Meet Keith. Or should I say Keef?
Greetings from New York.
Just waiting for Grace to come to the hotel and then we’re going for lunch together. Can’t wait to see her and catch up.
While I’m here in the Big Apple, I’ve left the guys back at base to rustle up this little video for you. I want to share something with you, which is very close to my heart. Something which a dear friend, Carron, put me onto, and which has become a bit of a “bread basket daily occurence for me”
I hope you enjoy this little clip. It helps me so much, this Kefir, that I just wanted to share it with you.
(Keith, we call it here. Well, Keef actually)
So Keef’s back in the fridge while I’m here, on hold till I get back next week. Thought about bringing some live cultures in a ziploc bag for Grace, to start her own little farm. But then I thought about the saga at JFK airport, trying to explain what this white lumpy stuff was which I was trying to smuggle in, and I thought better of it.
“Well, it grows when you add milk, and it’s keeps you regular.”
I want to do more videos like this. More sort of lifestyle things, which might be of interest to you.
If you’d like to follow my more personal Youtube channel, then click here and please subscribe.
Right. Gotta go. New York is beckoning.
Love & Hugs,
35 thoughts on “Meet Keith. Or should I say Keef?”
Interesting. Will maybe give it a try, love yoghurt but was not totally convinced by your face. Need anything for arthritis though. xx
Hahahahahaha xxxx
Lynne, live yoghourt does have quite a sharp flavour, but it is a fresh clean flavour. I imagine that the kefir is a similar type of flavour. I will try anything to help with arthritis. xxx Maggie
We were given some kefir grains a few years ago and was told to store it in the fridge.
THAT’S why it didn’t work. I’ll get him to put up a window sill to hold it this time.
Sounds a very good idea to me. I might also have to dig out my big flask and start making my own yoghurt again. Grains ordered, just need a kilner jar again, so off to the farm shop tomorrow. Already got the siege and wooden spoon. Thanks for sharing your tips with us. xxx Maggie
What an interesting video – thank you! The first I heard bout it was on the Archers ! Not tried it but might now I know what to do with it ! Anything that helps to lose weight must be good. Who knows it is probably good for my ulcerative colitis. I’m off to look up more about it! Enjoy your time with Grace. Xx
Oooooo sounds good, I wonder if I could do it with soya or almond milk? May have to investigate. Xx
Had a bit of a Google and you can use almond milk but it requires a few extra steps. Sweetened soya milk can be used quite easily though so that will be the route I will go down. Just need some water kefir as opposed to milk kefir…
Evening bloggy friends, half term for me next week…yay craft time! Xx
Hi Donna,
Hope you're feeling much better now. Have a great crafty half term. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Sounds interesting…I'll bear it in mind once my blood results are thro (possibility of hypercalcemia) so need to discuss with GP…anything that can help with arthritis and losing weight is great by me tho!
Ooh very interesting Barb – anything to lose weight has gotta be worth a try. Can you add flavourings to make it tast fruity?
I have been reading up and you can add fresh fruit to make smoothies, but I like plain organic yoghurt anyway. x Maggie
Hubby and I have been having Actimel for quite some time but I may give this a try as it will save quite a bit of money and do the same, or may be, a better job. Thanks for the tip Barbara. Doing this sort of video is a great idea. x
Sounds good may have to see if can get some specially if helps with arthritis the pain from my shoulder is getting very bad and nothing medical can help just painkillers so worth try xxx
Thanks for the video. I was reading about Kefir and wasn't sure how complicated it was, so this has popped up just at the right time 🙂
Hi Barb,
Great video, sounds really interesting and great that once you've started it it's free. I used to have Actimel but it works out quite expensive. Might just have to give this a go, if it helps arthritis and is good for weight loss then it must be worth it!! Enjoy your time with Grace. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Had a quiet day today as my knee was still a bit sore from yesterday, but as the day has worn on , it feels better thankfully. Sending love and hugs to all. Alison xx
Have you had your knee op then Alison, I do hope so. Take care, love Pam xx
Very interesting, thanks for sharing x
Never heard of Kerif until now, if it helps you lose weight and helps arthritis it's definitely worth a try. Thank you Barbara. Enjoy your break with Grace.
Hi bloggy friends hope you are all ok. Had a bad week, we've lost a very dear friend, I'm sure you'll understand why I've not been on here. Lots of love Pam xxx
Hi Pam,
So sorry to hear your sad news – it's always hard to lose someone. Hope your sciatica has calmed down now too. No I haven't had my op yet, but hopefully shouldn't be too long now. Sending love and hugs Alison xxx
Yes, I am an Archers can and have heard about it on there…gonna give it a whirl, despite everyone in Ambridge moaning about the flavour! If it tastes like natural yoghurt I should like it👍
It does taste much like the best natural yoghurt, clean and fresh. Personally, I prefer natural yoghurt to the flavoured variety so I probably would not add flavours. I got some kefir in my shopping this morning to keep me going until my grains arrive. xx Maggie
Oops that should be fan, not can!😁
Hi Barb,
you can buy Kefir here in german supermarkets. It´s similar to "Buttermilch" (buttermilk) which I don´t like.
My sister makes a tea out of Kombucha and she says it´s good for her health. I´m not sure cause it is much to sweat.
For me the most healthy drink is Brottrunk (tastes like liquid bread).
Have fun with Grace in N.Y.
Rolf xxx
Thanks for the info Barbara, I have just ordered some on line like you suggested, l look forward to seeing what it is like when it arrives. Enjoy your time in USA. X
Sales if Kefir will go through the roof! Wx
I think we need a supply on hand down at the retreats. xxx Maggie
Hello Barb, thanks for sharing this, am definitely going to look into it. Hope you enjoy NY with Grace, may be a bit too cold to go boating this time. Take care all. Bx
kefir is like yogurt on steroids….many more varieties of probiotics in it. I used to make my own yogurt, but kefir is much easier. I like to blend mine in a nutri-bullet with frozen strawberries and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours/overnight to let the grains feed on the fruit sugars…..so thick and delicious! when traveling with your grains, label them as a "probiotic supplement" and they will give you less trouble bringing them with you.
Ordered some!
My Dad used to make live yoghurt and it was gorgeous! Got better and better the older it got – bet it was similar. I look forward to a cup! X
Thank you, Barbara. I had been thinking about doing this and you have pushed me on. Found some Kefir grains on Ebay! had my first drink this morning. Lovely. Going to try mixing my daily dose of Tumerix into it next.