Thank you Bunny
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in!
We’ve been busy bunnies here at Clarity Towers today-
In fact, some of us are still being busy!
In fact, some of us are still being busy!
So here’s an appropriate little bunny demo from the weekend,
showing off the bunnies,
and our lovely background papers.
Using a black Archival, stamp as many boxes into position as you need letters.
Stamp out the sentiment.
Cover them up using the masks which are included,
add a pensive bunny,
and mask him off too.
Hoorah for Clarity masks!
Add a huge Moon mask
and with a make up sponge,
sweep some Cotton Candy Pink Artistry ink around the moon
and in between the masked letter boxes.
This will make them pop.
Add a little white light on the moon with one of your lifetime supply of white pencils !
Trim back.
Add a couple of lines with a black Micron pen.
Add a tiny heart on the wire.
Colour it in.
Add a head
and a tail
and a load of his mates….
There we are.
Quick and easy.
It’s the Designer papers which are magic.
Got to go.
I’m in the mood for…….
And trust me – that urge doesn’t come upon me as
often as it should!
In fact, I can already feel it ebbing away……
Love and hugs,
32 thoughts on “Thank you Bunny”
I loved that one when I saw you do it live. I won't disturb your cleaning, mainly because, having just unpacked and filled two new storage units for thieving room, I now have to get rid of the huge boxes they came in, all before my visitors come this evening. Great shows,by the way. Don't work too hard. xxx Maggie
Hello Barb,
I'm quite worried about you, cleaning? My word, what is the World coming to ha ha.
Love this today, and watched you doing one very similar on TV. I've had these rabbits since the early 2000's and used them loads, but must try to get the masks as they would be very handy.
Maureen xx
Love this! I ve always loved those birds on the wire, probably the first card of yours I made once I had discovered you 😀 4 years ago I reckon x
Fabulous as ever Barb. Who says simple can't be stunning. Love the colours you have used. I find if I lie down for five minutes the cleaning urge soon passes. Lol xx
Like it, Dawn. Very good advice. xxx Maggie
Haha Dawn I'm going to try that! Xx
I too had that rare urge to clean this morning, until I spotted some stamps and then I got distracted from cleaning!!
Lovely Spring image.
Hi Barbara, loved this demo/artwork on Sunday, thank you for the step by step. I bet you are all busy today. You wouldn't want it any other way being the owner of a company I guess. Happy busy I hope. The cleaning can wait, put your feet up and have a wee break instead.
It should really be Daisy sitting there instead of the bunny. Me finding the positive in everything, recently BT put up a huge telephone pole right outside my back, right in front of where I like to look out to from my kitchen window! How they got away with that without asking us, or applying for planning permission, I don't know. Being a conservation area we need to get permission for absolutely everything, including a fence if it's above 1m! Anyway, that got me all down. Then a few days later my face lit up. Looking to the side of the pole, what did I see, the spitting image of your birds on a wire, the wire that connects this new pole to the original main ones 😊 Including the birds (black) sitting 2 here 3 a bit along etc. Makes me smile every time I see it. And Daisy can watch them from her chair at the back door window, they're a bit closer than the ones she watches in the tree behind it. I'm glad my phone and broadband line isn't connected to it though, once the rather obese wood pigeons start using it to scope out which garden to raid next!!!!😉
Hope you have a lovely, non cleaning evening
Love Brenda xx
Hello Brenda well done finding a positive out of a negative, lovely Barbara birds sitting on the wire ….and a blooming great wood pigeon!! Sending hugs to you and Daisy xx
I've loved these bunnies for a long time and I finally ordered them, can't wait to have a play. Thank you Barb for such inspirational shows over the weekend and thank you for a reminder blog of how you played with the bunnies on the telly! I did order some Groovi stuff too. Have fun cleaning. Xxx
Hi Barbara, This is gorgeous, I especially love how you have created the little line of birdies.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Cleaning?…Nah, takes away good crafting time! Loved this bunny card on the TV demo and so its good to see it here in a step by step. Loved yesterdays one too. XX
Lovely delicate background Barb, great card x x x
Hi bloggy friends, hope you are well today. Trying to get my head into doing a manly Groovi card for this months challenge…not feeling it at the moment! XX
Good luck Donna, it's a difficult one manly and parchment, what about the owl plate from the club a couple of months ago? I thought about doing it for my uncles birthday card but his eye sight is very poor so I'm not sure he will see it. I'm thinking stamped garden birds instead. Sending hugs xx
The elephants are good for men too Donna, when we look at our plates I expect we'd find quite a few for men. Best of luck. Must try to join in this month if there's time.xx
Hi Barbara, I've just been watching the recording of the programme with you demonstrating this, so enjoyable. Many thanks.
Watch this one on Tv Sunday great to have pictures of it to hope to have ago at doing it but first my cataract operation tomorrow on good eye so soon as eyes okay willhave ago st doing it. Hope you got your cleaning donelove Joy xxx
Gorgeous!!! I adore these papers.
This is gorgeous Barbara, love the little birdies.
Linda xxx
Hi Barbara
Thank you for blogging this I thought it was wonderful when you did the demo on tv. Love how the letters pop when you brush the ink round them, as you say thank heavens for the masks!! The rabbit stamps are so cute, might go and have a little peek, they would be so useful for Easter. Happy cleaning, or happy chilling out, whichever wins!
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends it's been a beautiful day here, almost went out without a coat! Started making some inky backgrounds today and a bit of stamping ready for the soggy wet day tomorrow when I can play. Sending hugs xxx
Hello Diane, been making a cake slice tonight, thanks for the idea. 1 down 3 to go for our grandchildren, mini eggs and some money in them, they'll be pleased to bits. It was sunny here most of the day too, lovely, makes you feel that spring is coming at last. Even still quite light at 6.30 tonight. Love and hugs, Pam xx
I didn't get to see this so great to see it now Barbara and the birds are something I will give a try when the right situation presents itself. x
Super blog and step by step again today. Love the bunnies and the chicks. Used the bunnies for the grandchildrens Easter cards last year and actually the same stencil, this year they're having the chicks eith the cracked eggs. Housework no, you need to relax after your busy weekend. Just going to watch Mondays shows, well at least one of them before bed. Love and hugs, Pam xx
Love that, they are so cute
Love the bunnies! They are so cute and look great however you use them and for any occasion!
Hope you enjoyed your cleaning!
Love and hugs xxx
Saw this on telly – loved it then and love it now! xxx
Hi to all my lovely bloggy friends, hope you have had the lovely sunshine today. It was even still quite light at 6.30 tonight. Spring is well on its way. Hope you have had a good day. I've been groovi-ing this evening for a while, about to watch one of Mondays recording from the one-day-special shows, no point in going to bed just yet. Love to you all, Pam xx
Hi Barb,
Sorry I'm so late in commenting but was so tired last night I just went to bed early! Loved this demo on tv and great to have it here too. Cleaning? I like Dawn's idea! Our house is just a mess at the moment, I'm trying to clear the kitchen ready for the new one to be fitted but never realised we had so much stuff! I just think you should have a rest after the very busy weekend you had. Love and hugs Alison xx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you had a good day yesterday and that today is good for you. Went up to Holy Island and Bamburgh yesterday as it was such a beautiful day. Holy Island redeemed itself after our last visit! It was just like it used to be when I was young – really quiet! It helped that we got across the causeway earlier than the advertised time! Did 10,000 steps and was goosed. Bamburgh was lovely as ever. Well must go, got to have breakfast and then start housework! Wonder if Barb would like to come here if she's done her cleaning at home!!!love and hugs Alison xxxx
Hi Barb, love the Bunny, and Thank you for all the inspiration, great to see the little birds back. Bx