Under the sea…….
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
Yesterday we started our water themed journey through the design team gallery beside the sea.
Today’s trip through the gallery is under the sea with the beautiful filigraphy seahorses, the tropical fish and the seaweed stencil together with A Thing of Beauty phrase and the Letterbox Kit
So get your snorkel and flippers on and lets dive in!
So the first card is from Kirsty using 2 of the seahorses on a beautiful inky background.
If you look closely, you can just make out the seaweed stencil in the background.
Kirsty Goodwill
Did you know that seahorses pair for life and they have a courtship ritual every morning?
Another inky background with one of the tropical fish and the coral added.
Kirsty Goodwill
Kirsty Goodwill
A nice grungy background using the Gel Press and seaweed stencil, with a little phrase thrown in for good measure.
Is it me, or do they look a little bit cheeky?
Perfect for a party.
Can you see the little seahorses on shrink plastic that Jo has used to add as embellishments?
Jo Rice
Tomorrow we will continue our journey under the sea with some more of the tropical fish.
Love and hugs x
85 thoughts on “Under the sea…….”
Love the seahorses
I love the return to visit some of the older stamps. Some times I forget about them. Thanks. Xx
them sea horses certainly are looking very smug about something hehe
Hi Paul, are you not chatting to us today 🙁 Hope it's not because you've had another bad work day? Thanks for posting.
Lovely samples again, I think the backgrounds are amazing. The look on the seahorses faces says to me they are up to no good!!!
Hope the road trip is going well, and you're all having lots of fun
love Brenda xx
Hi everyone. How's the colouring in getting on? I've just about finished, Donna and Morag are finished. Sheila and Diane are going to catch up when they can. Is there anyone wanting an extra day, or can we go ahead and get Donna to work out which bit we're colouring next? xx
Hi Brenda – I have finished the roses today, so I am ok to go too! How are you feeling today, have you done any more sorting out? Love and hugs Gilly x
Hi Brenda, I'm looking forward to finding out what we are doing next. I'm loving it. Big Hugs for you xxx
Hi Brenda,
Yep, I've done my roses so ready to go on! Love and hugs, Alison xx
Ooo need a bit of colouring, are we all ready for the next bit then? Xx
He, he, I think we're chasing each other round the campfire Donna!!! Aye, you can choose the next bit, if there's anyone still to finish their roses we can wait for them to catch up xx
OK, next colouring bit – there are 4 'upside down umbrella' looking flowers, 3 in the heart and 1 in the bottom right corner. What colours shall we choose this time?
I will post this a bit further down as well in case anyone misses it! XX
I don't mind what colour for these, anything would go, so far, with the roses. I'll be boring and suggest peach again! xx
Hello Brenda, you sound bright and breezy today which is good, I can almost see you smile as you settle down with your colouring – you are using your posh pencils aren't you. Sending hugs to you and Daisy xxx
Thank you everyone xx
Don't know about a smile Diane, it's more like a worry frown as I'm just learning this proper colouring in lark, this being only my second attempt!!! Yes I'm using my posh pencils, honest 😉 I keep forgetting they are though so hold them too far down and press too hard, but I'll get there. xx
Looks like me and you are choosing this time Donna, what do you suggest?
Light and dark pink. Dark around the edge of each section and light in the middle. Xx
No one is here tonight to have a say, so we'll go with your (very conventional!!! ;-)) pink. I'll do them tomorrow, shouldn't take that long. Night Donna xx
Morning Brenda on backshift granny duties but will catch up with the pink upside doon umbrellas the night here's a extra squishy cuddle for yi…xx
Good morning Brenda. I like the idea of pinks for the umbrella's too. But don't worry, we'll get your 'peach' in it somewhere. Love and Hugs xxx
Good morning Brenda I'm on a very rough day today i must go for my eye screening though this afternoon as it's important, because I was out at my X Ray's yesterday traveling has knocked me for six but they are done now after today got no more appointments so will catch up with the colouring tomorrow onwards big hugs dear blog friend catch up tomorrow xxx
Thanks everyone xx
I can empathise Sheila, very rough day for me too. Unlike you and Gillyflower, I have the classic CFS of it not hitting proper until about 48 hours after. So it's Monday's wee gardening visit, and hurting my back during it, that's caught up with me today. I take an awful lot longer to recover too. In fact I've never recovered to where I was only 2-3 years ago, gradual slope down for me. Nae chance of anything else with the current situation. I hope tomorrow you feel well enough to join our wee colouring group. Take care xx
If you've any spare wee bairns Dot, I'd love cuddles and interactive play time. But dinnae go tryin tae fling one o'er!!!! Cuddle back. xx
Glad you're happy with the pink choice Morag!!! Chores done, so I'm off to have a wee practise of the pink umbrellas, see if I can work out the image in my head before totally messing up the proper picture!!! I keep trying to tell myself this hard brain effort, trying to learn all these new arty things, is helping keep my brain younger for my old age! xx
Hi Paul & Barbara & ladies, hope you're day has gone better than yesterday Paul and you are back on track. The sea horse's look great haveyes they do look as if they are up to no good. Hope you all have had a good day weather a little cooler but sunny. Have a good evening all. Lynn xx
Hi Lynn, really cold here tonight. I hope you are well. Hugs xxx
Hi Lynn,
Morag's right, it's definitely cool – heating on! Love Alison xx
Hi Paul – thanks for posting the blog again today. I hope that you have had a better day today, with all of the IT behaving itself. Hugs Gilly x
Hi to all of my blog friends – I hope that you have had a good day with plenty of warmth and sunshine! It's been beautiful here today, after the mist cleared. I have finished my roses today and we went out this afternoon to Mevagissey and enjoyed a walk around the harbour and then sat in the sunshine for a while! Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Hello Gilly. It sounds like a lovely day for you both. I loved Mevagissey when we visited it. We've had sunshine here..but very little in the way of warmth. Hugs xxx
Hi Morag – we love Mevagissey too, but we are careful only to go there when it's quiet – next week it will be a 'no go area' for us! Hope that you are keeping ok, hugs Gilly xx
Hi Gilly,
Bet your walk round Mevagissey was lovely. We visited there on our honeymoon and it was lovely. I know what you mean about the crowds especially in school holidays. Whitby is the same for us. Love and hugs, Alison xx
Hi Gilly that sounds like a lovely day, it's been cold but dry here, we even found some snow – but then again we were at the top of a mountain!! Hope you are both resting tonight xxx
I've only been to Mevagissey once, years ago – over 35 in fact – but still remember it well. Should really go again as we go to Cornwall twice a year to visit our friend. xx
Sending hugs gilly xxx
Hi Barb,
Loving these seahorses, beautiful design Barb.
Love & hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Hi Barbara and Paul, A great post today and these sea horses look terrific !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi living seeing some of the old stamps and art work so much amazing art work xx
I like the seahorses but I've had my eye on the dolphins and these have given me ideas of how to used them.
Hi Julia – hope that you had a good birthday! Got any plans for the proceeds from the car boot! Hugs Gilly x
Well Gilly, the cat goes to the vet for her boosters on Thurs, that's £65, put £50 aside to fill the car with petrol and Jen and I are going into Inverness tomorrow to pick up some things for her for our summer hols, we'll also have lunch out. I don't think there will be anything left after all that.
That sounds expensive Julia, have a lovely day out tomorrow xx
Hugs Julia you will have to have another craft clear out to go to another car boot xxx
Hi Paul. Thank you for posting. Yet more wonderful cards. xx
hello to all of my dear blog friends. I hope you've all had a good day. I'm afraid I can't keep my eyes open any longer so I'm away to my bed. Sweet dreams all of you. Love and Hugs xxx
Night night, sleep tight! Love Gilly xxx
Hi Morag,
Hope you get a good night's sleep, love and hugs, Alison xx
Night night Morag xx
Hugs morag xxx
Brilliant, love the seahorses, such fun
Hi Paul,
Thanks for posting this. These samples are stunning and I'm really loving looking at them. Love Alison xx
Hi to all my hi to all my lovely blog friends,
Hope you've all had a good day. It was a lovely day up here today until tonight when it's turned really cold ( again!). Decided I would begin my keep fit routine today, so went for a three mile walk which I think I'll do every day and try to increase the speed I walk. Have to say I really enjoyed it . Went to the members event at the new Crafters Companion outlet – very impressive. I'll still be getting nearly all my stuff from Clarity though! Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Hello Alison, the walk sounds good, I always feel good when I've had a walk, somehow you feel full of energy when you finish. Sending hugs xxx
Good morning Alison. Enjoy your walk today. I'm off to CC on Friday just to be nosy! Love and Hugs xxx
Well done on the walk Alison xx
Lovely samples, you keep finding stamps I don't own! Hope today was less of a headache in the computer department. Xx
Hi Donna, do you want to work out which bit we are colouring next? xx
OK just off to have a look, be right back……..
OK, next colouring bit – there are 4 'upside down umbrella' looking flowers, 3 in the heart and 1 in the bottom right corner. What colours shall we choose this time? XX
Hi bloggy friends, hope you are all OK. Not a good day for me as my dog has damaged her crutiatus ligament and needs an op 😢 on strong pain killers. Vets tomorrow.
I'm really sorry to hear that Donna, poor Phoebe, and you must be so upset and worried sick. I hope it can be dealt with asap for you both. Thinking about you. Are you wanting to continue the colouring in to help take your mind off it, or do you want to wait? xx
Nope colouring will be good.
Hi Donna – sorry to hear about your dog, hoping that all goes well for her – hugs Gilly xx
Hi Donna,
So sorry to hear about your poor dog. You must be so worried. I know exactly how you must be feeling – I was a wreck when Scamp had her accident a few weeks ago, but I look at her now and apart from a kink in her tail, she is fine and I'm sure it will be the same for your dog. Sending you lots of love and hugs and extra cuddles for Phoebe. Love Alison xxx
Thank you Brenda, Gilly and Alison. Hoping the xray goes well tomorrow and that she can get treated ASAP. Giving her lots of hugs. Xx
Hi Donna I hope the X-rays go well tomorrow and your poor dog can have her operation soon. It will be handy having half term so you can be with her while she recovers. Sending you both a hug, hopefully the colouring will distract you a bit. Xxxx
I'm sorry to hear about your dog, Donna. I think that's what happened to our friends' dog (twice in fact) but he's fine now after an op on both occasions and plenty of t.l.c. xxx
Morning Donna sorry to hear about wee Phoebe hope all goes well for her today and I will catch up on the colouring tonight pink umbrellas got it….wee hugs for Pheobe…xx
Aaw Donna I'm so sorry to hear about your little dog. I hope the vet can operate soon. Love and Hugs xxx
Morning Donna so sad that phoebe is not well and got to have an operation you must be so worried and upset sending lots of hugs to help you through hope the pain killers help hugs for phoebe too I willcatch up tomorrow on the blog thinking of you xxx
I adore seahorses and these are all fabulous and thanks for putting the post up Paul and certainly hope things have gone better for you today. x
Hello Barbara hello Paul
Hope you are all ok and Paul I hope today hasn't been too stressful for you. The sea horse stamps are lovely, I remember them being showcased on tv at one stage but isn't it lovely to have a reminder. Thank you for posting again Paul. Take care
Love Diane xxx
Hello all my lovely blog friends hope everyone is ok today and you are all enjoying your colouring. I'm off to bed now so night night everyone xxx
Hope you had a good nights sleep Diane. Love and Hugs xxx
Hugs Diane xxx
Hi Paul, I used the seahorses for the last challenge, one of mine doesn't stamp properly though! They aren't really my thing but they do look really good and I must have another go with them. Good for bathroom décor! x
Hi everyone, I've had a funny day today which culminated in buying a new pc as mine died Sunday night. I've opted for an all in one, easy to set up but I was so surprised at all the wires I disconnected from the old one. I was impressed that I'd even set the old one up LOL !!
Lovely and warm when the sun was out today, hope you'e all had good days. xx
Hi Paul, lovely samples of artwork using fabulous stamps and stencils. Have a great day everyone. Bx
Morning Paul have a good day and thanks for keeping the wee blog going with all the lovely art.
Hope the road trips going well and your near to getting a big hug from your wee lad Barbara.
Love Dot..xx
Morning Bloggy friends sorry been awol late granny duties
hope yir all well off now to help with the school run keeps me going this granny lark..love Dot.xx
Morning Dot. It's so good that you get to see the Grandbairns every day. I hope you have a good day. Love and Hugs xxx
Morning Dorothy enjoy granny duties they are special times and lovley to hear they keep you going big hugs xxx
All the cards are wonderful with really interesting backgrounds but my favourite is the Gell Press one , are there any tutorials for this one ?
Anne xo
Yippee! Good news is I have the tropical fish stamps, I don't have the sea horses though, still it's a bonus xx
Beautiful samples I've got the Dolphins they are so beautiful too.xxx
Morning dear blog friends thinking of you all I'm having a very rough day today what with all the traveling to have my X Ray's yesterday I've got my diabetic eye screening today I must keep this appointment then I've got the rest of the week free to rest up I will then catch up with the colouring sending lots of hugs to you all and to all on the blog catch up tomorrow morning xxx
Straight to bed for you when you get home this afternoon. Even the thought of todays travelling will be exhausting for you after yesterday. take care my dear friend. Love and Hugs xxx
What lovely inky backgrounds – all amazing. Love the little shrink plastic seahorses Jo – how clever! Susan x
Fabulous creations! I do love seahorses and yes they do look a bit cheeky!
Linda xxx
Fab x