Build a Dahlia Step by step.

Build a Dahlia Step by step.

Hi there!
Still at Ally Pally today.

Love it there.
But very happy be home tonight!

Prepped this one for you on Thursday,
so I could curl up with Dave, curry and Poldaaaark 
as soon as we got in tonight !!

Great to see so many familiar faces and old friends again today.
(oi!! Less of the old!)

By the way, it’s Jayne Nestorenko’s birthday today,
so can we all join together 
in wishing her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY? 

As you know by now,

we made Jayne’s art into Groovi art AND stamps.
Thought I’d get stampy arty and make a simple bookmark 
with an inky scrap I just couldn’t part with!

She designed the sets with loads of little elements, 
as you can see above,
so I decided to have a play, 
and build a dahlia from the leaves and buds.

Tried it on scrap first,
since we only have the one inky scrap! 

Here we go then!

Better to leave a gap and then use a black Micron pen to fill in.
Refer to leaf below….

Blast. The bud worked well – perfectly.
But the leaf over-lapped.

Tries to remove with Blending solution, 
but only succeeds in making a blotchy smudge…

Radical measures required.
Bleach will shift ANYTHING, right??

except Blending solution.
Can you believe it?!?!?

Ah well. Whatever.
It was only a scrap to start with!
Time to re-introduce some colour.
Pigment pencils by Spectrum Noir are good.
They work very well on bleached out water-colour paper I find!!!

A little grungy.
A little imperfect.
And STILL the blobby smudge on the leaf!

I have another piece !
That’ll do for the back then.
What did I use for the background?
Edge the front with a black Sharpie pen,
spray mount to the other piece and trim back.
Dave just came into the room.
“Ooh! I like that flower art”. 
So I gave him the bookmark as a pressie.
Which reminds me.
Leave a pleasant comment below,
and you may be in with a chance to win that 
lovely artwork by Linda Spencer with the £20 gift voucher included! 
We really do have such a special Clarity Team.
Thank you Linda 
Love & Hugs,

165 thoughts on “Build a Dahlia Step by step.

  1. Evening bloggy friends, hope you are all well. Had a sort out in the craftcroom this afternoon. Got some rubber stamps cut out which is a job that I needed to get done but had been putting off. Had a play with my new sparkle pens, oooo glitter🌌💞

    1. Hi Donna – doesn't it make you feel so much better, when you have done a job that you have been putting off for ages!? Good to follow it with a bit of play time! Hugs to you and Phoebe xx

    2. Evening Donna, glad you've had a productive day today, like a bit of sparkle on a card. Nice weather here today so took a trip down to Weston super Mare so it's been quite a relaxing

    3. Hi Donna,
      I left a comment for you a couple of hours ago and it seems to have vanished into cyberspace! You've had a busy day by the sound of it! I love the sparkle pens, very clever idea. Love and hugs to you and Phoebe, Alison xx

  2. Hi Barbara, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAYNE, I hope you have had a brilliant day !!
    I'm loving the bookmark, it's gorgeous !!
    I hope your day went well at Ally Pally today.
    Enjoy your time with Poldark !! We watch Victoria, and I record Poldark (for me and me alone hahaha).
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  3. Hi Barbara, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAYNE, I hope you have had a brilliant day !!
    I'm loving the bookmark, it's gorgeous !!
    I hope your day went well at Ally Pally today.
    Enjoy your time with Poldark !! We watch Victoria, and I record Poldark (for me and me alone hahaha).
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  4. Hi Barb,
    Happy Birthday Jayne – hope you've had a lovely day x

    Hope Ally Pally has been good for you today. Really love the bookmark. The colours are fabulous, I'm not surprised Dave liked it.The more I see the stamps, the more I think I need them! I'll have to decide at Leyburn.
    Enjoy your curry and Poldark. Love and hugs Alison xx

    1. Hi bloggy friends,
      Hope today has been good for you. Ooh, Donna, sparkle pens – I love them! I spent this afternoon, colouring in my Rose Groovi piece and really like it. I now have the Agapanthus, the Rose and the Fuchsia cards on my mantelpiece ready for birthdays coming up. The only trouble is, I think I like them too much! I've got the Dahlia one to do yet – that's for tomorrow and during the week. I've decided I need the stamps and then I can stamp onto the inside to match the front. ( that's my excuse anyway! ) I am really loving working with the plates, even Dave has remarked how lovely the finished cards are which is very unusual. Well going to make a drink now and get comfy for Poldark, then I'll watch Victoria that I'm recording. Love and hugs to you all. Alison xxxx

    2. Hi Alison I can see you keeping the cards for yourself, don't forget to photograph them before you send them so you've got a record. I've showed the plates to Julian so he knows what to get for Christmas, I think I might suggest the stamps too and serif he's feeling generous! Enjoy poldark. Xxx

    3. Evening Alison so pleased you have had a crafting day too I'm doing the rose added the rose down the sides today like Diane said I always photo mine for later for reference or clarity challenges 😊 Sending lots of crafting hugs xxx

    4. Hi Alison, my you are doing well with your cards. They are beautifully designed groovy plates aren't they. I usually try to remember to photograph the cards I really like, makes it easier to replicate them or change the design a

    5. Hi everyone,
      Yes I do try to take photos and have taken photos of these! Yes Donna it is the same one although I have put some white card immediately behind the parchment to bring out the blue of the parchment and I like it better now. Love and hugs to you all, Alison xx
      Ps Dot, lovely to have you back with us xx

  5. Happy birthday Jayne. Have many of your stamps, are you still in the area (Coventry/Rugby)? I work in Coventry and pay my council tax to Rugby, and it's nice to know there are such talented people locally. Hope you can bring out more sets, the Christmas ones are a delight

  6. Hi Barbara, back after a fabulous time in Turkey. Istanbul was amazing, fabulous historical buildings and architecture. A beautiful way to use these stunning stamps. I will be treating myself to some of these soon. Have a wonderful Sunday evening and wished Jayne Happy Birthday on Facebook.
    Linda xxx

  7. I ordered this and the agapanthus stamp and one of the verse sets on 6th September so really hope it comes soon, I so want to play. I wanted to go to Ally Pally but engineering works on the train put paid to that.

    Hope you had a good show and made it home in time for Poldark x

  8. Lovely – and, please forgive me for saying it, but it's actually good to see that sometimes things go awry for you too! Not that I'm partaking in a little schadenfreude and enjoying your misfortune, no, never – but there's great encouragement to be derived from your "pick yourself up, dust yourself down" attitude, not giving up on a piece of artwork just because of a minor mistake. So thank you for sharing your mistakes as well as your successes!
    Happy birthday to Jayne.

  9. Jayne s flower stamps are soooooo beautiful! And your team have been making some real works of art with them😊 I am an original Barbara Gray stamper ( 20yrs or so – it's all your fault Barbara!) and love my stamps !
    But these Groovi plates are outstanding! The quality of artwork your team achieve is breathtaking / exquisite!
    I haven't joined the Groovi gang yet ( I am not working due to poor health) but it doesn't stop me appreciating the beautiful creations you all make ! I'm so pleased you ve made the stamps ( I ve put my order in with Santa 🙃😊) you can never have to many flower stamps 😀 Keep up the lovely inspiration gbxx

  10. Hi Barbara, Lovely to see you, Dave and your Clarity team today at ally pally; you all make us feel very special. I hope Jayne is enjoying her birthday today. I invested in Jayne's stamps today having already bought Jayne's groovi designs previously so lots of projects for me to get involved in! Just love the clarity products; the groovi range has enticed me into parchment craft, something I would never have done without Groovi and Barbara to bring me along as well as her wonderful team. I only tried using stencils when clarity launched them so expanding my crafting repertoire learning from Barbara and I gained my confidence in stamping from following Barbara and trying new things. So thank you for the opportunity to increase my crafting expertise, providing opportunities for me to meet lovely people and enhance my life. Big hugs Marian x

  11. Evening Barbara! Glad you're home safe and sound! I've just got home from taking Amy back to her house! She's been home today which is always special!
    I loved the bookmark you made today! Really quite arty!
    Happy birthday to Jayne… A Virgo just like me!
    Enjoy your curry with Dave and Poldark!
    Love and hugs xxxx

  12. Happy Birthday Jane, hoping you've celebrated in style!

    Love the bookmark – the tiny mishap doesn't detract a bit and to be honest I don't think anyone would have noticed had you not pointed it out. DAve loves it and that's the most important thing.

    Couldn't stretch to 'Bursts' but am trying to make some 'arty' backgrounds with 'Brushos' – not too successful at the mo…but they're getting better!

    Right off for a cuppa before 'Victoria' then follow this with Poldark (recorded!) – love the double whammy of a Sunday evening!

  13. Just love Jayne's artwork for Clarity. Definitely a great 'marriage' resulting in these beautiful stamps. Your bookmark is piece of art in it's self. You are too clever, Barbara. Lucky Dave!
    Glad that Ally Pally has been a great success. Just back from Croatia, so I must get shopping!
    Happy Birthday wishes to Jayne. Xx

  14. Hi Barbara, your artwork is so beautiful, very pleasing to the eye. Jayne's artwork and what you do with it really are meant to be, just go so perfectly together. Thank you for sharing. Hope you enjoyed today and had lots of sell outs.

    Happy birthday to Jayne. Hope you managed to have a special day with your family and friends.

    Enjoy your curry and Poldark. I need to wait and watch last week's first, as was watching the Paralympics instead.

    Love Brenda xx
    P.s. been thinking about you all day, I know you'll be worrying, hope Grace is keeping safe xxxxxx

    1. Hello Brenda we are playing catch up too, the Paralympics have been amazing haven't they. Felt very sorry for David Weir being knocked over in the marathon and having to pull out. Sending hugs to you and Daisy xxx

    2. Aw Sheila, that's touched me xx Hope you have a better week

      Morag, I do hope so much that Penny will get through this. Sounds like she's improving as the normal spells seem to be increasing in length. Good for you doing loads of research, I've been a bit worried your vet wasn't that interested in doing everything possible, and it's so vital the level of toxins are reduced/controlled as fast as possible. xx

      Aye Diane, he's had a horrible games poor guy, especially as he sacrificed being at the birth of his son to compete. Not a good day for us as GB lost their semi tie in the Davis Cup too. The Games are over, and no Hochanda until the 1st now, what am I going to watch on telly! xx

    3. Hi Brenda,
      Shame about David Weir and the Davis Cup, but extremely tragic about the Iranian cyclist. Could you watch Hochanda on your computer? I think that's what I'm going to do. Hope you and Daisy have had a good day. Love and hugs Alison xx

    4. Evening Brenda hope you find something to watch on telly to keep you occupied in the wee oors my wee night owl. I keep nodding off awe the time since I came back takin mare oot o me than I thot could dae wi anither holiday.
      Take care here's yir cuddle…xx

    5. Thanks everyone xx
      Yes it was very sad about the Iranian athlete. I wonder if it was the same downhill section as the female athlete who had a bad crash in the Olympics. Laptop still sick, but I can watch hochanda/catch up telly on my tablet when up, just stuck for when in bed.
      Glad you've found your wee pictures Dot. It made me smile, wanting to know where they were was your top priority!!! I'm not forgetting re switching off your predictive text, I'll get on it soon. Night night 🌘🛌😴 xx

  15. Happy Birthday to Jayne.
    I have just ordered the fuschia plate, and am going to try to produce a lovely image to frame next to my mums photo. She loved fuchsias and had so many different ones in the garden before she got ill. Every time I see the plate it reminds me of her, so it's got to be done in her memory.
    You could hardly see the smudge in the leaf, and if you hadn't told us about it Barbara, we may never have known that it wasn't part of the inky background.
    Have a good evening.

    1. Evening Jane you could use the borders on the parchment large frame and put your mums photo in the middle of large frame I was thinking of doing one with my grandaughter in .xxx

  16. That bookmark is stunning, you'd never know the smudgy bit was there, unless it was pointed out!! A lovely pressie for Dave. Have spent today mostly in my craft room, making birthday cards. Got an extra special one coming up, so I'm thinking a Groovi card would be appreciated, so that's my plan for tomorrow then. Got my knitting now, and Rose will be joining me shortly, hehe! X

  17. Hope you get a foot rub to go with your curry and Poldark Barbara! Love this gorgeous bookmark, and I'm sure Dave will enjoy using it. Happy Birthday to Jayne too – wishing you a very special day with your family and friends x

  18. Happy Burthday Jayne, and thank you for your beautiful designs! No chance of Poldark or Victoria with cohabiting bro, so we've compromised on an old Lewis/Hathaway. Enjoyable but I feel a bit of whitework on parchment valancing on chair arm coming on! Hope you've an easy recovery week ahead Barb! Xx

  19. Dear Barbara pleased you have had a wonderful time at ally pally and now home with Dave and resting with tv and a curry love the bookmark even with a little error xxx

    1. Happy birthday Jayne hope you have had a restful day love your groovi plates and your wonderful Christmas ones so talented you are looking forward to some more birthday hugs xxx

    2. Evening dear family of blog friends heartfelt hugs to you all thinking of you all .i mannaged a little groovi today put my borders on my rose big plate wanted to colour too but still feeling so fatigued so I rested I've come to bed now I will see what tomorrow brings xxx

    3. Evening Sheila, my lovely – pleased to hear that you have managed to do a little Groovi today, but sad that you are feeling so fatigued. You have done the right thing to rest in bed (which is where I am now) and hopefully you will be able to do some colouring tomorrow. Make sure that you don't push yourself too far, and rest up again tomorrow. I will be thinking of you – sending lots of gentle hugs, love Gilly xxx

    4. Hope you feel better tomorrow Sheila, good that you aren't pushing to hard to finish your Rose, if you're feeling fatigued rest is best. I've been tired today after London so we had a relaxing afternoon down at the seaside, only about 40 mins away. Tide out and looking muddy but still got the sea air and enjoyed an ice

    5. Hi Sheila,
      I'm pleased that you have been able to do some of your rose today. The borders are lovely aren't they? I hope you feel well enough tomorrow to do some colouring but don't shatter yourself. Love and hugs Alison xx

  20. Love what you do with scraps gorgeous bookmark . Picked my daughter and family up from Gatwick.settling down to watch Victoria which is my daughter's name although she is far from regal lol .4 days till pay day and I can order goodies xx

  21. Love what you do with scraps gorgeous bookmark . Picked my daughter and family up from Gatwick.settling down to watch Victoria which is my daughter's name although she is far from regal lol .4 days till pay day and I can order goodies xx

  22. Hello my lovely friends. Can hardly keep my eyes open! A bad couple of days for Penny. Particularly yesterday. She had been pacing again all of Friday night. Yesterday she slept all day only waking for food and toilet. Last night, she was like a little limp rag doll and wouldn't let us touch her. We stayed up most of the night, and when she settled into a deep sleep we went up. This morning we came down stairs and Bryan warned me that he thought she would have gone…but you just wouldn't have believed it. She was up, tail wagging, ecstatic at seeing us. We both had a few tears. She had her breakfast and after 10mins of jumping around, she suddenly flopped where she was and went off to sleep for about 2 hours. Then up again, so lively! That has been the pattern all day. She doesn't stay awake for more than 10mins, but oh, what a blessing! As when she is awake, she is completely her old self. She takes her medication each time like a little lamb, nothing to do with the fact that she now knows she will get fed straight after!!! It is now 39 hours since she has done any pacing. This is the longest she has gone in the last three weeks. I've said to Bryan she is so weak and exhausted it stands to reason that she is going to have to get her strength back. She doesn't even weigh 2kg. Which is what she weighed about a month ago. Hopefully if the medication can get rid of all the toxins she will start to get some goodness from her food. I've done loads of research today, and have a list a mile long to check out with the vet on Wednesday. I won't be taking any chances with her protein intake.
    Well I'll say goodnight. Love and Hugs to you all. I hope I'll get caught up with all of your individual posts over the next couple of days.
    Dorothy, dear, it was lovely to see you posting. It is so good to have you back. xxx
    We are just keeping everything crossed, hoping and praying that she is on the road to recovery!
    Thank you again my friends for your good wishes. Love and Hugs to you all. xx

    1. Dear morag I've have tears for you i hope each day penny gets stronger bless her cuddles for penny hugs to keep you going goodnight dear blog friend sweet dreams xxx

    2. Morag I hope you manage to have a good nights sleep. Little penny is such a fighter, I've got everything crossed she will recover and grow stronger and her condition cab be managed. She weighs less than a bag of sugar, poor little might. Sending hugs xxx

    3. Hi Morag, quietly confident that Penny is on the way up! I will keep everything crossed that it carries on. She will be sleepy while her strength returns. Sending hugs for you all. Xx

    4. Dear Morag – such a good idea of yours to do research, so that you can discuss all of that with the vet on Wednesday. I am hoping that Penny will get stronger each day, and that all of the toxins will be gone very soon. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and healing hugs for you all – love Gilly xxx

    5. Hi Morag really pleased Penny seems to be going in the right direction. Brilliant that you've thought to research things on the internet, ready to ask the vet questions. Praying for you all that things will improve even

    6. So Penny is resting and playing – easier to cope when you can see that sparkle. So hope the toxins are being flushed out of her body. Healing thoughts being sent your way. Keep up your strength Morag xx

    7. Hi Morag,
      I was really worried when you hadn't commented for a couple of days, but now I see why. Penny is a proper little fighter and it does seem as though the medication is doing her some good at last. I so hope and pray that she continues to get better. I wonder if there's a doggie Complan, that would build her up! Hope you can get a good night's sleep. Sending you all lots of love and hugs, Alison xxx

  23. Such a lovely set of stamps. I like the idea of building your own flowers even if you might get a little smudge. It's the little imperfections in nature that makes it both unique and wonderful. I hope you'll be bringing a huge stock of both Jayne's stamps and Groovi designs to Leyburn. I also love your new Christmas range and really enjoyed seeing everyone's samples and your demos on Hochanda. Glad you're home and resting after Ally Pally. Hope it was a successful show for you. I'm watching Poldark as I write and enjoying it immensely, wink wink! Love and hugs, Jeanette xx

  24. Yes you do indeed have a fantastic team of wonderful designers
    Their and your artwork is totally awesome. You are all always willing to help and share your vast knowledge of all things crafty. thank you for that .
    Happy Birthday to Jayne Your new designs are inspired and have been added to my NEED list
    Barbara enjoy a relaxing Sunday night with those you love xx

  25. Another lovely design with these fab stamps. Can't Wait to get them and the plates to match`glad you're back safe and sound and Grace is safe too. Just listening to the radio about it and one woman saying I heard the noise so thought I'd come down and see what was going on ! Would I do that – no I wouldn't I;d stay indoors!

  26. Hello Barbara
    I hope today was another busy day for you and you are now home safe and sound cuddled up to Dave and watching Ross – thought he was going to start scything again tonight but alas no! Sending birthday wishes to Jayne, I hope she was able to spend time with friends and family. I'm sure you will be telling her about the success of her new plates and will pass on our good wishes. Now relax, chill out and recharge the batteries before you head off again. Sending hugs to you both
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hello lovely blog friends, I'm just stroking my lovely new groovi plates before I start using them, I know, mad isn't it! I'm going to use them tomorrow. Hope everyone is ok, it's been sunny here again today but there's an autumnal nip in the air. Sending hugs all round xxx

    2. Hi Diane,
      Yes they are worth stroking! I love them! I think they are probably my favourites actually. Just waiting for my Christmas ones to arrive! Love and hugs Alison xx

  27. I think your bookmark worked really well Barbara as that little mark is hardly visible, and these stamps from Jayne are beautiful, and Happy Birthday Jayne. Glad today went well and that you have had a relaxing evening watching Poldark. x

  28. Blobby smudges are part of the fun. Dave knows art when he sees it. I would be happy if my efforts came out as well. Well done at Ally Pally – hope fatigue doesn't catch up. Happy birthday to Jayne – although the day is almost over. Hope it is a restful night. xx

  29. Happy birthday Jayne. I hope you had a great day at Ally Pally, Barbara. I love how you can make a stunning piece of art out of scrap. I'm getting better at keeping my scrap but it is a struggle to see how I can use it.

  30. Hi Barbara – I love Dave's bookmark! It's beautiful! Thank you for sharing your mishaps with us all, it makes us feel better and it shows how generous you are to let us see what can happen to you too! I hope that you enjoyed Poldark – a few days ago when I went to my hairdressers (in Charlestown, where they shot some of the Poldark scenes) – she told me that one day last week she was in the local supermarket doing her shopping in the evening and guess who was there scanning his shopping through – yes, Aidan Turner! They are not filming at the moment, but he did say in an interview that he had fallen in love with Charlestown! It really is a beautiful place and I feel lucky to live just a mile away from there! Get some rest now, hugs Gilly x

    1. Hi to all my lovely blog friends – I am a bit late this evening, Neill and I went out to spend part of the day with his niece and her husband, who are on holiday in Gwithian Cornwall. We had a great time with them, lots of fun and laughter, just what the doctor ordered. Must get to sleep now, ready for another week's hospital appointments – love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx

    2. Thanks to you all for your lovely comments – just about to leave for the hospital. Let us know when you can come down to our supermarket Dot – can't guarantee that he will still be here though! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx

  31. Good evening Barbara, Happy Birthday Jayne. Wow lovely bookmark & lovely to give it to Dave. I also adore the Fushia flowers or as I like to call them dancing ballerinas. Hope you have a lovely evening. Yvonne xx

  32. Good evening Barbara, Happy Birthday Jayne. Wow lovely bookmark & lovely to give it to Dave. I also adore the Fushia flowers or as I like to call them dancing ballerinas. Hope you have a lovely evening. Yvonne xx

  33. Missed seeing you at Ally Pally today, still bought loads and got a free Clarity/Groovi bag as spent so much!!! That's me and the Mr, of course, not all my doing, could've bought lots more as well, but pennies wouldn't allow!!! Chatted with the lovely chap at the till (the one with the earrings) and the lady was great too, didn't get their names 😉 – had a fab day as usual. xx ps Love the art on today's blog x

  34. Hi Barbara
    I have just watched catch up of yesterday's live show. My Groovi plates are ordered and your beautiful colouring book too. Enjoy a lovely evening with Dave.
    Hugs from Chris X

  35. Evening Barbara,
    Love the arty bookmark from a wee scrapy bit just love your creations from your keepy stash… and eh that will be the bits you decided to keep in case we Ninja'd yer paper wheelie then, should have kept that a secret

    Happy Birthday Jayne your artwork is just beautiful.
    Take care…Dot..xx

  36. What a wonderful day loved catching up with you as usual teamclarity Rocks love seeing you all at Ally pally think a well earn't curry and of cause handsome poldark to finish your day with your just as hansome Dave and a huge thank you for Katie's gift she loves you so much she is buzzing with excitement know counting downtill nevt April and Ally pally. Also a. Dry specsil happy birthday Jayne hope its been a specsil day and thank you for the hothouse stamps and groovi plates with out your designs we would have them and loving Barbara take of this photos need to get rest of stamps on my list should got all today. Night night hugs to you all for a lovely day xxx

  37. Hi Barbara, glad you saw more of your friends today, hope you sold loads too. Beautiful bookmark,bet Dave was pleased with it, wouldn't have noticed that little smudge. Hope you've managed to relax tonight together. Happy Birthday Jayne, your designs are really

  38. Oh my goodness , I wish I had a piece of scrap and a smudgy blotch that I could turn into such a beautiful
    Piece of art .,so that's why I was a nurse and not a Barbara Gray .,
    But I was doing what I did best and Barbara the same .,and all is as it should be and all,is well,
    Time for supper and a nice glass of wine .,joy now to all,in blog land . Jan 😘

  39. Glad you got back in time to watch Poldark. Although, at the moment I don't think this series is quite as good as the first – he's only got his shirt off once!! Love the book mark Barb and very kind of you to give it to your lovely man. Think I'll make one for my lovely man! Driving home tomorrow from Dartmouth, after a very enjoyable weekend. Thanks again Barb and a very happy birthday to Jayne!! Xxx

    1. Hell all. ****** computers!! I came up at 10.10 to read and comment and feeling a bit weary from gardening. The computer was doing a massive update and the phone battery was nearly flat! The computer has just finished, so I will have to read the comments tomorrow.
      Lynn – a reply to yesterday's query – Maria has a class at Catterick which I go to. I'm sure if you contacted the office they would find your nearest class xx

    2. Hi Chris,
      yes computers are wonderful things – when they are working properly! I hate it when they decide to update, it seems to take forever! Hope you havent done too much in the garden! Have a good night's rest. Love and hugs Alison xxx

  40. Hi Barbara, love this book mark. You do know what is going to happen don't you, after all I bought yesterday I can see I am going to have to save up some money and get the stamps too. Your such a naughty but lovely lady. I must say though I have been crafting all day with my lovely new groovi products, I have managed a little Xmas cube box and done a fare bit to a card using the lovely poinsettia that you demo yesterday absolutely love them . Oooooh by the way happy birthday Jayne and thank you for your fantastic art work that you have shared with us all xxx

  41. Glad you had such a good time at the show. I love that bookmark, it is such a good way to use those small pieces we would otherwise throw away. Sorry I am so late visiting today but it has been a busy weekend and every time I sat down, I went to sleep. It has all been crafting of some kind and I was very happy. Jayne, if you read this, thank you for those beautiful designs and I hope you had a really happy birthday. Hope you and Dave had a relaxing evening, Barbara. xxx Maggie

  42. Dear Barbara that is not a smudge but actually where it as caught a bit to much sun and as burnt slightly ! ( specially with the hot weather we had ) .I have dentist tomorrow which i hate, but have decided to take my baby groovi platemate along so as i can go somewhere nice in my mind whilst i wait xxxxx

  43. Hello Barb, Belated Happy Birthday to Jayne. Her designs are really amazing, and I am sure she is very proud to see them as stamps and Groovi plates. Hope you enjoyed the curry and Poldark, story line was quite good last night. Isn't it strange how you can actually hate a fictional character, and I am definitely not referring to Ross. Have a great day all. Bx

  44. A belated happy birthday Jayne, hope you had a lovely day. Just sitting watching the sun come up doing my Groovi Christmas card toppers on my terrace (well for 2 weeks anyway) in beautiful Lanzarote! xxx

  45. A great book Mark from a a piece of scrappy.
    I'm new to groovi have done a couple of cards but need more time to play. I live the new flower and groovi stamps the dahilia is my favourite.
    Time to start saving my pennies so I can buy it xx
    A great day to all.xx

  46. late again on a time warp here. such pretty art work from a scrap – i would hace called the scrap good artwork too. Happy days to everyone and bet ally pally was great
    love anne still overseas and homesickxx

  47. forgot to say very happy birthday to one ultra talented Jayne -her work is spectacular – words fail me. such beautiful images. have a lovely day
    anne x

  48. Happy birthday to Jayne! A little late, sorry! Awesome artwork today, loving the stamp and the beautiful colours. Poldark is a favourite of mine too, I have it recorded to watch later. xxx

  49. I like bookmarks which this can be personal gifts I always have a piece of card left over perfect for the stamps. My stamps will be in use quite a lot over the coming days so looking forward to that at Exeter craft show.x

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