It’s here!!! Abfabfabfeb !!!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in. Snow here in Kent – very cold, very beautiful too.
February’s here too. Where did January go? ? I spotted a couple Christmas decorations in the lounge last night. Ah well. They kind of blend in, so I shall just leave them there! See if anybody else notices….
We always do have a Half-Price Clarity Club Members Sale at this time of year, and this year we want to do more. A few extra special offers for everybody, plenty of bloggy competitions, some blog candy – in short – let’s have a FABFEB!! Even better, let’s have an ABFABFABFEB!!! Trying saying that after a sherry or two!!

There are over 800 products in the sale. Not just stuff we’ve got too much stock of. Not at all. In fact, when we sell out of something, we make more – to keep the offer open for the whole month! If you are a CLub Member, happy days! If you aren’t then now might be a good time to join!!!
Right. Now I want to tell you about this new One Ton Beast which darling Dave drove up to the North of England to acquire this week. It is pretty blimming special. Let’s see how many photos you need to figure it out…

Got it yet?

Getting warm?

No. you can’t drive it.

Ta Dah !!!

In mint working condition. It had to be done.
Are you still none the wiser? Well, the Heidelberg press was the Prince of Printing Presses in its day. You know, that really beautiful kind of printing which we so seldom see nowadays. It’s a fantastic piece of engineering – really tactile, mechanical, clever.

And why have we bought one? There is a plan, honest Guv!!! The Heidelberg platen press is most versatile, you know! It can print, imprint, number, perforate, punch, slit, emboss, die-cut, score and hot foil stamp.
Now ask me again why we have bought one! Jim says “It’s a star buy, Barb”
I am so excited!!!! Pottery? What pottery?? No no. Pottery is my passion. Heidelberg Windmill Press is a project, a business related project. But I want to learn this process. So does Dave. So does Jim. #retrorocks.
Let’s have a competition, just for fun. It’s a 2-part quiz. 1. Where do you think our new machine was made? Name the town. 2. What year do you think it was born? Answers below please!
Let’s all have an ABFABFABFEB!
Love & Hugs,
48 thoughts on “It’s here!!! Abfabfabfeb !!!”
Well they certainly don’t make ’em like that anymore!!!! That machine will last and last as it seems to be so well made. They were made in Heidelberg in Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany. Although introduced in 1914 they weren’t manufactured until 1923 and ended 1985. Guess a year? wellllllllll let’s go for 1959! (for no other reason than it’s my year of birth so a vintage year!!)
Goodness Karen…you’re right on the money, this press was built in 1959/60. It’s beaut/brute. Really looking forward to using it later this year. I spent some time in my youth ,operating Offset Litho’s …
I think many of us get the whole digital thing , but yearn for real INK ! David x claritystamp.com
My husband, Geoffrey, was a printer until he retired. He always raves about the Heidelberg printer – their perfect construction, engineering – their rhythmic sound when in use – their beauty – their reliability – and on and on 😄
My late brother-in-law had a printer’s in Scarborough and I’m told he went to Cologne to buy one of these machines. This one is obviously a classic being as old as me……1959 was obviously a good year 😉
Hello from Scarborough today – I love a good gadget, amazing machine , Lisa 🙂
My darling late husband was a printer till he retired. His Heidelberg was his baby and his passion. Hope you learn to love yours as much as my hubby loved his. X
Blimey! That is gorgeous! Okay I did a little google and they were made in Heidelberg Germany which is where the company headquarters is and I reckon it’s a 1958 model!
Yay for the sale and yay for the fact that I signed up, have missed my Clarity stamp subscription and I also signed up for the stencil one too – it’s going to be a very abfabfeb for me with new stamps and stencils on the horizon lol!
Keep warm and safe everyone, it’s well cold in Northamptonshire and we have snow too xx
Wow didn’t get that right wasn’t die cutting machine potters wheel looks like going to be great fun sure is a beautiful beast of a machine. Be interesting seeing what comes out from this xxx
Yes, Heidelberg 1958 would be my thought too from the info provided ! Lovely bit of kit ! Good lot of snow here and it’s still coming down ….. Once again we’ve had to put off picking up the car but, to be honest, I’m still feeling weak so glad to put it off till Monday ! Have a good weekend everyone. X
Hi Barbara,
Wow! What a beautiful beast – really excited to see what you have planned for Clarity with this magnificent piece of kit. I am guessing it was made in Heidelberg in Germany (of course!) and how about in 1959 – as a certain person is celebrating a special birthday this year! Have fun with the new project. And a new sale – oh Clarity thy name is Temptation!
Oooo looks like fun! Wouldn’t have a scooby how to use it! I’m going to guess it came from Heidelberg . The year mmmmm 1932 . . Hope you all have a great time using it x
Wow that is a beast isn’t it. Introduced in 1914 and manufactured between 1923 and 1985 in Heidelburg in Baden-Wurttenberg and commonly known as the Windmill Press after the shape and movement of its paper feed system. I reckon this was a 1958 model – same year your mum and dad got married? Can’t wait to see exactly what you are going to do with it. Xxxx
Definitely at Heidelberg, guessing 1958…….remember these beasts from my college days, they took some cleaning!
What a fab machine. Its already been said about when it was introduced in 1914 and then manufactured between 1923 and 1985, think this 1 like me will be celebrating it 61st Birthday this year. So 1958? Mines February so I’m super lucky that your doing a FabFeb sale lol. Now what do I want!!
Made in Wiesloch waldorf, maybe 1958/1959
What a beast
Recognised it straight away because one of my first jobs was typing for a local printer (mainly parish magazines!) and I’m sure he had one of these back in the day. Who is going to be in charge of it I wonder?
Just about to pop over to Clarity website to see if there is anything I need (apart from everything that is..). Still cat-less (the local RSPCA has had a bug in the cattery which has temporarily stopped the job!)
Maggie (Yorkite)
Made in Heidelberg in 1958 I reckon , would love to see this baby in action please! You tube? Thanks for sharing love Jxx
Oh gosh I have one very jealous hubby, he served his apprenticeship one this very machine, shame you live so far from us, mind you I quite fancy a weekend on the Kent coast, make a change from the Norfolk coast! Roll on Sunday too! Cant wait, say she doing a silly dance. Makes me look like I need a wee!
Made in Heidelberg in about 1800. Sounds like lots of fun, enjoy xxx
Wow that looks interesting and I look forward to seeing what you plan to use it for. I reckon it was made in Heidelberg ( a lovely town on the side of the river Neckar)in 1958
What a machine! I’m guessing it was made in Heidelberg about 1960. Are you going to be printing your own books with it? Going to have a browse through the offers, must be something I need.
Stay safe and warm everyone, no snow in this part of Cornwall but only a few miles away the A30 was gridlocked with people stranded for many hours and students in one college in Bodmin having to stay all night. Very cold xx
They don’t make them like that anymore! Placed my first sale order thank you now just watching Maria on Bargain Hunt. I wasn’t expecting that!!!! No snow in Leicestershire yet, stay safe and warm everyone xxx
It’s a beautiful machine about the same age as me. If only I looked so well
Retro certainly does rock, things were usually over-engineered and made to last in those days, not like today’s gear with built in obsolescence. Ooh this makes me sound old, must be the significant birthday coming up at the end of the month!!! Can see Dave, Jim and Steve having great fun, as will you learning to use it.
Browsed the members sale and found a few things,I would like. Really need to keep some cash for the ODS.
Keep warm and have a good weekend.
I reckon it was made I Heidelberg and the manufacturing period was from about 1923-1984 Though your particular machine was probably made in 1958
Can’t wait to see what you get up to with it!! xx
Well, what a beauty! By the 4th photo I thought it looked like some kind of printing press, and from the name I know Heidelberg is in Germany. I thought perhaps it might have been made the year either your Mum or Dad were born, but can see from the first answer that it is younger than I thought at 59/60. I am looking forward to seeing what you do with it as it sounds like a very versatile piece of kit. x
Hey Barb, if you ever need someone to help you with this press, Richard Lawrence here in Oxford, who works at the Bodleian is an expert on these presses and owns one he runs in his studio. I just love these presses, definitely have press envy and keep trying to figure out if the Bod would notice if I smuggled one of these out under my arm, just to borrow you know. Does yours have the magic puffer on it that between each print blows a puff of talc to ensure the wet ink does not stick to the next sheet you are printing. It is just magic, there is just a bit of kit to do everything in the printing process. I am green with envy as I would love one of these
At a guess it would be from Heidlburg year 1958 only because the picture says so! Intrigued to see where the press will lead us on our Clarity journey. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, chilly out on duty today! No snow here though so journey to and from work was hassle free. Keep warm everyone. Xx
Beautiful machine from Heidelberg. I see someone has already guessed the year of manufacture so won’t join in. Can’t wait to see it in action some day! It’s still going strong and it’s older than me so I’ve got no excuse lol. Looking forward to getting my order in for the members sale but might wait a little to avoid the rush.
Hi Barb,
What a brute! I don’t mean Dave! I guessed it was a printing press of some description and from the pictures I reckon Heidelberg in Germany in 1958. Looking forward to seeing what you are going to do with it. I’ve begun to formulate my list of goodies to order in the sale already. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Woke up to a covering of snow but not too bad. Felt sorry for those people stranded on Bodmin Moor. Hope everyone is safe and sound and keeping warm. Love and hugs Alison xx
Wow, I am fascinated by the fact that so many people on here know about, or have used one of these beautiful machines! How exciting it will be for you all to learn it’s capabilities and I am so looking forward to seeing what it can do. The engineering is just mind blowing and I was particularly impressed by the puff of talc, to ensure smooth running. Enjoy!
Hope you all have a good weekend and stay warm and safe. Hugs. Annette X
I think the clue is in the name of the machine Heidelberg – West Germany. As for your date of birth I believe you were born in 1959.
My Hubby is a litho printer now and has been for 40 yrs plus he uses a Heidelberg GTO daily and his is from 1974 his guillotine is older 1962 both machines are practically bullet proof as is so much German engineering isnt it a small worl i met Barbera at crafters companion when she visited up north and dave too have fun with your new baby and yes real ink has a smell of its own love and hugs xx
My hubby is a litho printer and has been for 40 plus years he uses Heidelberg GTO if you think tour machine is heavy his is 4.5 tons lol it is a 1974 and the guillotine is 1962 Heidelberg machines are practically bullet proof and he uses his daily i met you and Dave when you were at Crafters companion on an open day oh what a small world this is we also know a man in Ashington who has two machines like yours and he uses them daily best for luck with your venture and Dave is right Printing ink has a smell of its own lol love and hugs xx
What a brute,beautiful engineering. I hope we will be able to see it in action. Does it come with the tools seen in the advert. Made in Heidelburg, 1958 (guessing but that is the information on the advert). All the snow has disappeared from here but it is jolly cold. Have a good weekend everybody and keep warm and dry.
Hi Barbara and everyone well you all guessed what this great kit is I used to work for a printers years ago the Heidelberg was some of the machines we had .
Well you are really spoiling us with a lovely Feb sale, picked a few things I want but will check later to see if I have missed something.
Looking forward to the shows on Sunday.
Have a good one.
Lynn xx
Looks like you could have a Heidelberg Windmill Press retreat, with plenty of keen skilled participants.
Many skilled hands could make the press work quicker!
Hi Barbara
What a beautiful piece of machinery, I can see why you are so excited. It’s already been guessed so yes Heidelberg 1959. I have a feeling there will be some excited people tinkering with it and having a good play in the not so distant future, I’m looking forward to seeing what it can produce. Enjoy the beauty of the snow but keep warm and safe. We’ve had a bit here today but can’t believe there are problems on the M3 not too far from here as ours has almost gone. Just off to have a little look at the sale. Thank you for a FabFeb.
Love Diane xx
Well for the first time Fred was interested in your blog when I showed him the pictures. He guessed what it was straight away and started to explain what bits of it were for. The engineer in him never dies. xx
Wow! what a beautiful piece of machinery. Please make a video of it in action when you get it set up.
Could it just possibly be manufactured in Heidelberg in 1958? Lovely beast!
Hello Barbara – oh what a find. I love it. The machine was made in Heidelberg, Germany. I believe it was born 1913.
Can’t wait to find out what ideas you have for it. Have fun. Lots of love Donna X
Hello Barb, what a beautiful find, I worked out on the first photo that it is a printing press, manufactured in Heidelberg, Germany in 1958. The original way before that, having remembered reading about it somewhere. I can’t wait to see what Team Clarity does with this. Bx
Sat here Enjoying my Saturday morning blogging catch up over a cup of coffee. My first thought was that this might be for making dies – I certainly wasn’t expecting it to be a printing press! So looking forward to seeing what Clarity produces next 😆
Worked it out at pic 2! Definitely a bit of a beast! Can’t wait to see what’s produced by her!
Hi Barbara
I’m guessing that the press was made in 1958/1959.
Although the first factory was in Heidelberg, another factory was set up in 1957 in Wieslock, West Germany, so there is a possibility that it was made there.
What a wonderful project you and your menfolk have got for yourselves. I wish I could work on such a project. A great learning experience for all of you.
Love & Hugs