Tina’s Floral Petites – Didn’t she do well?!?!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Been beavering away here in our little artroom above the garage with Paul. Very constructive say – well pleased with the demos for Sunday – hope you will be too!
And whilst we were working away, we had Tina on in the background, being her usual modestly amazing self. She blows me away.
Not only does she design all the plates, and pretty much give us camera ready artwork – she then trundles up to the TV studios and presents THE MOST WONDERFUL ART SAMPLES too !!!
Here are the plates which she created for your pleasure today: 6 delightful Baby Groovi Plates, which work perfectly just as they are, but which can also be turned and changed and modified and cross pollenated – not only with each other, but with loads of Tina’s previously designed plates too.

The Design Team obviously liked them too! They sent some super samples in this time!

Ahhh…. Thanks Beccs xxxx

So thank you to Tina for her hard work and inspiration, thank you to the ever clever Clarity team for their hard work and inspiration – and thank you to YOU. For giving us the reason to get up and get cracking!!! If we didn’t have you, what would be the point? You spur us on. You spend your money on our Clarity things – and we plough most of that money straight back into more ideas and Clarity loveliness! That’s how it works. That simple. The wheel of creative commerce. As long as you like what we do, we shall keep on doing it. Long may Clarity continue!
Exciting, innit. And WAIT TILL TOMORROW!! Wait till I tell you about the One Ton beast from the North !!! You’ve got to have a little vision, mind. But never worry – I’ve got enough for all of us on this one !
Love & Hugs,
32 thoughts on “Tina’s Floral Petites – Didn’t she do well?!?!”
Tina was brilliant some lovely new things to play with
The ton Beast from the North? Thought that was my Pete lol Thought Tina did great demos today. I like Hochanda’s style of doing things. Relaxing to watch.
Tina did so Well. Looking forward to see the beast.
Yes, great shows ! Brilliant samples too. Still feeling weak here so had perfect excuse to watch ! X
Tina did a good job today, lovely samples from the design team.
Sure you’ll have A TON of inspiration for us tomorrow, and lots of new ideas.
Hugs, 🍒🍒🍒
Absolutely beautiful samples from the design team.
My mind not working. I have retired today 31st January from the MOJ. Previous had a teaching career and now just ended 16+ years with the Courts Service.
I feel very strange, the tears haven’t come yet.
I am thinking what Have to look forward to? Certainly far more time to be being creative with all that Barbara, Paul etc have taught me. I feel strange but it is as if a huge weight has lifted from me.
Apologies for externalising my feeling on the blog. I just felt I had to share how I feel about the wonderful Clarity and all that sail in her.
With much gratitude to Clarity and the bloggers. xxx
Hey Anne, you’ll very soon wonder how you managed to fit paid work into your life👍
Enjoy duvet days & the extra time you have to see the changing seasons. Didn’t the trees look beautiful covered in ice today & the snowdrops are bursting up too. Be assured it may be the end of one season but there’s another unique one starting tomorrow.
Best of all you’re part of this Clarity family Anne. Hugs. x
Oh Anne, happy retirement, I’m sure you will settle into a new routine and wonder how you had time to work. You will probably feel like you are on holiday for a week or so and I’m sure those tears will come butjust think ofthe lovely crafting time you can have xxx
Hello Anne – just wanted to wish you a happy retirement. A big change I know, but you will soon get in a routine, and have the time for yourself. Have just handed in my notice at work. Work for a well known high street pharmacy, but due to constant changes and pressures it got to be too stressful and was affecting my mental health. Leave in 2 weeks time, it’s scary, as I know it must be for you but we both have the future to look forward to and more time for crafting I hope. All the best to you Anne, lots of love Donna X
Hi Anne,
Happy Retirement! It will seem strange to begin with but believe me you will very quickly find out how great it is to be able to do what you want , when you want and not be tied to work hours etc. You will wonder how you ever found time to work. I retired 7 years ago after 36 years teaching – what a change to the system! I did miss some of the staff and kids for a while but that goes when you find you have time to craft whenever you want! Enjoy. Love and hugs,Alison xx
Anne, so pleased to hear your news. It does take time to get used to, but your new life is beginning and there’s no chance you’ll be bored with all the new ideas from Clarity.
Hi Anne,
Retirement is the beginning of a whole new life. Take time to relax and enjoy it. You will soon find plenty to fill your time and wonder how you ever managed to fit work and play together.
Clarity will give you plenty to keep you occupied too.
Wishing you all the best for the future.
I love everything Tina does and she didn’t disappoint today. She was fabulous and really didn’t come across as nervous. The DT excelled themselves too and the samples and Tina’s demos were super.
Hoping for a snowy day tomorrow, so I will have an excuse to craft all day and rewatch Tina on rewind. Have a good evening. Hugs. Annette X
Caught up with the shows after I got back from our Bromsgrove Parchers get together. Love the new designs & the samples from the DT were fantastic.
Can’t come up with anything sensible as to what the beast from the North could be so look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow.
Stay safe & warm everyone x
Hmmmmm 1 tonne beast from the north……have you brought Nessie down to Kent? Xx
Good luck everyone with the weather! Stay safe. Xx
Shows were fab and yes I bought the plates. Could not resist them. Puzzled about the one ton beast But you are bound to have some great plan. Stay safe if you get the snow. xx
Hi Barbara
What beautiful design team samples, they have outdone themselves again. The new plates are very pretty too. I will catch up with Tina’s show tomorrow, I think I’m in for a treat. Looking forward to you spilling the beans tomorrow.
Love Diane xx
Wow Tina did it again great shows and art work her plates ones again brilliant and what talent it’s amazing watch the design team grow in talent and all wonderful art work they all do. Clarity defo is the top team dream really works if only could get that money tree to grow but then would need hug raft room to store it all to looks like snow is on way again tonight so let’s see. Was hoping to find out today about the one tone beast you do like to keep us guessing hehe night night keep warm and safe Joy x
Hi Barbara
Bless Tina, she seemed a bit nervous at first today. It must be very hard doing television work. She was so amazing demonstrating those beautiful new Groovi plates she had designed. WOW what a talent she has.
Can’t wait for all the new things you have planned for us.
Hi Barb, glad you and Paul were getting on with ideas an inspiration to share with us all on Sunday and Monday. Tina, is so amazing, in the way she demos and creates, and her artwork is beautiful. The samples from the team are just outstanding too. Take care all, hope you are not too affected by the white stuff. Bx
Hello Barbara – what is this one tonne beast? Can’t wait till Friday to find out. Having moments in my day where I’m thinking about it. You are a tease Barbara. Love Tina’s plates. Nothing better than settling down and watching Tina and getting inspiration. Leave my job in two weeks so it will give me more time for Groovi. Need to practice my cutting. Thankyou to everyone who gave me advice about my job. I gave my notice in two weeks ago, two more weeks to go. Feel like a big weight has lifted off me. Looking forward to the future. Lots of love to you all Donna X
Hi Barb,
Had to watch the shows on catch up as I forgot to record them – how stupid of me! As ever Tina was great and the plates are beautiful and I love the little spacers. The DT samples were absolutely stunning, I think they outdid themselves. I am very intrigued about the Beast from the North and am waiting for the reveal later today. Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone is managing to stay safe and warm during this cold snap. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Whoop whoop chicken soup 🤸
No snow here so I’m off to Craft Club today. I’m taking my Groovi stash to play with……it well impresses my mates💁
I love Tina’s doodles, can’t get enough of them can you! And looking forward to seeing her jeans one day👖
Reckon Tina and Yannis make a great duo too.
Sorry Yiannis, I meant Yiannis🙊
Loved the plates Tina is one clever lady xxxx
I caught up with the shows yesterday evening. Fabulous inspiration and techniques as always! Thanks Tina and all the Groovi DT.
I really enjoyed the show, and Tina is one clever bunny! I’m very new to parchment craft( paper crafter for about 14yrs) and always thought it looked too complicated to do, but with groovi it is so easy and very addictive!!! I have the starter kit and been buying the tools and plates in January with some birthday money I had and now have a list as long as my arm for more plates and pencils I want/need. I shall be be watching the shows for more great ideas, thanks clarity team for my new hobby.x
Plate and shows were fab, samples from the DT gorgeous but….trying to be very good and sat on my hands so as not to order! That said they are added to my wishlist… the plates not my hands that is lol! xx
Stunning inspiraton from the DT as always, I’m still catching on the shows, thank goodness for catch up x
oops inspiration even lol