Fish n Chips x 12 please!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Right. Well that’s it. All done.
Just need the cupcakes tomorrow morning, (which I’m happy to report are all made – all 400!!)
So the ever ready Clarity Set-up Crew came back to ours for fish and chips…
and deeeeeelicious it was too. You cannot beat good fish n chips mixed with good company.
See Maria up the back? And Sam, Tina and Dee?
Then there’s Paul Linda & Rob Williams. And on the naughty table, there’s Becca, Simon and Dave.
The other lads went home. I reckon they had had enough by 7 this evening!
Right. That’s it. We can’t do more. We have put in the action, but we cannot control the outcome, so now I can relax.
We can hope the weather is lovely, we can hope that folks come and enjoy their day, and we have in fact gone to great lengths to put on a great 2 days. But there are no guarantees.
Did I mention we’ve got an EVERY-TICKET-WINS-TOMBOLA too?
Safe trip down if you’re coming.
And if you suddenly decide you DO want to join us, you can pay on the door. Tell you what – the cupcakes alone are worth the trip!! Errr….. one each please!!!
Love & Hugs,
35 thoughts on “Fish n Chips x 12 please!”
Have a lovely time everyone ! X
Hi Barb,
You’re right, you can’t beat good fish n chips! Must say, you all look very happy. I really do hope that everything goes so well ( which it will) and that everybody has a fabulous time( which I know they will). Safe journey to everyone – I’m very jealous (& not just because of those fabulous cupcakes!). Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Had a better day today. Taken it steady and easy after a dreadful night when I didn’t dare move in bed! Had to go to drs today for medication review and he really put my mind at ease thankfully. Saw the District Nurse when I was there and bless her, she thought I’d come because something had gone wrong! She was really relieved when I told her why I was there!! Hope you’ve all had a good day too. Diane ,hope your cakes are done now. Sorry to hear that you aren’t going to make the Open Days this year and you too Gilly – will miss out get together. I’m actually going to try to get to Linda Page’s Groovi class this Sunday even if I just go for half a day. Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
Hi Alison – sorry to hear that you had such a bad night. I hope that the new meds will help you to get a better night’s sleep tonight. I will really miss getting together this year too. Be careful not to push yourself too much. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hope you have a better nights sleep tonight Alison and your new meds help with the pain relief. I made another cake today, just one more to go then I can breath easy until next Thursday when I have to assemble them! Sending hugs xxx
Can’t wait. Really looking forward to it. Shopping list complete but will probably buy more. Thank you Barb, Dave and Co. Hope you all enjoy the next couple of days as much as we punters will. Xxx
Have an amazing couple of days guys…….to all who have contributed in setting up the event…you KNOW it’s worth it!! Just wish I could be there xxx
I’m looking forward to coming on Saturday
Well done team but for the best fish and chips come to Scarborough, North Yorkshire xx
Hoping that I will get to you on Saturday (I have my ticket) but I have my son’s three daughter’s (12, 9 and 6) overnight on Friday. My son-n-law was going to pick me up at 9 am and bring me over, but decided that wouldn’t work, as if I was up and getting ready, the girls wouldn’t want to wait for their Dad to pick them and give them brekkie, particularly as it is always pancakes for breakfast if they stay over. So am hoping that I can persuade my son to bring me over later, drop me off and find something to do with the girls for a while. At least I will have a little “Clarity” fix even if it isn’t for the whole day.
Hugs to all the gang – do hope I get to see you all xx Mags
Hello Barbara,
Am relaxing in the hotel before an early breakfast tomorrow. All ready!
Have a fabulous day! Too far for me, but will definitely be at Leyburn, even though no cupcakes there!!!!
Looked at the fish and chips and went for the Caesar salad instead. Good food,good company with the prospect of great demos tomorrow. What more can you ask? xxx Maggie
Hi Barbara – fish and chips in the garden with lots of good friends – sounds like a perfect evening to me! I know that everyone will have a great time over the next couple of days – yourself included. Enjoy it all. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – those of you who are lucky enough to be going to The Open Days – have a great time and enjoy every moment. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Sounds as if you will have a fantastic 2 days, just gutted that I can’t make it this year but will just have to shop online & watch you tube videos so I can pretend I am there !! Will have to quiz Maggie next Thursday at our Bromsgrove Groovi Group to hear what went on. Any chance of some Facebook live so we can join in the fun ?
Have fun everyone who is going & for those that are going for the first time you will go home buzzing with ideas & an empty purse !!
Have fantastic open days I know that it will be a fun packed two days I wish I could be there but it is not possible right now
And due to my organising a holiday in September I will miss Layburn too 😭😭😭
I did think of coming home for two days just to attend but it’s a long way from Cornwall lol xx
Your cupcakes look amazing enjoy everyone xx
Everywhere is a long way from Cornwall but there are compensations and September can be lovely xx
Getting nervous and excited. Got to get to sleep tonight and get ready to leave at 7.30 tomorrow in order to get to Crowborough. Eek. Note to self: mustn’t forget the tickets and the sandwiches! x
Maria’s shows were blimmin brilliant. The 2 Clarity Open Days will be awesome I only wish I could be there with you all. Have a fab 2 days everyone. Xxxxxxx
Hi Barbara
Looks like everyone is having fun and you can’t beat fish and chips. Have a lovely day tomorrow, I’m sure you will have a fantastic time with everyone and will enjoy eating the cupcakes.
Love Diane xxx
Have a great two days xxx
Cupcakes look yummy xxx
Have a great time, Wish I could be there. x
Enjoy your two days, I am sure it will be great fun, do wish I could get to one if these. Hope it goes well and enjoy the cakes, they look lovely.
Hope everyone has a great time, I went last year for the first time and wanted to go again this year but I’ve got a badly sprained ankle and can’t walk far. X
I bet you all had a well deserved feast in the garden. I wish I could have been there!
Have a great two days of demos, fun and laughter.
Love and hugs all xxxx.
I look forward to hearing all about it on your blog as I’m working today and can’t make tomorrow. Have a fabulous time everyone.
Hello Barb, what better reward for a hard days work than a healthy portion of fish and chips. Looks like everyone was enjoying it. And to everyone going, enjoy yourselves, have a great time and enjoy the cupcakes. Take care all. Bx
You can’t beat fish and chips. Hope everyone has a fabulous time at the open days,not at all envious!! Look forward to hearing all about it xx
Well deserved fun time after all your hard work. Really enjoy the days. I am looking forward to Leyburn. Xx
Have a wonderful time everyone – sorry I won’t be able to join you. Have fun 🙂
Sounds wonderful fish chips friends lots fun on a suint eve I g in garden have lots fun over next couple days wishcould be there but may be next year so cyber hugs to you all xxx
Sorry not to be there, but summer is generally too busy for me to take time off to enjoy myself! Now if you had an open day in Jan or Feb or March, that would be a different story! Enjoy yourselves everyone who can go x
What could be better than fish and chips in your beautiful garden Barbara, and I know you will all have a great weekend. x
Looks good Barbara, I’m really hoping to be there next year – but I’m sure to enjoy the workshop with Josie and Chris tomorrow near Lichfield. Xx