Craft Awards Voting tonight – and we have a winner!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
Remember I told you a while ago, that we had been nominated
for no less than 14 craft awards ?
Well, the doors open at midnight tonight.
Read on….
We are chuffed to bits to even be in the running for these awards!
Best Craft Gadget / Machine
Claritystamp Groovi Plates
Best International Brand for Crafts
Best New Product
Claritystamp Groovi
Best Colouring Book
Claritystamp “Feathered Friends”
Best Rubber Stamping Range
Best Online Shop
Best Craft Blog
Barbara Gray’s Blog (this one!)
Claritystamp Challenge Blog
Best Craft Website
Best for Quality
Best for Customer Service
Best Courses/Workshops
Best Overall Designer
Barbara Gray
Favourite Craft Celebrity
Barbara Gray
The voting period for the International Craft Awards opens at
and Tuesday 13th September 2016
and Tuesday 13th September 2016
online at: http://www.crafts-beautiful.com/awards/
Should you wish to join in the voting,
click the link above,
and it will take you through!
Don’t forget to leave an uplifting comment below,
to be in with a chance to win Dee’s fabulous artwork.
I’m going down to Bognor, to spend the day with her tomorrow.
Can’t wait. It’s been a while….
Love & Hugs,
PS A couple of you actually guessed the next Tem-plate Design!
Let me give you a clue….
It was MZJOSE who guessed it first!
Well done xxxx Give me your address,
and we will send it out once it has been made!
“What ?!?” they gasped, exasperated, “she’s making us look it up too!!”
BFN xxx
175 thoughts on “Craft Awards Voting tonight – and we have a winner!”
Fond memories of holidays in Bognor when I was very young! Will be voting for everything tomorrow. Introduced our arts and craft group to clarity stamps this morning and they were bowled over by the quality. Enjoy the sunshine tomorrow. X
Woo hoo, first today!
Hi, please can you help me understand, why are you so happy that you happened to be first to leave a comment? I'm just trying to learn. Thank you x
For me Brenda it makes me feel closer to Barbara, like she's walked out of the room just before I arrived and she might come back at any moment. Other people might have a different reason though xx
More amazed than happy. Not often first at anything. Just being silly really Brenda. Hope that helps. I know what you mean though Chris.
Thank you Gill, yes that helps, I can understand what you are saying x
I think I sort of see what you're saying Chris, enough to think it can go in my 'safe' reason box. Thank you xx
Hi Barbara, I'll vote for you in all these categories, it isn't even that scary for me to do now that I've done it for a couple of years! Hope you enjoy your day off tomorrow with Dee. Dee, your artwork looks just as beautiful to look at no matter how many times I see it.
Hochanda is moving to channel 85 on the 1st, and going to be on 24 hours a day. That's my during the night telly sorted 🙂
Love Brenda xx
congratulations to the winner
24 hours a day? Oh no, there goes my monthly pay! Xx
Evening Brenda hugs for you and daisy glad you have got your tv sorted for nights and your not scared of voting now xxx
Hello Brenda it's lovely doing the voting isn't it, seeing the names you know and the brands you enjoy and feeling you are doing something positive to say thank you to the brands you like. I don't know if this will help, being first to comment on the blog is a bit like reading the first line of a book you've been waiting to read or opening a new diary or notebook and writing the first words in it. I find it a bit scary being the first to comment – what I'd I say something silly, I've even gone away and come back in 5 minutes so I can see what others have written. It's also like opening the door to a favourite craft shop or cafe knowing you will see friends when you go in. Does that help? Others may have different ideas, it can be very special, but it's not a competition. Sending hugs to you and Daisy xxx
Thank you everyone xx
Thanks Diane, you and/or others said that the first time I asked. But I find entering a room/place where people are already in very scary, and often impossible to do, so it didn't add up in my head that that was a good thing. I don't understand the writing in a new book thing. And others said different, that it is like a competition. So I didn't know what to think, and didn't want to bother you all asking more/again. Why can it be very special? With all this competition stuff going on just now, and all the new people joining us in the last few days, it's unsettling me quite a bit, scary, and change stuff, and other not nice feelings I don't know what they are called. Sorry
Hello Brenda dear, You said you find entering somewhere that already had people their quite scary. So do you think perhaps this may be similar for anyone who is really pleased to get on to the blog first? If there's no posts written, they can just say what they want to and disappear without feeling that they have to interact?? Just a thought! If I've confused you even more, just say and I'll try to word it another way! Love and hugs xxx
Brenda, never feel that you can't ask. That was something I always tried to encourage the children in my classes to do. If you don't understand, please always ask. That is always the right thing to do, and if you don't understand our answers and we will try to put it a different way. All the new people joining the blog are just more friends for you to get to.know in your own time. Till you are ready, just carry on talking to those of us you already know. We will be here for you. xxx Maggie
Hi Brenda,
Sorry to read that you are feeling unsettled at the moment with all the different things that are going on. As Maggie says, just concentrate upon the people that you know and then gradually more will become friends too instead of strangers. Never be afraid to ask us though, you know we will try to help you if we can. Love and hugs to you and Daisy, Alison xx
Hi Brenda, try not to worry, ask as many times as you need to, non of us mind. Better that than you worrying about things. There are lots of extra people commenting at the moment, which is to be expected when there are prizes to be had, things will go back to normal so try not to stress.
Being first to me, which has probably only happened once or twice isn't so special, it's just like getting on the bus stop before anyone else has arrived, it's not a competition, it just gives you a little thrill. I suppose everyone feels something different, it's no big deal. Love and hugs, Pam xxx
Thank you everyone for trying to help me, and for being patient with me. It seems the commenting first thing has a different reason to different people, so no 'rule' anyone can give me. But I have a few reasons/options now, and most are 'safe' things. I've just been trying to stay in my wee 'corner' which is my usual when I didn't cope/too many people, but I don't feel safe, it's like I feel I'm totally exposed surrounded by a big crowd. It's really hard, especially with having no one to talk to about it, and help me with it. But I know it's my problem, and I need to find a way or just disappear if I can't.
Glad you've got your old appt back Sheila, I hoped you would when the Drs strike was cancelled. Like Barbara said, it's better to get it over with, and any treatment started, sooner instead of having to wait all month, worrying and wondering.
Morag, you shouldn't be thinking it's your fault, what's happened to Penny. It's the vet's fault, their resonsibility to know how old an animal needs to be and to prewarn you if there's any risks. I can't imagine what you must be going through, except it must be tearing you apart, I know it would be me, if it had been Daisy. I hope she pulls through, and be a happy wee soul for her life. Hopefully, her having already improved, means that the damage isn't permanent. What I do know is wee Penny is in the best home, you'll give her the best of care, and the bext life she can possibly have
Thank you so much for your kind words Brenda. They really touched me. xxx
Morning Brenda don't be afraid you have many friends here so ask anything you want someone will have an answer you want to be proud off what you have achieved just comming here each day is a big achievement for you hugs and cuddles for you and daisy xxx
Thank you Morag and Sheila xx
Evening, oooo I haven't even seen the new template yet but I'm loving the idea of a spooky house at Halloween or a gingerbread house for Christmas. Can't wait to see it. Congratulations to MZJOSE. XX
Hahaha Donna! You actually did didn't you?! You went through the comments to find out! That's brilliant xxx
Of course! Excited to see what the new template will be. Xx
Hi Donna,
I did exactly the same once I'd read Barbara's post! I like the idea of a gingerbread house – only I'd want one I could eat!!! Live and hugs to you and Phoebe, Alison xx
Didn't we all go and look? Always want to know what's new at Clarity Towers!
I went to look before I commented too.
Thanks Donna, that saved me going to look !!
Hi Barbara have a great day I'm voting don't worry you'll walk it Hun
Love June Horrocks xxxx
Evening bloggy friends, hope you have all had a good day. Sending hugs to you all. Xx
Evening Donna hope your day has been good and you get to craft tonight with pheobe sat resting with you hugs xxx
Hello Donna I hope you've had a good day. Sending hugs to you and Phoebe xxx
Evening Donna xx
Hello Donna. Sending love and hugs to you and Phoebe. xxx
Hi Donna, I did the same, had to look before I read the comments. Sounds good to me, a little house, will be very useful for the Grand children's little gifts. How's your 2nd week going back at work? Hugs to you and Pheobi.xx
Hi Pam, really well thank you. Time is flying! Xx
Oooo time to vote!!! Easy to choose who I'm voting for!!!
Enjoy your day with Dee! Xxx
Love and hugs xxx
Barbara have a good day with Dee catching up I will be voting tomorrow. Congratulations to the winner xxx
Evening dear family of blog friends thinking of you all heartfelt hugs to everyone I received my clarity parcel today with my full set of groovi plates enclosed wow they look stunning Jaynes art work is amazing looking forward to when I can play .
Got a letter from hospital today to say they have cancelled my appointment 30 September to see the liver specialist got another letter to say I have got an appointment for 16 th September this comming Friday so back to the appointment I had already had will be so pleased to get it over with as they will have my scan results now .xxx
Hello Sheila oooo enjoy playing, they will keep you entertained for ages. I'm so pleased they have finally got your appointment sorted and it's quite close now too. Sending you a big hug xxx
Here's hoping you actually get there this time, it's so frustrating I am sure xx
I'm so pleased Sheila that you don't have to wait so long now for your appointment. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Along with love and gentle hugs. xxx
Good to hear that the appointment is sooner rather than later. Have fun playing with your new toys…which one is your favourite?
Good luck with your appointment Sheila – hope you get some good news and that your scan results are there in time x
Good evening Sheila – good news about your appointment – fingers crossed it will go ahead on that date. Enjoy your new goodies, even just looking at them will be a joy! Lots of love and special hugs, Gilly xxx
Hey Sheila! Get it out of the way, I say! Xxxxxx
Glad your appointment is sooner than you expected, be a relief for you to get it done. Xx
Hi Sheila,
Thank you for the love,y comment on the challenge blog, it was very kind of you. The new plates are gorgeous aren't they? I bet you can't wait to play! Glad your appointment has been brought forward and I hope everything goes well for you. Love and hugs Alison xxx
So glad you have received an earlier appointment, be good to get it over with. Enjoy playing with your lovely flower plates, I'm looking forward to mine arriving. Got Physio tomorrow hoping for more aqua puncture, and hoping the results will last longer this time. Love and hugs, Pam xxx
All the best Sheila.xx
That's good to be brought forward again – get it over with. Good luck for Friday X x
Morning my dear blog friends appoligies for not messaging back last night went to bed just after sending my message turned my I pad off and did I sleep my body is all upside down🙃 at present stress dosent help does it .but then I woke up at 10.30pm so I got my new groove plates out they are stunning I did a couple of frames and the rose in one then back to sleep ready for today I'm of to the nurse for my bloods today then home to rest up thank you all for you good wishes for Friday it will be good to get some answers hugs to you all for today xxx
Barbara can I ask if you could do a parchment size for the new Jane frame as saves me having to struggle in cutting the large A size down understand if it's not viable thank you xxx
Apologies ment to put jaynes frame xxx
Hi Barbara, will certainly vote for you, brilliant products and the rest! I've had one of those days and has cheered me up reading your blog. Thank you. Enjoy your day in Bognor with Dee x
Nipped back to have a look and sounds wonderful. There are endless possibilities for templates so I am sure we will be digging deep in the future. Good luck in the awards you really do deserve to do very well. Enjoy your visit to Dee, Oh and congratulations to MZIOSE as well. xx
Didn't we have a lovely time the day we went to BOGNOR (lol! )
A beautiful day, we had lunch on the way and all for under a pound you know.
But on the way back I cuddled with Dave and we opened a bottle of cider
Singing a few of our favourite songs as the wheels went round.
Are you dining it Barbara ? Wrong place but Bognor fits too . Lol
Have fun with Dee x
I bet lunch will cost more than a pound don't you 🙂 xx
Good luck with all of the nominations. Just off to have a look at the answer.
Hello Barbara
Poised ready to cast my vote although I can't guarantee it will be at midnight! Lol. Well done to the winner, now I must go and see what the answer is.
Enjoy your day with Dee tomorrow.
Can't wait to vote ……… not sure about midnight though, off to Skeggy tomorrow with the wrinkles (Mum & Harry) both well now and as it's forcast to be hot, hot, hot think the coast is the place to be xx
Hello Barbara
Poised ready to cast my vote although I can't guarantee it will be at midnight! Lol. Well done to the winner, now I must go and see what the answer is.
Enjoy your day with Dee tomorrow.
Hi Barbara
Many congratulations on being nominated for so many awards, I will be voting tomorrow. Have a wonderful day with Dee. I'm sure there will be lots of chatter and laughter a lovely lunch and perhaps the odd bit of work, or is it just friends getting together. Have fun whatever you do. Congratulations to MZIOSE, I'm off to have a look and see what the answer was, how exciting.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends, hope all is well. What's up with this weather? All prepared for the high temperatures and it started off gloomy with a hint of a chill, went out for a walk and oh boy was it warm ( that might just have been me though!! Haha). It's supposed to be very warm again tomorrow, do I believe them or not?! Sending hugs all round. Xxx
Yes the weather is very confusing It has been warmer outside than in a couple of days xx
Yeah, funny weather up here as well. I sat on my bum watching Paul on catch up and had to put a cardy on but the minute I started moving around I was hot but like you it could be my age.
Hello Diane, the heat is supposed to arrive here tomorrow. I'm not sure whether to hold my breath or not! Take care. Love and Hugs xxx
Hot hot hot here and supposed to be even hotter tomorrow! Nice when I can sit in the garden, not so nice with 30 hot sweaty children! Xx
Hi Diane,
Yes weather definitely strange. I fell asleep on the couch this afternoon as I didn't get much sleep last night due to the heat. I woke up and I was frozen! Went outside and it must have been 10 degrees warmer outside!! Love and hugs Alison xx
Roll on winter sad I know 🙃 Our weather is upside down xxx
Not sad Sheila…I LOVE winter!!! xxx
Hi Barbara congratulations on the many nominations – all well deserved. Hope you have a lovely day with Dee tomorrow and thank her for sharing her outstanding art work with us. love to all at Clarity
Good luck with the awards. I won't be awake at midnight, so the voting will have to wait until tomorrow.
Good luck and bring all those gongs home !!!
Congratulations to you on all your nominations & Congratulations to Mziose for guessing the new plate. Look forward to seeing the finished product. Thanks to Dee & all the DT for the inspiration they give us.
An amazing list of nominations. Well done to you all at Clarity.
Well I guess I'll be voting for you again there's no one comes close as far as I'm concerned. Enjoy your day with the very talented Dee.
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age. Lucille Ball
Hello folks Fancy Barbara making us work to find out the new template! Congratulations Mziose I'm off to find out what it will be.
PS sorry I seem to have missed you yesterday Alison xx
Hi Chris, here's another one who will be voting!
I hope you've had a good day. Love and Hugs xxx
Definitely Clarity all the way! Xx
Hi Chris,
I was very early yesterday! By the evening I was tired so went to bed early, but couldn't sleep because of the heat – needless to say I've been shattered today! I'll certainly be voting too, it doesn't take too much imagination to work out who for! Hope you've had a good day, love and hugs Alison xx
Rest up Chris hope today is a better day as its going to be hot xxx
Hello Barbara. I certainly will be voting for you in all categories. Have a lovely day with Dee. Hugs xxx
Here's my ditty for today:
For four, it’s the ‘flower’ store…
Stamps galore on the Clarity site
That keep us busy both day and night
Filling our hearts with glorious delight.
Hello my bloggy friends. How exciting to be a part of the success of all things Clarity – very well deserved too. I would like to be the first to vote and will go into the site at midnight! VOTE CLARITY!!!!
Hello dear friends.
Another awful day with Penny. She was still pacing at 4am this morning, despite me trying to 'force' her to relax in my arms. I took Maggie's advice and visited the local pet shop to ask about valerian. They didn't have any, but gave me a website address to order it. I came straight home and ordered it. They're sending it first class so hopefully we'll have it tomorrow. Today she is just shattered again, so another day with her spent in my arms. But again this evening she's on the wander! I so wish I'd read up on vaccines before taking her to the vet's. We've had two yorkies before, and they had three vaccines. But now the second and third are combined, It's obviously been to much for her little brain! Sorry for bothering you with this. I hope you are all ok. Love and Hugs to you all. xxx
I get mine from Dorwest who are brilliant, and have a really informative website. Hope Penny is soon feeling better. xxx Maggie
Morag, this sounds so stressful. I do hope things settle down.
Thank you Julia and Maggie, yes, Maggie, that is where I've ordered mine from. thank you again for the suggestion. xxx
Oh Morag, sorry to hear Penny is not better. Its so hard when they are ill. I had no idea a puppy could react to their vaccines in this way. Makes you wonder if they are done too early. Hope things improve soon. Xx
Hi Morag,
Sorry to hear that little Penny is struggling again – my heart goes out to you and to her to – give her a big but gentle cuddle from me. I do hope that the valerian works for her poor little mite. Take care my friend, love and hugs Alison xxx
It's not a bother Morag I know how awful it is when they are ill. You can't explain to them, I do hope she's better soon xx
Sorry to hear that Penny is no better, have you rang the vets to see what they think. Hope she recovers really soon. Love and hugs to you and Penny.xx
What a shame about Penny, I'm just sat telling my friend as we're having our morning cuppa on our holiday, she has two dogs and we were just saying she should get Valerian to try for firework time etc. She says humans have it too for anxiety. I do hope it helps her. Xx
Morning morag hope valerian arrives quickly and helps penny cuddle for you both xxx
How exciting you deserve all those awards give our love to Dee have a great time xxx
Good oh, voting opens before off on holiday at end of week, so can definitely vote for my favourite crafty team. Customer Service is a good one, just dropped my Hochanda account on the back of really poor service, apparently it is my fault for moving house that meant they dropped my freedom membership and charged delivery fees. I updated address within days online and told them over phone but neglected to tell me their system couldn't cope and I needed to start again with freedom. No apology, no interest in sorting out, couldn't even be bothered to speak to me. Ah well, their loss, I'll order direct from a company who understands good customer service who even when overwhelmed with orders still manages to answer the phone with cheerfulness and are always helpful. You get my vote. Much hugs. Karen xxx
I only order direct from clarity cannot beat the best happy spending xxx
Hear, hear from me too. xx
I will definitely be voting but it might have to wait till tomorrow morning. I definitely need an early night tonight after a day of major sorting out of my craft things. I hope you and Clarity win them all. You deserve it. Congratulations to our winner. It all sounds very exciting. xxx Maggie
You work so hard, fingers crossed for the awards xx
Wirklich verdiente Nominierungen, liebe Barbara, – viel Glück xx
Wow what a list of nominations, brilliant. Hope I shall be in the land of nod by midnight but will be voting for all things Clarity with my early morning cup of tea beside me.
Have a great day with Dee tomorrow. I shall be voting tomorrow as I'm planning an earlyish night tonight. I plan to take Paul to bed with me tonight…on my laptop, on catch up, to watch the last show.
Ooo er! Xx
Hi Julia,
I got a bit of a shock there at first!!
There's no answer to that!!
Never expected that. Ha ha!
Morning Julia hope Paul behaved last night 😂 Xxx
Uplifting comment :
Just remember , everything will be alright in the end —- and if it's not alright —– it's not the end . Joy now Janice
All well deserved nominations – will be voting tomorrow for sure! x
Great to have such a large number of nominations, For a great team. I shall be voting……
Worried my crafting may struggle with the arrival of 18 week old kittens! Our older cat has been well trained and I can manage with the odd make up sponge being flipped off the table and chased… These two are something else!
You're going to be busy – double trouble xx
Hope they sleep lots and you can craft a lot xxx
Hi Barb – have a great day with Dee tomorrow, and pass on our thanks for this wonderful piece of artwork! Very clever and talented lady! Of course I will be voting in all of the categories for you and Clarity! Congratulations MZJOSE, a wonderful guess! Hugs Gilly x
Hi to all of my lovely blog friends – please forgive me for not commenting on each of your posts today, but I have to admit not feeling so good tonight, in spite of having a sleep this afternoon. The problem is that Merv and Ernie have come to visit, and I can't seem to get rid of them yet, so I need to just rest.
I will explain about them – some time ago I was going through a bad patch with my M.E. and I told my daughter that I wanted to give it names, so that I could take them to task when they came visiting me! She came up with Merv and Ernie – and it has stuck! So I will be doing my very best to evict them, as soon as possible. Lots of love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Oh dear Gilly, I hope Merv and Ernie get the boot very quickly. Take care my friend. Love and Hugs xxx
Gilly, perhaps you could send Merv and Ernie off to join Worka and Hollick and leave you alone. xxx Maggie
Rest up Gilly, hope tomorrow is a better one. Xx
Hi Gilly,
Hope Merv and Ernie get lost soon! Hope you get a good night and feel better tomorrow. Love and hugs Alison xxx
I hope they've gone by tomorrow xx
Send them packing Gilly, hope you have a better day tomorrow after a good night's sleep.xx
Hope you get rid of the two of them as fast as they come X x
My dear blog friend you can put them on my tree cut them down and banish them forever .sending lots of hugs and cuddles you are both on a hard road at present take care I'm with you all the way in thought extra hugs xxx
Snow drop poem
Has hope like the bird story
That flitted from tree to tree
With the talisman's glittering glory
Has hope been that bird to thee.?
Snow drop poem
Has hope like the bird story
That flitted from tree to tree
With the talisman's glittering glory
Has hope been that bird to thee.?
Voting done
No worries re voting for the best – always have, always will!
Congratulations on your prize Msjose – great guess! Doubtless it'll be added to my wishlist!
Don't forget to smile…it makes people wonder what you've been up to!
IVe just done my Clarity voting.
Hi Barbara I'm sure you will have a lovely day with Dee tomorrow. I will vote in all the categories. Xx
Hi Barbara I'm sure you will have a lovely day with Dee tomorrow. I will vote in all the categories. Xx
Enjoy your day with Dee. I am off to vote now. Sock it to 'em Barb.
Hugs from Chris X
Evening Barbara well I've been waiting for the voting to start so I will do my thing but no doubt you will walk away with them all, I'll have my fingers crossed for you and your team.
Congratulations to Msjose for winning the new plate, a house would be good.
Enjoy your time with Dee and have a safe journey. X
Hi Barbara Will be voting tomorrow. Love all things Clarity. Have a good day with Dee tomorrow. AliJ x
what a long list of nominations! well deserved though. enjoy your day with Dee. hugs xx
Have a great day with dee in bogner ,love it down there always have stroll along the beach ,then the market and shops …will be voting for team clarity tomorrow x
Congratulations on so many nominations! And delighted that a family business is doing so well and rdceiving the recognition it deserves. Good luck to the Clarity team! And thanks to 'jeanette' or 'janine'(?) for sending my goodies so quickly – without your kindness and efficiency the following ditty could not have been written!
The lass from Dundee has succumbed
To the housework that's O soo humdrum.
The cookers agleam
The floor's (sort of ) clean,
And now she can craft with her chum!
Wow Barbara, what a lot of nominations and so well deserved too! Enjoy visiting Dee tomorrow. x
Oh to be beside the seaside. Especially if I was to bump into you two talented ladies. Have a lovely day.
Will be voting soon.
Hi Barb,
Well that's certainly a long list of nominations and might I say well deserved. I will certainly be voting for you and Clarity in all sections. Hope you have a great time with the very talented Dee tomorrow. Congratulations to the lucky winner, I would like a gingerbread house but one I could eat!!! Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope you're ok and have had as good a day as possible. Well I got my agapanthus card made yesterday and sent it in for the challenge. I loved working on it and think I will try the dahlia next. Been a housework day today and tomorrow I've got to go up to my sister's house to cut her grass ready for her coming back from Switzerland on Wednesday night, then down to my Mam's to cut the grass there to keep it nice ( it's up for sale which is a necessity but sad) . Fortunately both houses are on the same estate and it's only 5 minutes up the road from me so not too bad. Well, it's off to bed for me now, love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Night Alison I hope you get everything done tomorrow xx
Night night Alison, hope it all goes well tomorrow, you are a busy bee.xx
Morning Alison, I would go really early or really late to avoid the sun. Xx
Good morning Alison. It looks quite promising outside!! Take your time today! Love and Hugs xxx
Morning Alison it's a good day for grass cutting don't forget to rest too hugs xxx
Will definitely be voting later Barbara, how wonderful 14 nominations and every one of them so well deserved. Have a brilliant day tomorrow with your so talented Dee, two talented friends together. My tickets for Leyburn arrived today, just have to wait for my set of flower plates and other goodies. Soon be Saturday and Ally Pally, can't wait.xx
You won't be disappointed they are stunning hugs xxx
Have a lovely day with Dee tomorrow, two crafty geniuses at play. Right I'm off to tick some boxes 🙂 x
Well done in all your nominations. Well deserved!
Will be voting soon. Have a lovely day with Dee tomorrow, it's always great to have a catch up with a good friend.
Ooh, well done at being nominated in so many categories! Well deserved indeed! I will be voting! Love Dee's artwork! xxx
Well done, Barb! Very well deserved, your such a grafter, you and your lovely team, of course!
Have a great day in sunny Bognor, I'm pretty certain it will be sunny tomorrow, summer hasn't quite given up on us yet. I wonder what the two of you will get up too???? Is it going to be a bit of a 'busman's holiday'?
Enjoy. Xx
Hi to all my lovely blog friends that I haven't spoken to yet, hope you've all had a good day, love to all on the blog.xx
good morning Pam. I hope you have a good day too. Penny seems brighter this morning, just tired….Me too!!! Love and Hugs xxx
Have a fabulous day out. It is always so much fun spending a day with a friend. I and going to have a friend day tomorrow too and I think we will be discussing my shopping list for Leyburn!!
I shall certainly be voting for my family's favourite crafting business. If you are on TV and they come in I get to keep you on. If it is any other company that is on it soon gets changed to some channel that I don't want to watch!!
Enjoy your trip to Bognor! Steve and I spent the last couple of days of August there, the sun was out and the sea had that wonderful salty smell. We had an evening meal at the oystercatcher in Climping and lunch the following day at the lobster pot cafe just on Felpham beach front, very relaxing and therapeutic! Have a wonderful day Barbara and Dee! Big hugs Marian xxx
All voted for. Xxx
Congrats on all the nominations. Awesome well deserved. Yeah team Clarity!
Hello Barb,I certainly think you deserve the nominations, well done Clarity. Hope you have a great day with Dee, and well done MZJOSE, good guess, looking forward to seeing it. Bx
Voting all done xxx
Morning morag get plenty of rest today with penny hope she settles hugs and cuddles xxx
Hello Sheila dear, I hope you have a nice peaceful day too.. Love and Hugs xxx
The sun is out and I'm of to vote before another day of sitting by the pool, swimming, reading, snoozing, eating, it's a hard life but someone has to do it so just thank me very much ! Xx
I'm overwhelmed by your generosity, doing this awful task for us Jackie.. hahaha! Enjoy xxx
Wow Jackie what dedication 😊 Have fun today xxx
I don't often comment but read the blog everyday. Naturally voted for you and clarity. Good luck xxx
Wow.. now that's a lot of categories – but just as it should be. Hopefully these nominations (and hopefully awards to follow) will make all the teams hardwork worth while. Well done to the Clarity Team – right off to vote now…
Forgot to say – Barbara's blog… having had some very difficult months – your blog was my constant and helped me to put into perspective the things and people that matter…never miss my daily dose of blog therapy…thank you 🙂
Although I voted by going into your link above, getting worried as it says voting finished on 21st July and the short list of nominations would be in the magazine out on 16th September to be voted upon. Did anyone else see this?
Pam i just got to vote didn't see anything else hope physio goes well careing hugs xxx
Thank you Sheila, will try to do the vote again on the laptop, AlI dud it on the kindle. Had more Aqua Puncture this morning, massive thunderstorm here, raining cats,and dogs. Better stay in may spring a leak, ha ha.
just voted for you and clarity so wanted to do it on the first day.
it seems fitting today to write this piece today.
My flower is so wonderful she will always be around.
she will never leave my Groovi side
My flower is a special friend like the one I have in you .x
Morning Barbara, Fabulous to have all these nominations, very well deserved Barbara and all at Clarity !!
Congratulations to the lucky person who 'guessed' correctly.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Morning Barbara all voted enjoy you day with Dee xxx
That's a lot of comments I have to scroll down to get to the end, is there a quicker way and now I'm off to see what template we are getting, hope you have fun with Dee x
Oooooh. Let me think , now who am I gonna vote for? I have heard about a very hard working little team of people who are very talented and have a team leader who runs around like a headless chicken trying to bring us the public such lovely works of art and all the products and guidance so we can recreate these. Does this remind you of anybody? Xx