Introducing our new Snowflake Duets
Thanks for popping in.
Paul and I are having a lovely day, prepping for the Sunday TV Show on HOCHANDA. At 6pm, I shall be launching a brand new and very clever kinda Groovi….
The Snowflake Duets.
Tina Cox designed a snowflake grid, then we wrapped a Groovi plate around it. And Hey Presto! Our Duets were born!
Wait till you see what you can do with these – it’s ridiculous.
The number of possible duet combinations will astound you.
In fact, don’t take my word for it. I asked Maggie Byford, one of our traditional Design Team members, to write a review. Why did I ask Maggie in particular? Well, she used to make all the Pergamano multi-grid samples for Pergamano Netherlands, so I thought I would get her opinion, since these Duets are our answer to the Multi-Grids.
Here is her review, verbatim:
Here’s just ONE of the Snowflakes:
In deference to Maggie, and to celebrate her parching skills,
we have included her beautiful artwork below in a FREE digital download, which you can receive by signing up to our email newsletter.
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Saturday 21st October.
Got your tickets yet?
We will there with a huge stand packed with both Groovi and Pergamano. Linda Williams, Paul Church, Rosie Cottrell, Tina Cox, and Maggie Byford will be demonstrating – and I will be running a FREE Groovi Make & Take.
For more information, click this link to go to the website
Must press on.
Got snowflakes to make!
Love & Hugs,
50 thoughts on “Introducing our new Snowflake Duets”
OMG say no more ! Absolutely fabulous ! X
Oh boy! I was waiting for Leyburn before buying anything else, but I don't think I can wait till then for these. They look really brilliant. xxx
Ooh – I hope to meet you at Leyburn Maggie! I am going to be a good girl until Leyburn! Hugs Gilly xx
Hi Maggie,
It will be really great to meet you at Leyburn. Love Alisonxx
So glad you're coming to leyburn see you there xx
Well what a fabulous idea and one which will be mega popular Barbara. I am looking forward to seeing this new concept in action at the weekend. x
These are fantastic plates and even if you use them in the simplest of ways they make beautiful snowflakes!
Looking forward to the shows Barbara!
Love and hugs! Xxx
These are absolutely lovely! But I just can't get on with groovi! am a groovi club member, I bought the original set – plate mate and original plates – and have lots of other plates bought since, plus lots of white and coloured parchment but it just doesn't work for me!! I try and then get disappointed with my efforts, I manage to turn the parchment over mid way through the project and find I have embossed part of it in the wrong side. When I try whitework – and I use the term advisedly – I manage to pierce the parchment! And I am nowhere near a grid or a picot edge! The work you all do is amazing and a bit intimidating!!!! I'll stick to stamping for now – at least I can cover my mistakes with a butterfly!
Oh dear Gillian – please don't give up on Groovi! I have had my starter kit (& more additional plates) for quite a while and I am nowhere near a picot edge or any cutting. I have used the grids for embossing & that's really ok. My white work is coming along slowly. Why don't you just colour for the moment and maybe in a corner of the parchment which will be cut off – write 'back' – so that you know that is the side you need to do your colouring etc. Hugs Gilly xx
Oh, please keep trying, we've all done what you've done, probably more than we admit to! Is there some near to you who could give you any help? X
Hi Gillian I'm still at the basic stage too and do all those things too so you are not alone. I've tried picot cutting, it looks like a mouse has nibbled it but I will get there one day. Enjoy your stamping, I find butterflies very useful too! X
Thank you ladies for your encouragement! We are off to our caravan in a week or so, so I might take groovi with me and give it another go! I'll let you know how I get on!!
Oh don't give up Gillian as Groovi really will give you lots of pleasure. The Groovi system helps you to develop your own parching creativity and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve. Seeing someone actually demonstrate would be a good idea for you if at all possible as it would be interactive in that you could learn from the demonstration, ask questions, pick up invaluable hints and tips, and maybe even have a go so the demonstrator can advise you on where you may need further help and guidance! Being able to have a play with the Groovi System is lots of fun and no-one wants disappointment to get in the way so I do feel for you. Learning and understanding the basics is definitely the way to go. Hope this helps. Maggie.
Keep going with it Gillian, it does improve. I have only just started making things that I feel are good enough to give to people. The DT samples are great to see how plates can be used. For ages I used the plates for the line art, and then just coloured on the back, no white work at all. One day I hope I will be able to do some of the things the DT do on their samples. XX
Oh dear Gillian… just wondering if you could possibly make it along to Ally Pally, Leyburn or the Harrogate Parchment show as I'm sure with just a little help to get you off to a good start re the basics you'd know why we all love it so much. Take care and keep trying – use every inch of your parchment trying small areas, try to keep your 'touch' as light as possible with your embossing (I tend to be 'heavy handed'!) using the biggest ball tool that will fit the area, gradually reducing in size over time and remember to let the parchment rest in between 'sessions' for as long as possible. You'll 'get it'…promise! Gilly's tip to write back on the appropriate side of the parchment is a great idea… and remember emboss from the back, pierce/prick from the front. xx
Hi Gillian,
Please don't give up on Groovi. We've all been there honestly. I still have trouble with the white work – trying to get it smooth etc, but I am getting better. For ages I just coloured in using pencils, still not too good with pens ( seem to go streaky for me but I'm practicing) . Beginning to experiment with the piercing. I aspire to be as good as the DT one day ( might never happen but I'll try!) You'll find that one day it will just click and you'll be hooked like the rest of us. Good luck, love Alison xx
Keep trying g. I always see my mistakes but when I have trimmed and mounted the work it usually looks presentable x
Wow – these look great and I will be tuning in.
Gosh these look amazing and can't wait to see you and Paul in action using these beautiful plates! I shall add these to my wish list xxx
Hi bloggy friends – things went well at the hospital for Neill yesterday, all looked fine – some samples have been sent away for analysis, but the doctor said all looked good (so fingers crossed). We set off on our road trip tomorrow – visiting friends and family along the way before arriving at Leyburn! We won't have internet all of the time – so I will not be on here very much. Really looking forward to meeting up with many of you in Leyburn. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly that's really good news, enjoy your road trip, I hope the weather is kind to you. I might make Leyburn if it fits into our holiday plans and I'm really nice to hubby! Xx
Have a great trip. Bet you will enjoy Leyburn. XX
Hi Gilly,
Oh I'm so pleased that it went well for Neill, & you of course. It will be a weight off your minds. Hope you have a fabulous road trip but make sure you have some warm clothes with you! I think the only thing we haven't had today was snow! Had one heck of a hailstorm this afternoon. So looking forward to meeting you at Leyburn. Love and hugs to you and Neill, Alison xx
Enjoy your road trip and see you at leyburn xx
Just WOW, beautiful xx
Hi Barbara, snowflakes look fantastic – will be watching from Malta which at 5.30 in the evening today it's still 30 degrees🌞🌞🌞 Have seen at sculpture and taken photos as it looks like one of your lovely stamps – will show you at ally pally if your not too busy 😎
I must apologise for not commenting recently, but I have, of course, read your blog daily and wouldn't miss it.
This new concept looks great and I can't say enough how much I appreciate the Groovi system. I had wanted to try parchment for so long, but never really got to grips with it until Groovi came along and made it accessible. My skills are improving weekly and I am becoming so much more confident.
Today is my birthday and I am now the proud owner of a Light Wave, which I can't wait to try out.
Thank you, as always. Annette
Happy birthday Annette, enjoy your special day and the light wave xx
Happy Birthday Annette, hope you've had a lovely day, love and hugs Alison xx
These look fantastic. I will need them I am sure. I am amazed at all the beautiful designs you keep bringing to us. x
Hi Barbara
These are lovely and there are so many ways you can use them. Maggies artwork is beautiful, thank you for sending it to us, I will be looking out for the newsletter in my inbox. Have fun with your snowflakes!
Love Diane xxx
Hello, hope everyone is ok today, it's been sunny today but there's a bit of a nip in the air. I've been using Janes flower stamps today, they are always a pleasure to use and so pretty. Sending hugs xx
I love using mine, the Agapanthus is my all time favourite flower so it gets used the most. XX
Hi Diane,
The flower plates and stamps are gorgeous aren't they. Like Donna, the agapanthus is my favourite but I also have a soft spot for the dahlia. Enjoy playing, love and hugs Alison xx
Gorgeous! Wish I had thought of using the diagonal grid with them lol. But then that is why Maggie is the grid expert xx Fabulous concept and looking forward to seeing what the rest of the team have come up with xx
Oh my! Fab u lous 😍
Was organising all my Clarity Christmas stamps, stencils, Groovi plates, masks etc, this afternoon such a lot of gorgeous designs and now I have them all in one place (well, one A4 folder and a stencil folder for other bits) I can see what I have room for. The postman came as I was sorting and delivered my new parchment northern night and indian summer pads, they are simply stunning on parchment! Hmmmm now will I be able to use them? XX
Evening bloggy firends, hope everyone is well. Rainy, thundery and chilly here today! Hope its been better where you are. I was actually in the craft room today! Mainly sorting and organising but at least I had a bit of time to get in there. XX
Sounds like you've had the same weather as us! Although this morning when we went to the pool it was gorgeous . When we got back I did some washing thinking I was going to be lucky and get it dried. How wrong was I! No sooner had I put it out than I had to run ( well hobble quickly) and get it in. Massive hailstorm, then rain like stair rods. Just sick of it!! Glad you managed to get your crafty stuff sorted out and I'm jealous that you've got your parchment and papers – I think mine are due tomorrow – can't wait. Love and hugs to you and Phoebe, Alison xx
Just stroke them for a while!!
Looks great look forward to watching. My day was spent colouring some of my Christmas cards Jaynes last lot Christmas stamps they are beautiful. So had relaxing day with colouring pens xxx
Gorgeous! Another add to my wishlist…if I can wait that is (which I doubt!). Postie paid a visit this mornin – Indian Summer papers and parchment are absolutely stunning and Linda's new plates are sooooooo pretty! Can't wait to combine them together! Xxx
Ooh just fabulous xx
Hi Barb,
Ooh these look absolutely fabulous! Can't wait to see them on Sunday. I did promise myself that I wasn't going to buy anything else for a while , but these look so tempting! Love and hugs Alison xx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you are all as well as can be expected. Was a bit disappointed yesterday as I found out that the Gemini had sold out – glitch with website – so won't be getting it till back end of next month unfortunately. But did get a £20 voucher from Crafters Companion to make up for the disappointment so that was good of them. These new goodies look fabulous so I think I might have to break my promise not to buy!! I wish I had some willpower! Broke my swimming record today – 64 lengths(a mile) in 50 minutes! Gosh was I pleased with myself. Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Well done you. I went to the gym today after 4 weeks off and now feel stiff! Only a bit of rain here today what a difference a few miles make xx
These look lovely but after our family holiday I must sit on my hands until leyburn xx
Hello Barb, what beautiful snowflake designs, and Maggie certainly did them justice. Will have to extend my wish list, as no purchasing at the moment. Take care all. Bx
These snowflakes are fabulous, I might just need them. Dx
These are beautiful – even I'm tempted and I don't do Groovi!!! How lovely would they look strung together with white cotton and hung onto a Christmas tree like a garland xxx