Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Wednesday’s blog is when we try to look at WHY we craft, rather than WHAT we craft, n’est-ce pas?
Well, like so many of you, over the years I’ve made friends for life through this little Clarity Community of ours. I work with a few of them too, which makes my life all the sweeter. Imagine being able to work with your best friends! That is pretty special. It works because whilst we share a common creative streak, a passion for making things, the friendship overrides the business. Well, it does for me anyway, and ultimately I can only speak for myself.
So imagine my absolute delight and jubilation when I tell you that our Leonie is joining the Clarity Team! Oh HAPPY DAY!!!
We met up in Lewes on Sunday at Bill’s for breakfast. To have a good catch up and make a plan…
We talked, we laughed, we cried. We drank gallons of tea and we shared ideas.
And it was gone 6pm before we left the building! Never stopped gassing! The ideas just kept on bubbling up, and we just went with them. We’re not going to do the BIG LAUNCH. No, no no. Leonie has her plate very full with presenting on Hochanda, preparing Let Leonie Loose, workshops and all the things which she does, and will continue to do. But going forward, together we are going to develop a strong and exciting Mixed Media Department within Clarity. Our Sam Crowe was almost as stoked as me when I told her the news earlier in the week. We both agree that we need that Leonie flavour, that blend added to what we’ve already got. Even over a cuppa at Bill’s we had a stencil breakthrough. It is so good to bounce ideas off a like-minded creative!
When we left Bill’s we were strolling through Lewes to the carpark. Suddenly, we heard “I don’t believe it!! Look!! My two favourite crafters together!!” A lady recognised us from the telly, and so we had a nice chat and a photo moment, (she said her sister would never believe her unless she had photographic evidence!)
As we walked on, chuckling, I turned to Leonie. “It’s a sign Leonie! It’s a sign that we are on the right track!!!”
And I am pretty sure we are. I love this woman. I love her free spirit and her passion, her integrity and her art.
I hope you will join me in welcoming her to the Clarity team.
Love & Hugs,
109 thoughts on “Oh HAPPY DAY.”
Wow! Welcome Leonie! Good news indeed xxx
Superb news and a great addition to the wonderful Clarity family. A big welcome to Leonie, I met her for the first time at the wedding and she is a complete delight; positive, bubbly, creative and a great energy to be around. xx
What fantastic news. I am like a dog with two tails, what a great link up xx
Wonderful news! I hope you will both be very happy, LOL. No honestly this is great! Welcome To the family Leonie if I ‘m allowed to say that. Thanks for sharing Barb! Much love Jxx
Ooh, what a good match! I love watching Leonie, especially after watching her crafting (I was late to that discovery).
Really looking forward to this, be good to see how to mix techniques. I’m pretty new to patching and mixed media, I’ve been a card stamped up to now.
Looking forward to following this new journey with you. x
Great news!!! I’ve followed Leonie since she was a wee lassie on TV. She will add a bit of extra ‘sparkle’ to Clarity. So happy for her and you Barbara!
love Audrey J x
Well what can I say! It’s bazzin’ news!!!
Welcome to you Leonie!!! Xxxx
Wonderful news about Leonie. She is amazingly talented and such a lovely person. Looks like we have more exciting things to look forward to.
X Chris
absolutely brilliant news – Leonie is the mixed media queen!
Wonderful news. I love Leonies work and I love Clarity so can’t ask for any more. Hope you have lots of happy times xx
Great news, looking forward to seeing what the 2 of you have planned. The Clarity family is growing
OMG, how lovely can not wait.
Crafting just gets better and better , fantastic news look forward to another brilliant chapter at Clarity xx😄😄
Great news and I still want to see Leonie and our Sam working together. Creative sparks will be flying between those two. Like many others, I have loved watching Leonie grow and blossom into the very talented lady she is. Welcome to you, Leonie. Have fun. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
I would have said exactly the same as the lady in the car park! Congratulations to you both. A wonderful collaboration, as long as I still get to see you both on the television. Xx
Wow what awesome fantastic news. I love Leonie – she is one of those people you meet and feel like you have known them for years. We had a lovely chat at the NEC show last November and it was fab. Welcome Leonie – to the most fantastic crafting family ever!!! As Maggie said – can’t wait to see what Sam and Leonie cook up together. Happy days. Xxxx
Hi Barbara
I have really loved seeing all your photos. I would love to know if you have a favourite? Xx
Welcome Leonie, I’m sure you will have great fun working with the Clarity team.
Love & Hugs
Great news! Welcome to the Clarity team Leonie. What a great addition to an already superb crew. xx
Wonderful news it’s won of those things I have though would be great seeing Leonie part of clarity. So I am excited for her for you and us she is a wonderful lady. Made my day and you must be buzzing and I know katie will be thrilled as she loves you both. Got to go catch up with Leonie loss on tv as missed this morning show as at doctors xxx
Hello Barbara – oh I am so pleased Leonie is joining your team. I first met her at a crafting event at Doncaster, and like you she has a spirit that shines very bright. She will be a wonderful addition. Every year I like to learn something new, this year it has been stamping. Clarity has been a godsend for that, so next year was to be everything mixed media. So have been getting ahead and watching Leonie on Hochanda. Hope there will perhaps be a Clarity mixed media club. The other Clarity clubs are great. A big welcome to you Leonie. Lots of Love Donna X
Oh my goodness Barb – you have made my day, my week, my year! Two of my three favourite crafters getting together and collaborating!!! Awesome!!! Karen x
Wonderful news! Leonie has a special talent and is a delight to watch on the TV shows. It seems so right that she is joining the Clarity family.
Two of my favourite ladies collaborating together and in the mixed media genre – happy days indeed!! I hope it all goes swimmingly and I can’t wait to see what you cook up Karen x
oh, that’s fantastic news. Leonie is a pure joy! I absolutely love her sense of humour, her fashion sense, her passion and her free spirit! She is a most welcome addition to the fold! I first met the lovely lady years ago when introduced by Director (and friend) Ed during a visit to Peterborough. She was so bubbly & friendly. I remember thinking “what a lovely lady, I hope our paths cross again one day” !!
A great asset to Team Clarity. Looking forward to all the funky creations Leonie comes up with! ;~}
Welcome Leonie, the mad team will get even madder, HOORAY!!!!
Brilliant news. Love watching Leonie get messy (I’m glad I’m not the only one). Looking forward to seeing what ‘s coming up in the future. Welcome aboard Leonie.
OMG wasn’t expecting that! What a great surprise! Have followed Leonie for years and love her craft. Can’t say I get as lucky as her, or Sam for that matter, but love seeing it done with such enthusiasm and ease! Welcome Leonie! Xxx
Such exciting news Barbara! I have watched her from her early days on TV and she will add that extra something in true Leonie – slightly off the wall – style..lol. She is very talented and such a lovely person too, so welcome to Clarity Leonie!! x
OMG wasn’t expecting that! What a great surprise! Have followed Leonie for years and love her craft. Can’t say I get as lucky as her, or Sam for that matter, but love seeing it done with such enthusiasm and ease! Welcome Leonie! Xxx
That’s great news! I love the way that Leonie works, she has real passion for all things crafty. Can’t wait see all the lovely things she creates.
Wonderful news. Leonie is so good on the tv and so bubbly. She will be a great addition to the Clarity Team. Hugs from Canada 🇨🇦
How fabulous to have Leonie joining your team. She is such a lovely bubbly person and so creative and artistic. I remember years ago when she was Dawn Bibby’s unseen assistant on QVC and was always reluctant to be seen on the telly. I seem to remember she took over when Dawn was ill and then it was onwards and upwards. Xx
Fanbloomingtastic, Welcome Leonie to the Dream Team that is Claritystamp xx
what lovely news although I’m not into mixed media I always love to see what Leonie creates she’s got so much talent I’m sure she will be an asset to the Clarity family
good luck and best wishes for the future
Fran xx
Happy Days
Welcome Leonie, I agree two favourite ladies together. I got a photo with you both up at ally pally.
Wow! Welcome, Leonie. Happy days indeed! I’ve been watching and following Leonie since she was on QVC! Yay! May I ask, are you going to be starting your mixed media adventure from scratch, i.e. so that numpty here is able to jump aboard too? Mixed media has proved to be an enigma to me, so far…!!! That’s made my day. So happy for you Barb, Leonie, Clarity, and all us crafters who love Leonie too xxxx
Hi. Brenda,
How lovely to have you commenting. Hope you’re well. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi Brenda, lovely to see you on here. Hope you are well, we have all missed you. Take care of yourself. Love and hugs Pam xxx
Hi Brenda, lovely to see you on here. Hope you are keeping well, we have all missed you. Take care, love and hugs Pam xxx
Flipping fantastic. I can’t wait to see what evolves.
Brilliant brilliant news, great crafters together, oh happy days.👍👍👏🏻👏🏻
Woooow, that is fantastic. I hope you all will be able to set my creativity loose.
I’m with everyone else, cant say it any better than the lady you met, my 2 fav crafters too. I think Hochanda should celebrate with say, A Let Leonie, Barbara and Sam loose show, about 6 hours on a Sunday afternoon, that’s every Sunday by the way.
I endorse this request but once a month instead !!!!!!
Wow! Welcome to Leonie!
All my favourites in one parcel. Brilliant!
Welcome Leonie great news that you are joining a fantastic family called Clarity.
Brilliant news Barbara, a fantastic addition to an already fantastic Clarity family, Welcome Leoni xxx
Welcome Leonie and what a great combination. I look forward to seeing all the ideas. Fantastic news.
I’ve watches Leonie getting messy and producing wonderful projects for several years now. She will be a great asset to the Clarity family.
Love and layghter to all.
Sorry about the typos – my fingers are misbehaving today.
Wow that’s brilliant news, I would love to give it a go but haven’t had the guts to do it🙄I love Leonie’s energy and enthusiasm-fabulous xx
Wow, what great news! I love Leonie and she will fit in so well with all the lovely folk at Clarity. I have met her at the NEC and she is as lovely as she is talented.
More diverse and exciting things to come from Clarity in the future, I can see.
Anyway, from one Lancashire lass to another, all the very best for an even brighter future. Hugs. Annette X
Good news, welcome Leonie xx
Welcome Leonie, going to be wonderful seeing all your fabulous ideas. Now mixed media is not my strength so will be great to try and improve. Another learning curve for me. what a fabulous addition to the already creative Clarity team. xx
Fantastic news!! Xx
Great news! I look forward to yet more innovative developments in the Clarity team, my all time favourite.
Judy c
Leonie brings a ray of sunshine , wonderful news xx
Wow! What FAB news! Welcome Leonie! Xx
Oh my goodness ,I’m so looking forward to this. 🙂
OMG, I am so, so happy, I adore Leonor & her ideas & cheery bubbly manner, yey, well done Barb xxxxxx
Hi Barb,
Welcome Leonie! What great news! She always brings a smile to my face and she is one very talented crafter. What a fabulous asset to the wonderful Clarity family. It was Leonie’s dies that I used on your wedding card – how weird is that! Love and hugs,Alisonxxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone is good today. We’ve had a lovely day today – been out blackberrying and got loads! Only problem was I kept getting nettled and my hand is a bit of a mess! Followed that with a trip to one of our favourite pubs up in Weardale. What a lovely way to spend the day. Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
Sounds like a good day Alison.
Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
That is fabulous news to hear on my birthday. I love Clarity, love Leonie’s style and love mixed media so this is the perfect combination as far as I am concerned. No wonder Sam is so excited, she is getting another painty friend to work with. Brilliant combination!
Fantastic News. Very welcome Leonie to Clarity Teams. Well Done love Viv xx
Love Leonie, her workshop’s are inspiring, great addition to the team x
Wonderful news. Leonie is someone who can, like Barbara, reduce me to happy tears. Both so talented and fun. Hooray!!!!!!
Fantastic news. The only crafting I watch these day is Clarity and Let Leonie Loose! Made my day. Yippee!!!
Well..about time – she’s perfect.
Maggie (Yorkite) the ONLY Maggie
Why has it taken so long for you both to get together? Joking…..great news….I know you will be great together…..congratulations xx
Well thats fab news.Remember Leonie from Ozzie Mill days with Dawn,and for her ATC club,going to be great.
Wow what great news. I love that Leonie is such a messy crafter (like me). Her ideas race ahead and don’t give her time to clear up. Looking forward to seeing her in the future. x
Aw – chuffed to lickle mintballs……………. that’s made my bloomin’ day. C xx
Another giggler on the team…fab! Have followed Leonie since her very early TV days (QVC) and it’s been wonderful to see her confidence and warm personality grow over the years. Looking forward to seeing how things develop in future xxx
Really chuffed for you both. So pleased for you Leonie and I cant wait to see what you design, such an exciting time all round. Would have loved to have been a fly o the wall, looks like you had the most wonderful time.xx
That’s wonderful news. I’ll look forward to seeing what you all develop and I’m sure the ‘marriage’ of crafty minds will be mind-blowing. Love to you both.
Oh wow!! What amazing news😀 My two favourite crafty people coming together… How fabulous!! I’m so happy and can’t wait to see the amazing products you produce💗 xxx
Fantastic news!! So pleased Leoni is joining the team. Xx
How brilliant will that be? Can’t wait to hear about the ideas you are cooking up. X
Fantastic news! I love watching Leonie playing and “faffing”. Can’t wait to see the Clarity version of mixed media. Welcome Leonie! x 🙂 🙂 🙂
Brilliant news. Welcome Leonie. Congratulations Barbara. Can’t wait to see the mixed media progs. This can only be a big plus for Clarity. Such talent . The problem for me is, it will reduce my bank balance even more!!!! Love you all. Rachel xxx
I always look forward to both of them on Hochanda. Congratulation to Barbara, and Leonie in joining Clarity and become a team. I’m from USA and I see this on my streaming (ROKO) box.
Good luck to both and have pleasant day.
Now that’s what I call news! Can’t begin to tell you how excited this makes me, my favourite craft people under one roof. I love Let Leonie Loose and I try to make sure I never miss it, I can’t begin to say how brave her program makes me. Barbara I credit you with instilling in me that I can do art, introducing me to a wonderful world and Leonie makes me brave enough to push my boundaries and try something new. Neither of you are good for my bank balance but what the hell there are much worse things I could spend money on. Love, love this, made my day, my week, congratulations, welcome on board and can’t wait to see the results. Karen xxx
Fantastic news Barb! I have also commented on Leonie’s blog post today. Perfect for you both – you will give Leonie all the time that she needs – baby steps, one day at a time. The best therapy for her in what has been a very sad time. Love and hugs to you both, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – isn’t this wonderful news. I have really hit a brick wall today (not literally I hasten to add) and the events of the last few months have really caught up on me.
We go away to Spain next week for 4 weeks – so I will comment as and when I can.
I hope that you are all as well as can be. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly all the best for your holiday, you’ll feel much better when you get away. Love and hugs Pam xxx
Wonderful news, been watching Leonie since she first appeared on QVC, loved her when she did ‘in the classroom’ with you Barbara and met her at Ally Pally for the first time, a lovely person, so funny and very talented. Look forward to getting creative, never had the nerve to do mixed media, but love watching Sam. So you never know what’s instore for you. Welcome Leonie you will make a brilliant addition to the Clarity team.xxx
AB FAB👏🏼 What a great move👌🏽
Can’t wait to join the new “Messy Play Club”.
Well Chuffed of Melton Mowbray.
Hugs to y’all. x
Hi bloggy friends, hope you are all well and enjoying your crafting, great news that Leonie has joined the Clarity Team, isn’t it? Love and hugs Pam xxx
Ohh welcome Leonie
You are going to be a great asset and I’m sure you will have loads of fun and laughs with Barbara and the team xx
What great news love Leonie,she has a reall flair,and whenit goes wrong on t v she just gets on with it.My cracting crony and I meet up twice a week and never stop chatting and laughing.best medicine ever.p.s.have not forgotten your kindness to me at last Ally Pally show.Hope to make it september.regards Lilian
Brilliant News xx
Great news. Looking forward to seeing what develops. Welcome Leonie. 😊xx
Hello Barb, and welcome Leonie, fantastic news. I can only imagine what is in store for us. Clarity and Leonie, what a perfect arty and creative combination. Take care all. Bx
A wonderful piece of news and an inspired combination.
Best of luck with this new combination! x
Now we can well and truly say Our Leonie, welcome to the clarity family, great news can’t wait to see what you come up with
Hi Barb, what fabulous news. Welcome to the Clarity family Leonie. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. There will certainly be a lot of fun and laughter. Love and hugs,
Alison D x
Amazing news! Leonie will be a fantastic addition to your wonderful team of crafters 😀
Leonie is one of my favourite presenters even when she does something wrong she makes it look good, such a lovely personality, even my husband loves her. Well done Barbara, you will go well together she will be a great asset to your wonderful business. Joan
Brilliant news
Love Clarity x
Love Leonie x
What a great team x
Such fantastic news! I love mixed media and the quirkiness that Leonie will bring to the party. I met her years ago when she worked for the other “other” craft channel and she was so humble and so talented and such a joy.
Well this has made me smile from ear to ear.
I have never met Leonie but love watching her because she is a pure soul with such a genuine glow and that’s before we get to her amazing zingy creative amazingness.
Oh if any one deserves the love and support of Clarity and will give that love and support back in bucket loads I feel it is Leonie.
Huge hug to the amazing growing clarity family who not only all work hard but also make so many of us feel part of it and not just empower our creativity but also give us a big mental health boost daily xxx
So pleased to hear this. Love Leoni’s style and personality. So looking forward to seeing what comes of this!!!
Brilliant news x
Just when you think nothing can get any better 😃😃😃
Congratulations Clarity Team and Leonie 💖💐💖
So so excited at Leonie joining Clarity, who knew things could get even more perfect! I love her spirit, her creativity, her honesty…….oh happy day xx
What wonderful news and addition to the dream team!! I have followed both you and Leonie all my crafting life and you are both inspirations as women as well as crafters. Last year I had a lovely time at Leonie’s workshop with the Gelli plate learnt and laughed so much, one of these days I hope be able to fit in a workshop with you. Looking forward to the future love Groovi, stencils and your stamps and now can’t wait for the mixed media. You have given so much in your 25 years , Congratulations!!!