The Tale of Miss Flip Flops and Stevy Crockett.
Thanks for joining us on our adventures here in the Southwest, the very heart of New Mexico. Somewhere between the Cibola National Forest and the Salt Lakes. Sounds idyllic? It is.
The weather today is wonderful. Not a cloud in the sky, just the breeze in the trees…
Mind you, it’s pretty wild terrain out here, you know; wolves, bears and mountain lions are quite at home, eagles and vultures soar above – and you will even see the occasional road runner literally run across the road! Beep beep!
Bit different to Tunbridge Wells!
Every morning Steve and I go to El Quarai, an ancient pueblo heritage site, for a mile or so walk round the rocky trail.
It’s one of three pueblo missions here, and the closest to the house. This morning, we decided to venture out to Gran Quivira, the largest of the ancient Salinas Pueblos, about 25 miles south.
Have a nice spiritual hour, then come back and do the garden, which is pretty overgrown.
Our friend in the village, Claudio, has lent us his strimmer.
Minor language breakdown there though. I digress, but when we bumped into him, he asked if we needed anything. “A strimmer”, I said. “Strimmer?” he asked.
Steve, the old landscape gardener lept to my assistance,
“Weed Whacker”.
“Ahh, a weed whacker. No problem”
That made me laugh.
Anyway, are you sitting comfortably? Then we will begin…
When we eventually got there, having narrowly missed a huge black bull grazing on the roadside, wrong side of the fence,
this was the sign at the door:
Oh yeah?
That’s the same as saying (to me) “Wet Paint – Do not touch”
There was nobody else about, no visitors, just us.
We were greeted by the Park Ranger.
“Howdi Folks. A word of warning: It’s rattlesnake season. In the last 3 days, we’ve had to remove 5 rattlers from the area, so stay on the trail, and if you see one, call me.”
So we thanked him and started up the path.
We were just digesting his warning and I flippantly said,
“Good job I upgraded from flip-flops to closed toes today.”
About 10 yards into our walk, Steve suddenly puts his arm out in front of me, like you do to the passenger when you’re driving and have to slam the breaks on suddenly.
“There’s one!” he shouts.
“Steve! Stop clowning about!” I yell back, “You made me jump!”
He grabs me and pulls me back. “Stop!”
I looked down at the path ahead and there it was, about 2 feet in front of me, and I was just about to walk straight over it.
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#notagreatpic #whatdyouexpect? #keepyourdistance |
Jump backwards ????! The ranger came running with a very long clampy-style apparatus and got him round the neck.
#notgettingclose #veryloudrattle #angrysnake
It wasn’t huge, about 3 ft long.
“Is it a baby?” asked Steve.
“Nope, This is no baby”,
and the rattlesnake started to seriously rattle.
Adrenalin rush or what?!
We thanked the guy, left him to it, and moved on.
The laughter kicked in about a hundred yards further up the trail.
“I bet it’s his pet” I said.
That was enough to set us off.
“Makes his day go faster I suppose”, added Steve.
Did we look at the ruins? Did we heck! We never looked up once !! My eyes never left the trail!!
Then Steve spotted another very long snake, a whiptail snake.
We didn’t hang about to take a photo,
#notvenomous #runanyway
but by this time Stevy Crockett was the man.
He was spotting snake trails, snake pits and all sorts.
King of the Wild Frontier…
Me? I was just “whatever”, head down and quickly doing my 10,000 steps round the ruins!
The huge crow raven vulture type bird watching us wasn’t exactly creating a pleasant ambiance either.
So we whistled round the ruins, literally, and came back home.
About 10 minutes into the drive, Steve suddenly piped up.
“Sod the strimming!” More laughter.
Thank you for dropping in on another death defying adventure.
Next time I am wearing the right shoes…
Love & Hugs,
36 thoughts on “The Tale of Miss Flip Flops and Stevy Crockett.”
Will you be taking the same route tomorrow?? Ha ha ha ha ha
I love the way you put the humorous spin on your life. Keep it up Barbara. xx
That's so funny Barbara, you pair need a TV slot!!! Only you could turn near death into a funny story! Glad you were friendly to the ranger, if not, he may have sent rover to bite…. Glad I didn't stowaway in your suitcase, doubt I'd even venture out the door. Maybe a wise idea to bypass the strimming, goodness knows what's hiding in your garden!!! I shouldn't admit this, I always thought a roadrunner was just a cartoon fictious animal!!! Well there you go, must go and check out google images. Love your new boots, and aye, defo on your need list before you go any more trail walking! Hope you both have another fun filled day, today, tomorrow, nae idea how the time difference works!!! Love Brenda xx
Hi Brenda! It’s 7 hours earlier over here. xxx
Ah, thanks, so it's early afternoon today for you. I get it now 😊 Hope you enjoy the rest of TODAY!!! xx
Aww, I've just read something that's touched my heart. A mum got the times wrong for an autism friendly film at the cinema (lower sound, no adverts, and lights left on). She arrived 2 hours early, her autistic daughter couldn't understand why she wasn't getting to see the film, couldn't handle the change etc. The mum's friend tried to explain to the staff why she was reacting the way she was, and hoping they would put on another autism firiendly film soon. The cinema was quiet at the time, so they decided to give them a private showing of the film there and then. How special is that eh. A very big RAK from a very understanding and kind person.
Oh my goodness what an adventure don't o would tackle the garden either lock windows doors defo some good strong boots like in picture and trousers tucked into said boots both of you may be one of those sticks like the ranger sack to put snakes in just in case. Least your laughing about it looking forward to next post lots love stay safe love Joy xx
Ha ha, your footwear is just perfect Barb. I was once sat on a log in Scotland, laughing at someone walking past wearing shorts and wellies, then I suddenly realised why, didn't I feel a Plonker! I did get a fabulous picture of Slow Worm though, which the Adders feed on, so not a bad day all in all! I'm really enjoying reading about your holiday antics. Crafty hugs, Sandra x
This adventure requires David Attenborough! Danger round every bend! Thoroughly enjoyed reading this today. Enjoy ��
Hecky thump and EEEEEKKKK!!! xx
Maybe you need to wear your cowboy boots? I'd be wearing the highest boots I possess with snakes around – scary!!! Well done for keeping up with your 10,000 steps though – I'm sure you feel fitter for doing them every day x
Loving the new footwear! Only you can make us laugh with your near-death adventures. I'm waiting with bated breath to hear what you and Steve get up to next.
Finished my version of Make Art Not War this morning, I'm not on FB so posted it on my blog instead x
How funny, you has me in hisssterics! I saw signs like that when we were visiting a native American village near the grand canyon. Never saw one luckily, I would have been running back to the car. Love the new boots. Xx
Haha Donna nice one. Xxx
Hi Barbara
Well you two definately have the mist fun on your holidays don't you. I think I would have headed back to the car double quick when I came across the first snake, actually I think it would gave been when I saw the sign!!! What a lovely place to get your 10,000 steps in. Enjoy the weed whacking when you get round to it.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends, Donna I think I'm following you! We've walked mikes today around portsmouth dockyard seeing the new Mary Rose exhibition. We felt very old though when we could remember it being raised from the sea bed when we were 17 and it's been sprayed with preserving chemicals for 35 years!! Sending hugs xxx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone has had fun today. Sending hugs. Xx
Hi Barb,
Oh you do like your adventures don't you! Love the new boots, so you. Seriously though, I would've been terrified and definitely wouldn't have looked up I! Thought it was bad enough when Dave and I were playing golf at Tenby Golf Club a few years ago and they had signs up telling us to beware of the adders! Needless to say we had a few lost balls as I wouldn't go and look for them! Well done for keeping up with your steps. Enjoy the rest of your day and I look forward to reading of your next adventure tomorrow. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hahaha sorry but coco the clown sprang to mind when I saw that photo of you in those boots lol. Don't think I would fancy strumming either – eeek!! Never know what's lurking. Had a good chuckle, so thank you so much for that x
Well Barbara you and Steve have had rather a lot of excitement in a very short space of time and some more robust footwear sounds like a great idea especially if it has a more fitting fitting. Enjoy the rest of your day. x
Hello Barbara
Only you!! Glad to see you are having a great time and laughing lots.
Hope your having a happy Easter, despise the snakes. I would have run a mile. When you said you were going to the states I thought you meant NY . Have a good rest. Xxxxxx
Oh my gosh, that last picture is hysterical Barbara! The western states are full of "rattlers" . . . we have them here Florida, but a different variety from the western rattlers. Do you hear coyotes at night? Looks like you two are having a blast!
Omg! I couldn't have gone a step further! You were very brave! I would have had to go and sit in the car! I hope you don't meet any more legless creatures!!!
Other than that you look as though you're both still having a blast!
Love and hugs xxx
Omg! I couldn't have gone a step further! You were very brave! I would have had to go and sit in the car! I hope you don't meet any more legless creatures!!!
Other than that you look as though you're both still having a blast!
Love and hugs xxx
Hello, Barbara — I live in New Mexico, so I'm glad you are visiting! A few comments, though — New Mexico isn't in the "deep South" — in the US, deep South is considered the states east of Texas, such as Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, etc. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, etc. are Southwest. A little thing, but one of state pride! :o)
And I wouldn't worry about "vulchers," (I'm sure you mean vultures) – they only eat dead things, so if the rattler had bitten you, then you might be a little worried!
I love the roadrunners — I have one or two that live in the general area of my home in Albuquerque, and they scoot through my flower garden looking for lizards, the brats! Lizards eat the bugs, so I want the lizards. I have a snapshot of one of the roadrunners spearing a lizard in my garden.
Good to know you're enjoying our beautiful state!
I stand corrected! Southwest it is then! And Vultures not vulchers. PS I knew that one x
Delighted you're having such a good time, Barbara, though between cleaning the blinds, and fighting off the snakes and looking for weed whackers (not to mention doing 10,000 steps a day!), I think you have your work cut out for you. Enjoy those beautiful blue skies and the breeze in the trees. You deserve a lovely holiday. x
Hahaha your stories always make me laugh Barb. I have this vision of Steve searching for snakes and their homes with the voice of David Bellamy!! Good job Steve doesn't have a beard!!! Xxx
Oh, you're so funny Barbara😃 What an adventure! I can just imagine you walking with your eyes on the track the whole time after your encounter with the rattlesnake. OMG, I would have done the same! Thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic time! Xx
Hi Barb, if it wasn't so scary it would be a giggle. I would love to have seen your reaction. Good Job Steve was so observant. Glad that you are having some relaxing time. Take care. Bx
Well I love snakes but wonder how I would have felt in your shoes
Great blog xx
Hi Barbara you and Steve are so funny – glad you're both okay and having a lovely time. xx
Feel mean for laughing at your "near death" experience but your blog is so entertaining. What great adventures you're having and such fun too. Watch out for flying stones from the weed whacker, they can smash windows…and how do I know that? Love and hugs xxx
Great Post Barbara, had to read it to my hubby just now. We have rattlers here too but so far in all the years of living in Utah have never met one thank goodness or I would have a heart attack. I can't stand to even look at a snake, gives me the willies. We do hear of people getting bit in the early spring when they are hiking in the hilly areas around us. Thought I heard that the baby ones are even more poisonous than the big ones.
My Mother used to tell us of when she was just little and walking home from school one day and had to cross a bridge–they lived out in the country in Wyoming- and a rattlesnake came up on the bridge in front of her so she turned around to go back and another one had come up behind her and she was stuck in the middle between them and she didn't dare move for fear of them striking. She was there so long that her mother eventualy came looking for her because she hadn't come home from school. Grandma killed both the snakes so mother could get off the bridge. She hated snakes ever after and her fear of them was definitely passed on to me. Hate to even see them on tv.
Thanks for the great story today . Adam and Eve in the garden and even a snake ,oh my .
Oh my! Yikes. Take care……but enjoy x