From Big Ben to the Big Apple …
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Meeting in London today with the accountant.
All good and moving in the right direction it appears, so that’s a relief! You’d hate to pedal this hard and not move from the spot, wouldn’t you?!
Was going to have a quiet weekend, doing the laundry,
but came to my senses, and am going to New York to check in on lovely Grace instead!
Ironing, Grace. Grace, ironing…
See ya!!!
Dave is holding the fort while I swan off to The Big Apple early tomorrow, to spend a little time with my girl.
Not long. Just long enough to make sure she’s safe and happy.
Once a Mum, always a mum, right?
I shall leave you with an acrylic print I did yesterday, trying out some new paints we are going to stock soon.
Very lovely they are, too.
The earth really does have music for those who listen, you know.
You can hear it in the silence.
That’s when it’s best.
Love & Hugs,
46 thoughts on “From Big Ben to the Big Apple …”
Good evening Barbara! You're right about always being a mum! And today I'm with Amy and her darling off to the lowry to watch Britain's got Talent! Or not as the case may be! So nice to spend time with both of them!
Great artwork!
Enjoy your jolly jaunt to New York. Safe journey there and back.
Love and hugs Xxxx
Enjoy your visit and spending time with Grace. My daughter and granddaughter are coming up next week and I'm really looking forward to spending time with them. Families are scattered all over the world these days. We have to treasure the together times. Jan x
Have a lovely time in New York. Safe journey both ways. Love to Grace. Looking forward to seeing you in March. Love and hugs. Rachel. P.S. Your accountant is happy because mine isn't! Xxx
Have a great trip; enjoy the break and the catch up xx
Hi Barb,
I think you are doing the right thing. Getting away from it all and spending some quality time with lovely Grace. Have a safe journey, a fabulous time and recharge your batteries. Well done to Dave too for holding the fort. Sending love and hugs to you and Grace, Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you are all as well as you can be. Had a busy day today,starting with swimming where I was nearly ok'd by a stupid bloke who didn't look as he was turning and went straight into me ( fortunately it was my head – not much to damage there!!!) . Needless to say I wasn't very happy and then blow me about five lengths later he was doing breast stroke and kicked me in my knee!! I wouldn't have minded if the pool had been really busy, but at the time there was only me and him in the big bit of the pool! He did apologise when he'd finished swimming at least. My knee has been aching all day but fortunately I had my brace on. Then it was off for retail therapy up to Newcastle and once home I was going to begin a couple of wedding cards I e been asked to make, but decided to download some audible books onto my iPod. That took me ages so abandoned the idea of the cards! There's always tomorrow. Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
Oh no poor you. Hope your knee is OK in the morning after a good nights sleep. Xx
Hope you managed to craft tomorrow xxx
Oooh Alison that sounds painful I hope it's not too sore tomorrow. Xxx
How fabulous to be able to hop on a plane and visit your daughter. It is easy to take for granted that we can just get in our car and drive to visit our family. Have a fabulous time and enjoy your time with Grace. Ironing will still be there when you get back. 🤣🤣🤣
Dear Barbara enjoy your trip with your daughter. I love spending time with mine, but she is in Hong Kong, too far for a short trip. I am still recovering from my long trip, first to Canada then San Francisco. Safe journey xx
Have a great time with Grace in New York, hopefully Dave will take pity on you and do the ironing for you.
Doesn't matter how old they are, they never stop being your babies. She will appreciate all the love and hugs I'm sure xxx Safe journey xx
Barbara have a lovely time meeting up with grace it will do you both good to see each other .
Can I send a big thank you to you and the lady who packed my members sale I received today also to all at clarity towers my other members sale parcel is sent out for delivery so should receive that tomorrow thank you again .
Sending crafting hugs to all on the blog love sheila xxx
Sending hugs back Sheila. Xx
Crafty hugs to you too xxx
Crafty hugs for you too Sheila xxx
Have a wonderful time with Grace and safe travels. Annette X
Have a lovely time with your daughter she will be as anxious as you to have some girlie time xx safe journey
Enjoy your NY break. Can you (or anyone!) tell me what the stencil is called that you used please? It is a lovely piece of work and I love the words.
You've definitely made the right – the only – choice! Enjoy 🙂 Mxx
Great to see you finding the time to visit Grace for a bit of down time. Lots of stuff tempting me in your sale so I will sit down at the weekend and see what I shall be ordering. Great stencil today. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, almost back to normal just a lingering cough and sinus things but on the whole feeling much more with it. Had a sprinkle of snow but nothing major. Xx
Hi Donna,
Pleased to hear you're almost back to normal, let's hope you don't have a relapse with half term coming up soon. Take good care of yourself, love and hugs Alison xxx
Get well soon hugs xxx
Hopefully you will be well enough to enjoy half ter,. Keep warm,xxx
Enjoy your time with Grace.
My youngest flies in from Malta tomorrow for a few days..cant wait to see her x
Have a wonderful time with your daughter Linda xxx
A trip to see Grace is just what you need Barbara and hope you have a good flight and a great time in NY. The stencil work with the new paints looks fab! x
Have a wonderful time in New York, one of my favourite places. Don’t know what it is but I get a real buzz wandering around all those places you see in films and on TV. Enjoy your time with Grace, I feel so thankful that all my children and grandchildren live locally.
We even had a white world here in West Cornwall yesterday for a very short time, warmer today. When I picked my grandson up from school this week and we were driving through the back lanes I noticed the catkins were out on the trees so Spring is on the way xx
True always a mum.enjoy your trip and time with Grace. My daughter and family fly off to Florida tomorrow for holiday leaving us with the dog. Lots of exercise I think in the next two weeks. xx
have a safe trip to New York & a fabulous time with Grace. I thought of you yesterday when we were watching Michael Portillo in San Francisco on BBC 2. Hadn't realised some of the roads are sooooo steep !! Its nice to get together with family & catch up, we are doing just that on Sunday to celebrate our 45th Wedding Anniversary from last weekend & our eldest granddaughter becoming a teenager next Thursday. xx
Wonderful have a really blessed time with Grace love hugs to you both understand totally that need safe flight there and back. Sure Dave will do that ironing please Dave xxx
Safe journey, have a wonderful time with Grace. xx
You never step down from being a mum from the second they are born, and you always worry about them. I am sure Grace will love having her Mum there for a few days. Ironing is very overrated anyway. Irons are for use with craft stuff anyway, like Angelina fibres or encaustic art. Don't you agree. xxx Maggie
I too am traveling to see my daughter tomorrow, but only to Edinburgh though! Would love to visit New York sometime. Enjoy your daughter time, it is so precious to be able to create the memories.
Hello Barb, once a Mum, always a Mum. You never stopping saying things like drive safely, let me know when you get home etc. Have a safe trip, and enjoy your time with Grace. I am sure that you are leaving everything in very capable hands. Take care all. Bx
Have a fab time in New York and enjoy your time with your daughter.I always love catching up and spending time with my Mutti It's special xx
Hi Barbara
Have a safe journey to see Grace, what a lovely treat for you both. I hope there's some girly shopping involved ready for the wedding. Love the piece of artwork.
Love Diane xxx
Absolutely the right choice – have a great time together. Get someone to do your ironing and buy yourself back a few hours a week to watch the grass grow or read a book or just put your feet up!!! It's so worth it x
A no brained I reckon ! Have a good weekend with Grace. You should have said, I’m just about to start the ironing ! x
Good for you Barbara. Our eldest daughter flew up from Southampton to, Thursday night, bring our great grandaughter, to spend a couple of days with us. They fly back on Saturday evening. In the past we have gone down to see Beverly at least twice a year, travelling by car in our younger days, but later Flying down a couple of times and then turning to the train. But my husband hasn't been well for some time now and I feel it would be too much for him to travel so far now. He is 87 and I am 83 and today, the 9th is our 61st Wedding Anniversary. Dawn, our younger daughter lives local so we see her qute often, but we do miss Beverly, so we know how you feel. Enjoy your trip. x
Have a lovely time with Grace, safe trip and hope you're doing some shopping ready for the big day xxx
Hello Barbara
Don't blame you. Ironing or Grace? No contest. Have a lovely time with your lovely daughter.
Enjoy, enjoy enjoy xxx