I’m going back to school…
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Still pedalling away with Paul, getting geared up for the HOCHANDA Sunday 2-4pm TV show. There’s quite a buzz around the building. On Sunday I shall be launching something many of you have been waiting for….
A Craftalongabarbie session the following month! Remember, back in the day, I used to do a live Classroom show on telly? And many of you used to craftalong at home? It was a huge success. So much so, that HOCHANDA have planned a 2-hour Craftalong Class on the SECOND OR THIRD SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH, between 2pm and 4pm. It won’t always be Clarity, but I have the honour of launching the premiere show, and getting the ball rolling.
It’s one thing to watch, it’s an entirely different thing to craft along. I have kept it straightforward and very achievable, and don’t worry – I’ll go very slowly, and let you keep up comfortably. There’s next to no selling on the day, you see. All that is done beforehand, so you’ve got the gear to join in on the day! And HOCHANDA have assured me that they will build a library of the monthly sessions, so that you can refer back to them, too.
SO. Tune in on Sunday, to see what you need to buy, and what you need to bring to the party between then and February 17th. Most of you will have the bits and bobs; you just need the new design bundle we’ve rustled up for the Big Day. It will be brilliant. I’m already excited to get that old hat on again.
There’ll also be plenty of cool tricks and tips on Sunday, using other new designs. Something for everyone. Whether you’re a stamper, a Groover, a stenciller or a paper cutter, I think you’ll enjoy what’s coming up. First show of the year, and I’m raring to go! Nothing like a break for fanning my enthusiasm! And what I do on Sunday will set you in good stead for the Craftalong Class! So pay attention!!!
Love & Hugs,
43 thoughts on “I’m going back to school…”
Happy dancing
This sounds fantabulous !!! Can’t wait 🙂
Wow, sounds like it’s all go at Clarity towers, looking forward to Sunday.
Hugs 🍒🍒🍒
That’s brilliant to hear!
I so miss the craft along sessions- looking forward to this
I also miss the monthly challenges,would love to see these return also
Hi Barbara
I can’t wait for Sunday. So exciting. New products, new tips and tricks. It’s all going to be wonderful.
Looking forward to the Craftalongbarbie too, sounds like great fun.
Love & Hugs
Craftalong with Clarity can I just say eeeeekkkkk!!!! So excited, loved the classroom format back in the days of yor. Can’t wait. Have been to the cinema today to see the new Mary Poppins film, it was practicly perfect in every way. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, lots of exciting things coming this weekend. I have booked the TV! Xx
That’s great news! Look forward to it!
That’s brilliant news, especially as Hochanda are going to build a library of the craftalong with Barb shows so that we can refer back to them. Do miss the classroom shows you used to do. I think I have them on dvds or at least some of them and of course all the Dvd’s you’ve made. It’s great to go back to them now and again.xxx
Can’t wait. I used to love the in the classroom sessions from waaay back. Best of luck getting it all set up.
Hi bloggy friends, how exciting is that news. Hope you all had a great Christmas and are well. Wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year. Started this year’s birthday cards tonight, thought I’d better as January I haven’t many but February has loads.xxx
Hi Pam, good on you.
I am going to try to get in front with my cards this year well at least I will try.
Wishing you a happy New year.
Lynn xx
Oh blooming brilliant! I used to love the craftalong with Barbie sessions and sending in my homework! I am so looking forward to that day now… I wasn’t for personal reasons so you couldn’t have picked a better day!
Love and hugs xxx
OMG that will be great. Will it be possible to save the shows?
Ooh, I am really looking forward to that. Something new to get our teeth into for the new year. I know that you will be brilliant, as always.
Love to all. Annette X
Looking forward to the shows. I need a fresh approach after the Christmas break. Can’t wait!
That’s fabulous, loved the classroom back in the day, still have the boxes with the stamps in.
looking forward to Sunday’s shows to see what you have in store for us.
Sounds as if things are going to be really busy & exciting at Clarity Towers, just remember to have your ”me” time with Dave & your pottery class. Your team will keep the wheels turning for you.
Well what better way to start 2019! I learnt so much from these lessons and have really missed them. Can’t wait!!
Can’t wait! Loved those shows!
Loved those classroom shows didn’t always craft along straight away would watch you do it then, watch again and craft along second time watching great fun then other ideas would come from what you did. So looking forward to playing along again. Try to get some you time before Sunday I’m confused on what day it is still keep thinking today is Friday even though all back to normal here. Looking forward to booking on retreat again Joy xx
Ooh I did love your classrooms Barb so am excited to watch these new ones. I can’t promise to always buy the actual stuff to do them with but I will try and keep up with what I have. It is lovely to know you are raring to get back on the merry-go-round!! Xxx
Sounds wonderful.I used to enjoy your classroom shows. xx
How fabulous – I loved those shows and can’t wait to see you doing them again – I always learn something new from you Barbara even though I’ve been stamping for over 20 years now, such happy and fabulous news!!!
Looking forward to it x
Hi Barbara and everyone, I can remember the classroom lessons when Leonie did them with you, they were great.
Looking forward to the shows on Sunday.
Lynn xx
Cannot wait ,loved the classroom ,looking so much forward for this just hope my tv freesat don’t play up on day xx
I’m looking forward to it I’m always glued to the TV when you are on Barbara I have learnt so much over the last 6 months when I started my groovi journey, it’s all so addictive I’m into dies now and looking into stencils and stamps.
Sue xx
Whoop whoop chicken soup🤗🤸🤗🤸🤗🤸
I’ve no idea what’s happening as I must have joined the clarity gang much later than everyone else, but it all sounds very exciting so I’ll blindly join in with the celebration by running round the room, madly waving my arms in the air. 👋🎉👋🎉
Hubby now thinks I’m having one of my “women of a certain age” moments!😌
Does this mean I need to move my She Cave nearer the TV or get a TV fitted in my She Cave? Hmmmm🤔
Definitely TV in the she cave!!! Prepare to learn lots , & to spend even more 😂😂😂
Okeydoke, thanks Lynne……I’m on it…..I can now do my second fave thing and rearrange my craft stash to make room for it. YiPpEeDiPeEdOoDaRr.
Yey, I loved the classroom shows, even if I only caught up at a later date. Looking forward to the new edition.
Happy New year.
I will be with Samuel on Sunday but I am going to see if we can watch you from his house. If you get a chance, please say hi to him. It will be fun to see his face. We watch you at home but he has never seen you on the telly while he’s a college xx
Great that the craftroom will be returning and of course they wouldn’t choose anyone else to get the ball rolling Barbara. x
I so enjoyed the classroom shows, & was very disappointed when they stopped so I am looking forward to seeing what you bring us
Hi Barb, so glad that you are bringing back the craftalong shows, they were always superb, pack with hints and tips. Looking forward to Sundays shows. Take care everyone. Bx
Can’t wait used to love watching your lessons, especially with Leonie xx
Really looking forward to this. Lovely even if you don’t actually join in at the time! It’s all the hints and tips you give as well. xxx
Woo Hoo, cant wait, and a good excuse to buy more stash, no hang on a minute when did I ever need an excuse to buy more stash.
cannot wait for this, I used to love Barbaras craft alongs, I learnt so much more than just watching xx
Great news Barbara. We can learn so much this way. xx
That’s great Barbara – I really used to enjoy those!b. Looking forward to it very much.
Looking forward to classes again….loved them and missed them! See ya there girl! xx
Watching the show, so, so excited about the craft along, got the kit. Can’t wait 😊😊😊