I love this Town Die!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Just spent a happy hour playing with my favourite die again.
I love this Town Die.
Actually, I like the Town stamps,
the stencil,
the Groovi plate
AND the die!!!
Let’s stick to the dies – quickest! I’m halfway through the Christmas decorations, and it looks like a bomzitit in the kitchen!!
Right. Step by step. Ready?
Spritz the die with water, and then lay down on the Designer card.
Run it through your mangle of choice, your die cutting machine, (I like the Gemini) and carefully lift it onto the table. Now peel the aperture gently away,
leaving the scraps in the die.
Place a sheet of double-sided adhesive over the scraps in the die, and burnish with an eraser , or something to push the adhesive onto the card.
Peel the adhesive off the die, to reveal the scraps like this:
Trim the adhesive sheet to leave a little outer frame, and attach to a white cardblank.
Sprinkle with Perga Glitter,
Hey presto!
As for the other piece – the main aperture actually, let’s go back and cut it out using a nested square die to fit tight.
So fine!!!
This needs attaching to a sheet of double-sided adhesive too.
See? The A6 adhesive sheet we sell is perfect for the job.
I decided to try a different colour, and make sure it really IS as easy as it was the first time round.
It is.
I think, if I lock myself away for an afternoon, I could knock out all our Christmas Cards in one sitting.
Mind you, I still haven’t completed the wedding Thank you cards. Pathetic. Shame on me. I still have the giftlist, and know who to thank. It’s right by my bed. I know this, because I look at it every bloody morning! But where I went wrong was thinking I could do them all together, in one sitting, rather than doing a few at a time. This is going to be the dilemma with Christmas cards: can’t do them till I’ve done the thank you’s… Maybe I should just say
Here are my step by steps anyway. I suppose I could slap NOEL at the base – that would be 2 done!!!
Which one do you prefer? Blue or Pink?
And do you prefer the line art or the scrap?
Either way, it’s very simple and very effective.
There’s a lot going on right now, in the industry. Lots of change, lots of movement, lots of decisions and choices to make. So escaping to my artroom and making a couple of cards is a happy intermezzo indeed.
Love & Hugs,
28 thoughts on “I love this Town Die!”
I have all the town house items and this looks like a good technique. I like the blue line-art best!!
Gosh, one die, one piece of designer paper and two beautiful cards, now there’s value.
I like the blue best but can’t decided between line art or scrap.
Happy days. My cards are all made – sorry LOL!! but then I’m not running the best crafting company in the world !!! xxx
My favourite colour is blue, so that’s my preference and I like the scraps best.
Lots of love
Trudy x
Hi Barb,
This is one of my favourites too. I really like the blue , scrap one – it looks like a winter’s night to me. You are such a busy lady that I’m sure everyone will understand about the thank you notes. You could always go out and buy Christmas cards ( shock horror!!) . I’ve had a lovely afternoon using the new Queen Lace plates – I used Mary ( I think) and am really pleased with the result. Can’t believe how quickly I managed to do a frame – nowhere near the 2 1/2 hours it took me to do one with a pattern- and without the worry of it going wrong – not joining up, embossing or pricking in the wrong place! Thank you Clarity is all I can say. Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you’ve all had a good weekend. Weather been beautiful up here today , if a bit chilly. Sending love and hugs to everyone, Alison xxx
I love all four. I have the entire collection and only have the Groovi still to play with. Happy Christmas.
Hi Barbara and everyone, hope you are all well.
It’s busy busy for everyone at this time of year.
I love this die the blue does it for me.
Don’t beat yourself up with regard to the thank you cards, I am sure everyone will understand , we all think we are busy it pales into significance to all you have to juggle with in a week.
Have a good week what ever you are doing
Lynn xx
Got back this afternoon from a weekend in Blackpool, visiting my family and taking their Christmas presents. It was too short, but lovely to see them all.
When I got home, my last Clarity parcel was here and I found the gift stencil inside, for which I thank you very much. Now, not being an ‘inky’ person, this could be the start of something new for me, so we shall see.
As for the houses, I prefer the blue scrap one myself, although they are all lovely.
I am looking forward to the East Northants Groovi group tomorrow and have my gorgeous new Queen plates ready to take with me. I love them so much!
I think that everyone who sent you a card and/or gift for your wedding, knows how much you appreciated it from all you have written in your blog. They also know how busy you have been and I don’t think any one of us would criticise you for not sending out thank you cards. Have a lovely evening. I am off to watch the Strictly results and the final of I’m a celebrity and enjoy a G& T. Hugs. Annette X
Christmas cards? Hmmmm, every year I say to myself I will NOT leave them till the last minute…every year I do just that! So much to do that I start to panic and then can’t get started. All I need for Christmas are a few extra hours in the day, or the need to sleep less! Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope you have had some of the sunshine we had here today inbetween the showers. Managed to finish a card order today…maybe now I can start my own… Xx
They are all beautiful but I prefer the pink one .
Your an amazing person I don’t know how you do all you do I’m looking forward to post man tomorrow my baby light wave and some extra bits that fell into my basket like the elf groovi plate .
I’ve managed to do some colouring and putting together two groovi cards today I used the November plate it’s beautiful and the penguins groovi plate too .i used the exclusive pergamon set they are beautiful to use so light to hold too .i start my Christmas cards in January it’s the only way I get them done baby steps .
Crafting hugs to all on the blogxxx
Beautiful artwork. Struggling to put up decorations as we have been hit by the dreaded winter bug. still the blog cheers me up no end.
Time you had all the thank you cards out Barb.
(only joking – its enough just to have the blog and you on the telly. Much love Ax
Love the demo. Please can I ask you guys to remind me when this blog took place, next year? Santa is bringing the paper, dies, double sided papers etc & so I’ll need a responsible adult from my Clarity fam to reply to my request in 2019!🙈
Thanks chapesses. 👯
Dear barbara. How you can even think of making cards when your so busy. I must keep this blog because i tried doing that with one of my dies. And it stuck couldnt retrieve it.i have made several cards with the window due but my old laptop wouldnt work to print some insides. Wasted hours. But thankfully today it worked, and the sun came out, so a good day. Have a good week. Xxxx looking forward to my elf arriving.
Like both ways in both colours – it’s hard to choose just one but I’d probably opt for the blue.
Thank you cards don’t have to be elaborate or large – a small notelet size simple one is OK. I find addressing all the envelopes is what takes the time so use typed computer labels copied in from my main address list. I’m sure people understand just how busy you are with the business and on top of that you take time to blog for all of us Clarity addicts.
Hope my baby light wave arrives tomorrow as I’m itching to get started on some small projects – done enough medium and large to keep me going for a few months!!!
Christmas is not here YET and Easter Eggs are already in the supermarket – the world’s gone mad. Time passes by so fast these days, do we really need this?
Have a good evening all. Hugs xxx
Love all those versions x
Blue scrap for me. Good luck with the xmas cards Barbara. I spent yesterday afternoon finishing off some of mine with glitter. As a result everywhere is covered with glitter. My husband even had some in his eyebrows today, (don’t ask I don’t know how he managed it. He wasn’t even in the same room as me!!!!) ) I think I should have used Perga Glitter 🙂
I’m sure everyone understands about the thank you’s for the wedding presents Barbara as you are so busy running a business which leaves you with little time to do other things. You always do this blog every day and I think that working also with everything connected to cards and Christmas every day, the last thing you need is driving yourself mad making batches of cards to send out. I think that you should make it easy on yourself and just make some cards for your nearest and dearest and let the others go, and again I think that most people would understand. Christmas can be such a stressful time anyway and it is just a couple of days which should be spent with the family enjoying the time together, everything else is of much less importance. x
Good evening Barbara
Well Decisions Decisions. I think I like the pink one and I love both line art and the scrap both equally beautiful.
Have a chilled out evening and don’t stress about Thank you cards or Xmas it always gets done in the end. Hugs xx
I love them all too. Unfortunately my husband left and my bank balance went to. I don’t expect that at 65. Still I can dream.
I think Christmas card with a thank you for your wedding gift on the left hand side, inside is exceptable. Anyone who knows you well enough to be at your wedding knows how exceptionally busy you are.
Love the blue one xxxxx
Hello Barb, beautiful colours on both cards, so no favourites here. Good luck with the Christmas cards, have not even got to mine yet. Wish I could lock myself away for a day to do everything. Take care all. Bx
Hi Barbara
Oh you e done it again, used the houses set that I told hubby I wasn’t sure about. I’m blooming sure I like it now! Haha. Love the blue one, but can’t choose between scrap and original, They are both lovely. I used the wedding tree the other day cut in white, backed the original with cold glitter card and put gold flakes onto the adhesive with the scraps, both looked really good. One went as an anniversary card, the other as a wedding card, brilliant twofer and time saver. I’m sure people will understand if you combine Christmas and thank you, true friends know how busy you are.
Love Diane xxx
They are both lovely, but I think the pink one is gorgeous. Looks like the sun is setting in the scene and reflecting off the buildings. I had to make another 10 Christmas cards yesterday as I’d run out, and I’d made over 80 cards! I don’t think anyone would mind a thank you message in their Christmas card, so take some pressure off and lose that list by your bed. Now, I need to go and block my crochet so that another present can get wrapped tomorrow! x
Me too – Oooo more ideas for Christmas cards must get a wriggle on myself, so many ideas must pick one lol. Love the scrap bits myself but the line art is lovely too, nothing goes to waste that’s what I love about the Freshcut dies – which remind sme I must ring up and add the die club to my subscription x
When I saw the first picture of the scrap bits card I stared closely at it and could not imagine how you got all those tiny bits on straight. It’s a terrific technique. Even though my favorite color is blue I just can’t decide between the two of them. Both papers are lovely.
Thanks Barbara! I am going to run away from the C word now as I am getting stressed too with being behind and the only way I am going to stop my wheel spin is calming myself down with the beautiful town collection!
I will be glad when it’s all over! – Why can’t we have Christmas every other year!??
All nice. I like the blue scrap best.
Hi Barbara
Lovely demo as usual.
I think my favourite is the pink, although it could be the blue 🤣🤣. I’m really no good at making decisions!! Mind you I really do like the waste pictures. I hate wasting anything.