A Wintery step by step Stamp Project xxx
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
I have to tell you, I have had the most splendid day at work.
Just excellent.
Bit late getting out of the door, but hey! What’s new?
I want to ask you to bear with us if you are waiting on your Gray Friday Sale order.
We have been going like the clappers,
but the Jayne Nestorenko stamp sales caught us by surprise,
and those big frames are slowing down production considerably.
Please be patient;
we can’t go any faster, and yelling at us won’t help.
Not at all, not at all.
Today I thought I would show you a step by step of
a card I did on TV this weekend,
using one of Jayne’s beautiful Winter Scene Stampsets.
These stamps are just too exquisite.
Mount the extra large scenescape on one of our Mega Mounts,
and stamp it onto a double-up Post-it, to cut out the mask.
Cut out the sky area.
By the way, another thing that made me über happy!
I found my favourite old red handle scissors, which I had for donkeys, but which I lost 2 years ago.
Found them in a ribbon box.
YAY !!!!
Just when I had given up looking,
and accepted they were gone forever –
there they were !!!!
Stamp the scene onto a piece of our stencil card,
about in the centre.
Run masking tape up either side.
Place the mask,
mask off the top and bottom,
add a mini moon mask,
then brayer in a light Morning Dew ink – an undercoat if you will.
Go back in over the top with Midnight Blue Artistry ink,
or Denim Adirondack,
or any of those dark blue colours you have in your stash!
Add Peace (from one of our wordchain stampsets)
and a couple of the birds from the set.
Brush a little dusting of blue into the lower area around the edges.
Remove the masking tape and colour in the cottages.
Add a thin deckle frame around the edge, using a fine micron pen
Add some snow with white acrylic paint
on the end of your No. 1 embossing Groovi Tool!
While the paint’s still wet, tip a load of Glamour dust all over it!
It’ll stick very nicely.
Absolutely beautiful stamps.
A dream to work with.
For any of the ingredients,
go to www.claritystamp.com
Love & Hugs,
78 thoughts on “A Wintery step by step Stamp Project xxx”
Don't worry about me getting my orders I don't have any time to do any crafting at the moment anyway. Lovely demo, the stamps are gorgeous.
Evening Julia hugs to help you through xx
Lovely, lovely blog. I noticed the scissors on the programme! I though, oh she's found a new pair!
Have been laid in bed this afternoon watching a rerun. Needed to after having been hit by a "school run mad driver" Still very lucky, just bruised and battered but nothing broken. Glad not my arms – need them for my crafting. I have also sent 2 e-mails. The second apologising for the first! Accident has addled my brain.
Lots of love to everyone and go carefully, you do not know what will come whizzing round a corner and drive on red onto a zebra crossing. I ask which way was the zebra going!! – said my brain had been affected.
Anne (Reading)
Oh dear Anne I hope you recover soon, as you say it could have been worse and we never know what's round the corner xx
blimey Anne! That was a close one! Thank goodness you’re ok .All my love to you xxxx
Anne, take it very gently for a while and give yourself time to recover properly. A horrible shock for you but I am glad your injuries are not serious. Lots of hugs. xxx Maggie
Oh Anne wishing you a swift recovery x
Anne rest up and take time to recover as the shock of it will effect you caring hugs xxx
Oh my goodness Anne poor you, that's not good. Keep resting and look after yourself. Sending gentle hugs xxx
Hope you make a full recovery soon and that the lunatic driver is appropriately dealt with.
Oh my, very pleased to read no serious injury, pretty scary tho, do take care and keep on crafting, we all know what great therapy that is xx
Hi Anne, sorry to hear you had a bad time. Please rest up and don't rush to get going again. Take it easy.
Hugs for you.
Lynn xx
I'm so sorry to hear that Anne, the bruises etc. will heal, it's the impact on your mental health that's of most concern. Hope you manage to get in perspective so it doesn't have any lasting effect on you. Love Brenda xx
Goodness Anne, what a terrible shock. Wishing you a speedy recovery x
Oh you certainly could have done without that Anne!! But maybe an enforced rest could be a little bit of a silver lining. Take it easy. xxx
Glad you're ok Anne, you must have had an angel on your shoulder today x x
Oh my goodness, you poor thing. Hope you feel Ok soon. When you've been all shook up it sometimes takes a little while for the aches and pain to go. Xx
There are some very bad drivers out there these days! And always rushing about probably on their phone! Please get better quickly. Xxx
I would only yell at you with joy or excitement! I got my order yesterday which was a lovely present to myself and I'm looking forward to getting crafting again.I've only managed to watch your first show so far as I have been a bit woozy. Dropped the morphine yesterday and am going to drop another painkiller tomorrow to see how I feel. I had completely forgotten about stamping the words and cutting them out to sort their placement!
Glad you've had another good day – long may it last xx
Easy does it Chris…. one day at a time. xxx
Get well hugs xxx
Take care Chris, sending hugs xxx
Hope your recovery is swift xx
Sending gentle hugs Chris dear. xxx
So greatful,for you step by step . Loved watching you live but it's hard to,remember . No hurry with order here either ,but it will be grand when they arrive . Rest now . Janice
I just love these designs of Jayne's and couldn't resist the stamp set! I have been extra good for months now though so see it as a Christmas present to little old me. I will probably even go as far as wrapping the parcel up for Christmas. Don't worry about the orders Barb they arrive when they arrive and if I am opening it up in the New Year then its a New Year gift instead! much love Jayne
I have decided that whenever my parcels arrive, I am going to save them as my present to myself for Christmas. So there is no panic for the elves here. Most of mine are stamps anyway. I have loads to keep me busy till Christmas and beyond. I love those new stamps and Groovis. Just stunning. The shows on Sunday were perfect too, with so many hints and tips to add to my brain. You looked as though you were having a ball, which really enthuses all of us watching you. We all knew the One Day Special was so some oak it would fly out. Hope the elves all manage a good night's sleep. xxx Maggie
Wow Barbara another fabulous piece of artwork. My husband and I, yes he loves watching the shows, sat enthralled but he remarked Barbara is looking tired!! Doing too much again, his remarks. Still a very successful business like yours demands energy thank goodness you are surrounded by such good working team. Don't run yourself ragged. Xx
Hi Barbara, Absolutely stunning !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Dear Barbara your clarity team at clarity towers are amazing and deserve gold stars for what they achieve the grey sale was amazing no wonder they are so busy and now we have the stunning designs from Jayne I haven't put my order in yet as very tempted to order the stamps and groovi my cushions are waiting fluffed up ready . Waiting for the orders gives me time to play with my other clarity stash I've been able to finish of my Christmas card from December 2017 calendar today you have a restful night after your fantastic shows on hochanda xxx
Evening dear blog friends sending you all heartfelt hugs I've had a really good day today my latest steroid injection must be starting to work I managed to craft I finished of a Christmas card using the inspiration from clarity 2017 December calendar it's so good to have a pain free day and craft .
Thank you to clarity towers for all your hard work xxx
So happy that you have some relief before Christmas Sheila – hope you continue to feel well enough to enjoy your crafting well into the new year x
I'm so pleased for you Sheila, it must feel like forever since you've had a relatively pain free day. I hope you have many more my friend. Love and hugs xxx
Simply beautiful, love it! I am patiently waiting and will continue to do so until my order arrives. I know you will all be working hard to keep people happy. THANK YOU! XX
Hello Barbara
This is beautiful, such amazing stamps. It's lovely to see the brayer out, traditional Grey, stunning and mesmerising to watch so a big thank you from me. Thank you for giving us this step by step, it's very much appreciated. Hope you have a lovely evening.
Love Diane xxxx
Hello dear blog friends hope everyone is ok. I've been writing Christmas cards all afternoon so I'm feeling slightly drained! Sending hugs xxx
Hello Diana hugs to give you a boost xxx
Hello Diane. I've just been out for a meal with my craft class…so I'm feeling slightly full!!! Hugs xxx
Evening bloggy friends, sitting here having a cup of tea and a small break from full on Christmas card production. Christmas music on loud and I'm singing along. Xx
Happy crafting production Donna are you having biscuits too hugs xxx
Hi Donna, enjoy your crafting..and your singing. I thought I could hear something in the distance!!!! Hugs xxx
A beautiful piece of artwork Barbara and this scene is gorgeous. Glad you have had a good day today and I was lucky that my Clarity Brushes arrived a good few days ago and have been christened already. They are fabulous! x
Hello pat they are amazing aren't they xxx
I got my order on Saturday thank you. Haven't had time to play yet though. Maybe later this week.
Guilty as charged. I included the big frame and the Agapanthus set in my big order. Mea culpa…
Haha! Those are the two which have crippled us! X
Oh that is beautiful, I've been all about the Groovi for ages but these new stamps are gorgeous. Must drop hints for Clarity vouchers and get bottom in gear to enter the challenge, got to be in it to win it xx
Hi Barbara, glad you have had a happy day. And long may that continue. Nae worries here re waiting for my second Gray Friday order. It's very understandable. Beautiful art, love it. Love this style, like yesterday's. There's just something I can't put into words about Jayne's artwork, all 3 sets, it makes a nice feeling inside just looking at it. Wish I could swap stamps, some of my older ones from a different artist for these!!!! Can't justify buying these as well, not after what I treated myself to in your sale. Or not yet anyway… Hope tomorrow is as happy for you, love Brenda xx
Hi Brenda. Love and hugs xxx
so beautiful. Jayne's stamps are truly exquisite, hugs xx
Wonderful stamps. Just can't decide which set to buy first! Hopefully, by the time I have decided the mad rush will be over 😉 Loved the shows over the weekend and, so it seemed, did you. Mxx
Hi Barbara, wonderful art work it is always good to go back I have caught up with some of the shows and the rest tomorrow.
You were great you are always brilliant and make it look so easy you are so inspiring.
Please do not rush to get my order to me it comes when it comes it will all more special.
Take care
Lynn xx
Don't worry about my order as not doing anything till eye sorted and got s stinking cold cough the works worst had for long time so not feeling up to anything at moment
No worries about the order it will be a surprise when I get it cos I've forgotten what I ordered. Lovely card Barbara and I did enjoy the shows thank you.
Lovely project, Barbara…I have been a fan of Jayne for a long time! Exquisite designs!
I confess to being somewhat impatient for my Gray Friday order to arrive…..but I wouldn't DREAM of shouting! I shall just try to be a little bit more patient…tell myself I don't have the time to use it, anyway….Do I believe that???? Not in a million years!!! 🙂 Jo xx
No problem with me about delivery, take as long as you need. Your team can only work so many hours good though they are. I love the new stamps and yes I did order the whole lot. So many ideas. Loved this card when I saw you do it yesterday. X x
Absolutely beautiful! I've promised myself no more Christmas stamps until I've used all the ones I have at least once, but these are so gorgeous. Sorry, but I'm one of the culprits that ordered the frame, roses and agapanthus – couldn't resist any longer! x
Barbara dear, you'll be doing me such a favour if I don't receive my 3rd! Gray Friday package yet! hahaha. I can't keep saying it's my design club package!!!! I hope your lovely days last and last. Hugs xxx
Thank you for this demo, your shows were great, love these designs, but will have to wait till January before I do a order. I've received my 1st Gray Friday sale parcel, and awaiting my 2nd, but don't mind how long it takes to come. It will be all the more special when it arrives. xx
Did a marathon stampathon yesterday. Managed to do 74 cards using a small geli, a moon mask, and a wee Christmas tree, and included a bit of fluffery around it…..fwew!!! Aid with clarity, a good job done. Took nearly 10 hours. I have to admit, the enjoyment was waning towards the end, but now feel very satisfied indeed. Xx
Barbara, your Clarity team is amazing, I received my order in Canada yesterday and was thrilled. I was so worried as we are heading to Florida for two months just after Christmas and duty needs to be paid on my orders at the door. Now I can bring my new goodies with me. Just love those little hangars. They are just too cute. Glad I stumbled upon them on the site. Watched all of your shows and enjoyed all of them. You truly are amazing.
Hi Barb,
I don't mind waiting for my orders, I know you will get them to me as soon as you can and I have plenty of nice things to play with while I'm waiting! Really loved this demo when you did it on tv so thank you for doing the step by steps. Pleased you've had a good day at work but take it steady. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you're all ok. Sorry I haven't left comments for you tonight but I've just got in from a meal out with friends and am goosed – need my bed! Maureen – it was at Eslington Villa if you know it, had a lovely meal. See you all tomorrow, love and hugs Alison xxxx
I caught up with all the Clarity shows this evening, lovely to see some of the old stamping and brayering tricks again. Barbara you should write a book, I am sure we would all buy it (don't know how you would find the time). Loved both stamps and Groovi but will buy them later. I need to sort out my craft room. I have SO many old wooden stamps that I no longer use, think the charity shop may get a bagful. I have already received my first gray day parcel and am quite happy to wait for my second.xx
Beautiful stamps and lovely demo! Do people really shout at your team because of delays in delivery? That's sad. Well, I did ring to find out if my order had already been sent but that was only as I was going away. I talked to a really nice guy (sorry, can'the remember his name) who said he'd make sure I'd get my ordered goods today and it looks like the parcel has arrived. Can't tell as I missed the postman and got a note that a parcel was waiting for me to be collected at the post office tomorrow. So think it is that parcel. Thanks so much to your team member for his help!
Best wishes to all who are currently not feeling well. Get well soon xx
Hello Barb,
I am a newbie to gelli printing and stamping and I am just over the moon for your videos and blog. I think I am having my first "girl crush". 😀
Had to laugh out loud with your Poldark reference.
So pleased to have discovered all your wonderful teachings.
PS: I ordered the set of Mega Mounts and they arrived to Canada in no time at all!
Thanks for doing what you do with so much artistic talent and humour.
Warm regards, Allison
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My Grat sale goodies have arrived, thank you. You all take care. Think you are all amazing. Jaynes new plates look magical 🦄 X
Stunning card Barbara.
A beautiful card Barbara. The new Jayne Nestorenko stamps and Groovi plates are beautiful.
Hope Anne and Chris you are soon feeling much better soon. Hugs to everyone xx
Hi Barb,
that´s a wonderful christmas card. Jayne´s stamps are amazing especially the one with the two children playing in the snow.
Rolf xxx
I'm happy to wait – looking forward to my free stencil to make up for it!! (thinks, wonder if that was what Barb had in mind all along!!hmmm…Clever girl Barb)
Maggie (Yorkite)
Hi to all, beautiful card with clear instructions. Happy to wait for my "Grays" orders as happily making Groovi Christmas cards for my family and special friends. I was blown away when my email was read out on your 7pm show for the ODs. It was all completely true, I was totally into parchment craft when a medical condition put the kibosh? On it. Happened to see you on Hochanda last year with it and thought try it you never know. Here I am over a year later completely and utterly over the moon that the craft I loved is now accessible to me again. A heartfelt thank you to you Barbara and your Clarity Crew. Lol Lynne m xxxx
Fantastic xx
WOWSERS! This is stunning and such fabulous instructions too. Thank you!
Linda xxx
Just perfect xx
I still love to watch you making your magic with this style of card. Xx I still don't have the confidence to try it myself.
Hello Barb, such a beautiful image, thank you for sharing the step by step. Bx