Join me on the Inka Gold Trail!
Hi there!
Thanks for joining me today.
It’s late I know.
Long catch up day at the office,
and then when I came up here to chat to you,
what should I find, but some pots of Inka Gold to play with…
These two spoke to me, Old Gold and Haematite together.
Now I know you can rub this lovely metallic wax on all sorts of surfaces, from wood to canvas, from card to glass.
I know you can buff it to a high-gloss, so that it looks like real metal. And it actually does.
But there’s a particular look I have loved forever, when you capture the outline of a stencil image, and now I have finally figured out how to get it with these waxes.
Stumbled upon it playing, and boy! Is it easy!
Happy Bunny!
I attached my old fave, the Leafy Swirl Stencil,
to a craft mat using masking tape.
Using one of the sponge thingies,
I lightly pounced a little of the Haematite blue into the centre area,
and here and there. You have to know I had no clue where I was going; I wanted to see whether I could lift the Inka-Gold off the stencil.
I deposited it to the side of the mat, and loaded the sponge from the craft mat, then gently pounced Old Gold over the whole area. You don’t need much! It pounces a long way!
It dried very quickly on the craft mat, and I did try to spray lightly with water and pull a print, but that didn’t really go as well as I had hoped, so I abandoned that part, wiped the mat clean with water and a paper towel (easy!), and pressed on. Literally!
Spritzed the stencil oh so lightly in the air with water,
just to refresh the gold, laid a sheet of our stencil card on the damp stencil and brayered over the back to press the card down onto the stencil.
Here’s a close up, so you can see what I mean about catching the outline of the stencil art. See?
There was still a load if the Inka-Gold on the stencil, so I decided to have another run at it, but this time use much more water,
and a mangle! So out with E-Bosser. (any embossing machine will do nicely as a mangle, thank you)
Hey presto!
A fabulous, subtle metallic imprint.
The photo really doesn’t do this justice,
not even close up:
So I now had a dry version and a wet version.
Both very charming.
See how the Haematite blends together with the Gold?
Still lots of the Inka-Gold on the stencil,
so how about on black card?
Spritzed the stencil with water in the air again,
laid it wet side down on the black card, which in turn was lying on the rubber shim, all set to emboss.
Plate sequence:
rubber shim,
black card,
stencil wet side down on black card,
D, B, A.
What a result. It looks so classy.
I have tried this with metallic inks and paints,
but never achieved this level of clarity on the outline.
Really chuffed.
Jetlag kicking in good and proper now, so it’s bedtime.
But I think I am going to have a few days on the Inka Gold trail.
I like the consistency of this wax.
We have started selling the Viva Decor range, because it is excellent, top German quality and at a reasonable price.
Check it out.
I shall turn these pieces into cards over the coming days…
Love & Hugs,
31 thoughts on “Join me on the Inka Gold Trail!”
That is really cool stuff! I must get mine out again!
Sleep well after your day back to work.
Love and hugs! Xxx
Cool! Looks fantastic. My wish list gets longer lol. Hope you are over your jet lag x
Love these! Thank you for the ideas – I really must try Inka Gold myself at some stage. Sleep tight! xxx
Forgot to say, the new design club stamp is awesome, thank you! xxx
Wow! They look beautiful. Looking forward to seeing the cards you create, Barbara.
Sleep well. Mxx
Hi Barbara, love it when you have a play, you always come up with something new and amazing. The black one looks like it's the cover of an old posh book. Thank you for sharing. What's the VOC content in these waxes? Could you find out for me please? I have to be very careful as I'm very sensitive to VOCs, and waxes tend to have a high content. Hope you have a good sleep, and tomorrow is not as busy. Love Brenda xxa
Hi Barb,
These look fantastic. Saw Rosella using them on her shows and was really impressed (& with the texture cream). I think i might just have to give them a go. Really like the Haematite colour. Good that you've been having a play with them and I can't wait to see what you come up with next. Have a good night's rest and hopefully you'll be over your jet lag tomorrow. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
hope weather hasn't been too awful for you. Been trying to snow here on and off throughout the day and been bitterly cold. Ventured to the gym today ( first time for about 6 weeks!) & quite enjoyed it, although it does get boring just working on upper body exercises. Still better than doing nothing. Going out with my sister, brother in law, cousin and her husband for lunch tomorrow so looking forward to that. Love and hugs to you all, Alison xx
Well done for getting out to the gym, hope your knee isn't giving you too much grief. Snow! Have fun building a snowman! Xx
Hi Alison well done going to the gym. I flew into Newcastle this morning hoping it wasn't snowing and it was not too bad but there have been several heavy hail and sleet showers this afternoon. Off out gallavanting with the girls tomorrow so I hope the weathers good. Sending hugs xxx
Got a few different colours got a couple years a go in the shop me Pam and Nikki met in at spalding to craft in they were always tempting us to buy with discount was a good price at time so didn't get few different colours as could choice hehe quiet firm know so the wetting it will help the last one you did on black card loos best brilliant. Sound like had nice play to help you back into work lots love night xx
that looks so cool especially on the black card. i wonder if it works with other gilding polishes, hugs xx
Amazing and beautiful. Watched Rosella demo these on Hochanda and thought that I would add them to my growing list. Seeing your art tonight has pushed them to the top! Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone is well. Blooming cold outside today, weather man said some places might have wintery showers! Its nearly May! Much better to stay in and craft. Xx
Hi Donna sending hugs xxx
This looks great, fab effect! May just have to get a pot or two of this Inca 'stuff' but will have to wait until Leyburn as have had a few lovely Groovi/Clarity treats lately! What can I say… I'm an addict and proud to say so – lol! Sleep tight Barbara xx
That looks brilliant Barb. I've never used waxes or anything like it, better get started hadn't I. Well I will one day. Enjoyed all your blogs of your holiday, couldn't always comnent though. Jet lag must be awful. Sleep well.xxx
Hi bloggy friends, hope you've had good day. Cold here, no snow though only hail. Been crafting for a little while today. Stay warm and dry.xx
Hi Pam sending hugs xxx
Hi Barbara
I saw Rosella using these on Sunday and thought they looked exciting, in fact you've used my two favourite colours. Love the effects you have got from them, really beautul, might have to have a look at these! Looking forward to seeing what else you can do with them.
Night night sleep tight
Love Diane xxxx
Wow, fabulous. Might have to read this few times to understand it!!
I love the way you have used them here Barbara and the gold looks great on the white but even better on the black card. Looking forward to seeing what else you do with these gorgeous waxes. x
Love these waxes and love what you've done with them here. Must give it a go…. hugs xx
I love how you have used inks golds with stencils. I have used it often, thanks to Jo Rice at Clarity Glasgow as a wash as well as a paint on wooden decorations. It is brilliant as a wash over Gesso when doing mixed media canvases, and I have also painted on to card to get pearlesant coloured card.
Hope you managed to get a good sleep and that you soon get over the jetlag.
Looks fantastic. I have a couple of these so must have a go at this technique. x
I use this stuff a lot, more on mixed media art and wood, not thought to do this, but you can bet your bottom dollar I'm trying it today…..love your creation…xx
Morning Barbara, I hope you had a good nights sleep! I look forward to seeing these made into cards! Fabulous detail and instructions, thank you!
Linda xxx
I always had these in my craft stash a few years ago and I am looking forward to having a play with them again. I love using them on wood but they look great on card – who is going to see if it ruins the Gel Plate then
Barbara, you or me??? I am very happy to welcome this product to the "Ower" Clarity Family!! I just need to stock up on it now. Xx
Sam, I tried it on the Gelpress plate, and it was fine. Comes off completely with water for a start. I had a pretty good result on the plate, when I pulled the whole lot off with double-sided adhesive. But your gelpress plate is such a sight to behold, I shouldn’t lose too much sleep about keeping it clean love!!!
Hello Barb, I love the results of your R&D, always something new to try. Will have to give this a go. Looking forward to what you create with these prints. Bx
Salkantay Trek is the alternative to the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu was recently named among the 25 best Treks in the World, by National Geographic Adventure Travel Magazine.