Leaf it out! A simple canvas project.
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Received several massages from folks wanting to see how the
Leaf Canvas was made again, which I made on TV yesterday.
Just read back and saw massages instead of messages!
I wish!!!!
Good thing I took photos as I went along, to remind myself!
Dab several ink pads on a large blending mat.
Use a brayer to spread the ink.
Spritz the mat lightly with water.
Put the leaf mask on a clean sheet of copy paper.
It comes with the new leaf stamp set
Place the paper face down on the wet mat and flatten with the brayer.
Let it dry.
Remove the mask and replace on the wax paper carrier,
ready for re-using.
Now we need the negative mask, the outside.
Time for the landscape.
Tear a piece of copy paper and build a fence using the trunk of a tree stamp.
Look at the scrap paper in the pic; it will tell you what I mean.
While it’s in place, add a little shade with a make-up sponge.
Oh, and a tree.
Lose the scrap mask and add the miniature deer.
Touch of greenery around the base with a make up sponge…
Bit more depth with ink round the sides.
Remove the mask.
Line up the paper art on the canvas board against the light.
Make some marks.
Mod Podge on the canvas with one of our brushes,
Flip over and roll out with a clean brayer to attach.
Turn in and glue the back to the 6″ x 6″ canvas board.
We sell these at a very good price.
Oh yes we dooooo xx
Looking very cool.
Attach to the next size up in the square canvas boards, the 8″ x 8″
using double-sided adhesive sheets.
Again, we sell both these items at a very good price.
We do we do!!!
And then decide
1. where you want to stand it in your home,
2. who you want to give it to as a gift,
3. how many you are going to make to sell.
In all 3 cases, you ought to get a box of the 10 little
acrylic display stands!
They’re brilliant.
What are you waiting for?? Go make a canvas and get creative!!
I’m giong to bed.
Giong? Hahahaha . There’s no hope.
Love and hugs,
46 thoughts on “Leaf it out! A simple canvas project.”
Lol sleep well. Lovely artwork as always x
Managed to watch this demo yesterday but lovely to have a step by step as well. I have ordered the stamp set, it only took Fred once to tell me do so. Mind you he went out and bought a new TV today so maybe there was an ulterior motive there. Not grumbling though. It is a beautiful stamp set and as you said yesterday I reckon it will be ideal for those tricky men. xx
I love this concept, going to give it a go……guess what my family will be getting for Christmas? Xx
Love this plan to order stamps at weekend ,pay day Friday so will know how many pennies i can spend lol lol, daresay I'll go over budget though he he
Watching you yesterday got my crafty mojo working. Been in the craft room all afternoon with the music on singing away creating my challenge entry which is also going to be my next double page in my art journal. Ink and stamps everywhere! Heaven! I think a canvas will be next on my agenda. XX
Wonderful stuff. All excited for when I get my stamps now. Shall have to invest in some inks at Bristol x
Hi bloggy friends, hope you have all had a good day. Been crafty, need to stay away from the TV and Hochanda as my crafty budget has disappeared…not sure how that happened…honest!! XX
I'm in enforced stay away from the tv as the family are on virgin only. Hoping the shows are on record at home. Enjoy your stamp holiday xx
Hi Donna – so pleased to hear that you have been enjoying yourself today, no doubt Phoebe won't have been too far away – hugs to you and her too xx
She was asleep in the craft room for some of it but mostly asleep on the sofa! She went for a hair cut this morning so has been relaxing and getting over it for the rest of the day. 🐕🐕🐕 Xx
Hi Donna what a lovely day for both you and Phoebe. Your art journal soundsa great idea. Have fun xx
Hi Donna,
Sounds like you have had a fabulous day. Not sure Phoebe will feel the same ( or does she like a haircut?) . Bet your challenge entry is great. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Brilliant canvas Barb. Love the colours too. Xx
So many lovely ideas. I hope the shows record properly as our internet at home is too slow to watch online. Sweet dreams!!
Hi Chris,
Hope you're having fun with your grandchildren. You'll love the shows when you get to see them. Love and hugs Alison xx
Hi Chris – long time no see! Hope that you are having fun with the family, hugs Gilly xx
Great canvas i love it xx
Absolutely stunning and so inventing of you. I can't see the TV shows here in my country so I am very, very happy and grateful for this step by step photo tutorial. Thank you Barbara for sharing this stunning project here. Greetings, Veerle
Hi Veerle, you can watch the shows on the internet at hochanda.com
Just look on the Rewind section and you should find them there.
Hope this helps… David – claritystamp.com
Hi Barb
You are very artist, this canvas looks fab, take care x x x
Lovely – still have all the shows to watch as we've had a really busy spell! Need to get back into my craftroom at some point, as I haven't finished all of my birthday cards for this year yet. Sleep well x
This is fabulous! Loving the background and wonderful scene you have created.
Linda xxx
A fabulous canvas Barbara and the colours are beautiful. I will be catching up on the shows I missed. x
Dear Barbara, Yet another beautiful card. Loved watching you making that great canvas on the last programme. I haven't managed to watch all of them yet. Hope you are rested now after your hours on TV.
I now have such a wish list for my birthday in May. Love xxxxxx
Love the canvas would make to share may hang one in lounge craft room not sure but some were wellmy goodies arrived today so hope to play tomorrow looking forward to laying with them xxx
Hello Barb,
Brilliant canvas. There's always hope – well that's what they say but in your case I'm not so sure ha ha.
Maureen xxx
Hi Barbara – I really enjoyed watching over the last couple of days. It was SO good to see you stamping again and you will have made a lot of people VERY happy! Broke – but very happy! Hugs Gilly xx
Hi bloggy friends – I am sure that every one of you will have loved the shows and no doubt some of you are now spent out! I have been very good (so far) and just added to my wish list, love and hugs Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly,
Yep, I'm broke! However, not from crafty stuff! Did buy the little book though. I'm going to get some of the new stamps later. I've got to have something to cheer me up after all!!! Hope you are both ok. Love and hugs Alison xx
I've just finished all your shows and what a wonderful exciting display of your talent and joy and creativity . Thank you so much for coming back to stamps . Joy now jan
Hello Barbara
Just shows how tired you are. Is Paul OK? He usually helps out with the one day special.
A great way to build up the confidence to start on a canvas. Thanks for sharing Barb; you are always an inspiration. Xxx
I watched this demonstration today and loved it, thank you! Please may I ask a question? Can you put Mod Podge over the top of the artwork too after you have glued it to the canvas, to seal it? Thank you. xxx
Deffo. Seals it xx
Thank you! xxx
Hi Barb,
This was my favourite demo of all the shows. I absolutely love it! Thank you for giving us the step by steps for it. Hope you had a safe journey home. Love and hugs Alison xx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope today has been as good as possible for you all. Well I've now got beautiful worktops, a working hob, dishwasher, sink with taps (& running water!) and a washing machine that is plumbed in!!! Actually the washer has been on non stop since 12 o'clock and I've finally got it all washed. The only thing is it's all to iron now! Dave's going to start the decorating tomorrow so things are really taking shape now. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Alison – it all sounds lovely! So pleased that you have got a fully working kitchen again. Keep taking things easy, love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Barbara
I haven't seen this show yet, what a stunning canvas. It always amazes me that you start off with a plain bit of copy paper and still get amazing results. I've been watching the shows today and have thoroughly enjoyed them, it's lovely to see the stamping and inking techniques again alongside the groovi.The new stamps are beautiful, I'm not sure which is my favourite set yet I'm still sitting on my hands trying to save some pennies! Hope you gave a relaxing evening after your busy start to the week.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends, hope you've had a good day. I've been stamping and colouring today and finished with a bit of groovi, my first cake slice! Sending hugs xxx
Hi Diane,
I'm sitting on my hands too!The shows were brilliant weren't they? Loved all of the demos especially this one. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Diane – glad that you have been having fun today. I behaved too, but the wish list is now longer still! Love and hugs, Gilly xx
Hello Barb, having a good giggle at your spelling bloopers this morning. Love this canvas, the demo was brilliant on telly, and thanks for the step by step as a reminder. I have a wish list a mile long after the shows. Take care. Bx
Hi Barb,
that´s beautiful and the colours are great as well.
Rolf xxx
Oooooo….methinks this might work with my free Clarity leaf stencil from last year! (she said hopefully).
I love the way the leaf looks '3D'
Maggie (Yorkite)
PS is Richmond open for bookings yet?
This is lovely! I love how it turned out, brilliant stuff! I made a canvas with similar results but with an under the sea theme, would love to see what you think of it 🙂