Clarity Parchment Retreat 2019
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in.
Been another busy day after the NEC marathon. Unpacked my suitcase from the NEC by dumping its contents on the bedroom floor, scooping up most and throwing it in the laundry basket. Then routed around for anything else of mine which has been ironed, folded a bunch of Dave’s shirts, and reloaded the case, all set for next stop Deutschland. The handbag and toiletry bags got the same treatment. It actually works quite well! All on the bedroom floor, pick what you need, sling what you don’t and park what you’re not sure about.
Then I had to sign a load more calendars. Then I had to sign a cheque for the NEC B&B. That was amusing. I went straight from the calendars in the dining room to the cheque in the kitchen, and promptly added a load of kisses after my signature on the cheque!!
But there is one thing we have finalised today, before the next Clarity adventure to Germany QVC, which is the Parchment Retreat dates next year. So many of you have been asking after the dates, and wanting to book holidays, book the Spa hotel and so on. So I wanted to set this in stone before I leave this evening.
We have moved the dates from March to April. I hope that suits. Last year in March, we had a snowstorm in the weeks – no, the days – leading up to it, and there was much anxiety and worry, which could all have been avoided if we had only scheduled the retreat a month later.
So this time, we thought that April would be a safer, warmer, more pleasant option.
The dates we have settled on are Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th April. For those of you who are not familiar with our Clarity retreats, they are a 2-day event. You can come on the Sunday afternoon, much better day to travel on the roads, and take full advantage of the Spa facilities before meeting your friends in the evening.
There are several tutors and helpers, headed up by Linda Williams and myself, and all skills levels are covered. I had a chat with Linda this morning about course content, and we have come up with a superb plan. You will love it.
We run the course at the iconic Spa Hotel in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, and should you wish to stay there, they have a super special price for accommodation just for us. If you would like to treat yourself to stay at the Spa before, during and after the retreat, then the ladies in the Clarity office can provide you with the Discount Code you will need when booking your room at the Spa online. If the last retreat was anything to go by, we took over the whole hotel! It was wonderful.
The Tuition Fees are £220 for Non-Members, £198 for Gold Members and £187 for Diamond Members. From experience, we know you like to shop (haha), so a Clarity shop will be set up too.
If you want to spend two days in a beautiful hotel in Kent next Springtime, with like-minded people, doing what you love, then call the office tomorrow after 8am and book your place. There are only a limited number of spaces available.
I’d better go. Got a ferry to find.
Love and hugs,
24 thoughts on “Clarity Parchment Retreat 2019”
I wish!!!. If wishes were Pounds I would be very rich this last year .But I do hope to join you again one day .XX
Would love to attend a retreat but unable to commit to anything at the moment. Hubby is undergoing tests at the hospital tomorrow and until we know the outcome parts of life are on hold.
On a more cheerful note, I have received several of my orders in the last few days and there are more on the way. I am very pleased with them, just need time to try them all out.
My weight loss is going well and I feel much more lively. Surprising what losing nearly 3 stone (so far) can do for a person. Only 2 more to go!!!
Really looking forward to the stencil show with Maria on Wednesday – more things to spend on?
Have a safe trip to Germany.
Hi Cherry – sorry to hear about your husband. I do hope that all will be well with him. I could not commit to a retreat either, as my hubby still has a long way to go on his journey to good health. Still, he is now going in the right direction. Enjoy your clarity goodies and well done for achieving such a fantastic weight loss. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Cherry,
Sorry to hear about your hubbie and I sincerely hope that the tests go well tomorrow. Well done on your fantastic weight loss – I know exactly how you feel having lost almost 3 stones before my knee op took place at the end of May – still keeping it off as well! Keep going, I know you will succeed. Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Thanks Alison and Gilly, your good wishes are appreciated.
Loved the shows from the NEC ..will definitely try to get on the retreats . Missed out last year as couldn’t get time off work ..safe journey to Germany x
Safe journey to Germany, hope all that want places are successful xx
Thank-you, will phone the office in the morning as I would love to be on the retreat again. Hope they are ready for the rush. I wish you a safe trip and hope the Germany shows go well. Like your packing technique. xx
Hi Lynne, thank you for your help today with regard to my die cutting question.
It was very kind of you .
Hope you get a place on the retreat for next spring.
Once again thanks.
Lynn xx
That is ok Lynn. Glad that I was able to help. Hope you have fun with your die cutting. xx
I wish! Funds don’t run to such treats unfortunately, but I shall keep buying the lottery tickets!
Have a safe and successful trip to Germany. Annette X
Sounds like you have got this packing down to a fine art Barb! Excuse the pun!!
Have a safe journey and I hope that all goes well for you and Dave. Come back safely, love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – hope that all is as well as can be with you all. Those of you who can go to the Retreat – enjoy every moment. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
Hope you and Neill are doing well. Love and hugs,Alison xxxx
Hi Barb,
I really don’t know how you manage to fit everything into your life! I don’t like packing and unpacking at the best of times. I hope you have a successful trip to Germany. The Retreat sounds lovely, but I will have to content myself with Leyburn. Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone is ok. Gym day today and I have to say having missed last week, today was tough! Trying to build up muscles around my knee so I’m feeling a bit stiff at the moment. At least swimming tomorrow will ease that one! Love and hugs to all of you, Alison xxx
Sorry not commented for a few days, been tucked up in bed with flu which started on Thursday night. At least I had plenty of sleep I just couldn’t keep awake, very unusual for me as I can’t usually sleep. Thank you for signing my calendar at the show Barbara. Enjoy your trip and have safe journeys. You must be so tired, goodness knows where you get your energy from, must be adrenaline rushes. Hope you and Dave can have a break to relax when you get home.xxx
Hi Barbara
It was lovely to say hello to you at the NEC. I thought you looked great even though you must be tired. You and Yannis were a brilliant double act on Thursday . So pleased you didn’t ” do it on the counter” Not good for the image! Have a productive trip to Germany and take care of yourself.
Hugs from Chris X
If I get money for Christmas, I would love to book a place. A couple of days mixing Clarity and the Spa sound like just what I need! That is, if there are any places left by then lol xx
Hope to come to summer retreat lovedlast year even if wasin so much pain at the end worth it. Do miss getting to clarity workshops. Have safe flight a great shows I’m sure in Germany hopefully a bit of you and Dave time. Xxx
Hi Barbara
Hope you have a safe journey to Germany, love your packing technique! Would love to do the parchment workshop one year but I know next year will be busy around that time with a few family events. Oh I did laugh at the cheque with kisses on, they will appreciate that as will the bank manager! 😂 Take care
Love Diane xxx
Hi Barb, your unpacking and packing solution sounds much like mine when I return from a work trip. And then on the next one I panic thinking I have forgotten something. Hope you got to the ferry on time, and that the trip is successful. I bet the retreat will be a sellout. Take care all. Bx
Hi Barb hope you had a smooth journey to Germany. have decided that parchment isn’t for me but I’m aiming to get to one of the summer retreats next year. I couldnt get to this year’s because of my son’s wedding. Off for my physio assessment this morning to check progress with my shoulder.
Gute Reise. Laughed out loud at the kisses on the cheque. I am tempted by the retreat as it is in the first week of the Easter holidays so I could make it for a change. Just had a mega sized electricity bill though, so I am unfortunately going to have to pass. Loving the new Fresh Cut Hare dies!