Tidy room – tidy mind.

Tidy room – tidy mind.

Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
What a great morning!
I have been having a reshuffle up here in my little art studio.
I’ve sorted out that window space for Groovi and Parchment, 
which I am loving.
And this morning, I decided to file some of my Designer papers and card into our new 8” x 8”storage folders. 

Only had two folders here, but it’s a start. I’ll have to get a couple more from the Clarity warehouse. I found myself flicking through half empty paper pads, not finding what I wanted – and wasting valuable time. So it’s time to do something about it!

Each folder has 24 sleeves, so takes either 2 books, 
like Northern Lights or Indian Summer

You can see the back AND front of the papers, 
which is great when you’re trying to find the right background.
Or one Paper Pad and its Petite Cards in the back half.
That’s what I’ve done.
So I’ve got ONE Northern Lights Folder for Paper and Card,
and I can index it on the spine.

I’m keeping the designer parchment separate, 
in its own folder though. 

There’s something about cleaning out the cupboards too, isn’t there.
Tidy room – tidy mind.

There’s so much on the agenda in March, 
I’ve called it MAD MARCH.
Mind you, February and January haven’t exactly been chillaxed, have they?!  Chilly, yes! Chillaxed, not here!

Mad March starts next Sunday with TV and goes straight into the huge retreat down here at the Spa Hotel. A week later it’s the NEC, with 4 live TV shows – one each day. We certainly know how to pack it in! Whose bright idea was that ?!?!?

All good. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
That’s why I’ve had to clear the decks, to be able to stay on top of what’s coming up!

Love & Hugs,

29 thoughts on “Tidy room – tidy mind.

  1. Hi Barbara, well you have been busy and the folders look good .
    Looking forward to next Sunday to see what you are brining to us .
    Not able to get to the NEC in March but can always mail an order through . Hope you will be going to the NEC in November ??? Will be checking out the Tv shows from the Nec when you are on, they are always great.
    Take care Lynn xx

  2. Hi Barb,
    I love these folders – I have the papers and matching parchment in a folder ( I have 4 of them) and it makes it so much easier to find what I want. I have the petites card in separate folders. Can recommend the folders to everyone. Sounds like you have a very busy March coming up and I hope everything is successful for you, but remember to have some time for just you ( or with Dave of course!) . You don't want to run yourself ragged especially with a certain event coming up later in the year. My Mandala plates came today and they are beautiful, looking forward to playing with them. Sending love and hugs,Alison xxx

    1. Hi bloggy friends,
      Hope everyone is ok. Starting to turn chilly up here but it has been a lovely bright, sunny day. Feeling grotty today – my cold has well and truly come out! Had a very lazy day consequently. Watched the curling, felt very sorry for the girls. Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx

    2. Hi Alison – sorry to hear that you have been suffering today! Still you will have been able to look at your new plates!! I was not going to order anything new, as I had decided to just put in a Sale order. HOWEVER, I did order one and also the beautiful spacer too. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx

  3. Sounds like a very productive day Barb – does this mean I need to go and look at the folders!!?? Yes – it sounds like a very busy March for you all. Take care of yourself too! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx

    1. Hi bloggy friends – I hope that you are all keeping warm. We are sat in front of a roaring fire and the cottage is now starting to warm up nicely. Been out shopping today and had my hair cut – quite a lot shorter! Maybe not the best weather to do that – not to worry. I am planning on staying in for a few days and sorting through my Gray Friday packages and putting it all into order – including my new pink Pergamano bag and the Perga Liners! Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx

    2. Hi Gilly,
      Glad the cottage is warming up nicely ready for this cold snap next week. Yes, you do need to look at the folders, they are such a good idea. It sounds as though you've been following my lead – I must be a bad influence – and spending!!! You'll love your pink bag and the Perga Liners.i think they are better once they've been sharpened, they seem to go creamier if that makes sense. Bet your hair looks lovely. Sending love and hugs to you and Neill, Alison xxx

  4. March is filling my diary too, with the Retreat, the NEC and several other things. However, I am sure you will be working much harder than I will. Any ideas on how I can keep my kefir fix satisfied while I am away? Do you think the Spa can provide, I wonder? xxx Maggie

  5. Love the folders, got the set of four when they were first shown one for each matching paper and parchment…so easy to find what I need…highly recommend to everyone who loves the designer paper/parchment! 'Battening down the hatches' after seeing the weather forecast this evening..ooh what a good excuse to stay snug and warm in my little crafty room. Looking forward to placing another little order before the sale ends…don't tell the bank manager!

  6. Looking forward to a grand tidy up myself tomorrow as we take Julie's dog back. Goodness what a bundle of energy. Then the retreat in a week's time will be just great. Will be lovely to catch up with old friends and make new ones and I bet the projects will be fab. xx

  7. Hi Barbara
    It does feel good doesn't it when you start to restore order out of the chaos, I need a good sort out too, things have been dumped on the desk rather than being put away properly. I ordered some more groovi folders in the sale so that should help with the organisation. I like the look of the paper folders but I need to be good at the moment so they will have to wait a while. Make sure you have some me time in amongst your busy month.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      I really need to have a sort out and be very ruthless! I keep telling myself to get rid of anything I haven't used for 2 years and then when I start , I find things like my melt pot and think " Oh can't get rid of that, I might need it!" – even though it hasn't seen the light of day for about 5 years!!! My craft cupboard is bursting at the seams ( & it's a big double classroom cupboard!). Good luck, love and hugs Alison xxx

  8. Tidy room, tidy mind is what I think the saying is and I'm sure it helps to free up creativity. The folders are a great idea for finding the paper you want with the minimum of fuss. x

  9. I do envy you your discipline, as it seems to take me ages to tidy, with forgotten finds distracting me. They do say that the more you do, the more you achieve and you certainly achieve a lot. Hope you find some time to relax this month, as you have so much planned. Annette x

  10. Hello Barb, the clarity folders are superb, the first thing I do when I get my club envelope, is read the newsletter! Then go through the projects, if I don't want to try it straight away, I file it away. So that little bit of my craft stash is neat and tidy, can't say the same for the rest, so I applaud your neatness and organisation. Take care all. Bx

  11. Dear Barb

    thanks for sharing how you file – one can always learn from you (of course I have my own system for stamps and stencils, but I'm looking forward to having printed labels – was some of that your Grace's idea? because of the stencil folder)


    Maggie (Yorkite)

  12. Playing catch up today as I've missed a few days of your blog. Seeing this reminds me I must put in my member's sale order. I've been holding off as you were so busy and had the phone problems, but I can't do any more tidying up of my stamps and stencils until I have more folders. My desk is almost clear at the moment too, as I had to do some sewing the other day, so I'm off to the website! Happy Sunday x

  13. Groovi has allowed both newbies and experienced parchers to produce works of art that previously we would not have dreamed possible. Even youngsters and those affected by illness or disablement can participate in a craft beloved by many for generations. Seeing a loved one's face registering awe and amazement upon receiving a card or gift makes all the hard work worthwhile, and to have the ability to produce that gift has to be one of the most satisfying things in life. Clarity itself is a wonderful company, always ready to assist, and my life has changed totally as a result of finding Groovi, I just hope my bank manager can see the benefits clarity have brought to my life.
    Well done Barb and the Team x

  14. Love all things Clarity! Just ordered some storage in the sale. Thank you for that gives us somewhere to keep all our beautiful purchases where we can find them easily. Thanks also for the inspiration I value that greatly and it always stimulates my imagination and encourages me to try something and often out of my comfort zone! Ali x

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