Feeling blessed instead of stressed….
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Friday’s blog a private peek, right?
About a year ago, we got the phone call that our Gracie had to have an operation on her thyroid. They didn’t know for sure whether it was malignant or not, but decided to operate within days of the biopsy results. Nothing like a rush to put the wind up you. Do you remember? I do. Dropped and ran. Or should I say flew to New York, to be there.
She was a real trooper. The New York hospital was excellent too. The incision to her throat was substantial, and I remember thinking “she won’t be happy about that”, but it was benign – and we all breathed a huge sigh of relief.
A year on, and she’s just facetimed me, skipping through Manhattan from yet another key job with BBC America to an important audition – and life is good. No. It is better than good. It is brilliant.
#G R A T E F U L M U M
So when I get stressed about stupid stuff, just give me a little nudge, will you?
TV prep all done. I’ve got 8 demos prepped!!! Hahahaha. Told you I couldn’t stop playing with the new stamps!! Tina is all set with her debut One Day Special on Sunday evening too. Oh boy oh boy. Are you groovers and parchers in for a treat!! She is so clever!
Yep. All in all a good day. Even got time for a walk.
Love & Hugs,
37 thoughts on “Feeling blessed instead of stressed….”
How wonderful Barbara! Nothing like a health scare to bring us all down to earth with a bump and to evaluate what is important and what – actually – really does not matter at all! So pleased to see and hear that all is well with Grace!
Really looking forward to the shows and also the samples from your wonderful Design Team. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – bit of a miserable and drizzly day here in Cornwall. Managed to get out to the shops with Neill today. Alison – so pleased to hear that your operation went well. Good luck with your exercises and I hope that you will make it home in time for the shows.
Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Hi Gill,
Thank you although haven’t done exercises today as every time I’ve got up, I’ve been sick!! Flaming anaesthetic!! Anyway tomorrow is another day and I’ve got my phone at least so I’ll still be able to watch and order on Sunday !!! Love and hugs to you and Neill. Xxx
Hi Barn,
I can remember how worried you were about Grace last year and it must have been traumatic for you both. On the very positive she, look at her now a beautiful young woman who has just finished one great job and is about to begin another one. You must be very proud as she will be when she is with you at your wedding. Looking forward to shows which I will hopefully see. Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Glad to hear it went well. Hopefully the effects of the anesthetic will wear off soon. Take it easy and enjoy the shows on Sunday. Xx
Hi Alison good to hear it all went well, I hope you stop being sick soon. You might need a treat to cheer you up! Haha. Sending hugs xxx
Hope the sickness goes quickly and you can enjoy the shows xxx
How wonderful to hear that Grace is well. My very best wishes to you and your lovely daughter xx
To know. Aloved is going to be ok is true blessing and something to be thankful for.
I can’t believe how the time has flown – but doesn’t she just look deliriously happy and healthy – what a beautiful photo. Perhaps you should print it out and put it on your craft room wall as a constant reminder?? Beautiful people one and all. Looking forward to your shows but not sure hubby feels quite the same!! Hehehehe. Xx
Hello Barbara, so pleased life is good for you again. Sometimes its family that brings us back to where we need to be. Lovely to see Grace happy and healthy. Looking forward to the Sunday shows, have a good one everyone, lots of love Donna X
Doesn’t a lot happen in a year, and so good that everyone is doing well after a jolt. Look forward to the shows and new goodies. I don’t need to say good luck and you and Tina will be fab as usual ! Lots of love xx
Hi Barbara and everyone, hope you are all well and looking forward to the shows at the weekend.
I. Myself am looking forward to seeing Time’s new plates.
But also the new stamps look interesting to,I do have a list for my next order ,but that will be at the end of the month!!!!!! Or not.
Good to know Grace is doing well and you are good to.
Hope everyone is ok and don’t spend to much on Sunday!!!!!!
Have a good weekend to all .
Lynn xx
Wow! Time flies, I remember you going to New York to be with Grace. What a relief for you all when it was all OK! Looking forward to the new stamps. Have been playing with my square ones today. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, sunny warm day here. Have been playing with my stamps today had fun. Went out this afternoon to do a bit of shopping and couldn’t use my Visa card at all so came home, saved me some money I suppose! Xx
Oh no Donna I hope it’s working by Sunday! Sending hugs xxx
Hi Donna hope they get it sorted for Sunday xxx
I can’t believe that was a year ago. So glad Grace is fit, well and enjoying her success. Looking forward to Sunday & glad you have enjoyed preparing for the show.
Hi Barbara
Doesn’t Grace look fabulous, I can’t believe that was a year ago. Wish her well for ther audition. I’m so glad the bbc work is continuing too. Such a great photo of you both, looking forward to seeing you together at the wedding. Enjoy your walk.
Love Diane xxx
Where has that year gone to ? Now you will be counting the days until both of them land in the UK for your Special Day !! However old they are they will always be our children. Glad you had a good day today, looking forward to the 8 demos !! Just tell them there is no need to give us updates on sales the demos will sell them better but I am sure they will all fly.
So pleased that Grace is doing so well, family, mean everything. We all held our breath last year as our son-in-law was diagnosed with cancer, several rounds of chemo later he is quite well. Not cured but all under control. Certainly made us all look at life in a different way. Shows are sure to be great. My catalogues arrived this morning and they are fabulous too. Thank-you for all the hard work that has been put into them. xx
Are you sure you want to be nudged, cos if you are I’m yer girl!!
Loving my stamp/stencil catalogue, got quite a list for Leyburn – got my name down for a ticket, just waiting for the nod to say it is open, but I know you’ve got a lot on at the moment. And…..how’s my mate Dave coping with all the forthcoming arrangements – and what’s HE wearing on the big day?
Maggie (Yorkite)
Remember it well so leased you got that flight over there and waiting for the all clear such a relief. Beautiful Grace is going from strength to strength work wise , won’t be long till both will be home for yours and Daves special day . She much to look forward to I’m looking forward to seeing ictures then seeing you few weeks after. 8 demos wow looking forward to them Sunday afternoon big hugs Joy xxx
You are blessed indeed to have such a beautiful and talented daughter! But of course, she has a beautiful and talented mother, and they say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I too have had a lovely day today and feel blessed, and my Clarity catalogue arrived too which is a delight. Now to find some time to organise and catalogue my stamps! x
Hi Barb, can’t believe that’s a year ago, so pleased to see your Grace looking so happy and healthy.
Got my catalogue today, another brilliant Clarity effort.
Recorder set for Sunday shows, keep saying I want to retire to spend more time Grooving but need to work to feed my Groovi HABIT.
Hugs and love to all xx
Yes you are definitely blessed
A beautiful talented daughter
And a handsome sporty son.
A wedding in the near future You Ready ?
Bingo Wings Gone ? Lol.
Looking forward to Sunday no stress there then. Lol
Take care Theresa
how Life can change the up and downs grace looks so happy so that makes you happy and proud too looking forward to Sunday’s shows especially the baby groovi .xxx
Crafting hugs to all on the blog xxx
Yes that was a big worry for you, but t doesn’t seem a year ago does it? Great that she recovered so well and you must be so proud that she is doing so well in her work. Decided to come to the Open Day again this year and make it a part of our holiday, will have to pay on the door, phoned Jeanine to see if we could do that. Will only be able to comment if we can get internet, but look forward to seeing you soon.xxx
Hi you lovely bloggy friends, hope you are all ok. Glad to see your operation is over Alison. Hope you get over the anaesthetic soon and have a quick recovery. Been trying to do a card before we go away, may even take some groovi with me. Love and hugs to you all.xxx
Hi Barbara! If you’d asked me how long it was since Grace had her op I’d never had said it was a year ago! Where has this year gone! I can remember how worried you were and rightly so! Mother’s love really kicks into overdrive when our kids are ill or hurt doesn’t it! Thankfully all is well with Grace and she’ll soon be jetting over to be with you for your wedding! How very wonderful!
You are right though…a health problem really does bring everything else back into perspective and make you realise that some things are more important!
Looking forward to seeing the shows this weekend.
Love and hugs! Xxxx
So pleased that Grace is doing good and it is frightening just how fast that year has passed too. Family emergencies really do put things into perspective, and make us realise just what is important in life. Glad you are up to speed with your prep for the weekend and looking forward to seeing you and Tina. x
So thankful to hear your wonderful news about Alison, Barbara.
Whilst writing I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you and your soon-to-be-husband a wonderful Wedding Day and a Very Happy and Contented life together.
Can’t believe that was a year ago but Grace has done so well what with all those super voiceover jobs,she sounded wonderful and she looks so happy in her photos. It’s going to be a great month for you and your family. Looking forward to tomorrow’s stamp launch particularly.
Hi Barbara, was it really a year ago? Time really does fly! Remember so well how worried you were but thank God all went well! Look at her now. So beautiful and happy and doing so well too with her acting! Soon she’ll be over for your BIG day! Bet you can’t wait!
Sorry won’t be able to tune in on Sunday but will catch up later on Rewind. Oh, that wishlist for Crowborough is getting longer 😉
Have a great weekend! Good Luck for the show. Xxx
Hello Barb, can’t believe that it is year already. Glad that Grace is healthy and doing well. It is events like this that make you realise how small and inconsequential things that we worry about sometimes really are. Take care all. Bx
Hello Barbara so nice to hear all is well with you and yours .I think your youngest fan could be my grandson Harrison , he loves to watch you on YouTube and is always saying your name when we are crafting .Oh and we started brewing the kefir and hopefully we’ll all live on to craft till the cows come home ,so to speak , love from Sue and Harrison from Aberdeen X