to look forward to.
Thank you for your poem email, put a smile on my face today. Forgot it was Valentine’s day. I’ve never ever had a valentine’s card or anything, well apart from the card I got when I was 11!!! It’s all just an excuse for retailers to make money anyway. If you love someone you should be telling them and showing them that all year round, not just on a day picked out a hat!
Love you xxx
My sentiments exactly Brenda.
ps. Agree, amazing artwork from the DT. I still have the shows to watch so looking forward to that 🙂
I understand where you coming from but St. Valentine was a Christian martyr who was beheaded on February 14th.
Sorry if I offended Sue, wasn’t my intention. I had heard of St Valentine. I still think it’s a day randomly chosen for retailers to make profit, or worse, using the beheading of a saint to make profit. At least as bad as retailers making profit out of Easter and Christmas, in my opinion. Net result – the true meaning of all these Christian events and the values they teach are totally lost to more and more people. Also the misery, isolation, debt etc. that these occasions can cause to the disadvantaged. Xx
No worries. I’m not easily offended😜
I loved the shows and demos and the samples from the DT are stunning. Personally, I am not a fan of fantasy, but I do appreciate the beauty of the artwork. I know that I should make cards with the recipient in mind, but I really find it difficult to do something that doesn’t appeal to me. Maybe I am just odd! 🤪 have a good evening. Hugs. Annette x
Know what you mean. If I don’t enjoy what I make the recipient won’t like it either.
Beautiful samples – I will try to watch the shows on Rewind so that I can see Maria’s great demos too.
Hello Barb, the shows were fantastic, and Maria as always is just an awesome demonstrator. I do hope her shoulder gets better soon. I love these images, and certainly the stamps are what I am going to go for. Just have to wait for the right time financially to purchase them. Love the samples, the colours are just fantastic with the imagery. Take care all. Bx