Good ’Elf !
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
It’s Wednesday, so for me it’s POTTY POTTERY !
I love it, I really do. Interestingly, it’s not so much the wheel that enthralls me. There is so so much more to pottery than throwing a pot on a wheel. I enjoy that too, for sure, but I can’t wait to see how my tiles have turned out!
As my friend Sean says, it’s good to step away from the coal face. I think so too. And it’s good to focus the mind on something different. I went to sleep last night trying to decide which glaze to use on the two bowls I am completing today, before they go in for their second firing. Still undecided….
Back to Clarity here though! The Elf Hunt is going down a storm! Day 12 today. Have you found all 12 so far? They are all around on the website…I have been looking each day too! I like a bit of harmless fun, a bit more distraction.
When I look out over the parapets at what is going on in the world, I get quite despondent. Do you too? Global warming, shootings in Strasbourg, Trump, Tory rebellion, desperate immigrants with children in rubber dinghies trying to cross the English channel. WTF? And that was just last night’s news.
My Dad taught me never to discuss Sex, Religion or Politics in public – and I don’t. But I would just like to make clear one thing. Just because I don’t talk about it, doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion. Just because I don’t plaster my opinions all over Facebook, doesn’t mean I am fickle, or I don’t care. Quite the contrary. It all makes me feel sick. Physically sick. I get anxious. I get tearful. I get fearful. And thank God I do. The day I get complacent or indifferent, I’m lost.
So whilst I may appear to be insensitive, larking about with elves and limericks and such, and I may be escaping to a pottery studio while the world is crumbling around me, I just have to keep MY side of the street clean, concentrate on what I can do to make the world a happy place.
Here’s an Elfy Card I made. Let’s keep the festive competition fun going… Study this card, study it well. List every single thing I used, the more detail the better! Send me your list – use the email – and we will pick a winner. That winner will receive the card – with a £20 Clarity Gift Voucher to spend! You’ve got till Saturday xxx
Well done Angela!!!!
And thank you to all who join in and help make this ’ere blog a safe and happy place to visit.
Time to go to Pottery….
Love & Hugs
24 thoughts on “Good ’Elf !”
Loving the elfy card. I’ve succumbed to Elvis in groovi and stamp this morning, after telling myself after Clarity’s brilliant sale I wasn’t going to order anything else this year!
I love this ere blog, gives me a daily dose of normality and fun in this mad world we live in. I join you in your happy place everyday, sometimes several times a day, though don’t always comment. Congratulations to Angela, your limerick bought a smile and laughter to me. Enjoy your pottery class Barbara. I’m making more Christmas cards today. xxx
Congratulations Angela that is a brilliant limerick, really made me giggle. Hope you enjoy your pottery Barb, good that you too have an outlet that you enjoy. Might have a go at today’s little challenge if I can find a spare five minutes. Much love xxx
I love looking for the elf each morning to start my day. It is kind of scary how well I seem to know the site. Perhaps that is because I own most of it…lol. Have a great day at pottery class today. Hugs from Canada 🇨🇦
Great limerick from Angela.
The world is so topsy-turvy it makes my head hurt, we can only be responsible for ourselves and try to be a good positive influence so enjoy your pottery this afternoon and enjoy your escape.
Really enjoying the Elvis the Elf hunt, usually look on my morning break at work x
Like you Barbara I don’t like to voice my opinion . Not often anyway. I have to say I did comment on a local shopping centres page re their decision not to have a nativity scene this year . I usually keep myself to myself and try to do my best to keep my wee world good . Loving the elf hunt every day and theblog goes without saying. Read it every day learn lots ! Have a good day everyone x
Well done Angela x
Hope all goes well with your pottery today.
I too keep my opinions to myself and will not get involved in certain discussions. As you say, it is not uncaring, but does stop further strife. Yours is the only blog I visit, mainly because it is fun and positive. There is no room in my life for facebook, tweets etc.
I have often been accused of being hard and unfeeling because there are occasions when I do not display my emotions, but I do care, I just only show it when appropriate.
On a lighter note, I have really enjoyed the limericks and think you chose the best of the bunch.
Many years ago my hubby bought me a little soft elf toy, we call him ‘Oppit the House Elf and he sits on my bookshelf most of the time, but occasionally ‘ops off when feeling mischievous. We are loving the elf hunt, he’s such a ckeeky chappy! just like mine.
All for now. Hugs to all.
Brilliant Angela, well done. Love the elf hunt, couldnt find the little blighter yesterday though, had to call on hubby. Told him where I thought he should be and in two seconds he had found him- trip to a certain well known opticians in the New Year for me I think! This is my happy place too, we all need one in these times. Keep up the good work.
It’s lovely to read the blog enjoy your day at the pottery looking forward to what you make
Love and crafting hugs to all on the blog happy elf hunting xxx
Thank goodness you are the way you are. I am always cheered up after reading your blog and you are a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day!
I am so glad that Angela won the limerick contest, as hers was my favourite. Well done Angela!
Have a fun afternoon at pottery and I can’t wait to see the results. Keep smiling. Hugs Annette X
A worthy winner Angela. Well done. What will you order? Show ‘n’ tell do 🤗
I wish I could keep my opinions to myself🙈
I was queueing in TK Max today, waiting, waiting, waiting to pay with just 2 cashiers at the tills & the queue was M…Ass…ive.
I heard myself say to no one in particular “we’ll get a new Prime Minister quicker than this”
It did raise a smile amongst a couple of discruntled shoppers of Leicester. 😝
Ooh, I forgot to ask how Maria is? Send her big hugs and pags of love from us lot and hope she’s feeling better very soon. xx
Congratulations Angela !
I too keep my opinions to myself, I’ve had to de-friend one person on FB as I was sick of reading such negative posts ! Most of the people I’m friends with don’t discuss politics etc. On FB so that helps! Hubby is spending a lot of his time swearing at the telly – at least I hope it’s the telly and not me ! Anyway, hope you enjoy your pottery today. We’ve just got back from shopping and my credit card is in meltdown – I have to keep telling myself the booze is for presents !! I’m tempted by Elvis but can’t decide stamp or plate – both I suppose? I might wait till next year now. I’m enjoying the search for him though ! Not sure I’ll get chance to do the competition this time but good luck to those who do ! X
We all have our own ways of changing the world for the better. There are times when verbal or even physical confrontation are the only way but, even in those, you catch more wasps with honey than vinegar. But this is a place to be safe and happy and build each other up – and I am so glad Barbara has created it. So, congratulations to Angela for a brilliant limerick and let’s build on the positives wherever we are.
Well done Angela, a brilliant limerick. Hope you enjoyed pottery Barbara. xx
Well done Angela – great limerick! I hope you got lost in your pottery world for a while today, and I’m happy to hear you went to bed pondering about glazes rather than business issues. A little mindful artwork is good for the soul in such a turbulent world x
Love the hunt,your blog and Angelas limerick. X Pia
You bring not and creativity in a world that has plenty of other people giving their tuppance . We live in a world that seems crazier by the day, even the moment, which makes it even more important for us to get creative and feel safe by being part of our special community here.
Hi Barbara
I do hope you enjoyed your potty pottery class today, I’m sure you did, you always sound so excited and enthusiastic about going.
Like you, I am often sickened and reduced to tears about what I see and hear on the news and like yourself and a lot of the others on here I don’t like to express my opinions very often. But it does make me wonder if more of us spoke our minds or voiced our opinions, would it actually make a difference to the world – but we will never know, as none of us would ever say anything for fear of offending others.
Anyway, on a lighter note, Congratulations Angela. Enjoy spending your winnings.
Love & Hugs
Loving my daily hunt there I am waiting for my clue checking email till it arrives great funto start day. How did pottery class go did you glaze or not that the question ??? Night sleep well ready for clue 13 over half way xx
Love your blog Barbara, love the take on life you share with us, love all things Clarity.
Thank You
Yes what a world, I’m sick of hearing the doom and gloom on the news it’s all too upsetting. Not that I don’t care, I think I care too much. Great to read your blog and get away from it. You are a breath of fresh air Barbara. Hope you made a decision about your glaze and enjoyed your pottery class. Really enjoying looking for Elvis and Pete joins in. Well done Angela for the limerick, we’d have picked yours
Hello Barb, yep, I agree with you, keep our bit going on the straight and narrow, do what we can to make it better. I actually hate watching the news, there is so very little good news lately. Back to the Limerick competition, Angela you are a worthy winner, that really made me laugh. Now to find Mr Elvis #12. Hope you enjoyed Pottery Barb, and made a decision.Take care all. Bx