The Calendars have landed! Get yours signed!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
There was much excitement at Clarity yesterday, when the Calendars were delivered. I must tell you – I am so chuffed with it! I think it’s the best one so far. Dave and Paul both said the same thing, which is gratifying. It’s 12” x 12” this year. Thought this might be a little more wall-friendly! Artwise, there is something for everyone.
Anyway, my job last night was to sign some! So get yours today!
Shop the calendar here
I also want to show you the wonderful new 3-way overlay stamps + stencils, which I shall be showcasing on tomorrow afternoon on the telly 2-4pm.
- SKY 673 (24/7)
- FREESAT 817 (24/7)
Check out some of the art samples from the ever clever Clarity Team. They are so fun to play with! The stamps, I mean. I’m sure the Design Team are fun, too!
Janet Pring
Maria Moorhouse
Linda Spencer
Debbie McMullin
Anyway, I had best start limbering up for another Calendar-signing session. Dave has promised to keep me supplied with tea and biscuits, and I’ve got a great Audible book on the go at the moment. Maybe get a little log fire going?It is certainly a little chillier today, innit?! All in all, it promises to be a pleasant afternoon.
Love & Hugs,
29 thoughts on “The Calendars have landed! Get yours signed!”
The calendar looks superb! Shall have to get someone to buy me an early Christmas present! Samples look great too!
My daughter usually buys me one for Christmas when we are at the NEC. Sounds like a nice cosy afternoon. Very cold here, our son has even had snow in Cannock. I am certainly staying in the warm. X
Ooh wouldn’t be without my Clarity Calendar and this one looks awesome too. Watch that neck if you are doing a marathon signing session. 😘😘 xxxx
Sounds like a great size, got to have one xx
The calendar looks amazing – I like the idea of 12″ x 12″ too! As for those new stamps!! Oh dear everyone! Then new dies to follow too! Need I say more?
Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Can’t wait to see the new stamps in action. The calendar is certainly on my Christmas list. Love the 12″ × 12″ format. Try not to get writer’s cramp.
Right! Order done, hope to get a signed one again this year (fingers crossed!) – I am sitting by the wood burner writing this, with a decaff coffee and sleeping cat, watching the birds.
I didn’t think it got that cold ‘darn sarf’.
Maggie (Yorkite) the ONLY Maggie
When I lived in Essex, one year we had snow up to the door handles and four foot icicles hanging outside the french doors. It took two days to shovel ourselves out to find 12 foot drifts in one of the local lanes. So yes it can be very cold darn sarf but fortunately this extreme is rare.
When we moved to Norfolk we were told snow was rare here – they were telling fibs!!! it is b….. cold today!!!
Looking forward to the weekend shows xxx
Hugs to all on the blog
Looking forward to the weekend shows
Hugs to all on the blog xxx
Hi Sheila – lots of love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Looks lovely ! You’re right a bit chillier today, our first frost, not too heavy but still a frost. Going to Groovi a bit this afternoon after a busy week, the highlight been a Groovi class which has inspired me again. X
Beatyful calendar .wow. Looking forward to receiving mine.nice stamps too. Pia x
Lovely samples and I am sure these will be a sellout. Will wait to see the calendar on TV before I commit.
We went shopping early this morning and it was more than chilly, enough to make me dig out some scarves and gloves. Being a hardy old bird I don’t usually bother with them but I suppose as we get older we feel the cold more.
Pouring with rain at the moment but it is cosy sitting here thinking about doing the last of my Christmas cards.
Keep warm all.
Hi Barb,
Just placed my order, hoping to get a signed one this year. I love my Clarity calendars and have every one. Just spied the new dies on Hochanda and they are gorgeous. The new stamps are as well but there’s no way I can afford both stamps and dies so I’ll go with the dies for now I think. Talk about cold down south – we woke up this morning to a covering of snow and a blizzard!! Thankfully it’s sunny now( still cold) so the snow has melted. Wasn’t expecting that in October!! Good luck for the shows – sell outs me thinks. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you’re having a good weekend. As you can see from my comment to Barb we have had our first snow of the Winter! Good excuse to stay in and do some crafting. Getting on nicely with my Christmas cards – up to 40 ( still loads more to do though). Gilly hope you’re joking me on the naughty step tomorrow – I don’t want to be there on my own! Love and hugs to all,Alison xxx
Hi Alison. We have had very heavy nail showers down here in Cornwall. Sun is out now though. Not sure about joining you get! Love and hugs xxx
Should have read hail xxx
Beautiful calendar Barbara, and watch you don’t get writer’s cramp. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow afternoon. x
Ooooo back in time for the shows tomorrow and can’t wait to see the new dies…and new stamps…and new calendar…oh dear! Bread and jam for me. Xx
Hi bloggy friends, greetings from cold Kent. Left Wales this morning with snow on the hills, very beautiful but blimmin freezing! Finally left the snow behind at Birmingham. Xx
Hi Barbara
WOW The Clarity Dream Team have certainly been busy.
I love the Autumnal 3 way overlay stamps.
Then I saw the Make A Wish fresh cut dies and Groovi plates and well they have blown me away. I love rabbits and these ones are sooooo sweet.
I can’t wait until the TV shows tomorrow, so excited.
Oh yes and the calendar too xxxxxxx
Lots of Love & Hugs
Hi Barb, bet your writing got more and more scrawly!!! You’ll be writing your name in your sleep tonight!!!
Love the look of the new stamps and dies. You and your designers are designing off the scale these days. Makes it very hard for us on limited craft budgets to choose!!! Guess that’s one of those so called good problems!!! Looks like heading for lots of sellouts for you.
I hate today, clocks going back, it’ll be dark before 5pm up here tomorrow. I really don’t like artificial lighting, of any kind, don’t know if it’s an autism thing. Got my winter quilt on too. Batten down the hatches time until spring eh!
Safe journey up, and looking forward to seeing you. Hoping to do a wee bit crafting myself while watching. Love you xxxx
Fantastic, just placed my order. My lovely Mum and Dad always treat me for Christmas so I’m very lucky x
Decisions, decisions,do I wait or order now, usually get one for my crafting crony Janet,but going to NEC,and just had to fork out £245 for new front door lock,so will have to watch pennies.
Hi Barbara
The new stamps look lovely and the design team samples are fantastic yet again, I’m looking forward to watching the shows. The calendar looks good too, happy signing. We’ve been to a firework display tonight, warm clothes gloves scarf and hat all needed, now trying to thaw out, it’s blooming cold here.
Love Diane xxx
Hello Barb, well I definitely need to order mine, it has become a bit of a tradition that Hubby gives it to me as a Christmas present even though I order it. Hopefully I will get a signed one. Thank you for all the effort put into it, and I think the 12 x12 will be perfect. enjoy the shows today everyone. Bx
Ooh, wasn’t expecting the Calendar until the NEC shows, needless to say my order is placed! New stamps/dies etc look good but not buying at the mo (calendar is a must have tho’) that said the recorder is still set and I’ll be watching too! Safe journey xx