Saturday was busy!
Hi there!
Greetings from the NEC day 3!
Another busy day,
Lots of new faces and so many enquiring minds!
Either watching intently at my Gelprint stencil inky end….
Getting in the groove with Jo at the make n takes at the other end….
Or a little parchment lesson from our Paul…
All in all a very good day.
Wearing down now though,
Although we just had a dream of an evening.
I shall tell you all about it tomorrow, as soon as I get to a better signal!
That’ll have to do today though ;
Blogging on an I-pad on 3G in a field = pretty tricky
Love & hugs,
48 thoughts on “Saturday was busy!”
Hi Barb,
Pleased you've had a good day although I bet you're shattered. I bet there have been a lot of very happy people around your massive stand – lucky them! Have a good night's rest, love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope today has been as good as possible for you all. Very cold here today and worse to come. Going to play tomorrow with my build a wreath plates. Didn't manage it today – thought migraine was going to strike but fortunately caught it in time, but didn't feel like concentrating! Lovely ve and hugs to you all, Alison xx
Hope you are feeling better tomorrow to play with you new plates. I am struggling with a sore mouth after getting a tooth out on Thursday. Today I demoed at my craft club sweet trees which was lots of fun, but took all my energy though.
I just have two Christmas cards to finish in the morning then I'm going to practise my parchment snipping as I don't think I'll be going far outside xx
Hi Alison, cold wind here too, hope you'll feel good tomorrow and well enough to play with your build a wreath plates. Not felt good either today, too much walking yesterday. Love and hugs,Pam xx
Hi Alison sorry to hear today didn't go according to plan, hope tomorrow is a better day. Not long been home, we went to he torchlight firework parade and display, fantastic atmosphere and wonderful fireworks. Sending hugs xxx
Nearly there one more day then hopefully good trip home to your own snug bed and your lovely coal fire xx
Hi Barbara, glad you had another busy day with lots of interest. And a good evening too. What are you doing in a field, watching fireworks? Been exceptionally noisy all evening here. Hope you have some days off planned for the start of next week so you can recover. Hope Sunday is busy for you too. Love Brenda xx
Hi Brenda I hope the fireworks didn't upset Daisy xx
Hello Barbara sending hugs to you and Daisy xxx
Another busy day over. I am sure there will be new Clarity converts after your inspiring demonstrations . Have a restful night ready for the last day and the packing up.
Hugs from Chris X
Hey Barb you aint let it hold ya back though still managed it Hugs Ali xxx
One more day to go! Hope it's a good one!
I'm there in spirit if not in person!
So many people enjoying the Clarity journey. I was going to have a quiet day today but never works out like that in our house. Looking forward to our trip to NEC tomorrow although one of my daughters is not well and might not manage it. X x
Thanks for taking the time to touch base with your blog and us even though you must be exhausted. Lovely to see the photos to get a feel of your stand and the atmosphere.xx
Good to know you've had a busy day…and also what sounds like a lovely evening too. One more day until you're homeward bound xx
I hope you have a fabulous last day and safe journey home.
Linda xxx
Glad you are having a good time at the NEC and sharing the Clarity fun with lots of people. Just wish I could have got down to see your demo and get more clarity products, but perhaps as my mouth is sore after getting a tooth out on Thursday it probably wouldn't have been a good plan!
I hope you feel better soon. I also hope you have your winter woolies to hand, sounds like you're going to need them xx
Hope your mouth feels better soon. Sending hugs xxx
So pleased you have had another busy day Barbara, but you must all be getting very tired by now. Good luck for your last day and hope you pack up and get home without too much hassle. x
I am glad it's going well for you. I hope you get some rest next week. I have so many ideas I don't know whether to stencil and grunge paste, brayer with acrylics and stencils or do more gelli stuff – wonder if I can do all three together?
Have a good day tomorrow and thank you for your fieldish efforts to blog. (No, it's not a typo!) x
Dave took a lovely photo of my roots coming through. Argh. I really need to think before I go to workshops next time. Must get roots done before going. 😂😂. Had a great day though. Thanks Jo Rice.
Come on Barb, put your big girl knickers on and give it some welly. Just one day left, you can do it. Hope Sunday is a good one, and you get packed up and homeward bound with no hiccups. Looking forward to hearing about this evening x
busy is good. enjoy the last day and safe journey back, hugs xx
Thank you for blogging even though you must be so exhausted. Hope tomorrow goes well and that you all have a safe journey home. Lots of hugs, Pam xx
If you are in a field, does that mean you are in the caravan? I bet it will be a bit chilly tonight. Glad things are going so well at the show and I am looking forward to my workshop with Jo in the morning, traffic permitting. I think I will start out at 7 o'clock just in case I get caught in another 3 hour traffic jam again like Thursday. Off out with the dogs right now, and keeping my fingers crossed that the fireworks will stop long enough. Sleep well. xxx Maggie
Hi all you bloggy friends, hope you've had a good day and are keeping warm. Love and hugs, Pam xx
Hello Pam just trying to warm up now, it was quite chilly watching fireworks and we didn't stand too close to the bonfire this time ! Sending hugsxxx
It was lovely to catch up with the Clarity team yesterday. They were so helpful in filling up my basket with goodies to increase my stock! But I still have to go online to order a couple of stamps you didn't have. Hey ho what a chore. You never know something extra might have to be ordered.
By the way we didn't have any problems at all with the traffic. Our only downside during the day was not enough seats to sit down to eat lunch.
I have just spotted that beautiful pyrography piece by Bob Neill up on the stand behind Jo. What a perfect marriage between Clarity stamps and Bob's talent! Inspiring. xxx Maggie
Glad you've had a fab day xx
Glad the show's gone so well. Thanks for blogging in extremis, maybe also in wellies? Here's hoping for a smooth final push and pack up and journey. Meanwhile to make you smile:
There's an artist out there called Ms Gray,
Who's currently teaching away.
She's demo-ing like mad
But not at all sad,
Though once she gets home, there she'll stay!
Well it is half past midnight and 3 more groovi houses made so cross eyed and brainless!
Love and hugs xx
Hi Barbara
Good to hear today has been a mega busy day, hope you have enjoyed you'self. I wondered if you and Dave are using the caravan, that's a fun thing to do. Hope you've had a good evening.
Love Diane Xxx
Hello dear blog friends hope all is well. Sending hugs xxxxxx
3 down and 1 to go. I am sure Sunday will be equally as busy. Tiring but satisfying I imagine. Worth it because you make so many people happy but glad when it is over so that you can have a bit of down time. Hope all goes well for Sunday and safe trip home. Xxx
Hi Barbara I am so pleased that it went well for you at the NEC. I remember just a while ago you were thinking of giving this one up. It is so good that you have kept going. I am looking forward to hearing about your evening. I hope today goes as well and that you have a safe journey home. Take care. Hugs Jackie
Hello Barb, wow the stand looks really busy, hope today goes just as well, I am sure that the people are leavingwith tons of inspiration. Have a safe trip home. Bx
Looks like fun. One day I will get to go, but this weekend I'm meeting my good friend's newly adopted little girl so need to get on the road! X
Morning, hope you have a great day. Silly thing to say really as I know you love sharing your knowledge, inspiring others and meeting up with old friends and making new ones. Safe journey home, thinking about sleeping in your own comfy bed when you get there.xx
Hi Barbara looks very busy safe journey home xxx
Glad it's getting better for you at the NEC. Hope today carries on in the same vein and through the last of your busy days there. Wishing you and everyone there safe journeys home.
Wish I could have got there. Take care you busy people x
Glad you had a busy day yesterday and hope the same today. Haven't been to the NEC for years now. Trouble is I'd come back with a lot of stuff I don't need and can now order all my Clarity goodies online. I am looking forward to another Open Day or even Retreat next year ! X
Looks like a lot of fun for us and a lot of work for the Clarity team xx
Good to see you all and in such good form too. Don't know how you manage to do it and still look so good.
Hello Barb, you are on the last lap and I've only 9 words to say:- "I wish I could have gone to the NEC"!!!!
Maureen xx
Big hugs x