Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Getting geared up for tomorrow on HOCHANDA.
I have decided to use the one hour Sunday show 5-6pm every month to get the inks, stamps, stencil and paints out.
So us die-hard stampers and mixed media guys and gals will always have a definite go-to-show.
And why is Clarity doing so much parchment and Groovi,
yet so comparatively little stamping and the art I love so much?
Which comes so naturally to me?
Like a comfortable pair of slippers?
It all has to do with the scarcity factor.
We may design and manufacture some of the most beautiful stamps in the world, but there are a lot a lot a lotta other beautiful stamps and stencils out there.
SO. The market is abundant, and over the years
our slice of the global stamp cake has gotten thinner and thinner.
We are not neglecting the market; no, no;
we are adapting to its demands.
But I do like stamps and stencils, inks and paints and canvases.
That’s never going to change, even if the market has.
Tomorrow, I shall be getting out the Gelpress plates and inks,
together with some delightful stencils.
This set of 4, comes with the innies AND the outies,.
The positives and the negatives.
The dancers and fashion chicks are a must have
if you are a mixed media artist.
Here I have an acrylic blot print which I did using the
6″ x 6″ Gelpress plate and one of the Elegant lady stencils.
Then I used a black archival ink pad and the very clever accessory stamps to dress them…
The 2 new chain stamps of fashion accessories
also sport 2 speech bubbles.
We think these will be invaluable for so many cards.
You can use them with all your stamps actually!
So let’s have some fun
C O M P E T I T I O N T I M E !!
Meet Anita with the handbag,
and Stella with the brolly.
Oh and Scotty the dog.
Tell us what they are saying to each other below,
and then give the pic a caption.
Add caption
We will pick a funny winner on Tuesday, and send that lucky winner a £20 Clarity Gift Voucher.
Must go. Got to decide what to wear! Or what to where?
Hope you can join us tomorow on HOCHANDA.
2-4pm Tina Cox and myself for a Groovi-Pergamano Celebration and Tool-shop launch.
5-6pm Myself with stencils and Gelpress etc.
8-9pm The ONE DAY SPECIAL LAUNCH A set of wonderful Groovi A5 poetry Plates.
9-10am Hour 2 12-1pm Hour 3 4-5pm Hour 4 7-8pm Hour 5
Love & Hugs, Barb xxx |
53 thoughts on “A speech bubbles & caption competition…”
This is fabulous! Love these stencils. Good luck for Tina tomorrow, you will both be fabulous. Enjoy your evening.
Linda xxx
Hi Barbara
You don't sound too stressed getting ready for tv this time, I wonder if it's because Tina is there by your side doing groovi and you are back with your Breyer and comfy slippers ( always wondered what you wore on your feet for tv!!) doing your thing. I'm really looking forward to it. These stencils are great, don't they look posh in their dresses. I think "oh darling I love your frock" " this old thing, I've had it for years. £4.99 in Primani! ""
Safe journey tomorrow.
Love Diane xxx
Hahaha . Nice one.
Hello lovely blog friends, we've just come back from the Turner exhibition at Petworth house, lovely bit of culture. Hope everyone is ok. Sending hugs xxx
Hi Barbara, totally understand re your need to go with the scarcity element. I know there's loads of stamp companies out there, but your style is unique, nothing is comparable, not even the ones who, from time to time, try to plagiarise yours. Then there's the top quality of yours. so I'm glad you are continuing with your stamp and stencil ranges too for all us Clarity addicts. Thank you.
I think Anita is looking down at the brolly saying – yours doesn't do much
Stella is saying back – no, but I don't need to be picking up dog poo after it
Hope you get your outfits picked quickly!!! so you can chill for the evening. Looking forward to your shows
Love Brenda xx
Hi, is there a parchment expert reading here? I have a wee question if you can help please. If I use soft pastels for making a background paper for behind the parchment will the contact with the soft pastels have any adverse effect on the parchment long term? Like discolouring it or something. It's soft pastels, the chalk kind, not oil pastels I want to use. Obviously not something I can test out, not wanting to wait months or years!!!!! Thank you.
ROFPMSL. Brenda! THAT made me curl up. You are so funny xx
Thank you Barbara. Glad I could make you laugh. That makes me happy. I'm all ready for watching your shows, chores all done, with time to spare, that must be a first!!! Good luck to you and Tina xx
Will look forward to the shows, not that I need new things of course ! It will be less stressful fo you too. X
Anita is saying ' I see you've come prepared'
Stella replies 'I can keep myself dry but you'll have to buy the coffee !'
I am enjoying all things Groovi but I am a stamper first and foremost so I hope you stay with that too as your stamps are definitely of superior quality. Loving the stencils as well and have quite a collection now….see you tomorrow x
I totally understand what you are saying Barbara – you have to go with what the market wants but I do miss the stamping side of Clarity. I am at heart a stamper and can't wait for some new ones. Don't get me wrong I do love Groovi but my heart belongs to stamps and inks. I shall look forward to your stamping shows especially. Xx
Evening already for watching and being inspired to get me geli plates out get inky may be monday inbetween shows xxx
I do hope after the others joining the Design Club (in Facebook) that means more buying? – I try to make an effort to add your company / video and blog up on my widgets and when I put up my Art I make a #hashtag ( does it call that) which is linking to the webshop… I know how the things are as doing business – I believe yours are one that will survive – by always being that positive you are – ( Maybe more youTube videos) – Anyways I think you do a superb job, you, your husband and team !!!
Anita says: What do you think of that big orange man?
Stella says: I am happy today as there were a Judge overthere that stood up for the people.
hehe.. maybe too political??
Anyway – Thinking of you and your world
Warm regards
I think Anita is saying "where are you rushing off to", Stella replies "Off to sweet talk the bank manager to support my Clarity habit for this weekend, and I'm taking the umbrella in case he is somewhat reluctant!"
Looking forward to indulging my learning brain this weekend, Stay safe. Xx
Good one LOL !! X
You mustn't worry about competition, your stamps are far superior, always gave been always will be . Looking forward to the shows I don't do groovi but I like to watch , love to stamp, that's my thing .
Hi Barbara. So looking forward to tomorrow especially the stencils, not to sure how to use them , I have those stencils in my next order which is on its way, many thank to Jeanine for changing some stamps for me. Excellent service Safe journey xxxxxxxx
title: A lady has a hat for every occasion.
Stella:Couldn't be bothered washing my hair today…
Anita: Me neither!!
Looking forward to tomorrow's shows.
title: A lady has a hat for every occasion.
Stella:Couldn't be bothered washing my hair today…
Anita: Me neither!!
Looking forward to tomorrow's shows.
My caption.
Have you seen the film Jackie.
Seen it Darling, I was starring in it.
Both classy ladies.
Looking forward to the shows tomorrow. Recorder is set ready for action x
Caption is: Dressed to impress
Anita: "Killer heels Stella!"
Stella: "I think the corset is more likely to kill me. Can't breathe!"
Hi Barbara, looking forward to all the shows tomorrow.
I love my Groovi and it certainly helps me to relax as it does take a while to complete.
I am looking forward to Tina letting us know about the tools, as I would like to know what the no 1 tool is in Pergamo so I can buy this tool.
I have your stamps but I still go back to stamping when I need a quicker card.
have a good day and wishing Tina lots of best wishes for tomorrow to.
Hugs to you all.
Lynn xx
Hi Barbara aye your right there are some beautiful stamps and stencils out there but not in the same league as Clarity I tried a few (well loads really) till I found you and Clarity and you know what aye Dot can stamp can stencil can follow step by steps.. so thank you but will never be in the same league as our friends on here but hey who cares I'm loving it.
Anyway here's what I thought the girl's were saying today.
Anita…What's your hurry Stella…
Stella.. Phew!! Anita the beans were for us this weekend not Scotty!!
See you tomorrow Barb and Tina you go for it girl's..xx
Love Dot..xx
Hiya Barb, these lovely stencils are on my wish list, just love them.
Anita " Sorry "
Stella " Oh my god. Your getting as bad as that dog. I can't even look at you "
Hugs Ali xxx
Best wishes for tomorrow. Looking forward to the stamping tomorrow. I still have your classroom lessons from C&C on my Sky box which I still go back to. Xx
Anita: Stella "let's have some 'clarity' here"!
Stella: ok Anita, we are BOTH groovi chicks …
Looking forward to seeing the lovely talented Tina with you tomorrow plus all the new goodies you'll spoil us with over the next 2 days. I especially like the sound of two hours of stampy, stencily, painty, inky fun every month, Yay!
Stella: I've lost my no 6 ball tool and the end of this brolly just makes my white work kinky!
Anita: Well there's a cure for that at Clarity, who now stock the full Pengamano range.
Both: Let's go! Beam us up Scottie!
Safe journeys, love & hugs
Jeanette xxx xxx
Hello Barb,
I'll watch as many of your shows as possible and tape the rest, but have booked tickets to see La La Land with my two granddaughters.
Anita: You can say what you like, Barbara always makes us look good and she's given me a dog.
Stella: Well I wish she hadn't covered my eyes with this hat, and who are you calling a dog?
Maureen xx
Laugh-out-loud brilliant speech bubbles if you don't mind me saying.
have these stamps and stencils. need to get them out. enjoy the shows, hugs xx
My Caption:
Anita: Snap we seem to be wearing similar dresses. Did you get your dress from Barbara Gray?
Stella: Of course – where else? – everything from her is so Groovi and her designs are so classy!
Looking forward to forthcoming shows, and meanwhile my caption:
Anita: OMG Stella! I don't know what to say – I made sure Scottie went earlier!
Stella: Soo not a problem darling, what are Louis Vuitton silver tipped umbrellas for?
Stella. " is that a poodle "
Anita " no, he's quite house trained "
Looking forward to Hochanda tomorrow. Tina I haven't seen for a while. But, my love is for messy craft, so bring on the stamps and ink. Xx
Anita: "Oh Dear, your skirt is much wider than mine?"
Stella: "I had to much beans for dinner, Darling."
Hi Barb, just reading through the captions, what a laugh, so here is my attempt;
Canny Shoppers;
Stella: "Where did you get such an unusual outfit? TK Maxx?"
Anita: "Don't be silly, quality like this! There is a well known online boutique called Gray's Emporium, it has something for everyone!"
Take care all. Bx
Stella: "This bloody umbrella has snagged my dress"!
Anita: "Stella, darling, please don't swear in front of Scotty, he's only two"!
Caption: "Mind you're P's & Q's"
Looking forward to Sunday afternoon xx
Caption: Something a foot
Stella: Oh God I think I've trodden in something!!
Anita: Well, it wasn't Scotty he hasn't walked there!
Looking forward to your shows. Have just joined all your designer clubs and the first issue arrived yesterday, brilliant, thank you.
Anita: Excuse me, but is that a Clarity design
Stella: But of course, I wouldn't shop anywhere else
Caption: Great minds think alike
Looking forward to the shows…
Anita : I thought we were taking the dogs for a walk darling – why have you got a brolly"
Stella : Oh goodness darling I must get some glasses thought I have brought my dog not a brolly darling.
I'm looking forward to your shows later Barbara and thanks for the competition.
Caption: Haute 'Catty-ure'.
Stella: "Yes, this dress was exclusively designed by Barbara Gray".
Anita: (Aside) "Well, you'd think she would have got rid of that dirty mark
on the skirt before she wore it out".
(To Stella) "Lovely darling".
Not long to wait to the shows now. My caption would be as follows :
Anita: oh how embarrassing we're wearing the same dress!
Stella: well one of us will have to go home and change.
Have fun on TV today! Xx
I can't compete with some of these captions, I won't even try because there are some really funny ones up there������ I will be glued to the tv though. Combining my favourite stamping and stencilling techniques plus Tina starring on the Groovi side, sounds like a marriage made in heaven. I'm beginning to enjoy parchment work a good bit more thanks to the inspiration of Tina and the other parchers, but I guess my heart will always be with stamping. Yes, there are other stamps out there, thousands of them, but Clarity stamps are worlds apart from the rest in my opinion. No other company comes close for quality and uniqueness (?) of design. I'm so happy that you will be featuring stamping, stencilling and gelli-plating on a regular basis on tv again. I'm really smiling today in anticipation, thank you. Have a great time with lovely Tina at the studio over the next couple of days. Your public awaits!!!
Sorry about the question marks, they were meant to be smiley faces xx
Scotch (Fashionistas) Mist-placed
Anita – I'm not sure that my bonnet, bag and bow ensemble works up here in the Highland gloaming …
Stella – You think you've got problems? For want of a smaller brim, I can't see why my bagpipes have suddenly gone so flat!
Hi Barbara
I am a bit late but never mind. There are so many possibilities with the fashion stencils. I love the idea of speech bubbles so the stamp sets are a must.
The captions are so clever and it's difficult when you are last
Caption: A Momeny of Clarity
Stella: Is he a Pergarity?
Anita: No he's a Clarimano!
Hugs from Chris X
Anita: Stella dear, why the umbrella?
Stella: Oh no, I am SO absent-minded these days! Fido must still be at home.
Scotty: Ruff!
I Enjoyed the Groovi shows and am looking forward to your show in a few minutes which I shall also record to watch again – there's always something I miss first time round!
Tonbridge Sue
This one made me chuckle! my favourite. Well done x
Stella….."you've done what???" Anita……."yes, I've bought Pergamano!!!"
loving the shows today Barbara xx
Caption: Playing the Part
Anita(with bag) :Who do you think you are Stella….Gene Kelly?!
Stella (with brolly) : No darling,more like Mary Poppins,practically perfect in every way!!!
Hi Barbara,
love the shows, I'm glued to the TV!
You may know this one but because Stella has the brolly I couldn't resist:
Anita: Excuse me, you're European?
Stella: Oh no, it's just the rain dripping off my umbrella!
anita to stella,,oh you look out of this world STELLA??
Anita : I am certainly going to drop my knickers tonight dressed like this
Stella : Oooh darling, you are such a slut.
Being Prepared,
Stella: "Ah Stella sweetie, are you ready to go to the Clarity Garden Party? Scotty and I are sooo excited!"
Anita: "I am darling, but aren't you taking your umbrella? You know what these English summers can be like!" "We don't want to get our new hats wet do we?"
So very pleased to hear that you are going to be doing more stamping and stenciling Barbara. I love Groovi too and I am gradually learning the techniques but need a lot more practise at the snipping! I have recorded all todays shows as I've had a lovely day with a crafty friend trying out Pan
Pastels for the first time.
Penny xx
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