Hi there
Thanks for popping in.
Got some eggciting news to share with you! And no. Contrary to rumour, we’re NOT moving back to Create and Craft.! No no. We’re perfectly alwhite where we are, says this chick.
I want to share this week’s BIG NEWS on the home front! Every time I go to potty pottery on a Wednesday, Dave says “make some egg cups” as I leave the house.
So this Wednesday, look what I brought home!
A pair of little Pinchpot egg cups, complete with saucers and spoons.
Couldn’t wait to get home and make us soft boiled eggs with toast and tea (in the mugs I made earlier in the term!)
Need bigger eggs though!!!!!
I know how to boil a soft egg to perfection though!!!
See? There’s even a little dip in the saucer for the salt! I tried to make them look like fried eggs. I am pretty chuffed with them!! I mean, they’re quite impractical. But who cares?!?!? These are much more fun than your bog standard perfect ones from John Lewis!!!
It’s the little things in life which give the greatest joy. And that’s no yolk!!!
I spent the day with my parents today, chatting, drinking tea, having a real heart to heart. It was special. Eggceptional. And again I say, the best things in life are free. Although the little shopping excursion to Macknades in Faversham wasn’t quite so free!!!
Time to kick back. Start eating my way through all the delicacies we bought today -must beat the best-before date and all that!!!
Love & Hugs,
28 thoughts on “Eggstraordinary!”
Aww they are so cute. Just look at that poor little egg, he looks lost doesn’t he?? Lol. I love that you are having fun at your pottery class but I have to tell you that every time you tell us about yout Wednesday afternoons I can’t help but think about Tom and Barbara Good!! 😂😂😂 Do you have a Margot and Jerry next door?? 😂😂😂 xxxxx
More like Tom and Jerry our neighbours….they are simply put, a pain !
Hope they don’t have access to this Blog!! Lol.
It must be great to have free range at your pottery class, to make eggseptional eggzamples of your talents🐥🐣
I’ve been worrying that our Paul has been stalking me. Foxs Chocolate ginger buscuits are reduced in Sainsbury’s so I just had to buy a few extra packets. I thought I was unseen as I crept toward the cupboard & sneaked 1 after another after another after another. I didn’t realise our Paul was counting each one from the TV screen on YouTube Friday…..darn it🙊
Well, that’s mugs and eggcups done, a dinner service next??? Joking aside it must be very satisfying to use something that you have made yourself. Well done you. x
They are just fabulous! love the little spoons. Have a lovely weekend! Xx
Hi Barbara and everyone, hope your day has gone well a little cold today but turned out a great day.
Well done the egg cups and saucers and spoons go together great.
Glad you are enjoying your
Adventure, I bet you come home well pleased and relaxed.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
Lynn xxx
Oh they are cute egg cups! Bigger eggs may help but if not stuff some tissue in the bottom so the egg sits a bit higher!! You really can’t beat a soft boiled egg and toasted soldiers!!!
Have a lovely evening! Love and hugs Xxxx
So clever and great to see your efforts used. Glad you are having some down time.
Found all the elves so far but a couple nearly had me stumped but it is an enjoyable way to pass some time. Your team have been clever with the clues!
Not long to go now to the big day, really looking forward to it.
Loving egg cups and saucer better to big than to small extra large eggs next time, haven’t had a boiled egg and soldiers for years Bob and Katie do at weekend for breakfast love them but innot always good withthem just cannot eat to many eggs boiled or fried fancy one know . Soon have a complete table setting well done so pleased you found an out let something for you love Joy
Thank you for sharing your pottery makes you should be so proud of yourself you should buy Waitrose extra large eggs .
Thank you clarity towers for your hard work as my order has been dispatched ordered Wednesday sent Thursday so my postie should bring it tomorrow xxx
Love and hugs to all on the blog xxx
Those little egg cups will always be special just because you made them. Memories. Well done on the soft boiled egg, strange I cannot stand them but will eat eggs in all other forms. How lovely to spend the day with your mum and dad. We have a day with our little grandson and his mum and dad tomorrow. Taking him to see Santa. xx
What amazing makes! Great talking points when you have them in your kitchen and to be able to say “I made them.” Nothing better. Must have missed all the ‘chatter’ about you moving, so much on FB at the moment with other stuff I’m scrolling very fast these days! Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone is well. Sending hugs. Xx
They cute egg cup sets. My go to meal on boxing day. Boiled eggs and toast with butter on! Hmmm. Like you say, it’s the simple things in life xx
What a great little set Barbara, unique. I am not doing well with Elvis but I try. So pleased you managed sometime with your folks – very precious. Have a great weekend
I think they’re very impressive, I thought they looked liked fried eggs before I read the blog ! You’ve achieved a lot in pottery already ! I must go and look for Elvis – he’s puzzling me today! Hadn’t heard the rumour about C&C ! Have a good weekend ! X
The egg cups look great xxx enjoy xxx
Just found Elvis busy day today x
Great eggs cups and saucers and cute spoons, you should be very proud of what you have achieved so far. Bet your lovely soft boiled eggs tasted better out of them there egg cups. Well done you. Loving the elf competition first thing in the mornings. Hadn’t heard the rumours about C & C at all in FB., there again I must admit I only rush through it. Lovely that you make quality time to be with your parents, they must be so proud of you too. My clarity parcel with the new lace plates and Tina’s butterfly collection came this morning, how quick was that. Looking forward to having a go. Enjoy a relaxing weekend.xxx
Hi Barb,
Loving your new pottery, but yes, you need bigger eggs! I hadn’t heard the rumours about you rejoining C &C but I’m pleased you’re not. Glad you’ve spent the day with your Mum and Dad, they must really look forward to it. Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Well, I think those egg cups and sweet little plates are splendid Barbara, and how cute with the yellow to make the inside of the egg cup look like a poached egg, and the plate are fried version, and a lovely indentation for the salt, and a delicious egg needs to be eaten slowly to be enjoyed to the utmost, so your cute little spoons do the job perfectly. The mugs are fabulous too. You have the perfect breakfast set. x
Boiled eggs and soldiers are my Saturday treat breakfast, as I tend to go overboard on the butter! They must taste special in your lovely pottery! Try a duck egg, as it would fill it better and have even more to dip your toast into!
Have a lovely weekend, stay warm and enjoy. Hugs Annette X
They are fab! I bet your eggs tasted even better in them. so glad you had a good day with your parents – those are the moments that bring value to our lives. I’ve only seen my mum once since I broke my shoulder in Sept, when my sister brought her down to see me, as I haven’t been able to drive. Hoping get to get back behind the wheel in the New Year 😊 am now bracing myself as I go back to work part time from Monday – it’s been a long haul but crafting and Clarity have been a big part in my recovery 😤
love the egg cups & accessories, my pottery never turned out like that !! well done. No doubt the office will be busy this week but hope you get a good break over Christmas for some chill out time with the family. Thanks to all the team at Clarity Towers for all their hard work again this year, designing, producing & packing plus all the other little jobs that need doing in the background to keep all the cogs moving like clockwork.
How beautiful and so original. Only a week now until I get to spend time with my mum and dad and family. I’m just hoping the snow holds off until after I pick up John from the airport! I’m very selective with my on-line reading, so I rarely hear any rumours or see any nastiness. Glad you’re staying on HoHoHochanda though. x
I think your egg cups are brill! My fave way of having a soft boiled egg is to have it, in a cup, chopped in with bread and butter…butter melts with the hot egg…. scrummy! Simple pleasures as you say, they can’t be beaten.
Hello Barb, well I lovely your egg cups with the saucers and spoons. How satisfying, and the Mugs are beautiful too. Love soft boiled eggs with toast soldiers, brings back my childhood. Glad you saw Mum and Dad. I am sure prices go up at Christmas time, everything seems more expensive. Hey ho. Take care all. Bx