We have a winner and a tidy garage! Well, tidier!
Maybe you can tell I is in high spirits?
Well, there was Gracie, on cleaning mega mounts…
“What?!?!?” I hear you exclaim, “You set her to work???”
Oh yes!
Retreats are a-looming!
I had to start sorting out the mess that we left in the Garage a year ago, after the retreats! Can you believe it was EXACTLY where we dumped it??
In our defence your Honour, it was a year ago almost to the day that Dave collapsed and we blue-lighted him to hospital.
And to be frank, the last thing on my mind after the workshops then
was to put everything away again nicely!!
So darling Grace dived in to help,
because she wanted to hang out with me.
But we weren’t alone…
Mr Church also rolled his sleeves up and joined the party.
Mess? You think this is a mess?
This is progress!
This is after 4 hours of wading through boxes!!!
Bless Dave for erecting the shelves for us last night,
or we would have just been shuffling shit around from one side of the garage to the other all day!
At least we could pile it high!
Tell you what though:
there’s nothing like a plan to calm the mind.
Yesterday I made said plan.
I worked out exactly WHAT we are doing at the workshop.
Really pleased with the menu;
I hope those of you attending will be too.
Healthy mix of stamps and stencils, ink and paint.
An afternoon of Groovi,
and an afternoon creating a very lovely canvas.
Today we started putting together the materials and gear.
I think we are about a week ahead of where we usually are,
which is peach.
So tomorrow, Grace and I are having a girlie day out
in Tunbridge Wells,
and on Sunday, big treat – super day out –
we’re off to the Hampton Court Flower Show with Dave.
Can’t wait!
Got to pack it in; she’s only here for a week!
(hence the premature retreat prep…)
Flicks last night.
AbFab the film was very funny.
I do love Joanna Lumley; she is BAD.
So how about you?
Got anything lined up this weekend?
our lovely ladies, Jane Telford and Maria Simms
are demonstrating our Groovi System
at Doncaster Racecourse this weekend.
Go say hello if you’re there!
They will be on The Art of Craft stand, P07.
Oh! Before I shoot off and finish up the Spagbog
I have rustled up by special request,
please allow me to announce the winner
of the £100 Prize Draw from
our Crowborough Open Days…
Here are all the tickets….
86 thoughts on “We have a winner and a tidy garage! Well, tidier!”
We've got an echo this evening!!! So I'll comment twice!!!
Oh you sound and look happy Barbara, and that's great. I'm so glad you're managing to pack in loads of quality time and special memories with Grace while she is home. Nothing planned this weekend for me. Hope you have a great time, love Brenda xx
Don't know if people will have noticed, I left a comment on yesterday's blog, asking if everyone is up for doing another random act of kindness, in light of the latest atrocities?
Sorry Brenda did not see yesterday's comment, will pop back and have a read. xxx
I will also go back and read your post from yesterday, Brenda. What a kind lady, you are. xxx Maggie
Sounds good to me ! x x
Hi Brenda,
Hope you've had a good day. Random act of kindness done today . I saw one of my Mam and dad's friends who lives near me, walking with all her shopping back from the centre of the town . She is 90 bless her! Anyway, I stopped and gave her a lift home and she was so grateful. Love and hugs Alison X.
hi Brenda ive done mine today a pleasure to join in hugs to you and daisy xxx
Hi Brenda
Bought a colouring book & pencils (sorry Barbara this could not wait for your launch) for a friend's mum in hospital in isolation for 6 weeks after intensive chemotherapy, she is sssooo bored I just hope it helps.
Hi Brenda – I have been missing for a few days, so I shall have to look back too xxx
Hi Brenda I missed it but funnily enough I helped a young mum in the village this morning with her pushchair, didn't know her but we had a chuckle together at the joys of children and she walked away with a smile on her face so job done! Hope you are ok xxx
Thank you everyone 🙂 I managed 2 last month, but with me being so isolated the opportunities to do something that I wouldn't have anyway are few and far between. So I've thought if I be the one to suggest it then I'm still doing my bit in us trying to start a chain going of random acts of kindness and it being passed on when it's appropriate to ask the recipient to. Lets see how much kindness, and thus smiles and good feelings, we can generate around our nation. xx
Glad to read your good news Jackie, you and your husband must be floating on air with a permanent smile on your faces 🙂 xx
Hi Barbara, I was thinking 'poor Grace' and then I read on hahaha, she has certainly helped you all, I hope you all have a fabulous time at the Flower Show.
I'm off to Doncaster Racecourse tomorrow too, fabulous news that Maria and Jayne are there, my hubby is driving me there and then going exploring in Doncaster, I am so excited.
Congratulations to Maureen, enjoy your prize.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, I was thinking 'poor Grace' and then I read on hahaha, she has certainly helped you all, I hope you all have a fabulous time at the Flower Show.
I'm off to Doncaster Racecourse tomorrow too, fabulous news that Maria and Jayne are there, my hubby is driving me there and then going exploring in Doncaster, I am so excited.
Congratulations to Maureen, enjoy your prize.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, so pleased you are having a great time with Grace. Having help when sorting out makes the task more manageable and 'fun'. This time last year was not a good time for you but how good everything turned out well. Not for me but that is another story. I went to Hampton Court Flower Show with family yesterday and had an enjoyable time. 2year old Henry kept us on our toes whilst 4month Sam slept most of the time. Henry had to have a wristband in case we lost him and the buggy had to have a band as well in case that went walkabout. The first time I have been to the flower show and not spent heaps of money. Thank you Henry. Have a lovely time and pick up some bargains. Hoping to see AbFab next week. xx
Sounds like a lovely weekend with the Amazing Grace. I am sad to think we will miss the retreats, but know others will have a blast! We are off to Indiana to visit my brothers. Sending lots of love. Xxx
Safe journey Debby xx
Hope you have a lovely time Debby x
Welcome home, Grace. When you have finished with your Mum's garage, are you free to sort my stuff out? Enjoy your girly time together. My son-in-law has been doing the tv editing at the Hampton Court Flower Show. I had a very strange morning at class with half of them saying how well I looked with all the weight I have lost, and the other half saying how peaky I looked after the flu bug last week. Reminded me of Stanley Holloway – My word, you do look queer. Congratulations to Maureen for your win. Have fun spending that lovely voucher. xxx Maggie
PS one of my abiding memories from last year was when, despite your great worry about Dave, you joined a group of us at the pub. By the end of that evening, our faces and stomachs hurt so much from all the laughter. A truly memorable evening in good company. xxx Maggie
Hold on Maggie, our garage needs sorting too ! xx
Wonderful to have Grace home, such a lovely girl. Sounds like the retreats are going to be fun again, plenty of challenges I expect. You put a lot of work into the retreats but I am sure that I am not the only one who really appreciates it. Finally congratulations to Maureen on her wonderful prize, enjoy your spending spree. xxx
Enjoy your Grace's visit as a priority, everything else will "Just" get done. I so appreciate the fact you devote so much of your precious time to us every day. I am looking forward to the retreat, I really need it, but just chillin with equipment and resources put on a table is heaven to me, even with just a little guidance is fine with me. Please don't stress over it as that would be sad. Can't wait to get the colouring book.
Well done Grace… :-). Hope you both have a fab girlie day tomorrow
Hi Barb,
Looks like you've had a very busy but happy day with Grace and Paul. Pleased you enjoyed the film last night. I bet you're really pleased that you've got the plan for the retreats sorted out too. Congratulations to Maureen- what a lovely surprise, enjoy spending! Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi everyone,
Hope you've all had a good day. The opticians went well although I ended up with two pairs – 1 transitions and 1 normal! Good job I get my glasses half price!!! Upset that Federerd was beaten in the tennis but it was a good game. Dot I was sorry to hear about your Mam , enjoy the time you have with her. Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
I missed the Federer game as we were all the hospital but i kept check of score on the phone. He won just as we pulled back in on the drive! Glad you got some glasses sorted and at half price! Xx
Hi Alison pleased options went well hugs xxx
Hi Alison – glad all went well at the opticians! I am waiting for my new glasses and am saving hard for them! Hugs Gilly xxx
Glad all went well at the optitions Alison. Good thing you get a discount!! Xx
I'm glad to see you're making the most of Grace LOL!! Our garage needs tidying too, I'll show John yours and that will make him feel better about ours, which is just as bad. He's got new shelving that he put together, promptly left it anywhere and has filled it ! It needs putting to the sides and sorting! Enjoy Grace's visit and how good to be ahead of yourself for a change, make the most of it ! Have a lovely weekend. x x
Hi Barb, so lovely you are spending quality time with Grace, it must be great to have her home with you if only for a short time – I am sure you will enjoy every moment and some quality time together. Really looking forward to attending the retreat in July and I know how much work goes in to the preparation and organising of such an event. This year I shall be attending with my daughter, Phoebe, and hope to have some quality time, fun and enjoyment at the retreat – so looking forward to it. Have a fabulous day at Tunbridge Wells and Hampton Court. So much happens in a year and really pleased Dave has recovered xxx
Hi everyone, hope everyone has had a good day. We had good news from the hospital, John's PSA has gone down to 2 from 7 (anything under 6 is good the doc said). The treatment has worked and he hasn't got to go for another 3 months now. He's doing a trial so we have to complete a questionnaire every time – it was a big one today LOL!! What a relief though. Thank you for your support on here. It seems a long time ago since start of the year and all those early morning treks to the Churchill – still, all worth it. As I've just told Lynne, we celebrated with a cuppa and a jaffa cake ! Thank you all for your support over the past six months.
I had a lovely Clarity parcel today of the Night before Christmas plates ! I have to do 6 thank you cards for teachers first before I can investigate them though!
Hope everyone has a good weekend xxxx
Wonderful news Jackie hugs xxx
Hi Jackie – I have managed to get some internet, and I am so pleased to read that John's treatment has worked! Please tell him that Neill and I are very pleased for you both! We will focus on that when Neill is having his treatment. Love and hugs Gilly xxx
Thanks Sheila and Gilly, Gilly, glad you're having a good break ! xx
That's lovely news Jackie , sending hugs to you both xxx
Brilliant news Jackie, so pleased for you and John.xx
I forgot to say well done to Maureen! X
What would we do without our families, eh! God bless Grace! I hope you finally get the garage cleared, and that your retreats go well, Barbara – wish you'd have some in or around Bath, then I could come! 🙂 Have fun.
Lovely pictures of happy people even though they are working. Enjoy your weekend. Just crawled my way to the allotment. Well worth it, came back with an armful of sweetpeas, pinks and beans. Only wish I could share them with you and all the bloggers out there.
Happy weekend to one and all.
Love Anne (Reading)
Getting excited about the retreat – cannot wait
Pleased you have got some more beautiful sweet peas and pinks 💐 Hugs Anne xxx
Love sweet peas Anne – enjoy them for us. Hugs Fully xx
I'm waiting for my sweet peas to flower ! Enjoy ! x
How lovely Anne, sweet peas are my favourites, mine haven't flowered yet sending hugs xxx
Oh how lovely to have your girlie home with you for a while….well a week! Grace looks very at home doing the cleaning! Just enjoy every moment but I will say her being at home suits you a lot. You certainly sound as if you are in high spirits!
Well done Maureen..enjoy spending your vouchers! How lovely!
I am looking forward to Doncaster tomorrow and am very proud to be representing Clarity with the Groovi tomorrow!
See you soon! Love and hugs xxxx
Have fun Jane xx
Lovely happy post, enjoy. I along with a few other crafty friends will be enjoying a Groovi workshop with Susan Moran in little old Cayton, North Yorkshire, so excited. Enjoy the rest of your time with Grace xx
Wow didn't know they did one in cayton north Yorkshire enjoy xxx
I'll clean my own garage if I can have a look through your bin bags! You look so happy I hope you have a wonderful week with Grace xx
Thank goodness the camera didn't pan round to my side of the garage !! We have just been so busy the last few months that things just get left.(Thats my excuse anyway!)
On a more positive note, since the events of last year, and the devastating side effects that
occurred with taking Naproxen..I have gone down the natural health / homeopathic route for arthritis. and have to say that the results so far have been really positive, and the past six months brilliant . Amazing , what a few herbs,tinctures and a bit acupuncture can do! xx
Hi Dave glad your having a brighter year and clarity is going from strength to strength xxx
So pleased to hear that Dave. We were all so concerned last year.
Love, Roz.x
So pleased to hear how well you are doing now, Dave! My husband became ill after taking Naproxen a few years ago. Xx
It's good to know you recovered so well and have been kept busy ever since so just as well ! x
Hi Dave , it's good to hear you are feeling so well now, we were all so worried about you last year. Now there's a saying about dull people having tidy houses so we will let you off for your organised chaos in the garage – much better to have an exciting life!. Enjoy the flower show – I wonder what little treasure Barbara will find for you to bring back 😀 X
Brilliant that you are feeling so much better Dave, I for one don't think all these drugs do you much good, they all seem to have some side effects. Keep up the good work.xx
Wonderful that grace is home even if it's just a week you can cram a lot in a week have fun xxx
Evening to all my dear family of blog friends my thoughts are with you all hugs to all on the blog .
I've had another good day today pain free I've mannage to craft again too I'm now in bed shattered as yes I did too much ,I made a thinking about you card using my clarity stamps for a dear friend as she e mailed me she lost her brother on Tuesday so sad xxx
Hi Sheila – I am so pleased to hear that you have been pain free. You must rest up tomorrow to give your body a chance to catch up again. Take care my lovely! Love and soothing hugs, Gilly xxx
Hello Sheila it's good to hear it's been another good day. So sorry to hear your friends sad news, she will appreciate your card. Sending hugs xxx
Glad you're out of pain, you'll need to take it easier tomorrow Sheila.xxx
So looking forward to my two days at your retreat – can't wait!
Same here, Carole. When are you going? I will be there 22nd/23rd July.
Hello Barbara
You have done a grand job today. Enjoy your weekend. I am staying with my cousin, in Surrey. We are preparing for our annual family party on Sunday. There are about 40 people coming. Children, cousins, even 2nd and third cousins.
Have a great time in TW and also Hampton Court. Looking forward to the Retreat in August. ;~}
Hi Barbara – so pleased to hear that you have been having a fab time with Grace! Also it's great when the plan comes together! Enjoy your weekend and also the rest of your time with Grace. Hugs Fully x
That should read Gilly! Having to use my phone to grab some internet x
Hi to all of my lovely blog friends – first time managed to get internet. We are having a great adventure in our motor home. Stayed on 2 great sites near to rivers – very relaxing and so far weather has been kind! Hoping to meet up with my daughter and Grandsons tomorrow – love and hugs to you all, Holly xxx
Evening gilly lovley to see you here and pleased your having a great break away enjoy meeting up with your daughter and grandsons tomorrow hugs xxx
Glad to hear you're enjoying your break and the weather has improved – I hear it's supposed to be getting better and better ! x
Hello Gilly
Good to hear you are having a lovely time, hope the weather stays good for you. Sending hugs xxx
Enjoy your break Gilly, have,a great day tomorrow with your family.xx
Looked like you had a happy time working! Enjoy the flower show – on my wish list 😀 Off to book fair tomorrow where the Parchment fair was at Bristol x
Hi Barbara
Grace looks very contented sat in the sun having a laugh with her mum. It looks like a good job done. Gosh that year has gone quick hasn't it but it's good Dave is now so much better and look at the decisions you've made in the year and where you are now – wow. Have a lovely girly day tomorrow no enjoy the flower show on Sunday, what treasures will you find to show us next week! We will be having some quality family time this weekend. Have fun.
Love Diane xx
Ps congratulations Maureen, enjoy your voucher xx
Joanna lumley, isn't she fantastic and looka amazing for her age!!! Xxx
Hello all my lovely blog friends, I hope everyone is ok. It's been lovely again here today, I've been rather lazy and just enjoyed the sunshine! Sending hugs all round and a special hug for Dot xxx
So glad you've got Grace home, nice boost for you. Enjoy your time in Tonbridge Wells and the Flower show. Is Grace available to help with our garage, it really needs sorting out. Make the most of her visit and have fun.xx
Hi to all my lovely blog friends, hope you're all well and have had an enjoyable day. After being up until 3 this morning finishing off cards, had a great evening at our Sons with his family and our daughter her hubby and children all met up with us there. Made it simple and had Dominos pizzas followed by cake, as three of the children have birthdays close together. Perfect time to catch up and give out presents. So sorry about your Mum, Dot, join us when you feel you can. Congratulations Maureen on your win, I'm sure you'll have no trouble spending it. Have fun. Love and hugs to all. Pam xxx
Oh flip. AGAIN I haven't won. Never mind, next year. Congrats Maureen
How wonderful to have Grace home. Have a fantastic time in TW today and at Hampton Court tomorrow. Looking forward to joining you on retreat. Hugs xx
Hello Barb, wowser that is getting organised, and ahead of time too. Great pics. Enjoy all that you have planned this weekend, your girlie day with Grace, and the lovely flower show. Congratulations to Maureen. Take care all. Bx
Sounds like you've a great weekend planned – ENJOY ! well done to Maureen I'm sure you'll enjoy your shopping spree – but i have to say going to the open day me feel a bit of a ' winner' such a lovely day, so many lovely happy positive people, great inspiration. Looking forward to the retreat ( my treat ) on the 22 nd …. I just tell everyone that crafting is cheaper than therapy !!!
Wishing I was coming to the retreat now. Never mind, Scotland will be lovely and I can shop at Leyburn. Congratulations to Maureen x
Hello Barb,
Lovely to see Grace, I hope she is doing well in the States. Hope you have a girly day with Grace and a wonderful time at the Flower Show. Don't spend too much – as if!!!!
Congratulations to the other Maureen – lucky girl.
Not this Maureen!!! xxx
Hi Barbara
It's been a very busy time for you and how great it is that Grace has set to also. I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time with her
So…. enjoy your weekend and well done to Maureen too
June x
Sounds like everything going to plan looks like was a fun day sure lots laughter hope rest of week is same xxx
Just back from a great weekend in Durham so only catching up with your posts now. Was up in Durham with Ray for the Miners Gala and KYNREN (grea show about the history of Great Britain) on Saturday. Glad you've been having such a fab time with Grace (even if not just fun but also work – lol). Enjoy the rest of Grace's stay and have lots of fun! xx
Just back from a great weekend in Durham so only catching up with your posts now. Was up in Durham with Ray for the Miners Gala and KYNREN (grea show about the history of Great Britain) on Saturday. Glad you've been having such a fab time with Grace (even if not just fun but also work – lol). Enjoy the rest of Grace's stay and have lots of fun! xx