GAGG !!!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Wednesday’s blog – when we speak of why we craft – not just what we craft.
I’m supposed to be having a week off, having overdone it at the NEC, but it’s not that easy for this old bird to switch off.
Been thinking about it.
It isn’t a control issue. I’ve gone over that in my head.
It isn’t an inability to delegate – I am very, very good at that.
It’s not about money either.
It’s simply an inability to stop thinking thinking thinking about work-related things.
I guess I care.
It’s that simple.
Since I don’t seem able to reduce the number of hours I think about the business, what I CAN try is to increase the number of hours I think about something else. This may seem obvious to you, but when you’re caught in the Wurka-Hollick trap, it isn’t that simple.
Since there are only a finite number of hours available in the day, perhaps I should tackle that end. If I listen to a book that really works, because it requires my undivided attention. I cannot think about anything else. When I read a book, my mind wanders, but for some reason it stays focussed on the earplug version of the same book.
Then there are the Wedding Invitations to write, and the Wedding Favours to make and the beds to change and the ironing to do and the neighbour to strangle – but at least none of that is work-related..
G A G G !!!!!
Anyway, before I go and start ticking things off my non-work-related list, let me tell you about these beautiful pieces of artwork below!
At 6pm this evening, our Rosie will be launching a fabulous collection of new Groovi plates at a very special price on the ODS (One Day Special). They’re all available online already, but I would suggest you hang on to buy until after 6pm, because the prices don’t drop till then.
The über-talented Mel has illustrated some wonderful new rounds for us:
Sprites and Fairies
There’s nothing like them! The way that Mel has woven trees, woods and moons into the background is sublime.
And don’t forget: the centres can be swapped out, the individual elements can be called on. These really are ingenious.
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Jane Telford![]() There’s a brilliant background plate included with the Sprites too, |
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Carole Pankzstelo |
Fishermen and Rowboats
Here’s a super collection for Men. Again, all completely interchangeable with the outer framers.
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Amanda Williams |
California Landscapes
The California landscapes are dear to my heart. When the kids were small, this is where we lived.
The Lone Cypress on the 17-mile drive at Pebble Beach
The Napa Valley
Obviously, these are simply divine landscape plates;
they could be anywhere you like!
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Glynis Whitehead |
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Karen Jackson |
So there you have it.
10 x A5 square
Hope you can pop in to see Rosie work her magic on HOCHANDA at 6pm launch.
- SKY 663 (24/7)
- FREESAT 817 (24/7)
I have a feeling these little beauties will fly…
Love & Hugs,
38 thoughts on “GAGG !!!”
When I craft, it takes my mind off things. I have noticed that I need fewer painkillers when I've got a project on the go!
I've seen so many posts on Facebook and heard people at class and the retreat saying that they would like more masculine designs. Well, I think you have come up trumps with these and Mel's designs are amazing.
Hope you all have a good day bloggers xx
So glad you understand the problem. I retired three years ago from the NHS, for years I put in extra hours, unpaid, like so many others and without a pay rise for years before I retired. Like you I was dedicated and cared about other people, I also spent years getting less than 5 hours sleep a night,but it has a detrimental affect as you know, puts gremlins in your head etc etc. I realized that my brain was telling me to stop and occasionally put myself first, which I started to do and which thankfully you are doing this week. I still have problems occasionally like all of us who care. I prescribe you make yourself a canvas, which says "Barb first, sometimes". Bye the way I sleep like a baby now, 7 hours plus a night. It's half the battle won when you identify the problems, so you are winning. Enjoy the rest of you week.
I used to come home from work and not hear what my husband was saying as I was still thinking about work, let alone answering my work emails from my lap! I found it hard to concentrate on anything else and it wasn’t my own business ! It was also a bit the same on holidays too. Now I don’t have to think about anything but what I want to think about – not that easy to do sometimes though ! I hope W & H do leave you for a while this week At least you’re doing something you love (hope so !) and it’s yours ! I reckon wedding invites should be next ! Love the new plates. Xx
Lovely unisex designs on alot of these new plates, very good. Enjoy the rest of your day xx
Beautiful plates which will be added to my collection in the not too distant future. I know what it is like running a business. So much to juggle and never enough time. We all love your blog and read it every day but if you need a break we would quite understand. Your health is much more important. I wish I lived nearer as I would happily lend a hand. Take care of yourself Bsrbara. Love Rachel xx
Feel sorry for your neighbour.
You read my thoughts too!!!!
These all look fabulous Barbara and infinitely changeable, and guaranteed to fly. W and H need to leave the building for the rest of the week so try and relax and do something for yourself for a change. x
It’s so hard to switch of and relax hopefully as week goes on you can start to relax. Enjoy doing your wedding invites and favours etc you have so many plates spinning no wonder your having trouble switching of may be do something different!! Don’t those Groovin plates look great would be good for men’s cards some of them must set record so can watch back shows enjoy sun shine hope you have some love hugs xxx
These do look amazing – nothing new there! I find the talking books are great for driving because they make me much more focussed than music. And the voice talents of some people are incredible.
I started card craft to de stress and give me something else to concentrate on. Have you tried needlework eg counted cross stitch which needs concentration? Much less effort than strangling the neighbour!
Love the rounds especially the men's ones and looking forward to seeing the programmes xx
Hi Chris,
Hope you're ok. Have you got your windscreen sorted out now? Hope so anyway. Sending love and hugs, Alison xxxx
Hi Barbara
Good for you taking some time out for yourself, shame the neighbour from hell might spoil your me time though, perhaps some early morning stretches to some lovely bright cheerful wake up music just by your new trees might be a good start to the day! Haha. The new plates are fabulous, I have the scenes as stamps and they are so useful. The sailing and fishing ones are great too. The design team samples are beautiful as always. Enjoy your day, perhaps write the wedding invites as they are just a little bit important. Sorry to read you had shoplifting problems at the nec again, I know you've said about it in the past. Don't let the b******s stop you doing shows, we will all keep an eye open when we are there. Perhaps some of Marks rugby club friends would enjoy a spot of security work around the stall in exchange for one of your lovely roast dinners. Enjoy your afternoon.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends, hope you are all ok. The sun is out and the daffs have all perked up again, it's like the snow never happened. Sending hugs xxx
Lol great blog Barbara. When I close my eyes at night I see white lines that I spend ages making pretty patterns out of whilst drifting off to sleep. Am I the only one that this happens to? Think I'm becoming totally Groovi obsessed! I've booked the remote control for 6pm lol, he's not pleased he's missing Eggheads but he'll get over it, can't wait to see these new plates demo'd, know Ill have to have them just looking at them xx
Hi Diane,
Yes we've had a nice day as well ( up until about 3.30 when the rain started). I think the weather is just playing silly devils though – according to the forecast we're going to have another cold snap at Easter! Hope you're ok, love and hugs Alison xx
These plates are gorgeous, I do have quite a few in stamp form but would be great to have the ones I don't have, in groovi form. Help, my list is getting longer by by the minute, have to be selective at the moment though. I really feel for you, It's a nightmare not being able to swutch off, I havent even got a business to run but my brain never stops thinking, most of vwhich I can do nothing about. I hardly sleep what with that and my back trouble and that soon tells on you too. If listening to a book helps you relax you should do it Barbara. Do your invitations and your favours a few at a time, then listen to your talking book. Pace it out then it'll be soon done and finished with and you will then have more of a chance to relax.xxx
I did a double take when I saw that title of this post, as my grandchildren call me “Gaggy”, which as they get older is being shortened to “Gagg”! Maybe it is quite an apt name for me, as in Get a grip granny!
I do hope that you are managing to delegate some of the wedding jobs, as you want to enjoy the process of planning and not get stressed out and there would be lots of offers if you put the word out.
Will miss Maria tonight, as my granddaughter is performing for the first time in the junior strings orchestra, playing her violin and a very proud Gaggy will be watching. Will catch up when I get home and hope it hasn’t all sold out. Take care. Annette X
Hi bloggy friends, Hope you are all well, so glad the snow has gone and we still have some sunshine. Had my back treatment today, a bit sore. Surgeon said that it won't kick in for 6 to 7 weeks so keeping fingers crossed it will do good, So desperate for a good nights sleep. Was up in the night again so made use of the time and made a Groovi card for my daughter-in-law. Much better doing something useful instead of lying there thinking and in pain. Groovi helps me such a lot, in advance for my cards now which is good. Love and hugs to you all. Pam xxx
Hi Pam,
Sorry to hear that your back has been giving you pain again, but glad to hear that you've had your treatment. Let's hope it kicks in soon and you get some relief. Sending lots love and hugs, Alison xxx
Love the look of the new plates recorder set for all Rosie's shows and looking forward to seeing the wonderful work from your fab design team! Peacock plates arrived today…gorgeous or what! Friend's big birthday coming up next month so think I've the perfect excuse to play with them. Hope W&H do a disappearing act for a couple of days, if not like you said put an audio book on while you get the ironing out of the way (did mine y'day) xxx
Barb currently in Lanzarote with my Groovi Go. I highly recommend this therapy when worka & holic syndrome kicks in. Also recommend Origins Peace of Mind if they invade your sleep! Write & post the invites then chill, organised & had my small wedding in 2 weeks – it is was wonderful as yours will be xxx
These designs are truly gorgeous. Recorder set for the shows xx
Dear Barbara, the new plates are so beautiful. I was wondering about how people de-stress by crafting, but when you craft in your spare (!) time are those W and H putting in their appearance? So perhaps try different tasters of learning something new, such as learn an instrument, writing poetry, making a new border in the garden, take up photography. It could be something that is open-ended so no pressure to finish it, if at all, just do it for sheer enjoyment. I'm doing a 12 week art course which is hilarious, I can't draw but I find I'm actually enjoying just going with the flow. Thank you for all you do, take care xx
Good evening Barbara
Well these new plates look brilliant I will invest in them when I have done a bit of saving
Got some expensive outgoings this coming two weeks.
I can't complain though I got the last three lots of new plates in fact my peacock plates arrived this morning
Not had time to play yet
I will tune in though and watch the very talented Rosella show the new one off
Enjoy your evening T xx
Love these plates. I have a few of the stamp versions already. Can't afford them this month (Art Nuvo stamps and both lots of Peacock stamps/groovi plates in the post already), but they are definitely going on the wish list. Hope you manage to switch off for a bit.
Lovely plates, especially like the versatility xx
Love the new plates but will have to admire them from afar at the moment. I've spent this month's allowance already and it only went in the bank six days ago!! Have you tried telling yourself a story when you go to bed? I find I very rarely get past the first chapter before I fall asleep and the next night I have to start again because I can't remember where I got to! x
Great plates, added to my list of wants! I’m with you on listening to books, my way of shutting out the world. Be kind to yourself W and H can wait x
Stunning plates and samples barbara you cannot help caring so much it’s in you xxx
Caring hugs to all on the blog xxx
Hi Sheila,
Hope you're ok, love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Barb,
You really do need some good quality me time. You have good people around you ( well maybe not next door!) who will keep things ticking over nicely. Listen to your audiobooks and just chill. The wedding invites and favours are something special that you will enjoy doing. W&H will eventually get the message and go and pester someone else
The new plates are fabulous. I'm so pleased you did the California ones into Groovi – I have the stamps and love them. The boaty ones are great too for those pesky males. Not really into fairies myself but I love the woodgrain plate. One good thing about not being able to get out and about as much is that I do have a bit more money to spend on crafty goodies, hence the California,boaty and woodgrain did just fall into my Clarity basket! My Peacock plates arrived today and gosh they are beautiful, just waiting for the stamps to arrive now as they've been posted – yeah. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone is ok. Feeling much better today although now got a chesty cough but at least I'm not sneezing all of the time. Not going swimming tomorrow ( don't think it would be wise at the moment) but Dave is taking me up to Newcastle for an hour or two just to get me out of the house. Then when I get back, I'm going to have a play with the peacock plates which I'm looking forward to. Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
loving the new plates so pretty, cant wait to get them
Hello Barb, I know how you feel about pesky W&H. I work from home, and basically have an image of my laptop in my mind constantly. Need to maybe follow your advice and start getting some audio books, or just get on with my crafting. Hope you manage to get your mind onto other things. Love the new plates and the artwork is just astounding, I would not be surprised if you end up with a sellout. Take care all. Bx
Barbara, I have been reading a book by Charlotte DyJardin, the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Dressage Gold Medallist, and she had a period of time when she doubted everything she did and got totally taken over by self doubt. She was helped by the "Chimp Mind Management Model". The way she described it sounded as though it might help you to finally get full control over Worka and Hollick. Worth a look, perhaps. Books are available too from various online places, or you can book sessions to learn to fully understand how to control your inner chimp (Worka and Hollick). Hope you are still away from the office and looking at the beauties appearing in the hedgerows and gardens, before we have the threatened White Easter which the forecasters are saying could arrive. xxx Maggie