Scrap canvas and some blog candy…
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. Hot, innit?!?
I’ve been working away at the Retreat Material all day, and am just about ready to call it a day!
Found this old paper scrap though, and thought it looked quite batik. Mind you, I could be hallucinating in the heat haze here!
Nontheless, a canvas board is what we are going to make here!
A 6”x 6” canvas board will fit perfectly, so let’s put the registration marks in for alignment. Cut off the corners.
Cover the canvas board with a layer of Decoupage Kleber und Lack (adhesive sealant )
Flip the wet canvas board onto the scrap paper, add sealant to the flaps and tuck into the back. Job’s done.
Let the sealant dry, and as it does the wrinkles on the front will disappear. Magic!
There you go! Very arty for a scrap!
Let’s mount on a piece of Designer Paper… The Rainbow River pad seems to be calling to this piece. Mmmm…. this one?…..
….or this one?…..
…or this one?? ….
YOU pick. I’m too hot to!
Tell me which one you prefer, 1,2 or 3.
Leave your choice below. Then tomorrow, I will pick a random winner, and will send that lucky winner a £20 Gift Voucher to spend on something Clarity…
Time to sit in a cold bath!
Love & Hugs,
213 thoughts on “Scrap canvas and some blog candy…”
I prefer number 3
I think number 1 looks the best as the colours match the Batak design perfectly. Although I have to say I also like it with a plain black surround!
I prefer no. 3 best.
Number 1
Lovely. I prefer number 1 xx
Number 1 for me Barbara 🙂
All lovely but I prefer no 1
I prefer number 1.
Looking forward to retreat x
Definitely number 1 for me. Everything just sits nicely for me, soft and subtle. What a lovely way to create beautiful unique art. After my afternoon nap (trying to .take up for the lack of sleep at night in this heat), I am going to dig out my pieces of work from Paul’s lovely class yesterday at Evesham. Some colouring and embossing to be done. I also want to practice using the new blending nibs with water, ink pads and watercolour card. My first attempt was just ok, but I used far more water than I should and too much pressure – a definite learning curve. See you soon (this time next week, I hope I will be clear of the M25 and settled into the Spa). xxx Maggie
You going up Sunday for Monday Tuesday Maggie we are also first retreat look forward to meeting you been friends one long time Joy x
I am going on Sunday ready for Wednesday and Thursday. My intention is to leave early on Friday, well before breakfast, in the hope I can beat the worst of the holiday traffic as it is the end of term. Hope to meet up with you, Joy. xxx Maggie
Will see you at hotel xx
We are at hotel Sunday till Thursday x
Number 1 for me looks wonderful
I prefer number 1
It’s brilliant xxxx
I love number 1! Beautiful.
Number one for me xx
I prefer the first one. Love the colours
Beautiful, l personally prefer 1.
I prefer the first one. Love the colours ..
Currently trying to use baby plates but the heat is beating me..
Paper number 1 for me……….. and what a nice piece of artwork! Looks great. Have a lovely afternoon……… C xx
They are all lovely but I,prefer no 3 as the darker colours bring out the centre piece. Enjoy your day x
I love them all but I like no 2.
Melted a bit at church this morning and again while shopping for food for our very wee BBQ tonight, just the four of us! Now I am going to make some lime cheese cake for desert. Looking forward the some family time before daughter goes back to Edinburgh for her work.
Definitely number 3, another stunning piece of artwork xxxxx
No 1 feels right because it is echo’ing (don’t know the correct spelling)the central colours – but what do I know, I just like it!
Hope you are all well – drink lots of water.
MY Mr Gray has gone to watch Macbeth in the ‘pop up’ Shakespeare village Rose Theatre – too hot for me to go!
Maggie (Yorkite) the ONLY Maggie
I love them all but I think I prefer number 3 or 1? I’ll go with 3 x
No. 1 is my favourite!
I love it….and I prefer backing number 1 as the colours lend themselves perfectly to your piece if art ‘batik’ xx
No 3 for me.beautiful colours.
1 is the standout for me. They are all nice though.
I prefer number 1 but they are all lovely.
I like them all, but number 1 is what I would choose….
Must be the heat, but I can’t see any difference between them. I need to finish a birthday card but it’s far too hot to handle the parchment. I’m not complaining though, much rather this than rain. Fran
Number one for me!
I’m squelching in my sandals here!!!
1 looks the best to me.
I prefer #1. All three are lovely though.
No. 1 for me, although they’re all good. It’s always hard to choose from these lovely papers! THANKS for the opportunity to enter. I agree, too hot here too, just been out for lunch with nephew to meet his new girlfriend, had a lovely time with family, now have to flop ! X
Love them all, but I really love number 1. Enjoy your cold bath xx
Prefer No. 1.
I’m in the 1 crowd🤗
Very calming after watching Hamilton throw his dummy out of his car🏎️
Now off to choose from the choice of magnums in the freezer………
A while ago, I got a Magnum out of the freezer and a cold drink from the fridge. By the time I had eaten the Magnum, my cold drink was then warm. xxx Maggie
Had to laugh when I realised you meant an ice cream and not a large bottle of wine!😂
What you like girlie, though I can see the connection as I’d been watching #F1
All lovely, but for me No 1 has the edge. Yes! It’s still hot but some rain, preferably at night, would be good to bring the gardens and countryside back to life. Trying to think cool with some Christmas parching.
Pam x
I like them all but number 1 seems to echo the theme so would fit right in at the B and B you know where
hello, number 1 is my choice. i’m currently trying to think cool thoughts as i make some groovi christmas cards – not used groovi before, it’s wonderful xx
I like 1 best. All the options are lovely though.
I prefer No.3 the colours on the rainbow river paper makes the colours pop on the scrap.
I think they would all work, but my favourite is number two as it picks out the blues and greens. The darker colours seem to draw the eye in to the centre.
I agree, it is definitely too hot!
Best wishes
Number 1 works well. Lovely canvas too. Have been doing a few jobs today but everything seems to take twice as long in this heat! Xx
No 1 falls into place for me.
Afternoon bloggy friends, hope you are all in the shade with a cold drink and someone to fan you! XX
Hello Donna are you on the final stretch yet, you must only have a couple of weeks to go. Hope you are keeping cool, it’s blooming hot here. Xxx
Hi Donna,
Even though it’s been quite overcast for a lot of the day, it’s so muggy! Lying on the bed at the moment with windows open, fan on and ice on my knee but still too Hot!! Don’t think I’ll be getting much sleep tonight. Not long now till the holidays – bet you can’t wait!!! Love and hugs Alison xxx
Number 1 but agree with you a hard choice to make, we are just not used to long spells of sunshine it will be quite a shock to wear a waterproof coat again!
Number 1 for me. We are not doing a lot resting after busy home with grandchildren
So hot was lovely in garden yesterday evening cooked downnice but came in went to bed melting hot. Home cools a bit next week for retreat as don’t cope with this heat not long know be settled this time next week in spare hotel ready for Monday’s craft fun xxx
I prefer number 1 x
No 1. Can’t explain why but just stands out to me. It’s a personal choice. Xx
Hello Barbara – No 1, the colours lend their selves better to the overall effect. Very hot here, lovely, but a bit more cloud around now. Have a lovely evening everyone, lots of love Donna X
Number 1 looks great. Will be travelling down on Sunday too. See you there Maggie and Joy. Looking forward to seeing everyone xx
Looking forward to seeing you again, Glynis. xxx Maggie
Lovely colours all of them BUT no. ONE fits the best.
Well I’m going with the flow and saying number 1 too. The colours are just perfect for your little canvas. Not doing too much today – just too hot. Now sitting in the shade in the little bit of breeze we have. Hope you are sitting somewhere nice and shady sipping something cool. Xxxxx
No 1 methinks x
Number 1 for me too, more cooling in this heat.
No 3 for me, I think the paper complements the ‘batik’ well.
I am off to a celebrity football match this evening, (a first for me), to celebrate the opening of the newly refurbished football complex. Way behind schedule but everything comes to those who wait.
Looking forward to the retreat.
No 1 for me, although they are all beautiful x
I think No.1 is perfect – a beautiful piece xx
Well, that’s weird, reading the above votes, as I would definitely say 2 reflects the colours best. I suppose we all see things differently. Looking forward to the retreat. Hope it cools down a bit by then as I don’t suppose I can bring the shady corner of the garden I seem to have been hiding in for weeks with me!
Gill x
All lovely colours BUT no. ONE is the one for me.
All colours are beautiful BUT for me no. ONE is the one.
Didn’t mean to post 3 times – thought it wasn’t posting! Sorry about that.
No. ONE is the one for me.
I love 1. Colours are great match.
2 for me, makes it pop more!
Lovely to use up forgotten pieces. Xx
Lovely little work of art! I think number 1 looks best.
I Prefer number 1
Think the heat has addled my brain because they all look the same to me! 😂 😂
I’d say number 2 – but isn’t it interesting how we all have such different ideas? I agree this piece looks batik! Also melting here, have all the windows open to try to get a breeze through. Might have to squeeze into my daughter’s paddling pool if it doesn’t cool soon!
I Prefer number One
Haha…. Told you brain was addled!!! Only looked at middle.! 😂 😂 No. 1
I think 2 it’s my choice. Great fun!! Back in Texas and found turmeric at the local grocery. Who know. Miss y’all. Xxx
No 1 for me too. Well, we’ve finally had a little bit of rain here this afternoon, after over a month without a drop! It must have been me going out to spray the patio for weeds that brought it on. I think everyone would be glad of a proper downpour, but that’s not happening – we’ve had lots of wildfires up here in the Highlands. Hope you all find a way to keep cool x
No 1 is stunningly beautiful. Just perfect. But love them all!!
I like number one best, very pretty.
I prefer no. 1 as the colours match almost identically but they are all lovely !
I think the black background really makes it stand out. Enjoy the sunshine with that lovely new husband.
All wonderful but no 2 is eye-catching.
I think no.1,they are all so dramatic hard to choose. Lovelilian x
My choice would be No. 2. It just goes to show how versatile the Designer Papers are, any one of them work well. xx
Number 1 for me please. Lovely.
I prefer number one, a nice mix of colours
Kate x
I definitely prefer No. 1, it echoes all the colours beautifully.
My choice would be number 1. To my eyes it seems to match the colours the best.
My favourite is number 1 as it seems to echo the colours in your art work.
Sitting in the kitchen a while ago I heard a loud squawking noise and found a baby seagull in my dining room. Now I will have to leave the patio door shut. No doubt the parents will be dive bombing me when I go out to water the pots. They are such pests and every year the babies fall off the roof when they are learning to fly. Now I will have to put up with s*** all over the patio until they learn to fly properly and won’t be able to sit in the garden. xx
Love this piece of work and the way you make something beautiful out of what you call a scrap piece. I think I must have binned lots of things that you would have created something with. By the way I like number 3 xxx
Hello Barbara
It is a competition between 1 and 3, but number 1 has the edge.
Number one does it for me…….
Lovely artwork ..I’m torn between 1 and 3 ..think 1 proberly wins my vote … looking forward to the retreats not long now
Hi Barb, I think no. 2 is the best choice. To me, it seems to make the artwork pop. Love your scrap pieces, they’re better than any of my attempts at art, lol.
Love and hugs, Alison D x
Number 3 a winner but all lovely.
Really cannot wait for the retreat – high light of the year.
Number one…..just beautiful
Number 1 is just perfect.
I’m quite new to your blog and now have to get my daily fix. I like number 2. 3 is too red and the lines on number one lead your eye away from the centre. Number 2 has it all, colour, balance and makes the centre stand out. It just shows how we all see things differently. That’s the beauty of art.
Number 1, definitely. Has all the colours that are in the scrap piece, and matches perfectly!
Number one for me
Definitely number 1!
Afternoon Barbara. I think it’s hotter today than ever! It’s lovely to see the sunshine and feel warm but it’s too hot to sit in. It makes me feel very sickly!
Can’t believe it’s been two weeks since your wedding and also that this time next week Susan and I will be down in Crowborough ready to enjoy the retreat on Monday and Tuesday! Excited.com!
That’s a great project today and I’d say number 1 for the backing paper but any of them would be OK!
Right I best go…nearly time for tea, or in south speak, dinner!
See you very soon. Love and hugs!! Xxxx
See you there, Jane. xxx Maggie
Oooh, number 1 is lovely!
I like ounce 1 best but they are all great
I like number 1 best but they are all great
All are great but no1 is my preference. Xxxx
No 3 for me. I feel like joining the kids next door in their paddling pool, just melting here. Tired as well because a house alarm was blaring away for over an hour in the night. x
They’re all lovely, but has to be no 3 for me, the more muted colours fit better with the stencil
No 3 for me I think, although all work very well
I prefer no. 3 it suits the pink
I prefer no.3 it suits the pink
Defo No.1 for me!
I prefer no 1. What a lovely piece of artwork.
I prefer no 1. What a lovely piece of artwork.
I like No. 1.. Colours really blend with the design.
Number one feels the most comfortable to me. However they all look great
Like them all but think my favourite is No. 1. x
My choice is number 3, I think the colours on the canvas blend better with the background
I prefer no.2, it’s a bit more dramatic, and makes the subtle colours sing. For a bit of scrap it’s lovely x
Hi Barb
No 1 for me all day long !
Thankyou for the chance to win xxxxxx
Hi Barbara
I think I like no 3 the best, but they all seem to work don’t they. What a lovely canvas anyway and so quick to do. It’s been so hot here again, you get hot just thinking about things that need doing. Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, loved the mountain ash with the drop shadow, the Dies are beautiful and so lovely to use. Enjoy your evening, I hope it cools down for you.
Love Diane xxx
Hi Diane,
It’s been quite muggy here today unfortunately. I was going to attempt the ironing but then just couldn’t face it!! Didn’t really fancy all that extra heat! Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Too hot to do anything much today, so re-watched Linda’s shows from last weekend. She is just wonderful to watch and her beautiful accent is so calming. What a talented lady she is too.
Love your canvas Barb and it is No. 1 for me, if I have to make a choice.
Have a wonderful Retreat. I would love to be there. Annette X
Number one.
Although all of them look great x
Number 1
My choice would be no. 1 – they blend so well with your art work.
Number 1 for me too😍 I’m at the retreat Friday and Saturday soooo looking forward to it😊
They’re all lovely but I think No 1 is the best match with the colours on the stamp xx
Number 1 for the.
I prefer number 1.x
I prefer number 1 x
Beautiful canvas, wouldn’t think it was a scrap. I prefer No.1 . Loved yesterday’s blog too with the die and dropped shadow. So hot everywhere, keep cool if possible.xxx
I think number 1. Colours match perfectly..
No 1 is my choice as it compliments the artwork.
Beautiful Barbara. Think I prefer No. 3.
Hi Barbara, I prefer No. 1, it is beautifully subtle and complements perfectly the arty canvas.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
I prefer number 1. The colours coordinate beautifully and the paler, almost scratchy patterns make the background look like an extension of the central artwork.
Lovely canvas.
I prefer no 1…… The colours tie in better.
Hi Barbara I Think no 2 is the best one. It make the scrap paper look itS Best.
Phwew it’s HOT!!!
No: 3 for me as it is subtle and vibrant at the same time. My favourite colours in this one.
Cannot believe the heatwave has lasted this long although they say it will be cooler mid week before rising again to another scorcher. The plants could do with a good drink as could I so I’m off to the ice box.
They all work but for me No 1 works best. X
No. 1 for me too….
My vote goes to number 1 as I think it has the same tones as the artwork.
Number 1, but they all look great.
Number 1 looks a perfect partner to me. Hoping for a few cooler days so I can get back into my craft room!
I like no 1 it seems cooler
Number 1 would be my choice. Hugs from Canada 🇨🇦
Number 1 would be my choice your scraps always amaze me xxx
Love and hugs to all on the blog xxx
Love and hugs to you too Sheila, Alison xxx
I think 2
I was woundering if you would mount it on anything before attaching to the canvas?
And if you would mount it what would you mount it on ???
No contest, number 1 for me.
No 1 would be my choice.
They are all really nice, but my personal choice would be No. 1
– very lovely x
They are all really nice but my personal choice would be number one. xx
Hi Barbara
What a lovely little work of art. All 3 papers work but No 1 has the edge for me. I hope all goes well at the retreats and also that it cools down just a bit so you will all be more comfortable. No more problems with the paint drying too quickly. Have a wonderful time all you lucky people who are attending.
X Chris
Amazing transition from scrap to awesome artwork 😃.
I choose number 1 It works with your art not competes against it.
Happy days.
Number one for me and a great piece of artwork from some scrap!
I’m with the minority: number 2 is my favourite.
No. 1
Lovely canvas. I prefer number one. xx
Has to be number 3 for me Barbara
And yep it’s hot Enjoy your evening Something ice cold for me. I think. X
No 3 for me
Hi Barb,
Love your little canvas and think that all three of the papers add something to the canvas in different ways. However, if I have to choose I would go for number 1 as the colours are such a good match for the canvas itself. I have to say though, that the second one uses one of my very favourite papers. Glad to hear that the prep for the Retreats is going well, but do give yourself some time to chill out ( literally!) as well. Love and hugs, Alison. Xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Uncomfortably hot tonight – way too muggy for me – we need a good storm to clear the air and I know the plants would like it too! Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
Number 3 for meb
All looking good, prefer no.1. Reminds me of last eye test. ‘Is it better with this one, or this one? Then again…’this one, or this one? So hot in West Sussex. Sleep well everyone. Ann
I love no 2, it seems really alive to me, the colours are just great and mix together so beautifully.
Love number 1. Perfect background but doesn’t distract from the main picture.
number 1 for me just perfect
Number one for me xx
I think the first one, really sets it off for me
I’m in with the no. 1 crowd, love that paper xx
It’s got to be no.1 for me Barbara, as the colours mimic those in your “scrappy” piece, which now materialises into a work of art! Tad dah!!!
Hi Barb.
I agree with everyone they are all fabulous but I think number 2 stands out a little more.
Wow love the art work, I think number 1 has the edge this time. Must admit when I first looked at the blog it was on my phone & after looking at all three I couldn’t see any difference then realised there was a backing paper for each one which is what you wanted us to look at & choose. blame the heat or a senior moment !!
Seems even hotter here tonight, it was still 27c when we were driving back from our daughters at 10pm. We have spent the afternoon watching our granddaughters doing Hairspray the Musical with their performing arts group & then a BBQ back at their house.
All lovely Barbara, but I definitely prefer number 1.
For me it is definitely No. 1 Barbara, and the heat must be so sapping when you are trying to prepare things for the retreat. A cool bath sounds like just the thing. x
It’s between 1 and 3 for me. Have to say 3 works best. x
They all look good, although my preference is No2.
Really looking forward to seeing and learning what you have for us at the retreat. This heat really zaps brain power, look after yourself. Hugs.
I think number one matches best – similar tones.
Hi Barbara
Just want to say your brill!!!! I like number 1.
You do make me laugh xx
Numer 1 is the perfect match.
Number 2 is the best.
On number 1 the rivery swirl on the left pulls your eye from the artwork.
The colours in 3 are a little to strong
Number 2 is the most harmonious to the artwork….although I would take it one step further by adding an accent line at edge of canvas…possibly gold.
At the end of the day it’s all about personal choice
I think number 1 works the best
Can’t make up my mind between one and three,
I seem to be in the minority here, but I like number two best. Good to see you’ve sorted the retreat projects….can’t wait to see everyone on the Friday. X
Hi Barbara,
for me number 1 is the right one.
Rolf xxx
Fab piece of speedy artwork – as always.
Out of the 3, I would pick background #1, for me it just seems to make the artwork ‘pop’.
It’s such a personal thing, and it’s fun to consider – thanks for the challenge!
Number 1 calls to me 🙂
I prefer the first one. More subtle.
I prefer number 1
Like them all, but I think No. 1 is my favourite!! xxx
Definitely number one for me. Isn’t it intetesting how we all see different perspectives?
It took some deciding but #1 is my favourite.
Judy C
I’m torn between 1 and 3, but will go for number one x
Hi Barbara
For me it has to be number 1.
You are amazing, you can even pick up a scrap of paper that most other people would have discarded and turn it into something beautiful
Definitely number one. x
I think No 1 looks best.
I prefer the 1st one ! More light in it I think. Elisabeth
Number 3 for me … lovely work like how your mind works 🙂
Number 1 for me!!! The colours sit well!
Choose number 1 Barbara . The colours blend better.
I like them all but if i had choose one it would be No 1 as the colours are more defined.
Hello Barb, a very arty scrap piece. I know it is too late, but I think #3 worked best. Bx
Definitely no.1. x