Friday – Happy Birthday Mum!!!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Friday’s Blog a private Peek, right?
Where there’s a will there’s a way,
and the internet signal is infinitely better on the ground floor
in the lounge!
So today we DO have photos,
which is just as well, because a blog about orchids with no pics would be pretty banal!
Here’s a particularly precious orchid, celebrating her birthday!
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y M U M !!!
We went to the Orchid Foundation to take in the spectacular, delicate flowers.
Plenty of Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medallists
in this glasshouse!
Nobody there except us,
so we were able to really get in close
and investigate…
Phenomenal really.
Every single one a work of art,
a perfect masterpiece.
Some so delicate they looked like porcelain.
Look at this one!
All blooms on one stem!
My orchid in the bathroom looks like this.
NOT !!!!
This one looks like something Mandy Branston painted!
I could have spent all day in that glass gallery…
Look at the size of these leaves!!!
And no blemish, not a brown fleck, nothing.
Absolutely perfect.
Just like my hostas.
This one is called The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
I can see it.
Can you?
We ventured outside into the garden,
and then there was this show stopper.
How about this one?!?
If we painted a flower these colours, you’d say we got it wrong, wouldn’t you?
How lucky we are to see this.
Apparently, the founder of the Orchid Foundation in Trinity
was a wealthy businessman from Derbyshire,
Eric Young.
He lost his first orchid collection during the war,
because of the fuel shortage.
No fuel to heat the house I guess.
So he started again.
I am very glad he did.
Happy Days here in Jersey…
Nice to have a break from work.
Love my job.
But it was definitely time to regroup and clear the head,
to get the grey/gray matter fired up again.
I’ve had a really good idea.
Look forward to telling the team about it on Monday!
PS Nothing to do with Orchids!
Love & hugs,
157 thoughts on “Friday – Happy Birthday Mum!!!”
Good afternoon Barbara! And happy birthday to your mum! She looks like she's enjoying herself!
Those orchids are fantastic aren't they! All so vibrant and different, everyone a true wonder of nature.
Enjoy the rest of your break!
Love and hugs xxxx
Stunning pictures. Happy birthday to your mum . enjoy your break x
Fantastic, especially your lovely Mum having a wonderful time. Hope you get the time to see the carnations as well. The perfume there is fabulous. I wonder what you have in mind for us now. Enjoy the rest of your stay on that lovely island. xxx Maggie
PS Happy birthday to your Mum.
Afternoon Barbara, wowsers, there are some stunning orchids here. Those leaves are fabulous and loving the sorcerers apprentice. Happy Birthday to your mum and enjoy the rest of your break.
Linda xxx
Happy Birthday to your Mum. It looks fantastic. Think I like them all. Love to all. Enjoy your break xx
Happy birthday to your mum. Beautiful photos, amazing place. Glad you are enjoying the day, a treasure for the heart x
Happy Happy Birthday to your Mum.
Such beautiful flowers, isn't Nature amazing? Thanks for sharing the photos x
Happy birthday to your lovely Mum. So nice to be able to celebrate somewhere so beautiful. What a joy to see so much beauty all in one place. I shall be keeping some of these pics for colour inspiration. Enjoy the rest of your break. xxx
Happy Birthday to your Mum ! Lovely orchids I got another one for my birthday yesterday ! Have a lovely time! X
Hi Jackie – belated Happy Birthday for yesterday! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Jackie, I missed yesterday! Happy birthday, hope you can carry on celebrating into the weekend. Birthday food has no calories – honest 😀🍰🍰xxxx
Oh sorry Jacqui, belated Birthday wishes to you. Yes make it last the weekend, you know you deserve to.xxx
Another sorry Jackie, spelt your name wrong again, thats because I have a friend whose name is spelt the other way.xx
Hi Barbara – stunning photos of outstanding orchids! Happy birthday to your Mum! I wonder what Team Clarity – back at base is saying now! Maybe, 'OH NO, Barbara has had a really good idea!!' Have a great time all of you, and enjoy the rest of your time in Jersey! Hugs, Gilly xx
Hi to all of my lovely blog friends, just about to go for a sleep! Last one today!! It took Neill 4 goes to get everything right to have his treatment today, but it was all worth it – he came out on a real high! Bless him! The staff loved my card and also our goodies that we had taken for them all. 3 of our group finished treatment today, and there were some tears, many hugs and some laughter too. We are looking forward to our visit on Monday to see the Oncologist, as Neill won't have to go through any of the horrid preparations. We can also catch up with 2 of our friends who still have many trestments left to do! Thank you for all of your kind comments last night – you really are an amazing group of supportive friends, I treasure all of you and your support. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
I reckon we'll all
Be saying oh no! Lol !! Xx
Phew, you got there! So pleased for you both. Best wishes for Monday xx
You rest up lovley blog friend and Neil too wishing you all good news for Monday when you see the oncologist you have made some special people feel surported with your hugs you can now recover your strength and lock merv and Ernie away special hugs for you both xxx
I'm doing a happy dance for you both Gilly…well metaphorically speaking hahaha! Rest, regroup and enjoy your weekend. Love and many hugs xxx
Yay! What a relief for you both. Hope you have a good weekend, try not to worry about Monday! Sending congratulatory hugs. Xx
Hi Gilly,
Yeah! Finished! I hope everything goes well on Monday with the oncologist. Have a great, relaxing weekend. Love and hugs to you both, Alison xx
Hi Gilly. The end of the milestone journey, well done both of you, can you remember back to the start and saying how far away the end looked. It must have been such an emotional day for you. Enjoy your meal tonight and those walks along the beach next week. Fingers crossed for you on Monday. Love and hugs to you both xxx
So glad that Neil's treatment has finished, enjoy a relaxing weekend, try to think positive about Monday, my fingers and toes are crossed that the news is good.xxx
Hello Gilly, what a relief it must be for both of you that Neill's treatment has finished. Lots of rest now for him to recover as it can make you very tired. Hope all goes well on Monday. Have a good weekend.xx
Hi Gilly, Congratulations to you and Neill on finishing the treatment – you're a remarkable pair of people! Hope you have a relaxed weekend and a successful Monday. With much respect and hugs xxx
ThAnks Gilly, currently sat in hospital waiting area for John's 6 month check up. You've finished now?! Well done to you both for getting there xx
Ah thanks Jackie! Wishing you both all the best! Fingers crossed that all is well, Hugs Gilly xx
Hope it goes ok xx
Happy Belated Birthday Jackie. Love and Hugs xxx
Hope the check up goes well for John you can have a celebration meal for your birthday too hugs xxx
Good luck with the check up. Hope you had a happy birthday despite the funerals you went to this week. Xx
Hi Jackie,
Hope everything has gone well for John. Belated birthday wishes for yesterday too. Love and hugs Alison xx
I hope johns check up went well Jackie xxxx
Hi Jackie, hope John's check up went well. Hope you managed to have a Happy Birthday despite the funerals you had to go to.xx
Pleased to say John's PSA has dropped further to 1.6 now. Thanks for all you good wishes. Xx
Great news Jackie.xxx
That's great Jackie! Jolly good xx
Happy Birthday to your Mum. I am so glad you are all having a lovely time. The orchids are amazing (and would make lovely stamps, stencils and Groovi). We went to the Floriade in 2002. It is like a giant Chelsea is held every 10 years in different places and that year it was near Haarlem in Holland. There were gardens from many countries and huge greenhouses including an orchid one which was wonderful.
Ooo that garden show sounds lovely. Xx
Hi Chris. I'm really looking forward to seeing you and Alison at Mainsgill, 12.30 Monday. Have a great weekend. Love and Hugs xxx
Hi Chris,
Sounds fabulous. Looking forward to Monday. Love and hugs Alison xxx
That sounds lovely Chris, have a great meet up on Monday xxx
Hi Chris hope you all have fun on Monday when you get together. Can't wait to hear all about it.xx
Thank you Diane and Susan, I'm looking forward to seeing them both again xx
Evening Chris xxx
Hi Chris, have a great time on Monday catching up.xxx
Happy Birthday to your Mum! Gorgeous orchids! I am glad you are having a lovely day! xxx
Happy birthday to your Mum. Glad you are having fun. I visited an orchid house in the Atlanta Botanical gardens such beautiful flowers but some of them don't half pong! Hope the weather is being nice to you. Xx
Happy Birthday, hope you've had a wonderful day. The orchids are so beautiful . Enjoy your break x
Afternoon bloggy friends, hope everyone is well. Planning on doing some crafty play this weekend. I would like to say I will be starting my Christmas cards……… 😂😂😂😂 xx
Happy crafting weekend hugs and cuddles for you and pheobe xxx
Hi Donna. Are you starting your Christmas Cards, or just like saying the words hahaha! Have a good weekend anyway, and I'm sure you will start on them. Love and Hugs xxx
Hi Donna,
Hope you manage to get some crafting done ( even if it's not your Christmas cards!) love and hugs Alison xx
Hi Donna have a lovely crafty weekend. Oh you do make me laugh, starting your Christmas cards, yeah right 😂😂😂😂. Have fun anyway. Sending hugs xxx
Hi Donna, enjoy your crafting even if it doesn't include Christmas cards. You're not alone, I haven't started mine yet. Good intentions but it still doesn't happen.😀xx
Enjoy your weekend xx
Hi Donna, have fun crafting, if you've got the new plates you'll really enjoy doing them (havent mentioned the c word) have I? xxx
Hello Barbara
Firstly please wish your Mum a very happy birthday and many Happy Returns.
Your pictures are beautiful and show the orchids off very well.
Special birthday wishes to your mum a beautiful photo with her glass in hand .enjoy jersey beautiful photos you have brought back some lovley memories for me thank you Barbara xxx
Hello dear family of blog friends heartfelt hugs to all who need them been thinking of you all . I have done a little colouring today on my parchment Christmas card I used my Fabre castell polychromos they are amazing to colour with .ive got a full week free next week no appointments so hopefully get to do some crafting 😊 Xxx
Hi Sheila,
Great news that you've been colouring in today – hopefully without too much pain. The polychromos are lovely aren't they? Love and hugs Alison xx
Hello Sheila it's good to hear you have been colouring with your new pencils, I was telling my friend about them the other day. I hope next week is a good one so you can get some quality crafting in. Sending hugs xxx
Hello Sheila thanks for that tip about the tube to go round my Groovi tools. It jogged my memory that I had bought one a year or so ago when my hands were particularly bad for using on a pencil. I had forgotten all about it. I've just been and dug it out and it works brilliantly. No more aching hands! Thank you. Isn't nice when you get a week free of appointments. Take care.xx
Hello Sheila. I knew you'd love the Faber Castells. They're gorgeous aren't they? A free week from appointments will hopefully do you the world of good. Love and Hugs xxx
I love the Faber Castells too. Did you know they do an eraser in the shape of a pencil so you can take the colour off if you press too hard or make a mistake? Barbara has them on the website xx
Thanks Chris I bought a Fabre castell sharpener /eraser /2 pencils but haven't used them yet will keep the ones Barbara sells in mind .xxx
Hi Susan pleased I jogged your memory and you found yours happy groovi-ing xxx
Hello Sheila,
Diane did, she told me about the pencils so I am going into town next week to have a gander (but then she tells me lots of things, some of which I couldn't possibly repeat ha ha).
Maureen xx
Oh Sheila so good you did some colouring, hope it wasnt too painful. Enjoy having no appointments next week and doing some serious crafting but take care not to iverdo it. I'd like to get the Faber Castell pencils in a while, if they are good, not so pleased with the Spectrum Noirs (the originals), did you buy them in a set or individually? xxx
Hi Pam, i'm another FB polychromos fan. I bought mine individually according to the project I was working on at the time, but reckon it's a good idea to buy 3 shades of one colour to get really nice shading/blending effects. Cuurently still a bit light on greens and deep reds. Have found greys invaluable. Hope you can start collecting soon! Xx
Happy Birthday Barbara's Mam xx. Barbara gorgeous photos. I would think ideas for groovis and stamps are dancing around in your head. Love and Hugs xxx
Hello my lovely friends. Well, this time tomorrow we'll have the new wee member of our family home. We can't wait, we're so excited. I hope you all find some joy this weekend too. Love and Hugs to you all. xxx
Hello morag enjoy your new puppy hugs xxx
Hi Morag,
I bet you are really excited! I'm sure Bonnie will love her new home and her new parents! I don't know if you read the comment I left yesterday as it was so late. Really looking forward to Monday but I'm going to make my own way there as Dave is going to do a walk and finish at either Bernard Castle or Richmond so I'll pick him up from one of them ( or wherever else he ends up!) . Have a fabulous weekend with your new fur baby, love and hugs Alison xxx
Hello Morag it will be a day of mixed emotions I'm sure but mainly happy licky ones I'm sure! Have a good nights sleep tonight and great fun tomorrow. Sending hugs xxxx
I hope you've got some sleep in the bank ready. Bring some photos xx
Hi Morag, hope your new arrival settles in well.
you will give her or him so much love, let me know what you call him or her.
Have a great weekend.
Lot's of love Lynn xx 💖
Hi Morag, I bet you don't get much sleep tonight with all the excitement for tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing what Bonnie gets up to.xx
Hi Morag, thats wonderful news having Bonnie tomorrow. Bet you'll have trouble pulling yourself away to meet up with Chris and Alison on Monday.xxx
Hi Morag, as we say up here " just 1 more sleep to go!" ( or not!). Have a wonderful time tomorrow showing Bonnie her new home, and please give her a treat or 6 from me. Love, hugs and strokes xxx
Those pictures of the orchids are beautiful, thanks for finding a way of sharing. Hope your Mom enjoys the rest of her birthday & that you all enjoy the rest of your stay in Jersey.
Ha ha you read my mind, I did think "haven't we got an Orchid stamp already"? And the weird thing is J was busy sticking Itchid Inners to a canvas just before I read this??? Glad you are having a lovely time. Xx
Typoes – J = I Itchid = Orchid !!!
Great minds Sam. Just got my new brayer so I can get messy with Gelli plate and stencils xx xx
Hi Sam, are you Barbara's messy Sam that I cant tear myself away from at the open days? xxx
Hi Barb,
Wow! Those orchids are amazing – there's one certain thing mine never look like that. Pleased you managed to get your signal sorted. You sound as though you've had a fabulous day today. Enjoy the rest f your stay on Jersey, love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope today has been as good as possible for you. It was miserable here this morning so we had a trip up to Newcastle- spent more than I intended as usual! Discovered that Fenwick are now stocking Seasalt clothing, so that was good. Really looking forward to a Monday with Morag and Chris. Have a good weekend everyone, Alison xxxx
Hi Alison sounds like you had a good day, I was in Newcastle briefly yesterday on my way back from Carlisle. I was being led astray by the lovely Maureen, we didn't get to Fenwicks this time though. Sending hugs xxx
Hi Alison. I read your post this morning, so thought I would wait until now to reply. Of course it's fine meeting up there. Barnard Castle or Richmond. Either one will be a lovely finish to your day. Looking forward to seeing you. Love and Hugs xxx
Wet here too so I went to the gym this morning and Groovied after lunch. See you soon xx
Evening Alison xxx
Hi Alison lucky you finding a Seasalt stockist. Love all the things they sell.Enjoy your day with Morag and Chris.xx
Alison, have a great time on Monday. Had a few days away in Carlisle with friends including Diane. It was good fun (it always is) and goes over so quickly that we can't wait to arrange the next one.
Maureen xx
Have a great time on Minday Alison, wish I lived nearer.xxx
Happy Birthday to your Mum Barbara. So glad you enjoyed your visit – though how couldn't you with such gorgeous flowers. Enjoy the rest of your stay xx
Hello Barbara
Happy birthday to your mum, I hope you've all had a wonderful day. What fabulous photos of the orchids, isn't nature amazing. We haven't been to jersey for a few years, sounds like there have been a few improvements to their communication network(our mobile phones didn't work there – bliss!). But that's all part of switching off and being on holiday. Have a lovely evening celebrating with your parents and a wonderful weekend.
Love Diane xxx
Hello my lovely blog friends sorry I've been missing, I've been away with some crafty friends to Carlisle and it was a late return flight last night. We didn't stop laughing all the time we were away, it was great to see them all again. I hope everyone is ok and you all have a lovely weekend. Brenda I hope Daisy is behaving today and has started drinking again. Sending hugs all round xxx
It's sounds like you've had a lovely crafty holiday. Laughter really is the best thing for an uplift!!! Have a great weekend yourself. Love and Hugs xxx
I'm glad you had a good time xx
Evening Diana xxx
Hi Diane,
Glad you've had a good couple of days. Gather you managed to keep Maureen and Norah in check!
Love and hugs Alison xx
Well fancy meeting you here Diane!!! Does everyone not realise that I am the elder statesman of the group and am always dignified and refined? Hope you are saving ready for the next one.
love M xxx
Hi Diane, that was a long way for you to go, anyway glad you enjoyed yourself.xxx
Hello Barbara, what a lovely picture of your mum with glass of bubbly in hand. Please wish her a Happy Birthday from me. So glad you were able to post photos today. What inspiration for colour. I can never seem to keep orchids for long no matter how kind I am to them. Enjoy the rest of your break.xx
Hi Susan, I hope you 've had a more restful day today both physically and emotionally. Those grips are brilliant. I got a pack of 10 from a certain auction site quite cheaply. Maybe we should have a campfire weekend…with a wee bit of a sing song. I'll have to bring Bonnie of course!!! Our Brenda is the best one for arranging that. Love and Hugs xxx
Hello Susan. I find it helps to change position too, I do some at the table and some on a lap tray sitting in the armchair. The light panel helps too xx
Before we go arranging any campfire weekends, the big question is – Susan, are you on the Nutella, or no Nutella side?!!! xx
Sorry, no Nutella for me!😀xx
Don't be sorry, that's the perfect answer. Yay, I've got a no Nutella friend 🙂 xx
Hi Barbara, Lovely photos of orchids and a special photo of your Mum celebrating her birthday, Happy Birthday – you look very happy. Enjoy the rest of your time in Jersey. Big hugs Marian X
I love orchids but can never get them to flower again but the good news is that i have two left out of a collection of 6 and one has a flower spike! Im so excited as i dont know what colour its going to be xx
Happy memories Barbara. I went to Jersey many years ago on one of my husband's sailing trips. I can always lose myself amongst orchids, they are a very special plant. So pleased you are enjoying yourself. Your Mum looks really well. I hope she is having a very Happy Birthday and enjoying rediscovering Jersey. xx
I went there 9 years ago just wonderful to remember those wonderful flowers. I have a fantastic book still from there. X
Evening pen xxx
Hi Pen,
Hope you're ok, love and hugs zAlison xx
HI Pen. Love and Hugs xxx
My sisters birthday too so won't forget that one. I would love to go to jersey one day. Xx
Be careful what you wish for Trudy. When we went to Jersey we had a 36 1/2 hour delay in coming home, with no recompense!!! We could have walked it quicker, but I can't walk on water unfortunately.
Maureen xx
Well I bet the team are wondering what you have thought up now. I have just had Fred measuring the dining table to see how many we can get round with a little extension. Plans for Xmas are changing looks like I am cooking for 10 now. Those orchids are wonderful, remind me of my dad who loved them and grew them in competition with my brother. Happy Birthday to your wonderful mum, fabulous lady. xx
Guten Abend Frau Gray,
auch aus Deutschland
HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH zum Geburtstag und alles Gute.
Rolf xxx
Hi Barbara, your mum looks amazing and looks like she is having a lovley time.
Those orchids are beautiful just look at the colours amazing.
Have a lovley rest of your holiday.
Lynn xx
Love and Hugs Lynn xx
Hi Barbara
Happy Birthday to your Mum, I hope her day has gone well !!
These orchids are absolutely stunning, there are ones that I have never seen before, and they are all 'works of Art'.
I hope you are 'recharging your batteries'.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Just beautiful , I love orchids . Happy birthday to your mom .
Leaving for our trip tomorrow to the hidden gems of the Dalmatian coast .
It will be beautiful and best of all no cooking for me for three weeks , now that's a real treat ahh , sigh 😃
Have a great time Jan.xx
Have a great time Jan.xx
Happy birthday to your dear mama.
The orchids are beautiful, too. They were prolific in Brunei and Sarawak, if you looked hard enough you could see them high up in the jungle canopy. On my first visit home, part of my hand-baggage comprised two rather large bouquets of orchids for nearest and dearest and they were accommodated by the BA staff in the refrigerated area of the plane; changed days – don't suppose it'd be allowed now. Enjoy the rest of your time on Jersey. ;~}
Beautiful photos, glad you had a good day x
Looks beautiful Barb, i cant grow orchids don't seem to last 2 minutes. Enjoy the rest of your stay and a Big Happy Birthday to mum. Hugs Ali xxxx
Ps. You are a tease Mrs Gray x
Happy birthday Barbara's mum, hope you're having your best birthday ever, and many more to come xx
Hi Barbara, seems you had a better day today. Beautiful orchids, and all minus the puncture holes mine has, Daisy practising her parchment pricking designs. Surprisingly the slugs and snails were kind to my hostas this year, despite the lack of beer trap filling up and weekly slug/snail round-up! Thank you for sharing.
Not such a god day for me. First the boiler did a weird thing, again, causing it to lock down and need resetting. Not even sure it's the same issue as any of the previous 3. Then went to photocopy the letter for my blue badge and the printer kept spitting out blank pages! Printed the photo ok. Hours later…. It's the black ink that's for non colour printing. cleaned and cleaned and cleaned, changed ink cartridge despite there being ink in it. Looking like it's the print head, not worth replacing as the printer is old, a good one, but old and had a lot of use, and the print head is a big cost part. I got round it by scanning in and printing as a picture. I love my printer as it's good quality for printing photos. But going to have to search out another good one in the not too distant future. As if I didn't have enough of a huge list of to do shopping/searching into, on top of everything else that's going on just now. And to top it off, today is a year exactly since my last day of support, the day Nicola and I went to Loch Katrine, so a sad unsettling day before all this.
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your wee holiday
Love Brenda xx
Oh Brenda,
Things just aren't going right for you are they! Good news is that at least printers have come down in price nowadays. It's not worth getting them fixed , cheaper to just get a new one. Hope Daisy is drinking a bit more. Sometimes when Scamp is off her food etc , I make her up a little bit of gravy and once it's cooled down enough give her that and she usually laps it up and then because it's a bit salty, goes and has a drink. Could be worth trying. Love and hugs Alison xxxx
Thanks Alison. I've got spare colour inks for it so hoping to get the use of them printing off from the laptop. Hopefully give me some space to get on top of other things before researching for a new one. I can always print off loads of toppers/papers using craft artist to use up the inks if the rest of the print heads last until I've got a new one. Printers didn't have wifi when I bought this one, that's how old it is! It's my Asperger's change problems too, and that I'm reliant on it for photocopying, and scanning to email stuff, for problem things and for forms and stuff. And it needs to be really good photo printing quality too. Now I'm sitting here looking at the old ink cartridge it told me was empty that isn't, wondering how I can get the ink out to use with a brush!!! Might try tipping it up and using the spongy opening to pick up the ink from, less messy than open ink bottles eh!!! What gravy do you make up for Scamp? Daisy loves the vegetable ones I get for me, they are for babies, no salt no additives or anything, wondering if I dissolved some in water if she'd drink it. Normally she eats any wee bits I give her and then licks the papers clean! I think she must be drinking a wee bit, but not sure if that's just because of the tuna, she'll get the last of that tomorrow xx
Hi Brenda. I've just got a new printer, and even though it's wifi, I still have it connected via USB. It's not a patch on my old one though. But there's no choice really for stand alone printers! That sounds like good advice from Alison. Hope to see you at the campfire. Love and Hugs xxx
I don't understand what you've said about printers. I need more words please, thanks xx
I actually have three printers in the house, all wifi, but I use them all as usb. One of them is a beautiful photographic printer, an Epson P50, not too expensive as printers go. it has probably been replaced by now, but there will be one that works well. It does not scan though. I actually bought that one because it will tak card up to 300gsm, which is a real bonus. I prefer Epson as I find the software is more user friendly than HP or Brother. A personal choice as all these things are. Hope you soon get your pesky boiler sorted too very soon, Brenda. xxx Maggie
Hi Brenda,
i tend to use Bisto granules and just make it quite weak for her. It worked a treat when she broke her hip and had to take liquid medicine and also lactulose – i just mixed it in with the gravy and she lapped it up! Love Alison xx
Thanks everyone xx
My printer is a Canon. I don't mind the software, but then I've nothing to compare it with. There seems to be an up to date equivalent which still gets good reviews for photo quality and not that expensive, maybe even cheaper or similar to what this one cost. Doesn't seem to top load individual sheets like mine does though, which will be a pain, and it's claim to print up to 300gsm, from a bottom feeder tray, mmm questionable. But trying to put it to one side for now until I have the head space for researching it more. These things, vital things going wrong, not working, get me all out of sorts because of my Asperger's problems, so it's hard to put to one side, because my head can't box it. But I would like to have a new one, before it stops printing totally.
It's not all that happened today either, this morning I had to phone about an error in one of my website accounts. Scary, but she understood me and it got sorted ok. Then, as I was finishing up on the laptop at midnight, I got a warning of memory running out, which is rubbish, plenty memory. Before I had a chance to close down the documents I was working on the screen went black! Very scary hour followed. had to force close it, switch it back on, updates were being installed, and then went to black screen for ages. thought I was going to have to start from scratch and rebuild all over again! Got a backup done today, but no system image yet so would have lost a lot of stuff. Ran checks at boot up, everything passed. Tried again, and yay, after some more waiting, I could hear the hard drive working on something this time though, it booted up. And even bigger yay, the good free office programme I have was able to recover the bit that hadn't saved when it died on me :-). Checked my memory, plenty, checked RAM, nothing wrong there, and temporary files etc. didn't even come close to the RAM limit, it would have been on a go slow if that was an issue anyway. I'm putting it down to stupid Microsoft, yet one more big update! And them getting grumpy because I'd told them to wait to restart my laptop!!!
I'll see how Daisy goes after her last tuna treat tomorrow, and try with the veg stock she likes. it's Tesco shop week next week, so if all else fails I can by some chicken/beef to see if it works. I'm always reluctant to give her anything with salt, because of their kidneys being at such high risk of failing in later life.
Nae crafting today at all, not even managed to watch any telly or catch up or anything, whole day spent on new problems, and a bit of cleaning in between! Rubbish.
Morning Brenda sending lots of caring hugs cuddles for daisy hope today is a better day for you and you mannaged to get some things sorted why things have to be so difficult be proud of yourself at what you can do I'm proud of you xxx
Aw thanks Sheila. I'm hoping to manage a wee bit craft today, not much chores to do. Got a lot of shopping bits and pieces to do online, so better tackle that too, before the list gets even bigger! Nothing exciting, don't think there's any craft on the list! Shopping is very stressful for me, the whole process right up to after it's delivered, have been putting it off with so many other stresses going on in the last wee while. My baby gelli and Jayne's flower stamp bundles are due to be delivered on Monday 😊. But with all this talk of Christmas I had better work out what I'm doing for my cards and handmade presents this year first, and get cracking on with it! How are you today? Hope you can craft along with me xx
Hallo Barbara,
Alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag deiner Mama. (Sie ist ja Deutsche, gell :)) .
Ich wünsche ihr vorallem Gesundheit.
Diese Orchideen sind ein Gedicht. Wunde-wunderschön.
Habt noch eine schöne Zeit.
Liebe Grüße
Elke aus good old Germany
Happy birthday Barbara's mum. Stunning photos of the orchids, they are all my favourites.
Happy Birthday to Barbara's mam. I wish you good health to enjoy many more. The orchids are truly beautiful, so different and magnificent colours. Enjoy the rest of your break and stop thinking about work!!
Maureen xx
Good evening Barbara wonderful photos of such beautiful flowers
Happy Birthday to your mum I hope you have spoiled her to bits today
Enjoy the restive your break you so deserve if. Xx
wow! what glorious flowers. definitely balm for any sore eyes, hugs xx
Evening happy birthday to your Mum hope her day has been wonderful, wow those orchids our amazing when people say there is no God and you see the amazing work in making a flower there has to be no man could make such perfection. Anyway enjoy rest of your time away sending hugs all around xxx
That's exactly what Barbara and I said today… David x
I have just boughtself a book on botanical painting by Billy Showell because I want to learn how to copy some of the lovely flowers in nature. xxx Maggie
These orchids are beautiful, the one that is cream and pink, is that a prayer plant underneath, or is that it's leaves? Super photos Barbara, lovely one of your Mum. I should think you did need a break after,all you've been doing. Enjoy the rest of your time there.xxx
Hi to all you lovely friends here, hope you've had a good day today. Live,and hugs to you all, Pam xxx
Sending your Mum many Happy Birthday wishes.xxx
Morning pam tom bought me a full 120 tin each tray lifts out separately they have like a felt bottom I went on the Newcastle art website they was the cheapest £108 pounds if your buying separately they was another website that had a offer on single ones just cannot remember the name .hope this helps xxx
What beautiful Orchids and fabulous photos of them, and Happy Birthday to your Mum who looks as though she has been having a great time. I think Orchids are the most magnificent of flowers and what variation in shape and colour. Enjoy the rest of your trip. x
Hi Barb, lovely pics of your mum, to whom Happy Birthday, and the orchids. Love the sorceror's apprentice! Just watched a good film, most of which passed me by as new stencil of tree turning into birds was on coffee table In eyeline. Brain spinning with ideas. Hey ho, enjoy the rest of your break. Xx
Wishing your mum a belated Happy Birthday. Hope you're having a great time. I grow orchids and would love to go to the Eric Young Foundation one day – did you know they are the best plant for anyone who suffers from hayfever? They don't have stamens and don't produce free pollen. instead all the pollen is packed tightly in two little balls that stick very neatly to the pollinating insect in exactly the right place for them to pollinate the next plant it visits. They have their own parcel delivery service with specific couriers. How cool is that? xx
Hi Barb
Mum looked so happy enjoying her birthday celebrations, belated happy birthday to her
Beautiful flowers and foliage too!
Looking forward to hearing your latest news!
Enjoy your weekend
June x
Beautiful. Madeira is a wonderful place for orchids, love going there. We have a house full of them now.
Hello Barb, Belated Happy Birthday to your Mum. So glad you are having a lovely time with her. The orchids are beautiful. I wish I was in your brain, so I could find out what your idea was. Take care. Bx
Happy birthday mum xxx
Stunning pictures Barbara xx
Love June horrocks xx