It was a zoo !!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
As promised, a few pics of the wedding safari, which came in between the speeches and the evening gig!
It’s comical now to see the looks on peoples’ faces. They really weren’t too sure about this escapade, were they…
Are we actually doing this?
This one made me laugh . Look like lambs to the slaughter here! Pink Mop Jane Telford is holding her Colin’s hand … ahhh….
“Hold tight! it’s bumpy! And keep your arms in the trucks” That was the health and safety chat at the start!
Aha! Mike and Shona Bossom! And there’s Dee in the background with her hubby Colin. And see sunny smiler behind Shona?
That’s Michelle my dear friend (and buyer from Hochanda). Leonie’s on the other truck with Alex and Yiannis!
All aboard, ready for a whizz round a nature reserve with a difference!
See Tina? And Maria? Lots of familiar Clarity faces on this truck…
And we’re off !!! Earle! They said sit down keep your arms inside the truck!
And what a vista! What a grand panorama! And what a glorious day for a safari overlooking the English Channel.
Water buffalo and camels together to celebrate…not something you would expect to see in Kent really.
Bambi and his friends said hi !!!
Ahhhhhhh….. look!!!! Look at the little baby giraffe! Too cute for words!
But I think they remembered us from the day before. Some of us actually stayed in Treehouses the night before the wedding, and went on a Giraffe expedition the day before. It was epic!
They are so tall when you get up close!
And they have the longest tongues ever!!!
This fella lay down on the road and wouldn’t move. Oddly enough, nobody got out and shooed him away either.
In the words of John Cleese, “What do you expect from a window overlooking Torquay (or in this case Dungeness Power Station). The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of roaming wilderbeasts ???”
And whilst we observed them… (Mandy aka The Hat Lady)
…they observed us!
The ostriches ran alongside the trucks!
I can only speak for myself., but it was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life.
To drive around the English countryside with 100 of my nearest and dearest in 2 huge army trucks, and see beautiful beasts from all over the world (whose very existence is being threatened in their natural habitats), being cared for and protected. And to see the babies everywhere! Oh I tell you – it was just fantastic.
And then we were ready to eat again. And dance. And make merry!
But we had the whole park to ourselves! We were able to go visit the lions and gorillas and tigers too.
So here we see the bride, on her way back down from the Tiger Lodge, having climbed to the top to say hi to those magnificent Big Cats.
My nephews are walking ahead of me here. Good boys they are, too. You know how sometimes teenagers are too cool for cats? (pardon the pun) Well, these two were blown away by the place, the views, the beauty, the whole concept of protected species.
Yes. All in all, a pretty unusual venue for a wedding, but certainly a memorable one!
I think that pretty much rounds up the events of the day, except for the party which ensued, and the dancing. Oooh! We do like a dance….
And this will poppet was not going to miss a moment. She kept going right till the end…
And on that note, I would say it’s bedtime too, said Zebedee. Early night tonight.
Love & Hugs,
33 thoughts on “It was a zoo !!”
How special to have shared your precious day. Thank you so much it all looked so magical. May I ask, are we allowed to see one of your invitations to make the whole experience complete? Much love xx
Hi Barbara,
How wonderful of you to share all these private moments with us. What a really fabulous day it looked. It is so good to see you so relaxed and happy with your new husband.
Best wishes to you both.
Linda xx
Such a special day! Thank you for sharing your photos Barbara! Just lovely!
And my mop was rather pink wasn’t it!!! Haha!
Love and hugs xxx
Hello Barbara – oh my, how absolutely lovely and very unique. Thank you for the journey over the last three days and sharing your wonderful day, which is after all your private life. You are a very special lady Barbara with a great spirit that shines very bright. Lots of love Donna X
Fab-u-lous! I have so enjoyed seeing the photos of your special day. Thank you for sharing.
Chris X
Thank you so much Barbara. A wonderful day which you will treasure for ever. I hope I am not being cheeky, but could we see some of the cards. I am sure we would all be inspired but them. Lots of love.
Rachel xxx
Definitely a weekend of making memories, thank you for sharing.
A wonderful day which you will treasure for ever. I hope I am not being cheeky, but could we see some of the cards. I am sure we would all be inspired but them. Lots of love.
Rachel xxx
Hahah a lovely! Xxx
Great to see your pictures. It must have been a Big surprise to everybody. Pia
Wow, Barbara, what an experience. Thank you for sharing it with us.
thank you for sharing your big day with us, you looked beautiful, the day looked fun and so unusual, something to treasure . These wonderful pictures would make a fabulous Scrapbook. congratulations to you both, x
Hi Barb,
Another wonderful set of photos of your special day. Thank you once again for sharing them with us, it’s very kind of you. It certainly was an unusual wedding – but extremely memorable! All of your guests will certainly remember it for all the right reasons. Your little granddaughter certainly is a little poppet isn’t she? Once again ,thank you, love and hugsAlison xxxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope today has been good for you. I’ve been trying to finish a wedding card today, very gingerly putting glitter on it frantically telling myself not to pour sticky ink on instead of glitter! This is the second time I’ve done the card, as I wasn’t very happy with the first one! I’m hoping that this one turns out better! Going to try gym tomorrow for the first time since my op so am a little bit apprehensive, but it’s something I need to do to build up the strength in my knee and leg muscles. I’ll probably be shattered by lunchtime tomorrow! Love and hugs to all, Alison xxxx
Hi Alison, you really have done so well. Good luck with the gym, try not to overdo it just taje it steady, love & hugs Pam xxx
Thank you so much for sharing your special day with us. Your happiness just shines through and I am sure that everyone had a truly memorable time. It all looked wonderful.
Thanks again. Annette X
\Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos with us Barbara. You all look as though you are having a fantastic time. You will always have some wonderful memories. x
A safari wedding is perfect! Wonderful photos. I didn’t get to Longleat in the end this year but we did go to Wingham the other day and Samuel made friends with a squirrel monkey – cuteness overload!
I got my Clarity envelope through the door yesterday. I’ve been a bit down lately but oh my gosh, that envelope always cheers me up xxx
Barbara they have been wonderful looks an amazing place to visit. Very magical day would love as visit there. Any more would love to see more anyway end of another day night night sleep well everyone xxx
What a great idea for a wedding Barbara and the safari was very different but really fun I’m sure. TFS us more of your special day. x
Hi Barbara ,thank you for sharing all your wonderful days photos.
Such a special day for you all. A wonderful day for everyone to remember.
This looks a wonderful place ,such lovely memories to cherish.
Happiness overflows from your lovely photos. Beautiful memories to treasure. Thank you so much for sharing. xx
Absolutely wonderful xx
What wonderful photos and memories you and Dave have. The venue was magnificent, not many would have thought of a safari, lots to treasure. Thank you for sharing your day with us. I have really enjoyed a taste if your wedding. Love and hugs Pam xx
Hello Barb, it is so lovely to be able to share such magical and special moments with you through these photo’s. Thank you for making us part of your special day. Bx
Stunning photographs – haha you made me laugh with the Fawlty Towers bit! You certainly know how to do an occasion Barbara. So many wonderful memories for not just you and Dave but for your friends and family too. Just brilliant. Xxx
Lovely lovely photos again. Thanks so much for sharing them with us, for sharing some of the wonderful moments of your (Dave’s and yours ) special day, Barbara. A wedding safaring – what a fabulous idea! And then the dance! You look so happy and relaxed! I’m so glad you had such a wonderful and magical wedding! Definitely a day to remember – and not just for you and Dave.
Btw, the zoo (or rather wild life safari )is now on my list of places to visit.
Alles Liebe xxx
What a fantastic weekend you must have had and the photos are fantastic. Thank you for sharing your special weekend
What a fantastic day , so many happy memories for you with all your friends and family. Thank you for letting us be a tiny part of it xx
What a magical day you had, thanks again for sharing xxx
Wonderful pics of a special day, so memorable for all those who were there and for all the right reasons! Thank you for sharing with us all.
Truly special being so close to these wonderful creatures, I’ve been lucky enough to experience early morning and evening ‘game drives’ (purely to see the wildlife) when visiting my brother/sister in law in S Africa and you wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to spot an elephant in the bush… lol!
How special your special day was , it was by chance I came upon it and I am so glad I did , so nice to share it with you, feel as if I was a guest sharing it all with you, thanks and congratulations to you both. X x
Wunderbare Bilder und bestimmt eine traumhafte Hochzeit. Ich wünsche Dir und Deinem Mann alles erdenklich Gute.