Join the Club!
Stamp, stencil and Groovi.
If you haven’t joined, you ought to consider it.
It’s only £5 a month per club.
So for £15 a month, you could join all 3, and receive
a stamp, a stencil AND a groovi plate,
all with beautiful full-colour projects.
The thing about joining all 3 is that you also get 15% discount off all Clarity orders place with Clarity. That adds up too.
I have heard it said from many many folks that it is great value for money.
Here’s the link:
Or if you prefer, call Jeannine tomorrow on 01732 868215.
She is brilliant and will be glad to help you.
It’s Groovi I still have to do.
But it may just have to wait till tomorrow.
I am wiped out !
There’s no point in forcing it, is there.
Actually, I really enjoy thinking about what I’m going to do
last thing at night, when the lights are off.
(Blimey. Has it come to this?)
Then as soon as the sun rises, I have a task, a direction.
Last night, I planned the stamp and stencil projects – and hey ho!
Tick that box!
Last month’s club stamp really tugged at my heart strings:
it was a stamp of 2 labradors.
This was one of the projects I did, and all I could think about were Dutchie and Duke, our old black labs who went on ahead of us to Rainbow Bridge a while ago now.
So that’s how it goes, you see.
The projects are photo step by step guides,
taking you through from start to finish,
from stamped
learning shading,
and masking,
and all sorts.
This month it’s a beautiful bird stamp…
Anyway, I had best go.
Dave has been stuck in traffic for hours,
and a trip that should have taken 5 hours today ended up taking 10.
So he’s not happy.
Love & Hugs,
41 thoughts on “Join the Club!”
I love being in the diamond club. Getting the envelope once a month is like having a friend drop in with goodies!
If you decide to join you won't regret it! Well worth it indeed!
Oh poor Dave, being stuck in traffic is so frustrating but a sign of the times unfortunately. However if people drove sensibly and considerately half the hold ups would be avoided.
Love and hugs xxx
I totally agree that the club is brilliant and I have learned so much from the step by step instructions. I like to sit down and read your letter; it feels like you are my pen pal like I used to have a few of while at school. I really appreciate the time you put into the club.
I totally agree that the club is brilliant and I have learned so much from the step by step instructions. I like to sit down and read your letter; it feels like you are my pen pal like I used to have a few of while at school. I really appreciate the time you put into the club.
Diamond club all the way for me. I was in your New Design club right from the start and then thought I should stop and cancelled my membership – what a mistake to make!! Lol. Imagine my joy when it was announced that we could pay monthly – definitely all three clubs for me. I will never – I say NEVER make that mistake again!!! Pour Dave a nice glass of wine and sit and and chill together. Looking fwd to the next club instalment already. Xxx
High light of month when the envelope arrives last month came and granddaughters Rosy and Leannah were here Rosy came running in shouting it's here Nan and very excited she opened it for me she was as excited as I was and loved it all specially the dogs I thought of you as I remembered you talking about your Labrador 's thought bet it made you sad reminded me of are golden retriever Simba who also went to rainbow 🌈 bridge 4 years ago at grand old age of 18 a wonderful gentle dog hugs love joy xx
Poor Dave. He will be so glad to get home, I am sure. As far as the Clarity Clubs are concerned, I would not be without them. I love it when that envelope drops through the door with its fabulous contents. The first thing I do is to read the newsletter, before I look at the other goodies. As Jane says, it is like getting a letter from a friend with added presents. Anyone still thinking about joining, think no more. Just do it and join the fun. Hope you've got a nice meal ready for Dave when he gets in. xxx Maggie
P.S. I made my little granddaughters diamond members for their birthdays, so they can get the fun of that envelope each month. xxx Maggie
What a lovely image that is! Can't wait to see the Groovi one x
Hi Barbara
Oh yes I love getting my envelope each month and the chatty letter from you, I can hear you saying the words as I read them. The projects are easy to follow and beautifully photographed. I have to say the stamp last month is one of my favourites and I've been a member now for several years. Thank you for all the effort you put into the projects for the clubs, it's very much appreciated. I hope you and Dave have a restful evening, it's not good being stuck in traffic and a 10 hour journey is really tiring. Take care and happy thoughts before you go to sleep tonight.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends, it's been a beautiful day here today, it was lovely going for a walk this morning, I think every window cleaner must have been out doing their rounds! Had a lovely afternoon stamping and colouring some of jaynes beautiful flowers stamps at craft afternoon. The other ladies stopped their knitting to watch what I was doing and all wanted to have a go, lovely. Sending hugs xxx
Glad you had the good weather too. How nice to have a craft afternoon, bet the other ladies will be converted to stamping after seeing you work with Jaynes lovely stamps. XX
Hi Diane,
Pleased you've had a great afternoon crafting with Jayne's beautiful stamps. Lovely day here too. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Oooh birds. They are my favourites in stamps,stencils or Groovi. I am very appreciative of the time you devote to our club goodies each month. I am waiting for my new plates to come. It will be any day now. Feathered Friends and Tina's Flowers.
X Chris
One of the (many) lovely things about the clubs is that, because all the goodies are a surprise not something I've chosen with a project or person in mind, it makes me think more creatively so that I can put them to use in other ways than your step by steps xx
hi Chris,
Sending love and hugs Alison xxx
I loved the labrador stamp this month and the stencil and groovi plate were lovely too. I do enjoy waiting for my envelope each month. Xx
Evening bloggy friends hope the weather has been as good for you as it was here. So lovely when the sun shines and the sky is blue. Xx
Hi Donna,
Been gorgeous here too. Lovely to be able to open the windows for a change. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Happy now ! Home now ! To be honest it was only 9.5hrs. Such is life , at least in the South East, I think its called 'Gridlocked' and so today it was. But some poor souls were certainly having a worse day than me, in the pile ups on the A1 and then later on the M25 ! I hope they are OK…. Now to have a nice cup of tea, and switch the brain off for a few hours. xx
Oh Dave,
Sorry you've had such a horrendous journey home, but at least you're home safely now. Love Alison xx
Hi Barbara, glad you're getting there with this month's clubs. You're over half way, that always helps me, thinking of it like that. I did feel sad, a lump in my throat, when I saw last month's dog stamps, thinking of you and your 2 beloved dogs. They are beautiful stamps. And projects. And I hope to learn shading from the projects. Just wish you could enlarge the wee project pictures like you can on the laptop/ tablet etc to see the detail closely!!! Harry Potter land that eh!!!! At least now I have an end result picture I can save and enlarge. Thank you for that, and for blogging. I'm the opposite to you, I dread bed time! If there was a way of a human being avoiding sleep altogether, I would have found it!!!!
Best thing I did, was to join your clubs. It's the only thing I have to look forward to each month. And hopefully I'll be back proper crafting soon, and can stretch myself, and try thinking out of the box with all these lovely surprise stamps and stencils. Already using the club Groovi plates.
Poor Dave, so frustrating and exhausting. Bet he needs a walk in the country now to clear his lungs of all the air pollution too, sat in traffic for that long!!!!
Love Brenda xx
(Better watch Barbara, you'll have the not nice moaners at you for saying what this month's stamp is!!!!😉 Me, I prefer to know, then I can really look forward to them arriving.)
I agree with you, Brenda! We don't know EXACTLY what the stamp is, so the anticipation is even greater!
Glad that you are now home Dave, and Barb the club stamp is perfect for me too, as my labs Tess and Eric just fit the bill. At the moment they are very muddy though as we have had so much rain the fields are full of water. I love being part of you club and your newsletters always brighten my day…enjoy your evening both…xx
I have to say that being a member of the Diamond club is well worth the money. I do appreciate all the effort you personally put into each of the clubs and love the personal letter too. Poor Dave, there is nothing worse than being stuck in traffic. Enjoy your evening.
Hugs to you both
Linda xxx
Glad that Dave is back home safely. My son from California has been home for two days, he left for London and thankfully just heard the he has arrived there., he flies the plane back tomorrow. Always sad to see them go. Spent a couple of hours working in the garden which helps. I too love being in the club and love your letter, definitely makes one feel like one of the family.
. Just wish I could find some classes or workshops near. Would love the dog stamp as i have a couple of friends that have Labradors. Enjoy your evening xxx
Love the little pictures tonight. Especially the cat saying prayers. Hope they are answered!!! Xxxx
Hi Barb
Love your card especially the shading, thank you for sharing x x x
Hi Barb,
I really look forward to my envelope landing on the mat each month. I have a lovely half hour to myself reading the newsletter and then going through the three project sheets whilst having my coffee. It makes a great start to the day. Last month's stamp brought tears to my eyes I have to say. Looking forward to this month's goodies. Thank you for all of the effort you put into them, I really do appreciate it. Glad Dave is home safe and sound. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you've all had good weather today, it's been beautiful here today. Sending love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Hi Alison, don't know if you saw my message to you on yesterdays blog. If you want to enter the Clarity challenges I will post your pictures for you. Have a think about it. Xx
Hi Donna,
That's really kind of you, I'll have a think. Thank you, love and hugs Alison xxx
Brilliant clubs. Thenks for your hard work. Much appreciated
I love this stamp club image Bsrbara and the story of your two dogs Dutchie and Duke. So sorry Dave has had a frustrating day though, as being stuck in traffic for that amount of time is no joke! x
I agree with Brenda M about the shading – I am going to stamp out the images several times and practice the shading now that I can enlarge the pic.
What a great way to learn, especially as my two beautiful labs Hella (black) and Sam (wheaten) looked so like the images.
Hello Barbara
I love all three clubs and really appreciate all the work you and your team put in.
Also poor Dave. It is dreadful to be stuck in traffic. I would rather keep driving on an extended detour than just sit in traffic going nowhere. Hope he is home recovering.
Dratted thing posted all by itself. Anyway, Rosalind, I actually did an extended detour the other week because I knew the motorway was three junctions of congestion. I don't think I saved much time,but I enjoyed going down all the little narrow lanes trying to work out exactly where I was, and I felt that I had taken back control into my own hands, rather than sit frustrated in stationary traffic. I am just trying now to work out a route to Crowborough to avoid the M25. Interesting! xxx Maggie
Hello Barb, looking forward to the new edition this month. Loved last months projects, all 3, but especially the Groovi one. A great idea. Hope Dave got back safely and had a chance to chill out. Take care. Bx
Best crafting decision I made to join the Club, it's a great every month and great value. Glad you got home safely Dave
Morning Barbara, Great tutorial and card. I loved the piccie of the kitty resting it's head on the keyboard, so cute, and the other one praying to God, awwwwwwww.
I hope Dave has recovered.
Enjoy your weekend.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Good morning Barbara
I love the pics of the tired kitten on the keyboard and the praying kitten, they look like the one who adopted us.
Re Dave's travelling. My OH picked me up from work one time saying "The lights are out on the bridge". Oh joy!! The queues were bad enough when it wasn't home time so I wasn't looking forward to this at all.
Guess what? We sailed through, no queues at all, traffic running smoothly the whole time.
What causes traffic jams??
Traffic lights, that's what.
Love Katy xx
I loved the labrador stamp too as we also had two black ones. They were sisters and died within a week of each other at 14. Still debating about joining the groovi club as I struggle to make enough time to do my stencil and stamping projects which I love.