Roast Lamb? Dream on!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Beautiful day here darn sarf.
Early morning walk,
then breakfast on the veranda.
Read the paper and drink coffee.
Roast a leg of lamb slowly in the Aga.
Spot of weeding in the garden, deadhead the flowers and water the hanging baskets.
Reality check.
Get up at 7, see Dave off to work,
and clear a space in the kitchen to erect the ironing board.
Listen to Stephen Fry read me Sherlock Holmes on the Alexa for 3 hours while I plough through the ironing mountain.
Kitchen now looks like a Chinese Launderette!
You know it’s time to do some ironing when there are NO clean tea towels in the drawer, and Dave has gone to work dressed like this:
He will be so happy when he gets in from making the freebie stencils we ran out of yesterday, and sees all his checked shirts nicely pressed. He hasn’t seen his favourites for months!!!
I’ve got us a HUGE Pork Pie from Melton Mowbray for lunch too!
Should still be edible…
Pathetic isn’t it? Comical really.
But actually, it’s fine. We had an immensely successful day yesterday, all the hard work paid off, and how good it feels to be appreciated.
Later on this afternoon, we’ll take a drive down to Rye to the Jazz Festival, and go for a good long walk along the beach.
We’ve got tickets for an Eric Bibb concert in the church, too.
Our Sundays may not be conventional, but in the main,
we choose the life we lead, and life is good.
Here is a quick step by step from one of yesterday’s shows, using Linda William’s exquisite Dream Plate.
and the new Indian Summer parchment
I have to say, a Lightwave is pretty handy when using coloured parchment. Emboss the whole plate using the No. 1 Pergamano tool,
or the stylus end (No. 1 too) in the Starter Kit.
Move the Dream Catcher over towards the word.
Using an eraser pencil, rub out the colour in the letters and stars.
This is all done on the back.
It will make any white work or colouring in much easier.
When adding colour to the letters, use the Perga Liners pencils or Perga Colour pens. Both work a treat.
Emboss a frame around the word with any plate which gives you a straight line.
The A5 Calligraphy Plate mate has a great double line around the outside, and you needed it to hold the Dream plate anyway.
See the lines?
The use the straight grid to add white embossed dots around the inside edges. Lightwave helps, believe you me.
Now for a little whitework in the feathers and stars.
Build up gradually from behind, allowing to rest in between.
Check your progress from the front…
Move the work to the white foam mat on the lightwave and working from the front, perforate inside all the open areas on the Dream Catcher using a 2-needle tool. Bold or Fine.
I went with fine because the picot is more delicate, and I liked the look for the dream catcher, but the bold needle tool is best when starting out.
Cut out all the spaces in between.
Take your time; it’s not a race. I just accept that if I want to do this kind of artwork it will take longer.
The satisfaction when done is wonderful.
Trim the edges with a Pergamano ruler with a strip of Groovi Grip on the back, to prevent slipping.
As I mentioned on the TV, attach one of the 2 sheets of the Groovi Grip to your lightwave; it will hold your Groovi plates in place.
Emboss the outer edge of the Dream Catcher on matching coloured paper,
cut out and attach behind the dream catcher.
This will really make it pop.
See the tiny white brads?
Yep, they have finally landed. And they are excellent.
Very good quality. Lovely colours and metallics.
Rosie will be launching them, together with a couple of very clever brad corner ideas o HOCHANDA on September 9th.
Anyway, I’d better get the pork pie out of the fridge before his nibs gets home!
We do like a Pork Pie!
Actually, on that subject, tune in tomorrow, and we’ll have a Caption Competition.
I’ve had an idea…..
Love & hugs,
34 thoughts on “Roast Lamb? Dream on!”
I don't think that sounds too bad a sunday considering 🙂 And lovely weather for that afternoon jaunt and gig.
Loved yesterdays shows – those Indian Summers papers just lush.
Have a nice afternoon
Who needs conventional?? You do what pleases you Barb – you have earned it. With what you have planned you wouldn't have time to cook lamb anyway. Superb artwork once again btw. Enjoy your pork pie – save me some crumbs so I don't starve will ya!! 🤣🤣🤣
Can so empathise with the ironing – haven't done any since the kitchen refurb began – at least all the washing gets done and Mike can rustle about to find a work t-shirt – just hope body heat removes all the creases! Enjoy the pie! ;~}
Well Barbara I would love to see Dave dressed in that Groovi/groovy gear…lol. You are obviously very passionate about what you do and you, Dave and the team try to make everything work as well as it possibly can, but three hours of ironing that really is a labour of love. Another such is that wonderful precise cutting of the dream catcher! Have a lovely walk and enjoy the Jazz. I have always thought Rye is a very special place. x
We don't have conventional Sundays either Barbara!
I think as long as you get a little quality time together that's the important thing to do! Enjoy your pork pie and your walk on the beach.
Love and hugs! Xxx
Thank you so much for the new products, especially the parchment book, love it! Enjoy your Sunday whatever you manage to fit in x
Both options sound good to me. Quality not quantity is the key x
Your Sunday sounded idyllic in the first paragraph until I saw the reality bit LOL!!
Who needs conventional Sundays anyway? Congratulations on your successful TV shows and as a new convert to Groovi I'm going to be watching out for more. If you're having a pork pie it has to be from Melton Mowbray, I'm sure they must be the best.
Sundays are what we make them as has been quiet Bobs just finished nice so to bed for him this morning I had lay in as not sleeping with knee pain and shoulder pain so not lot happening katie of doing her nails. Loved the show new papers stamps etc. Trying to save myself for Ally pally xxx
Ironing! Oh no no ironing here. Just a quick shake and if the duvet looks creased it gets a quick iron on when on the bed. Picked up that tip from cruise waiters who iron the table cloths on the table! Enjoy your day once the ironing has been tackled x
Did you say that you had run out of IRONED tea towels? I do hope not! Life really is too short! But our weekends used to be like that too, shopping, washing, ironing, all times 2 when my mother was still alive, then seeing stepchildren – when younger or ferrying them too and fro uni later. We used to start 'our' weekend at about 8.30pm on Sunday! Growing up it used to be church in the morning, roast lunch, visiting aunties in the afternoon and salad for tea. Mum might do a little light gardening – of the deadheading variety – but certainly no washing or ironing!! How times change!
Sounds a great day – except for ironing! Have fun, you deserve it x
Who needs to iron! I used to be a slave to it as the mother of four but now I hang stuff on hangers to dry and then fold neatly in drawers – this gives me loads more time for crafting! My lovely steam station just gets used for blocking hand knits now…and I have leg of lamb roasting for when the family arrive!
Ironing? Nope! The most I do with an iron is to fuse my angelina fibres together!! I think Dave looks very fetching in his new outfit, just right for all the Groovi stuff. Enjoy the jazz festival later, if you have a pair of those boots to match Daves you could both take a walk along the beach and not get sand in your shoes. XX
Afternoon bloggy friends, completly forgot it was Sunday today! I was already on Monday, good job I realised as I am going out on Tuesday so would have been a day early. XX
Haha! I am so pleased that I am not the only one who forgets which day it is sometimes! The benefit of being retired! xx
Hi Donna,
Glad it's not just me then! I've thought it was Monday all day today, I think it's because Barb was on tv yesterday instead of a Sunday! Love and hugs Alison xx
Conventional Sundays are a thing of the past 'Amen' to that, spontaneity, is my idea of heaven, personally I like a bit of chocolate Sunday afternoon and a couple of glasses of red wine with my dinner in the evening and the dinner can be a very simple omelette with salad, if I'm feeling really lazy, cheese and crackers are perfect. Hooray for unconventional Sundays. Enjoy YOUR day, your way!
I don't do ironing. I do the washing and hanging out, folding and putting away. The boys/hubby do their own ironing and I make sure I only have clothes these days that don'the need it. I'm enjoying the footie at the moment.
Invest in a tumble dryer. Take out when dry, quick shake when dry, and hang up straight away. Any item which isn't tumble dryable gets hung in the airing cupboard to dry. When buying new clothes choose carefully and always check the washing label to make sure it can be tumble dried. The last time I ironed was 2 years ago when we were going to a wedding.
I can't wait for my paper pads and dream catcher Groovi to arrive xx
Snap – except I was watching your shows on Hochanda whilst I did my ironing today, and had left overs from dinner last night for lunch! Of course, now I'll have to buy from you directly as they seem to have sold out of their whole stock. I'm delighted for you that everything was so in demand. Enjoy the jazz this evening x
Ironing aaahhhh used to be a slave to it , everything ironed put away nicely in drawers / cupboards , then when got said ironed clothes out to wear they were all dressed and crumpled again …. So now only iron if absolutely necessary ,much rather spend time crafting or with family ….. love the new papers will invest when back from Scotland if I've got any money left …have a good day
Too hot for Sunday roast today. I tried to convince Fred we needed lunch out but he did not go for it. Never mind note to self must try harder. Card is beautiful. X
Hee hee – I've just got back form spending a wonderful day down in Rye. The music has been brilliant despite the Cuban band being an hour late on stage due to a SAT NAV error which took them to Sevenoaks. Operator in-put error apparently. I'm sure you and Dave will have a fab time in the Church. Xxxxxx
Hi Barbara
Oh dear, I'm the sad person that likes ironing, but not on a hot day! There's something satisfying about a pile of ironed things. I like the idea of a big chunk of pork pie for lunch, yummy, we took some on our picnic yesterday. Loved this parchment when you did it on tv, the picot cut dream catcher looked stunning, the coloured parchment is wonderful. Enjoy your afternoon and evening out, sounds like a good way to relax and unwind.
Love Diane xxx
Hi Diane,
I hate ironing!mind you I do like to see it when it's all finished! Love and hugs Alison xx
We don't have conventional Sundays either – they always vary, and that's good I think. Well done for doing the huge pile of ironing today – I have done mine, but there wasn't very much and I do only iron what is strictly necessary! I loved watching this demo on tv and I am so pleased that you did so very well yesterday – greatly deserved and bless Dave for making all of those stencils today. Enjoy your evening xxx
Hi bloggy friends – another fantastic day here in Cornwall, SO very lucky! Got some jobs done, caught up on watching some recorded tv programs – no prizes for guessing which! Neill and I also sat in the garden and I read my book – beautiful! Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
I've actually sat on the patio this afternoon – only about the 6th time this summer!! Mind you it wasn't red hot! Love and hugs Alison xx
Hello Barbara
What a brilliant idea of yours to put the Groovi Grip sheet on the Lightwave!
I love ironing…..when it's all finished! Seriously, I don't mind doing it so long as I have something to distract me. Our Sundays aren't 'conventional' either..definitely a case of doing as we please. This is another lovely step by step and can't wait to try it out when my new goodies arrive. xx
Hi Barb,
Nothing wrong with unconventional! I'm not sure what a conventional Sunday is anymore! I'm another one that irons tea towels too even though I detest ironing, I iron everything (& I mean everything!!!) – I think it's because that's what my Mam taught me to do. Loved this demo when you did it yesterday and I really can't wait for my plates, parchment and papers arrive so I can play. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope today has been good for you. Well we actually had some sun today , although not a lot. Finished off a card using the Art Deco lilies this afternoon – a sympathy card, which I always find difficult. Then I treated myself to a Gemini machine from Crafters Companion as my eBosser died – I think I hit it with a hammer once too often when things got stuck! Mind you I was told to do this if the plates got stuck. So that's another thing to look forward to coming along with my Clarity goodies. I'll be like a kid at Christmas when they arrive!! Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
Hello Barb, what a beautiful piece of art, love what you have done with this fabulous plate. Hope you have a great afternoon and enjoyed the Jazz festival and concert. Not to mention the Pork Pie. Take care all. Bx