No Blog today

No Blog today

No blog today.
The internet is pants here.
Dave said “it’s like livin in the bleedin dark ages.”

NEC stand looking good. All set to serve and entertain tomorrow! 
Do pop in. Hall 11. Can’t miss us – the stand is 22.5 metres long! 

And we have a live TV show every day at 12 noon.
Rosie tomorrow
Linda Friday
me Saturday
Paul Sunday.


26 thoughts on “No Blog today

  1. Sounds exciting stuff. Give us homebirds a wave 🤗🤗🤗 I for one will be waving back. It's ironic that the Industrial Revolution began in the Midlands!
    Have pags of fun from a born & bred Wulfrian who's now converted to a Meltonian. x

  2. We’ve got better internet in the wilds of West Cornwall!! Glad you got everything set up ready to go, I am sure you will all have a great time. I will record the shows xx

  3. Hi Barbara
    I hope all goes well for you, the stand sounds amazing. Hope you have a wonderful time.
    Love Diane xxx
    Oh bother the songs in my head now too! 😂xx

  4. You must be ‘cream crackered’ after such a day! Have a good night’s sleep and try to pace yourself. Hope all goes well and looking forward to Saturday. Annette x

  5. As long as we know you're all there safe and sound and set up and ready to go that's good. Don't worry about the blog have a few days break from it we can catch up with you on TV. All the best xx

  6. Can never understand why a place like the NEC can't get its act together & sort out the internet problems. It's not as if it is something new !! Have a great show, sorry I can't make it this time but have all the shows on to record.

  7. Wot, no water!that is the "Dark Ages" Dave you're very funny, you coped admirably without water after the snow, personally given a choice "gimme water and stuff the internet" any day, on a more selfish note I am very happy I have both.

  8. Hope today went well and lots of visitors came. I have been to a cake show at the NEC and was always amazed to stall holders practically on tip toes trying to find a signal for the card machine. A big place like that you'd think they would be able to do something about it. Oh well, bet it doesn't stop you doing a roaring trade. Xx

  9. Ho bloggy friends hope everyone is well. My 8×10 Gelli plate arrived yesterday so I'm planning a weekend of inky painty fun. Just right if the weather is as horrible as it is supposed to be. Xx

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