A Golden Opportunity….
Hi there!
Good of you to pop in.
Been doing art all day, gearing up for all the TV shows looming on the horizon.
If I tell you what’s when now, then you will know what’s when then!
Sunday 28th Oct 2-4pm Barb
Sunday 28th Oct 6-7pm Barb and 8-9pm Paul
Monday 29th Oct 9-10am Barb 1-2pm Paul 5-6pm Paul
Thursday 1st Nov. 12-1pm Live from NEC Barb
Friday 2nd Nov 12-1pm Live from NEC Paul
Sat 3rd Nov 12-1pm Live from NEC Barb
Sun 4th Nov 12-1pm Live from NEC Paul
Wednesday 7th Nov 5-6 pm Germany QVC II Barb
I’ve suddenly come over all limp. So much for slowing down, taking my foot of the accelerator! Ah well. One day at a time, eh…And to be really honest, it is the TV shows which define us, which put us on your radar, which have put us on the map!
I don’t take TV for granted. It was offered to us many years ago; it was a Golden Opportunity which we embraced – and still do. We never tire of doing our very best, and it seems to be working well! Long may it continue.
So come on Gray! Time to smile and have an attitude of gratitude!
On the subject of GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY, I want to throw a light on some very special paints and stencils:
There are a few Golden Open Acrylics which – if I may say so, are fantastic to work with. We only stock a handful of them, because they are quite expensive, and I have figured out which ones I think we NEED! When you combine these particular colours, you can get the most spectacular blends.
I had a little play this afternoon, using some rather super A4 stencils too. Ready for a guided tour?
First colour: Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold.
Place the A4 Stencil face down on the 8×10 inch Gelpress.
Brayer the Golden Open Gold through the centre.
Clean off your brayer before adding Phthalo Blue top and bottom. Where the blue overlaps the yellow, lovely greens ensue. This paint is a slow drying oily acrylic. Blimming fantabulous.
Lift the painty stencil off the Gelpress. We have got two paths to follow now, and as the paint is a slow dryer, we don’t have to rush at all at all.
Let’s go with the stencil first, which is covered with paint.
Place it on a piece of our large Stencil card
Run it through a mangle (err… Die cutting machine eg Gemini). See how perfectly the paint transfers from the stencil to the card?
Then of course, there’s still the paint on the GelPress to pull another print…
NICE!! So we have both a positive and a negative print.
Shall we keep going? See what else we can discover?
Right. Repeat the same steps as for the above, but before we lift the stencil off the Gelpress, let’s try a couple of tricks. Roll the brayer in the paints on the craft mat and then pounce it over the artwork through the yellow area on the Gelpress. Bounce it. I was thinking fields and hills. What’s great is that you are grunging up the stencil colours too. So when you lift the stencil off, you have mushed up the colours in the background AND on the stencil. See the difference?
I like!
See how you can lift this paint off the Gelpress beautifully with a stamp too?
I could go on, but that’ll do.
This paint is the one which gives the absolute most deluxe scraps too. Look!
You know you will be seeing these in art over the next couple of weeks! What a stash!
And just by laying a sheet of copy paper over the leftover paint on the craft mat!
These three -Magenta, Phthalo Blue and Nickel Azo Gold plus the Paynes Gray. Those are the four I highly recommend. A little goes a long way with these, too.These tubes will last an age.
And the stencils. Well they are pretty deluxe too.
There are three in this collection in A4.
Bloggy Sale. Buy the 3 but only pay for 2
Mel drew these. I think they would make superb stamps, dies and stamps too, don’t you?!
Time for tea.
Love & Hugs,
22 thoughts on “A Golden Opportunity….”
I bought some of those at the first retreat I came to and have only used them a couple of times lol. Time they made an appearance again I think. Thank you for the fabulous inspiration Barb. You really are going to be a busy little bee over the next few weeks aren’t you? Make sure you get some down time too. Xxx
Another skill to try. I have a couple of these stencils so will give it a go when I have space to get messy. At the moment it is all parching and die cutting.
Have put all the dates in my diary but will record the Sunday shows as it is hubby’s birthday and we will be celebrating. Will not be able to get to the NEC this year but will watch on Hochanda.
Did you go back to check on your pot? Looking forward to seeing the final result.
Have a good evening.
Evening Barbara. Loving the artwork and yes I need to have a play with these stencils. Those paints look great too!
Those designs would be brill as stamps and dies. Fingers crossed!!!!
I do hope you get to relax a little in the run up to all these TV shows, not to mention the NEC and the trip to Germany!!!
Love and hugs xxx
ooooo pretty love the stencils and the look of the brayer on the background. Haven’t got any Golden acrylics yet but with the special offer I might have to get a couple. Loving the colours of them and the fact you don’t have to rush is a bonus. Hope your prep for all those shows is going well, that is a lot of dates to look forward to. XX
Evening bloggy friends, busy making unicorns! Trying to get them all done before holiday, 6 down 6 to go…
Really do not use my Gel press enough even though I always love what you create. Been catching up on yesterday’s blog as well. Your pot is fabulous. Going to be having two days at NEC this time so will have to come along and watch one of your shows live. xx
Try saying that ‘what, when’ line after a couple of sherries! You are certainly going to be busy and I am looking forward to seeing the Clarity team at the NEC.
I have been saving my pennies for some lovely Groovi treats.
Beautiful artwork from you, as usual. Not something I do myself, but I do admire those who do and produce such masterpieces.
Take care. Annette x
What day are you going Annette? I would really enjoy chatting to another follower of Barbara’s blog.
Gosh – what fantastic pieces of art Barb! You are one very clever and talented lady. A very busy one at that! Keep on enjoying the moment. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – long time, no write here! Neill was rushed back into hospital last Wednesday, with further complications. That’s the 3rd time in the last 6 weeks. Thankfully his pacemaker has kept him alive and they have been changing his drugs to try to sort out this problem. It is much better, but still not completely ok. I was able to bring him home this afternoon, which is great. However, he now has the equivalent of P.T.S.D. as when he gets one of these turns, he relives when they brought him back with the defibrillator on the morning when he had his pacemaker fitted. I think that we have got a long road to travel, but we shall just take it one day at a time. Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Not an easy thing to cope with. My thoughts are with you and we hope that there are better times to come.
All good wishes to you both.
Hi Gilly,
Lovely to hear from you but I’m so sorry to hear Neill has been having problems again. You both must be worried sick. I am thinking of you both and sincerely hope that they can get his medication sorted quickly. Take care of yourself as well otherwise you will be poorly too. Sending love and hugs to you both,Alison xxx
Am thinking of you both, Gilly. As the others say, take things one day at a time.
Hello Barbara – these stencils would be great as dies, already have ideas running through my head. Groovi would be great as well. Hope we see these soon. Love the stencils, very versatile. Have a good evening, lots of love Donna X
Hi Barbara
I must get my Gel Press out. I have the small version of the stencils and just the Paynes Grey paint. I think I had better treat myself to the others. Golden artists products are excellent quality. Your art is always an inspiration. Looking forward to the NEC.
X Chris
Hi Barb,
These prints are gorgeous. I haven’t got any of the Open paints but they do look lovely. I haven’t used my Gelli plates for ages – I was talking to Sam Crowe a couple of weeks ago and she was trying to persuade me to go to one of her workshops to try and get me to use them! Looking forward to the shows – have a feeling I might need to sit on my hands as it’s been a very expensive couple of months! Love and hugs,Alison xx
Hi Barbara
I absolutely adore these stencils. I can never make up my mind which size to buy. But I have made up my mind that the stencils will be my purchase for this month.
I adore the paints that you have used, but they will have to wait for another time. I did win an acrylic paint at the Crowborough Open Day, so at least I have one!!
I will just have to have an all blue picture!!
Your artwork is so inspiring.
Thank you
Love & Hugs
That’s a lot of things coming up for you and Paul Barbara, and I’m looking forward to it all, but hope that there is some time factored in for a bit of a break too as you will need some down time after all that I’m sure. I love what you have done with the stencils and open acrylics, they are such beautiful strong colours and look great together. x
Hello Barb, stunning and beautiful artwork, love the colours you have created and it goes without saying that the stencils are awesome. Must get myself some playtime with my gel plates. It is sure to loosen the mind. I hope all the planning goes well, you are certainly busy, but you must make time to relax and rest too. Take care all. Bx
These are lovely Barbara. I don’t use my Gelli plate very much but am now thinking I could brayer with one hand – I can feel another crafty day coming on to try it!
Thats stunning Barbara. I love these stencils and have recently invested in a gel plate but haven’t plucked up the courage to use it yet. Will definitely do so now. You asked.. I think they would make superb stamps, dies and stamps too, don’t you?!
Yes, yes, YES! Just last week, or week before I contacted HQ asking for them to be made into dies too . Yes please! Stamps too would be wonderful x
Fantastic artwork xx