First Day of the New Year!
Have you got any plans for the coming year? Is there anything already pencilled in on your calendar? I have already got a pretty full schedule.
Our Open Days and Retreats and HOCHANDA TV shows are set in stone for the whole year, so unless something unexpected happens, the regular shows and events are firmly fixed.
In fact, why don’t I give you a copy of our main events list, so that you can maybe make a plan too? We’ve got the Retreat Dates and Open Day Dates in place now, so let’s share them!
Download the Clarity Events List here
Creative Craft Show NEC: 14th – 17th. We’ll be streaming live TV shows daily from Birmingham with HOCHANDA, too.
Crafting at Ally Pally Exhibition: 6th & 7th
Parchment Retreat: 16th & 17th, Spa Hotel Tunbridge Wells SOLD OUT
Port Sunlight: 11th
June New venue for 2019
Clarity Open Days: 14th & 15th Ditton Community Centre (near Maidstone, Kent)*
August New venue for 2019
Clarity Summer Retreats: 19th – 24th Ditton Community Centre (near Maidstone, Kent)*
Crafting at Ally Pally: 21st & 22nd
Leyburn Open Day: 28th*
Leyburn Workshop: 29th*
Port Sunlight: 5th
Creative Craft Show NEC: 31st (to 3rd November)
Creative Craft Show NEC: 1st – 3rd November
*Tickets for Retreats and Open Days will go on sale on our website from next Monday 7th. Always best to call the office 01732 868215.
There are new TV shows in the pipeline too:
Leonie with Clarity launches on 25th January.
The Pergamano Show is launching on 7th February
I shall be launching a Brand New Craftalong Masterclass Session on 10th February, the second Sunday of the month.
Yes, so it’s all go!
And there are some super ideas and designs coming your way too!
We had the Queens Duets by Josie – so you KNOW we need the Kings! And Josie is already working on the Princes and Princesses !!!
I’m up to R for Rambling Rose on the flowers, so that’s very Groovi.
But for today, the first day of the year, let’s keep it simple.
Here’s our first YouTube Tuesday of the 2019: Paul and a lovely Fresh Cuts Project. Enjoy…
What a smashing fella Paul is. And what a great friend.
One of the best things about running Clarity is that I get to pick the team. Paul is one of the most important players. I wouldn’t want to do it without him.
He’s consistent, clever, conscientious, kind and caring. And a CRAFTER!!! What more can you want?!?
As always, there’s a 20% discount on all the products listed below, which Paul showcased this week.
Floral Aperture Dies – Daisy Floral Aperture Dies – Marigold Nested Circles Dies Designer Paper – Indian Summer Designer Paper – Northern Lights Designer Paper – Shenandoah Designer Paper – Rainbow River Card Blanks Stencil Brushes Clarity A4 Blending Mat Pergamano Gel Pens
Click here to see all of the amazing offers.
Here’s to a fantastic, healthy, happy, creative 2019.
I hope that all of us at Clarity can help make your New Year just a little sweeter, a little more pleasant.
We’ve still got a few Lovely 2019 calendars left. Get yours today…
Love & Hugs,
36 thoughts on “First Day of the New Year!”
Hi Zena, I totally agree with you. Pia
Happy new year to Barbara, Dave and all at Clarity xx
Eva and I hoping to get on 21st/22nd August retreat as it’s my birthday on 22nd. Happy New Year to all at Clarity and good luck with all your new projects.
Wow! Busy, busy year already! Glad you have a good team around you, Clarity certainly are very special. Happy new yearXx
Hi Barb, a great Youtube video with Paul, he is a fantastic person and very inspiring crafter. Looking forward to 2019 with Clarity. Bx
Morning bloggy friends, hope everyone enjoyed their new year celebrations if you had them or had a quiet evening if not. Mine was quiet watching the fireworks on TV at midnight. Xx
Happy New Year and good health to you and yours Barbara!Looking forward to receiving more great craft goodies with monthly clarity club.Hope to organise my craft room better it needs a spring clean !Carmel x
Rolf xxx
Happy new year to all at Clarity. Looking forward to the new products you have lined up. All the best for 2019. Suex
HaPpY nEw YeAr OnE & AlL🎊🎆🎉
Loving the Clarity calender & have written important dates on it….thanks. Now its half price might just have to get one or two as gifts and to keep in my She Cave. Hmmmm…….
Happy New Year to all at Clarity. I am travelling to see the Great Barrier Reef ( in recognition of reaching my 60th year, so will be hoping to get some great ideas from Clarity and Leonie to make a journal of the trip. Been planning for a couple of years and can finally say I am going this year!!!!
Happy 😊 Happy 😊 Happy 2019 to all.
Glad we booked the April retreat early as I see it is already sold out!
Looking forward to the new shows but will have to be more careful with the spending this year – besides Cthere’s not much space left in the craft room storage space. Now – should I declutter? Seriously? Think I’ll just keep crafting till at least half of the non Clarity stuff has gone! 😇
Enjoyed the fireworks last night with hubby and some bubbly, weren’t they spectacular?
Happy New year everyone. I hope that 2019 is a year that bringa creativity, and contentment, and is without as much stress and ill health that 2018 had.
We had a quiet hogmanay as I was still recovering from visiting my Aussie cousins down in Bristol, before going to the local pub with son and Hubbie to bring in the Bells on style! Going to catch up on the hogmanay tv shows from last night. It’s not new year until Ally Bain and Phil Cunningham play traditional Scottish tunes. You should be able to find it on the iPlayer.
We are going First Footing later to the images where we shall have dinner and catch up on all the news.
Hello have a wonderful new Year,with Health ,success and Lots of Fun for the whole Team….
Are there any Dates for qvc in Germany?
Gisela, we have cancelled our future shows with QVC. We will be launching German YouTubes next week though! I hope you can watch them xxxx
Happy new year to you Barbara and Dave. And all the lovely Clarity team. Home alone this year but did get a short FaceTime with my grandson and great grandson in New Zealand. Then calls from Canada. California etc . Do wish my family didn’t like to travel.
Looking forward to all the wonderful things you are going to show us this year. Best wishes to your Mum and Dad and all the family. Would love to get to one of the workshops. Fingers crossed . Xxxxx
Happy new year to you and Dave and all the team at clarity.
Dates…..oh yes… I’ve got a big date in July…. My baby gets married! It’s all in hand but I daresay things will keep me busy on the run up to it… So spending this year is definitely curbed!!! But hey its all good!
I’m looking forward to seeing what you are bringing us this year. It’ll no doubt be exciting and a definite must have!!!
Love and hugs xxx
Bugger. Awayday is now further away than ever.
Happy New Year Barbara, Dave and all at Clarity Towers xx
Already been think about retreat may come on my own this time if can get Katie in on resbite need to ring book both but will bring her to at least one of open days as Bob retires Easter so has said we can come as so work to stop us coming and of cause ally pally so changes for us he is on count down looking forward to not going to work and getting out and about a bit few jobs at home on his list haha may want to go back to work. Happy new year to all are wonderful clarity family sounds like a busy but exciting year to come craft wise xxx
Happy new year clarity family fare and wide. Looking forward to retreat may even get to open days as bob retires Easter this will be strange but lovely having him home all time lots to keep busy . Cannot wait to book up xxx
Happy New Year Barbara, Dave, Paul and all of the Clarity Team. 2018 is going to be hard to top, so many great launches and fantastic tutorials, but I am sure you will be able to do it! Really looking forward to sharing in all things Clarity in 2019!
Much happiness, creativity and fun to you all!
Gosh…almost back to normal.Happy New Year to all.
The only thing so far on my shiny new Clarity calendar is a pastel workshop for drawing pets in October (with a local celebrated artist!) It’s all your fault Barb, you set me off by doing yer pottery. Will be booking my Leyburn tickets soon!
Hope Dave is well.
Maggie (Yorkite)
Hi Barb,
Happy New Year to you and Dave and all at Team Clarity. Enjoyed Paul’s video today, he does make me laugh when he can’t get his tongue around You Tube Tuesday! I know where I’ll be for 2 days in September and one day per month I’ll be getting Groovi with Linda Page. Other than that no dates fixed yet. Really must attempt to get rid of some of my craft stuff that I don’t use anymore in order to make room for new goodies that I know will fall into my basket ( probably every month!!) . Love and hugs to you,Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Happy New Year to you all, hoping it’s kind to you all. Had a very lazy day today , but going to attempt to begin the craft clear out tomorrow! Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Love and hugs to all for 2019 xxx
A very Happy New Year to you and all. I hope that it will prove to be a fantastic year for everyone. It is certainly going to be a busy one for you and Clarity will be going from strength to strength.
I am looking forward to all the new programmes and even one day maybe going to a retreat. What a treat that would be!
Best wishes to you all. Annette X
Happy New Year to all at Clarity
So looking forward to the floral alphabet started saving pennies already!!
Let’s all make 2019 our year of crafts especially Clarity crafts 😉
Happy New Year everyone. So grateful for all the wonderful projects, products and friends I’ve gained through Clarity and crafting. Looking first to an inky 2019!
Happy New Year to all at clarity. Looking forward to following all your new ideas in the days and months to come.
Wishing you, Dave, and all at Clarity a very Happy New Year Barbara, and that calendar is very full up with events throughout the whole year with not a lot of breathing space for you, but will all be very enjoyable I’m sure. A great make from Paul on the YTT this time too. x
Happy New Year to the extended Clarity family and all the readers on here. Paul did a great job – really enjoyed it.
Hi Barbara, Dave and all at Clarity
Wishing you all a very happy new year, I hope you’ve left some time in that busy schedule for you and Dave time. Sorry I haven’t been commenting lately, the rush of Christmas and family events took over. I must play catch up later.
Love Diane xxx
Happy New Year to all at Clarity 🙂 x
I came here yesterday, read and forgot to comment but I think I’ve already said HAPPY NEW YEAR ! To be honest I don’t really know what date or day of the year it is now ! I did watch the you tube yesterday and enjoyed that, like Paul, I often like to colour my white card and that was another good idea yesterday, to you the die cut as a stencil. It’s just remembering it all but I think I’ll manage that one! X
Look forward to seeing what the new Year brings from Clarity. As I do love your products I am sure It will mean a dent in the bank balance, I shall be ringing Monday to hopefully get on the retreat and get Open day tickets. I do love these events. xx