Fill in the blanks…..
Was muchly relieved that you liked the African stamps too!
and new Savannah stencils,
and then the Groovi Twas the Night Collection.
Plus Universal Framer
So much time and energy (not to mention expense) invested in the designing planning and manufacturing.
So it is always a huge relief when you like the dish (or should I say plates) we are serving you!
And the stock did just last right through the day,
which I am happy about!
All I can assure you is that we made many, many thousands of those little baby plates. Ask my brother – he ran the night shift for a month so we could get them finished in time!
Here is a step by step from one of the Groovi Shows,
which I made for Leonie.
First one of the season!
If I just place the step,
would you be so kind as to do the voice-over for me?
If you could just pretend you are me and say the instructions out loud, that would be grand!
Dave and Romeo that is…
67 thoughts on “Fill in the blanks…..”
Congratulation Barbara on another success. Sleep well xx
I love the artwork you have done there! I managed to watch the 9am show on catchup at lunchtime today! I have the rest to watch this evening!
So glad all went well and it must be a relief when it all works out!
Love and hugs! Xxx
I love the artwork you have done there! I managed to watch the 9am show on catchup at lunchtime today! I have the rest to watch this evening!
So glad all went well and it must be a relief when it all works out!
Love and hugs! Xxx
Well that was easy I watched you do this one so could picture you on Tv. All the shows I have managed to see have been great, glad everyone else liked the products as well. hope you get a quiet evening. xx
Could you hear me Barbara!!! Hahaha. What a brilliant two days you've had. I love this demo. Your whitework really is stunning now. This set is the first on my 'Leyburn List'. I'm sure they'll be joined by many other things by the time September comes. Love and Hugs xxx
Hello my lovely friends. I hope you've all had a good day. I'm for an early night tonight. So Love and Hugs to you all. Special thoughts once again to Dot, also to Anne and daughter xxx
Hi Morag – I don't think that I will be too far behind you! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Morag just been watching the final of the sewing bee, just time for a cuppa before I go to bed. Hope you are ok. Xxx
Goodnight hugs xxx
Hope you enjoy a quiet evening after all that hard work. Fantastic shows Barbara, love all of it, just need a lottery win!!
How could we ever not like what you do.
Lots of hugs
Amanda. Xx
I have to catch up later tonight, or early in the morning, Wimbledon was calling. Love the stamps, but the Groovi plates are fab. So pleased you did this set as Groovi, can't wait for mine x
Hi Barbara & ladies, well the shows were great and so glad you have brought us these plates, even though I do have a couple of these stamps I have been sorting out what I need to order by the end of the week. Pauls shows were brilliant and I always learn something be it small from his and your shows. There are so many plates I need but have to order some now and then wait for my birthday in September. Hi ladies MORAG glad to see the Christmas plates like you I will be buying a few things by the end of this week. Hope you all are keeping ok. Everbody keep safe and look after yourselves. Hugs to all Lynn xxx
Hi Lynn hope you've had a good day, the baby plates are gorgeous aren't they xxx
Another lovley lady's birthday in September hugs xxx
Hi Barbara, glad you're home safe. Thanks for sharing this, I love it, and I think your whitework is brilliant. How do you get it to look so white? I did mine over and over and over for many days, letting it rest overnight, and I'm not sure it looks as white as it's meant to. I just used the number 4 and 3 balls though, next time I'll try a bigger one I found in my stash, although I'm not holding my breath! The green behind your card really makes it pop! You won over the tennis yesterday. But, if it was Andy Murray playing, please never be on at the same time as Andy… Sorry Paul, I'll go sit on the naughty step. But I have recorded them all. Next month please schedule all your Sunday and Monday shows in between the Rio stuff I really want to watch!!! 😉 Hope you have a good sleep. Love Brenda xx
Hi Brenda – I know just what you mean about the white work! I feel that I still have a long way to go yet, but I need to practice more. The shows were great, and you will now be able to watch the rest of Andy Murray's shows. Love Gilly xx
Brenda, you are right about needing to take time over your whitework. I thought mine was not too bad till I had my very first proper lesson last week. I now know I have lots to learn. Next time, start with the biggest ball tool you possess, and just stroke the parchment. It will hardly show,but it is like house painting, you have to start with good priming. The first couple of times with the large tool just sets the whole thing up for success. Then you can go back with the next size down, still stroking the parchment, a couple of times, before finishing off with the smaller one. Carry on being patient and steady and you will succeed. You are a special lady, always thinking of others, now take time to enjoy the slow process of whitework to give yourself enjoyment. xxx Maggie
Hello Brenda, oh you did make me chuckle, I can just imagine Barbara sat with the HOCHANDA bosses and the TVs schedule and Barbara saying no I can't do that slot Brenda will be watching the 400 meter relay!! The white work is stunning isn't it, I know I'm too impatient but will try and follow Maggies advice and start with some extra large ball tools I've got ( thanks Maggie 😀). Sending hugs for you and Daisy xxx
Hugs for you and daisy xxx
Thanks everyone xx
Thank you for the lovely words and advice Maggie. I was thinking of giving in as it's very frustrating and like fumbling around in the dark, but I'll have another go xx
What do you think my chances are Diane?!!! Maybe we can send Donna to do a protest with her sad owlet eyes at the meeting!!! Xx
Lovely step by step Barbara, haven't watched any shows today but they're being recorded. Been a busy Bee pottering in the garden and getting a few jobs done while it was dry. Glad you're home safe and well, even though you are exhausted. Chill out now and give yourself a break. Love and hugs Pam xx
Good shows. So pleased you can share the load with Paul. Have a quiet evening xx
Hi lovely blog friends, hope you've had a good dry day like we have. Managed a bit of pottering in the garden, cutting back shrubs, it's a never ending job lately. Hope your pain is a little better at least Sheila, Gilly hope the doctors appointment went well for Neil. How,are you doing Dot, miss you on here. Take care everyone, Love and hugs to you all. Pam xxx
Hi Pam – glad to hear that you have enjoyed a dry day and were able to go into battle with the shrubs! Neill got on ok at the doctor's – and we are able to go away tomorrow. Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hello Pam, would you mind dropping in down here I've got a budlia going wild and a couple of shrubs that need chopping back. I can give you cake!! We've had a mainly dry day but it's been quite chilly – not July weather at all. Sending hugs xxx
Evening pam it's not been a good day pain is bad today had to cancel my mobile hairdresser good job she is a wonderful friend too of over 20 years and just cancelled my grandaughter comming tomorrow don't want her upset me been in so much pain she understands as she is so caring, glad you have managed to potter in the garden hope your back is ok and your not in as much pain hugs xxx
Some fantastic artwork, loved all the shows I managed to watch.been doing some Groovi-ing today, think it's getting better…….
Hi Karen, I know what you mean, we just have to try and be patient I am getting there. But that is learning don't give up. Lynn xx
Great shows and beautiful samples from the DT. Well done Clarity team on producing great products. Xx
Hi bloggy friends, hope you have all had a good day. Can't wait for my stamps to arrive so I can play. Will be catching up with todays shows so I can see all the great samples and techniques. Xx
Hi Donna – enjoy playing with your new stamps, when they arrive! The Groovi shows were great again today, will you be tempted I wonder? Hugs to you and Phoebe, Gilly xx
Enjoy your new goodies when they arrive hope you didn't get many bruises when falling of the wagon hugs and cuddles for pheobe xxx
Hi Donna you are in for a treat when you see the shows. I text my sister to tell her they were on today and blow me she chose picking up exam papers to mark over watching them!! I've told her about catchup so she can gave some entertainment later . Sending hugs for you and Phoebe xxx
Hi Barbara
I am so pleased the weekend went well. All the products were wonderful. Thank you for the tips on getting the lettering straight. I have my shopping list ready.
Hugs from Chris X
Watched the afternoon shows yesterday and absolutely love the new stamps and stencils. So beautiful! Have a good rest xx
Great shows , great team effort xx
Hi Barbara – pleased to hear that you got home safely. Thank you for another great show today, it was really good to see you and Leonie together on tv today. You both had such a good time, and Leonie was over the moon with her card. Paul's shows were great too, and all of the new products are beautiful! Have a great evening, and chill out with Dave! Hugs Gilly xxx
Hi to all of my lovely blog friends – I just know that you will all have enjoyed the shows and probably would like all of the new goodies! Enjoy choosing! It would appear that Neill has got 2 hematomas – 1 from a routine blood test and 1 from the 2nd hormone injection (done by different nurses) – bad luck, or what! Anyway, he has been given the go ahead to go away, so we are leaving tomorrow, to travel up country. We shall see some relations and a good friend of Neill's. Only got 1 site booked for the last 3 nights, when we meet up with Neill's friend near to Hereford. Otherwise we shall just stop when we see somewhere we like! I hope that the weather has been kind to you all, we have had a mixture today, but it could have been worse.
Sheila, I hope that you have enjoyed today's shows and managed to cope with your pain. Thinking positive thoughts for you, Jackie! Dot, I hope that you are managing to cope with everything ok. Chris, I hope that your Dad is improving.
Love and hugs to everyone, Gilly xxx
Evening gilly I'm so pleased you are managing to get away it's what you both need at present ,I had an hematoma once lucky for me I was still in the with the Dr as she had taken my blood it was pretty frightening so it must have been far worse for you both been at home when it happened .have a wonderful break away goodnight hugs xxx
Hi Gilly I'm glad you've been given the OK to go away, poor Neil though. Good idea to go and stop when you see somewhere you like. Hopefully the weather will be good for you. By the way, congratulations on your win on another blog, I had a huge grin on my face when I saw your name, isn't it lovely when you see a name you know xxxx
Thanks Sheila and Diane – just having a quick look here before we go, almost ready! We are both really looking forward to it, and it's even better just setting off and not knowing where we will be staying for the first part. Yes Diane – I was really fortunate in winning – amazing really! Hugs to you both, Gilly xxx
Glad you are home safe and sound, ready for Grace's arrival. You must be so happy to have her home again for a while. The shows from you and Paul were great for everything but my credit card. The stamps were brilliant, I loved the stencils, and the Groovis were perfect. I think a set of those may be heading to Derby for my two little granddaughters. They just might need some more parchment too. Have a lovely time with Grace. xxx Maggie
Well done to you and the team. Great programmes. Paul was actually in my head, when he said he had tried parchment year ago. I did the same and could not manage. Now I am getting there slowly – its the white work that is the problem because I know, I need to slow down. Nevertheless, he did some brilliant demos and gave lots of tips.
Happy week for everyone out there. I am trying not to mention the goings on in my life – think it is the transition curve of denial at present – the anger comes later.
Love Anne (Reading)
Dear Anne sending lots of hugs your way 💐 Here is your virtual flowers for today xxx
Hello Anne, sending you a big hug. One day our white work will be beautiful xx
Sending you hugs Anne – I am another one, with a long way to go with her white work! xxx
I've only managed to watch one of the shows so far but from what everyone else is saying I'll have to watch the rest. It is meant to be raining most of the day tomorrow so I'll catch up with some more.
How's the book ? Night time hugs xxx
Enjoy watching the shows Julia – hugs Gilly xx
Hi Barbara
I loved seeing your show first thing this morning, Leonies face was a picture when you gave her the card, it's beautiful isn't it. I had your voice in my head as I read it. Good to hear you got home safe and sound. I ve managed to watch one of Paul's shows this afternoon as I did the ironing ( not much ironing done, I kept stopping to watch more closely!!). Really loved the Groovi plates and the stamps are beautiful too. Enjoy your evening with Dave and Romeo. Oh yes and a big thank you to Steve for running the night shift – what a star .
Love Diane xxx
Hello all my lovely blog friends, hope you've all had a good day. It's been dry today for a change ( until I went out and kept a line ful of washing happily drying!) but it's been quite chilly. Mind you it's a good excuse to stay in and do a bit of crafting. I hope everyone us ok. Sending you all a hug xxxx
Night time hugs xxx
Hi Diane – glad that you enjoyed the shows, not surprised that you kept stopping doing the ironing – far too distracting! hugs, Gilly xx
Evening Barbara wonderful shows( haven't watched them all yet )the stunning products/samples and you what could one wish for (a nice pain free day would be good) going to watch Paul's now as cannot sleep for the pain disappointed that I cannot order the bauble groovi plate that you have bloged above and the alphabet plate as cannot use my groovi now .but I know when I can I can order them from you as you will always make them crating night hugs xxx
Evening my dear blog family of friends thinking of you all sending hugs to all and all on the blog xxx
Dorothy sending a wee hug to help you through miss you dear blog friend xxx
Morning Sheila – I am SO sorry to hear just how much pain you are still in, at the moment – bless you my lovely! We have done it again, and chosen the same plates that we would like! The bauble and the A5 plate with that beautiful border and alphabet. I am not ordering yet, as I haven't been able to do much crafting recently – however they are now on my wish list. I am taking my Groovi with me, so I am hoping to get some done, and practice that white work some more! I won't have internet all of the time, but will check in here when I do. So, take care my special blog friend – I will be thinking of you and hoping that your pain will get less very soon! Lots of caring and healing hugs are on they way to you, love Gilly xxx
Afternoon gilly you and Neil have a wonderful break away will be thinking of you both pop in when you can sending lots of traveling hugs to take with you dear blog friend xxx
Thanks Sheila! Just about to leave now! Extra hugs, love Gilly xxx
Awaiting my 'Twas the night' plates patiently (she lied – lol!)…Christmas organised nice and early!! Love the African stamps too, remind me of my trip out to see my brother/sister-in-law in South Africa a couple of years back so they're added to my wishlist (right at the top). Great samples from the DT, fab demos from both you and Paul…roll on Maria in a week or so….
Awaiting my 'Twas the night' plates patiently (she lied – lol!)…Christmas organised nice and early!! Love the African stamps too, remind me of my trip out to see my brother/sister-in-law in South Africa a couple of years back so they're added to my wishlist (right at the top). Great samples from the DT, fab demos from both you and Paul…roll on Maria in a week or so….
The whitework is fabulous on this pretty parchment Barbara, patience is a necessity with this I feel. Another successful day today too and no wonder you are feeling tired. Have a nice relaxing evening. x
Morning Barbara, I absolutely loved the 'Twas the Night' plates, and can hardly wait for mine to arrive. I loved the demo of this step by step card, and Paul did brilliant demo's, and I'm at the moment watching Maria on a Repeat. You have a fantastic DT and the samples were stunning.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Morning Barbara, I absolutely loved the 'Twas the Night' plates, and can hardly wait for mine to arrive. I loved the demo of this step by step card, and Paul did brilliant demo's, and I'm at the moment watching Maria on a Repeat. You have a fantastic DT and the samples were stunning.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barb
Fab designs and gorgeous really effective card X X X
Hi Barbara
Great demos, even greater plates and with fabulous designs
It's now time to catch your breath somewhat!
June x
I caught up with one of your shows yesterday, and saw a little bit of Paul's show, but still have more to enjoy. Glad they went well, and loved the wee africa set – might have to have them, as ERNIE has just sent me an email saying I've been lucky this month! X
I have just finished watching all the shows that had been put on record. Loved all the demos and inspirations from you, Paul and the Design Team. What amazing, stunning, beautiful artwork they created. I have played with some of the 'Twas The Night' plates which I love but I can't wait to have a go with the Safari Collection (although I may wait till after the retreat to feel brave enough.). 🙂 x