Didn’t she do well ???
And if you were watching and supporting us,
thanks for making our weekend on HOCHANDA
such a stonking success again!
Didn’t Tina Cox do a grand job on Sunday?
In case you aren’t familiar with Tina, she is to my mind,
one of the most creative, talented people I have ever met.
Parcher extraordinaire.
And have you seen her paper cutting?? Sheesh!
Just for a split second at the start, when the camera turned to her,
I saw that terror in her eyes, that I am oh so familiar with.
Being in the public eye doesn’t come naturally
to either Tina or myself, but we do it because it is far and away the most effective way to speak to folks about our products,
and demonstrate what it’s all about.
But the momentary flicker was all it was, and as soon as she got into her immense knowledge, then she was in total control,
and very comfortable.
And then –
Once she got into her stride, she was away!
The pace was perfect, the camerawork was second to none,
(thanks to Christine the Director)
and Alex. I love Alex.
Her positive energy is infectious,
and she is beautiful both inside and out.
What you see on TV is what you get off air.
No ego – just upbeat freshness.
Much like Tina actually.
And dear Paul was in the background the entire time,
helping us swop sets, change products art samples around,
and generally had the whole gig under control.
I came home after the 9am show today because I haven’t felt well all weekend. Nothing terminal; just a bit nauseous and fluey.
Slept a little this afternoon, and feel better already.
Paul took over for the last show, sold the rest through,
and was right behind me homeward bound!
We can safely say that the official marriage of Groovi and Pergamano on HOCHANDA was a resounding success.
I was particularly happy with the new A5 poetry plates.
If you’re into parchment art, then these are a must have.
Tomorrow I will blog a step by step,
but today, I need an early night
57 thoughts on “Didn’t she do well ???”
Tina was fabulous!! So were YOU! Thank you BOTH for showing us the scissors trick!! Wow…DUH, why NOT just turn the upside down! All the samples were just stunning! I was GOING to be good, but unfortunately, I've ended up on the naughty stairs with everyone else…someone is passing out cushions…hope I get one! Hugs, Barbara…..feel better quickly!
Sleep well, the plates were beautiful I will treat myself to one and I still want the northern lights. Xx
loved the shows yesterday, will catch up on todays later. hope you feel better after a good nights sleep.
You were all fabulous and very profesional, I learned a lot from Tina too. Thank you.x
Wasn't the show amazing onwards and upwards.Tina is the most loveliest person I know and she is perfect for Groovi perganano. What a team Barbara and also Paul so professional working to keep things going
Sorry you felt so poorly but hope you pick up very Soon xxx
Loved the shows. Wonderful to see Tina again, and brilliant that Groovi brought her back to parchment craft. I learned so much yesterday and have been putting some of it into practise today. Sorry to hear you don't feel too good. Please look after yourself and look forward to seeing you all again soon. xx
Hope you feel better very soon. Tina was just lovely, so talented, and enjoyed watching both of you. I have actually spent a couple of hours practicing my snipping! Still work in progress. Patience, patience! loved the stencil show you did! Take care xx
amazing show, when you think it carnt get any better it does xx
You all did well, the whole team! Can't wait to see more great shows like these ones I learnt so much. Well done to all involved. Xx
Sorry Barbara meant to say hope you feel better soon! Xx
Evening bloggy friends, hope everyone has had a good day. Lots of crafty inspiration this weekend. Hope its warmer where you are! Xx
Hi Donna oh it's been cold today here too but just started to rain. Are you on count down to half term yet? Sending hugs xxx
Yep! Four more days till a week of crafty play…and all those jobs that get put off till half term! Xx
Brilliant…. Tina…. You….Paul… Alex…camerawork…new plates……sell outs…. All brilliant!!
Sleep well Barbara and hope you're not getting this fluey lurgy that seems to be going around.
Love and hugs xxxx
I say !!!…
Warm regards
Yes she did do an amazing job! Fabulous shows and learnt something new too. May Clarity and Pergamano go from strength to strength. Enjoy your early night you sure do need it.
Hugs to you and Dave
Linda xxx
I sometimes find that when I've been particularly busy, or stressed, or both, then it can make me feel a bit off colour. You need to rest up as much as you can, and try to eat healthy to get some vitamins, minerals etc into your system.
Loved the shows, and have spent way too much, but hey ho, it's my only vice xx
Hi Barbara
I'm still playing catchup, I'm all behind like a cows tail! Looks like I've got a treat in store. I love Alex and her enthusiasm, it's very genuine and very infectious. Hope an early night helps and you feel better soon.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends hope everyone is ok. I'm not sure where today has gone but I've got a date with catch up planned! Sending hugs xxx
Tina was marvellous, and the show was excellent!
Though I'm not a parchment crafter I tune in whenever I can and really enjoyed your Groovi/Pergamon special! Tina was fantastic! She's so talented! Had the pleasure of meeting her at the Open Day in Crowborough last year – a really lovely lady! Also loved your other show yesterday featuring stencils and stamps. Your demos were fab again! Oh, and love, love, love your beautiful backing papers but will have to wait till April (Ally Pally). Trust you will have them there, won't you?
Have a good rest now and hope you feel better soon. Alles Liebe Heidi xx
Great shows, you all did so well in demonstrating the products so clearly, hope you feel better soon xx
Loved yesterday's shows and great to have Tina 'in the house' her gentle calm manner helps slow the pace down and her demos are fab to watch! Love Alex she's such a natural on screen you can tell that 'what you see is what you get' in the nicest possible way! As for yourself Barb, being 'under the weather' didn't show at all, happy you got an 'early bath' to coin a phrase, sleep well and hoping you feel much better tomorrow. Have just caught up with the ODS and Paul's show (does he ever lose his 'cool'?) -missed out on the ODS but can always order direct from Clarity Castle. Take care xxx
Totally agree with you Barbara a resounding success. Well done to all of you. I also agree Alex is georgous and Tina was brilliant, get well soon. Mags x
I loved watching the shows yesterday i am in aww of the talent you both have . I had to have the new plates and ordered some of the ball tools and i think i managed to get one of the special bags. Result ..hope you get a good nights sleep and feel better in the morning. Xx
Yes tina did a fab job an so did u as all ways iv orderd the ods cant wait for it to come yay xx
Aw, sorry to hear you're not feeling that great. Not surprising though with the last few weeks you've had. Hope you're back to normal very soon.
Yes Tina did amazingly. So much knoweledge, and ability to impart it to us all. Amazing camera work. And you were amazing too Barbara. Loved my monthly Clarity TV fix. Not watched Paul yet, but bet you were amazing too.
I was sitting here this afternoon wondering how many thousands of people around the world spent last night and/or today pricking lines and picot cutting them!!! I did, but was trying to undo the mess I got in. Cutting the tradional way has recently clicked for me, but thought I'd try the rebel way, me being naturally much more of a rebel!!! Anyway, found it harder on my muscles, so went back to the tradional way, only to discover I'd lost the knack! Guess I confused my brain!!! So, spent this afternoon snipping until it came back!!! I'm a dab hand at freehand speed pricking lines now, from all the practise lines, and amazingly they're getting pretty straight, without even trying nor having a guide line!!! So no rebel in the cutting here, but rectified that by breaking probably every rule in the whitework book!!! I don't care, it's the look I wanted, why should any of us have to follow the traditional rules if we don't want to eh! And nothing I do is ever going to be comparable with the best out there anyway, so why not go off piste!!! There are far too many rules, written and unwritten, in the normal world that folk like me have to work so hard at all the time to conform too, that go against how it would be if Asperger's was the norm. So, in craft, and gardening, I do things my way, freedom, no one telling me off, telling me I'm wrong, telling me I must do/be this way just because I must, even when they make no sense and/or it's the total opposite to what's natural, or normal to me. I also prefer the bold needle picot cuts to the fine one, so that's going to be my norm too.
I didn't realise you had to push most of the needle in when pricking anything, I've only been doing the tips, so something else easily rectified yesterday, which also made a difference to my picot cutting, in a good way. I couldn't keep focussed and concentrated, so the rest I'll be learning watching my recordings back. Thank you guys.
Hope you get a good sleep and feel better tomorrow. Don't worry about us, we're all too occupied pricking and picot cutting to be getting up to any mischief!!!
Love Brenda xx
I was wondering if someone here who is on the Groovi group would be kind enough to ask one of the experts – if I use soft (chalk) pastels to make a background will being in contact with the soft pastels have an adverse affect on the parchment in the longer term? (Does that make sense?). Thank you if someone can xx
Brenda, I hadn't realised that about the needle either – my pricking has only been with the tips really. Let's hope it makes a difference ! X
I found it did Jackie, hope it helps for you too. I was so sorry to read you've been burgled. You must have a whole load of horrible feelings inside. Hope you can find a way through it so you can shut the lid on that box for good. Hope some Mindfulness craft can help take you away from it just now xx
I've still got some catching up to do but caught a repeat show this afternoon (that I'd seen yesterday) and I was grooving at the time so was explaining stuff to hubby as to what Tina was doing and what I was sat here doing. He's impressed with the things I've produced so far with Groovi so that's saying something. I'm trying to be good at the moment and making a wish list instead of going mad as I have so many plates I haven't used !! I'm hooked on Jayne's flowers at the moment.
Great shows all round and well done to all of you. I like Alex too. Hope you feel better after a rest, perhaps everything has caught up with you and you need a couple of days to recouperate. I enjoyed your Paul Pergo dance ! Xx
Hi everyone, can believe how quick last week went, a trip to Wales, a burglary and a funeral and it was Friday before I knew it and now it's Monday again ! Just sat here grooving and thinking the burglar missed a trick leaving my groovi stuff – he actually took a lid off a small box some of it was in. Did I say he opened the door to my craft room and obviously decided he wouldn't fit in there LOL !! Hope everyone is well and enjoyed the shows and photos appearing on facebook. I'm loving the inspiration even if I'm struggling to keep at it at the moment. I have to because I need some cards and I'm not buying any! Thankfully Jayne's flowers are keeping me occupied. Xx
Hello JackieCou
So sorry to read about your burglary. We have been "done" twice, many moons ago, and it is not pleasant. Maybe if I'd had a craft room then, they would have turned around and run out!!
Maureen xx
Hi Barbara, well when you think things can't get any better! !!!!you excell again.
Tina was brilliant as we're you, I think I may need the pink mat as the hubby says you need that as you are heavy handed for my white work.
Just loved the new plates a must for the trees and animals they are brilliant you have got my imagination going for Christmas cards.
Have learned a lot from yesterday shows .
Take care and rest up after a long week last week and a long weekend.
Lynn xx
I had forgotten the pink mat. I tried it out at the NEC a few years ago and was impressed enough to buy one. It is now back out and in use. By the was, it is thin enough to be able to use it on the light box. xx
Hello Barb,
I hope you read your comments as your shows were amazing. I loved all your shows, but the stencils with the gelli plate were my favourite. Tina came across as lovely and a bit unsure which surprised me because I've seen her on TV before, but within a couple of minutes she was in her stride and away!!!
Relax now, I hope you feel much better soon, and thank you for the fantastic crafting.
Maureen xxx
Hello barb, sorry to hear you are not well, hope you feel better soon. Tina is pretty amazing, and Paul did so well stepping into the breech. Loved the shows, and love the poems you have turned into Groovi plates, some of my all time favourites. Take care lovely lady. Bx
Congratulations on the shows yesterday, they were fantastic. As a new parcher I found the pace was just right fabulous close ups and very informative. Looking forward to next months shows and improving my work.
Tina didn't brilliant learnt a lot cannot wait for part two. Wow didn't you all do well love the new plates are brilliant on my list, hope your feeling better tonight just getting over the bug apart from a bad chest fed up with coughing but could be worse of to eye clinic not sure if eyes okay so be glad when tests done and find out what's next well anyway rest up best thing for this bug night night xx
I'm definitely blushing now Barbara . Thank you so much everyone for your kind comments. Everyone was so encouraging, supporting and patient there which helped so much otherwise I would have just crawled under the table and out the fire exit as fast as I could. 😉 x
Tina, you were brilliant and we were all here sending you positive vibes. I reckon we are all going to be talking till next month about the magic that happened between you, Barbara, Alex, and the very skilled and professional production of the Hochanda team. xxx
Hi Barbara
I hope you feel better soon. You are probably worn out after the last few weeks. Another good nights sleep and you will be raring to go. I have had a fab weekend watching the shows and learning lots. The new plates are beautiful but I enjoyed the show with the stencils and the wee accessories and speech bubble stamps so much. I have heard of Tina but not seen her until now. What a beautiful ,calm and gentle lady.
Hugs from Chris X
Tina Cox is a fantastic addition to the Clarity family. She was brilliant. What a wealth of knowledge. Thanks for another weekend of great shows, Barbara – you both make learning such a pleasure. I hope you're feeling better soon.
I've had a lovely couple of hours this evening watching some of the TV shows. Well done everyone, you all did so well as your weekend sales will hopefully give testament to. Everyone played their part really professionally and I learned an awful lot. I must say a big congratulations to Dee as well. Those designer papers have brought so many craft pieces to life in the last couple of weeks. It's been so much easier to bring out great colour schemes using the colours in the papers, and that adds a whole new dimension to our stamping, stencilling and parchment work. So well done Dee and Barbara too. I hope that we'll have Phase 2 papers in the future, please make sure it's on the Clarity to do list for when you are all twiddling your thumbs one afternoon xx
Hi Barb,
Yes, Tina was brilliant yesterday and she will make your life easier in future shows! Sorry to hear you're not feeling well – not surprising after the hectic few weeks you've had. Hope after a good night's rest that you feel better tomorrow. So pleased that the ODS was so successful – the new plates were lovely , I couldn't resist them even though I hadn't wanted to spend so much!! The frames around the poems are wonderful. The DT surpassed themselves as the samples were fabulous and most of them showed off the background papers to perfection. I couldn't believe how quickly they sold out and then the extra stock too – well done to all at Clarity. Paul was excellent as well, he never gets flustered at all. Good luck to Steve as well, working through the nights to get all of the extra plates made. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you've enjoyed the shows. Well I just had to succumb to the ODS although I ordered it from Clarity direct.i think I'm on bread and jam for the next few weeks! Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
Amazing shows, especially Sunday! I can't believe how much you packed in to them, I've learnt so much in one small session. Bring on the rest……thank you 😊
Tina is certainly very skilled and a good teacher as are you Barbara and although I have done very little parchment work and not since you have been selling Groovi as I decided to stick with stamps for now, I still enjoy watching the professionals making plain parchment into a thing of beauty. Sorry you are feeling under the weather Barbara and hope it is soon gone. A good night's sleep usually does a power of good. x
I was blown away with the plates and the amount of knowledge imparted. I'm pleased I recorded the shows so I can go back and pick up on the hints tips and tricks. Hope you're feeling better Barbara. Well done Tina. X
It was fab! You all did brilliantly. The new plates are superb and I really enjoyed seeing you all relaxed around the table, I always feel for you having to stand to demonstrate because we would not normally do groovi standing up! Loved the show, Alex is great isn't she, so full of genuine enthusiasm, she has really grown into the role since Hochanda launched. Have not caught up with Paul yet, but like you not well today with a fluey cold so a perfect opportunity to catch up with Hochanda, x x
Hi Barbara! It was a fantastic show and Tina was as wonderful as ever! I know Tina from years back, she is a wonderful person and I adore her work. I am a certified pergamano teacher myself and have admired her work for many years. I must also say that I have often watched other shows and have cringed inside at what they sell as "parchmrnt craft" but your shows were flawless and a joy to watch, even for a seasoned parcher like me! Well done and I'm looking forward to more!
Hope you feel better soon
Sending many get-well hugs😊
Brilliant shows, Barb. Hope you soon feel better. X
Rest up & stay in the warm, Barb – hope you feel better really soon.
lots of love,
Liz M xxx
Morning Barbara, Here's hoping you feel much better today !! Tina is an 'amazing' lady, her creations and designs are amazing, I have lots of her parchment pattern designs, and I love watching her demonstrate her craft, it was really lovely to see her on our screens once again.
Enjoy your day.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
It was lovely to see Tina again on TV demonstrating. It was Tina's designs that got me into Parchment Craft and I look forward to watching her new shows coming up.
Hi Barbara – I thought you were looking a bit 'peeky' on the show so I hope you're feeling very much better now ?! What a resounding success melding Groovi and Pergamano and I LOVE the new Poetry plates … how fabulous they are!! My only disappointment was that I missed the last part of the show where Tina (isn't she wonderful … hope we see more of her and her work?!) was showing us how to do the Pergamano cutting. I can't use the rewind on Hochanda as our internet speed is so slow it gliches all the time … will I be able to find this on Youtube sometime? As for Alex – she's so bubbly and enthusiastic (similar to Leonie) and I love watching her shows. She can make anyone smile – brilliant!
Take care – sorry this is so longwinded but I'm over the moon with all your work and just had to leave a comment X
Hi Barbara hope your feeling better soon, you both did amazingly well, your shows are excellent – I've been buying Groovi gear for a while now but for many reasons haven't had much time to play, but I know from the little time I have had I'm going to LOVE GROOVI – thank you so much for all your inspiration xx
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