Oriental Stencil with Paint and Pencil!
Hi there!
Good of you to pop in!
How’s your day been?
I had a good time picking orders and mucking in with the team.
Not sure that they like me being there,
but hey!
My ride – my rules!
Monday’s blog is flowers and trees, so how about a lovely new floral leafy stencil? It was on telly last time, but I didn’t get to it.
in the 20% off sale until Midnight tonight….
I really like this one.
I used the Fresco Chalk Paints through the stencil on black card.
We have a great selection of Fresco Paints.
We have a great selection of Fresco Paints.
The first thing was to create a base colour.
I went with Snowflake White first.
Tape up the stencil on all 4 sides,
to make sure it doesn’t move.
I found the best way to apply the paint was
with a mini blending tool.
You can get the applicator with a couple of sponges,
but it’s a good idea to treat yourself to a pack of spares.
Add little paint to a craft mat,
and then dab the blending sponge into it.
Less it more here, because too much and it will seep underneath the stencil. Better to apply two thin coats than one thick one.
Snowflake White first,
then Cheesecake,
then Mermaid.
POUND the blending tool, don’t wipe it.
You literally pound it.
That’s why you don’t need much.
The white undercoat helps the other colours to pop.
It’s a fast-drying paint too,
so no need to wait for a long time between colours.
Remove the stencil and add depth and intensity of colour with colouring pencils.
Time to tear some coloured parchment.
Stamp the word Friendship form the Word Chain No. 8
onto a panel of white card, using Black Archival.
It will sit very nicely on the blue parchment.
Cut a couple of inches off one side of the stencilled piece,
and wrap the torn parchment around it.
Secure at the back with double-sided tape.
Tell you what.
You should see what’s going on in our house just now.
We bought a beautiful old Danish linen cupboard for upstairs.
It finally arrived this evening.
Will it go up the old staircase?
What do you think?!
So I’ve just been summoned,
and it’s a definite NO.
Huffy, puffy, sweaty.
Even in bits with the feet off,
the largest part is out by about 2 inches.
So they removed the lovely ornamental carving at the top,
the fancy mouldings,
all the trim – but still no good.
And unlike a piece of stencilled card,
you can’t just shave a couple of inches off the side!
So back in the van it goes.
Did we measure? Yes.
We were told it came apart.
I’d best go make Dave a brew before he blows a gasket.
And on that note, let’s listen to one of my all time favourite tunes…
Did I want it in the living room? asked the bloke.
It might look nice in there.
I gave him exactly the same look I gave the bloke from Green Flag last Thursday when he said he was going to tow us back to the depot in Birmingham.
Ah well.
And again I say,
nobody was injured in the making of this farce.
Love & hugs always,
75 thoughts on “Oriental Stencil with Paint and Pencil!”
Hi Barbara – a great piece of artwork! I LOVE that stencil! Thanks for the latest update from Clarity Home! Looking forward to hearing the outcome! Hugs Gilly x
Gosh, I was the first to comment! It just goes to show how much I have missed this wonderful blog! We arrived home this afternoon, just in time for me to put in a little order – my contribution towards the 'van fund'. The surprise birthday celebrations went really well, and I have finally met all of my hubby's family! The time away catching up with family and enjoying some restful times and the wonderful weather has done us both a lot of good! I have now got lots of catching up to do on the blog – love and hugs to all of my blog friends, hope that you are all well – love and hugs Gilly xxx
Glad you had a good time Gilly and still got to make a purchase! I did too but don't tell anyone…. xx
Hello dear blog friend so nice to have you back here I am really pleased you had a wonderful break away and back home safe and it has done you the world of good both of you good that you have mannage to get your clarity order in hugs and smiles xxx
Hi Gilly welcome home, good to hear the break has done you both good. Glad you've got your order in too. I think my hubby has just bought the engine and 4 new tires from my birthday list!! Xx
Thanks to you all – it is nice to be back here! Glad that you all will be getting some more goodies too! xxx
Hi Gilly,
Really pleased that you've enjoyed your break. Good to have you back. Well done for joining the rest of us who've contributed to the van fund!! Xxxx
Great to have you back and to here that you had a good time. Yes, I also contributed to the engine fund.
Good to have you here with us again. So glad you both had a lovely break seeing family and also relaxing. Just what the doc ordered.xx
Beautiful card Barb. I only listened to "Right said Fred" the other day. Lol. It is fabulous. Oooops – hope they take your cupboard back. Xxx
What a lovely piece of artwork. It looks so effective. Sorry about your Danish linen cupboard. No doubt you waited ages for it to turn up. Its so dissappointing. I'm sure you will find something better to replace it.
Haha sounds like a day in my house!
Love the stencil btw. And what lovely colours too. Shame I've spent so much lately,or I'd be tempted.
Really enjoy your blogs…thank you 😊 Sheila
Ok, Barb. You are now safe. That is three mishaps – the van, the computer and now the dresser. Hope Dave's safety valve did not crash totally this time, and the Clarity elves are not too traumatised by your latest sale. Hopefully, you can take Dave for a relaxing walk through the bluebells before the rain arrives. xxx Maggie
PS that dresser was not meant for you. There is something better out there for you. xxx Maggie
Oh Maggie your comment made me smile hugs xxx
Oh Barbara!!! I realise that things like this are annoying at the time but tomorrow you will giggle about it! As I was reading about your linen cupboard that song came to mind and then you added the link….made me laugh out loud! It's a good job I'm on my own for the evening!
I do like that new stencil! I think it's one of my favourite at the moment!
Anyway I'm off to tidy up….need space to work! Love and hugs! Xxx
Was humming the song even before I got to the video. What a shame. I was impressed by the brightness of the chalk paints on the black card. They look really good.
Just the job to make me smile.we have had a day of it having the kitchen rewired. We have lived here 13 years and it turns out we have been lucky the house didn't burn down. Love that stencil, so pretty with the paint's you have chosen
I love the effect of the chalk paints on the black card, and great tip to use white first before the colours. How annoying about your dresser – hope you will be able to find something else even more perfect, and 2 inches smaller! I wonder if you got to pick my order today? Very excited to get my new goodies, and happy to help with the van fund. x
Oh dear I can commiserate today! My friend across the road offered me a 4 box type drawer cabinet (IKEA) which I thought would replace the chest of drawers in my craft room. She and her son brought it over. Did it fit no it darn well didn't by and inch! Oh well, never mind she's offered it to someone else otherwise I'm going to put it on the local sell site on FB for her ! I said it can stay where it is for now ! Made me have another little clear up up here though…. Frightens me what I've got!
I'm sorry your's didn't fit after all that trouble. Hubby offered to help me rearrange up here but I didn't want him seeing what I'd got up here ! LOL!
Lovely demo, simple but effective and clean!
Love the effect of this, the stencil produces some beautiful shapes.
So sorry about your linen cupboard, so frustrating, you ll almost certainly find something even better! X X X
That is a lovely clean fresh looking piece of art…. Love it. Also love my lightwave which arrived today. Just had to try it out…it's brilliant. Even my rather crafty cynical sons were impressed by it. They usually groan when anything new arrives in my craft room…..but not tonight. Thank you Barbara and the clarity crew for a fantastic piece of kit
Thanks for this beautiful inspiration!
xxx Margreet
Oh dear, must be the day for it! Our TV blew up (beyond repair) but thanks to a 5 year guarantee a new model arrived free of charge today. Great but it's on legs rather than a centre stand & the legs are so widespread (if you know what I mean) it doesn't fit on the old cabinet. Hubby had the great idea of going to the timber yard to get a plank cut for it go balance on, looks lovely NOT!
Brenda, I phoned Clarity Towers today & a very nice lady called Janine added the Groovi nested hearts to my order so the new engine fund got a further boost – thank you both for your help & kindness.
Oh well back to the plank ready for my weekly Peter Kay fix xxx
Hahahaha! A plank! My oh my. Sounds like a Dave move….
Oops just been told off. Apparently it's a cut down window sill NOT a plank!! That makes it so much better then…😂
Shouldn't laugh but it made me 😂 my real dad was deaf he favourite film was the plank I've got it on DVD hugs xxx
Oh Lynne I'm so sorry but I've had a good chuckle, that's a bit like this house too! Our TV upstairs is on a canteen of cutlery – just the right height for a clear view over the end of the bed!! Xx
Ha, this sounds very familiar. We recently bought a new telly because we thought our old one seemed to be on its "last legs". We found the new one in Aldi, but unlike our old set it had "splayed" legs like Lynne's (tv). I managed to balance it on a couple of planks until a new tv table was found and delivered, my better half also ordered a matching coffee table. This meant the new furniture cost more than the TV! X
Hi Barbara, This vine stencil is gorgeous and the colours you have used complement perfectly, and the whole card is beautiful.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Haha sounds like a day in my house!
Love the stencil btw. And what lovely colours too. Shame I've spent so much lately,or I'd be tempted.
Really enjoy your blogs…thank you 😊 Sheila
Love the stencil think could be a must but cannot order anymore but I me next list of wants love stencils and using the. Such a shame about the dresser sounds lovely sure there's a better one out there for you remember my brothers old cottage the things that went through the window that was an old farm house beautiful they have real charictor don't they. Your not having much luck but is about to turn around but biusness is going well which is good hope you get van sorted quickly big hugs Joy xx
I had great fun choosing my clarity ' treasures' – especially as it's my birthday this week. I then went back and added a light panel to my order ( got to help that old van fund along !!) . Love. Your idea of chalk paint on black card – so fresh and vibrant . You and your team are so good with giving new ideas and inspiration for existing products, in always feel my clarity ' stuff' doesn't date – they're crafty classics !! THANKYOU ALL
This would make fantastic wallpaper ! It would help cover up the hole in the wall that appeared during the 'Linen Press Installation Farce'…. Thankfully no children or animals were injured during this performance, only the "Installation Team's' pride !!! Another fine piece is to be viewed tomorrow…and yes, fortunately I can read a tape measure…watch this space….x
I'm leaving it to you Dave x
It happens to the best of us! And how would I know such a thing!?
Oh Dave you and Barbara make a fantastic team 🙃 Xxx
Enjoy your tea Dave, make sure you measure it in feet and inches and in centimetres just in case! Xx
Oh no, what a day you have had, love this song too. I hope you and Dave have a giggle about this tomorrow. Love the stencil and card.
Linda xxx
Wow beautiful such a pretty stencil I love the colours the chalk paints are super haven't tried them with the mini ink blending tools will give this ago thank you for making me smile hope it's a better day tomorrow have that cuppa tea with Dave smiles and hugs xxx
Hello all my clarity family of friends you all know who you are as the list is getting so long and don't want to miss any out sending lots of hugs and smiles hugs and smile to all on the blog xxx
Hello Sheila, how are you feeling today? Hope you've managed some crafting. I've been grooving and stamping today and some colouring in. Should have been doing some ironing but got carried away playing! Sending hugs xxx
I hope that you are still in less pain Sheila – special hugs to you too! xxx
Hi Sheila,
hope you've had a good pain free day. Love and hugd ss
Hi Sheila, how have you been today. It was a beautiful day up here and it looks like it'll be the same tomorrow.
Hello julia Alison gilly Diane have crafted today with toms help have had some pains and a couple of funny turns yesterday and today could be the hot weather , but pain is not anything like it was so I'm happy with that , xxx
Hi Sheila, glad you're still managing some craft, sorry that you're in some pain again, could be the hot weather, it tires you out, just not used to it are we. Take care xx
this is s fab card. love the technique.
these things come to try us. you will rise above them, hugs xx
Hi Barbara
This is a beautiful stencil, thank you for the tip about using the white paint first. The end result is fabulous. I must look at the stencils I've got and see is I can try this with what I've got! Thank you for the lovely Bernard Cribbins song, that took me back a few years! What a shame the cupboard didn't fit, did you try it in the art room, just in case it fitted there!! I hope the one Dave looks at tomorrow is a better fit. I'm looking forward to part 2!
Take care
Love Diane xxx
Hi Donna Brenda Dot,Pam, Morag Alison and all my lovely blog friends. Hope you are all ok and have had some of this lovely sunshine today. I wonder how many people will be using their clarity cushions tonight to just order a few more things before the sale finishes!! 😊. Sending hugs xxx
Hi Diane,
Been a gorgeous day here. Ive refrained from buying today, but did sneak another order in yesterday! Love and hugs xxx
Hi Diane, late again aren't I, been busy crafting then sorting out an order, then messed it up. Ordered another lot as I'd forgotten some first time round. Can hardly keep my eyes open now. Take care.xx
Busy day and a long one for you and Dave! Bet the air was blue. Beautiful artwork today. I have a list of to-dos. Now got to decorate a Wedding Pillar Box! Weddings these days, not like the good old days – 20minutes service in church, hot lunch and rushed off on honeymoon somewhere in England. Still cannot grumble – 47years for us and not a cross word!!! Still staring at my new ring – what a lovely hubby.
Best wishes and love to all who sail on the blog.
Anne (Reading)
Hi Barb,
Really like this stencil and the artwork is stunning. Sorry to hear about your furniture problem but it did make me smile. A couple of years ago i bought a classroom cupboard with pull out drawers etc for my craft gear. When the bloke delivered it, he asked how we were going to get it upstairs. No problem said I! Famous last words! Took all the drawers and shelves out and Dave and i started to carry it upstairs. Well we'd only got it up 4 stepsand i was knackered! Our stairs sort of double back on themselves and we started to go round the first corner and I said to Dave " i cant do snymore!" The only problem was i had no strength left to even get it back down either. I left Dave precariously balancing this cupboard and phoned my brother in law to come and help. He arrived 10 minutes later by which time the air was blue. Well, they eventually managed to get the cupboard into the craftroom with only 6 chunks taken out of the walls!! How they never both got hernias i dont know. If we ever move, i think the cupboard will have to stay cos we'll never get it downstairs again!! My lighpanel arrived today and it's fabulous – does everything you said. Thank you for delivering it so quickly. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi to my lovely blog friends,
Hope you've all had a good day with lots of sunshine. It's been beautiful up here. Ive been to an ex pupi's wedding today. It was lovely. I haven't seen her for nearly 25 years and the invitation came out of the blue. She looked beautiful and so happy – it brought a tear to my eye. Got home to find my lightpanel had arrived. Fantastic! Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Lovley to hear you had such a super day xxx
How lovely Alison – you must have been a very special teacher for her to invite you after such a long time x
Thank you for that lovely artwork Barbara, and the stencil looks fabulous on black card with the acrylic paints and the coloured vellum and word chain finishes it beautifully. That Right Said Fred with Bernard Cribbins is just so funny and I could see you and the cupboard gradually being taken apart and still not any good. I hope no damage was done and at least they didn't try removing your ceiling to winch it up. How frustrating and disappointing for you though! x
Lovely card, lovely stencil, mine arrived today, with my light panel and several Groovi plates, and bits and bobs. Love this song, I often find myself humming it.
Barbara, in this month's Groovi club project book, there is a picture in which there is a Groovi Plate depicting an absolutely gorgeous Art Deco lady. Can you give me a hint as to how long I have to wait to get my hands on her?
I know…..I'm too impatient, haha!! X
This is a lovely project, I think I ordered the stencil. I'm glad I live in a bungalow. Having said that our couch still had to go through the window. I also had an oopsy day today. I was painting the ceiling in our bedroom and got to the bit where I needed to move the dust sheet. I shifted the ladders, got a leg caught on the dust sheet and the paint tray fell onto the carpet. I said one bad word, laughed then shot into the kitchen for cloths and a basin on water. I got it all out eventually.
Julia give up painting 😱 and craft lot less messy😊 Xxx
Lovely card, looks great on black. That always happens usually with the line "Well it didn't look that big in the shop!" Good luck sorting it out tomorrow. Xx
Evening Sheila, Diane, Pam, Dot, Morag, Gilly and Alison. Hope you are all enjoying the sun. I have a parcel to collect tomorrow so I'm hoping its my light box! Xx
Hi Donna hope your parcel is your light tray big hugs xxx
Hi Donna, hope it is, keep my fingers crossed for you. Put a couple of orders in, not the light tray though. Have to save that for Crowborough, spent enough as it was.xx
Hi Barbara, sorry about your linen cupboard, such a shame it didn't fit, wasn't meant to be though, you'll probably find one you like even more. Really like the stencil and the colours you've used on the black card, really pops. I've placed a couple of orders tonight at this rate you'll have enough for a new van. Made a mess of one as didn't click the enter key but emailed to tell them, there's always one isn't there, sorry. Love Pam xx
Hi to all my blog friends, hope you've all had a good day. Too tired tonight, so goodnight all. Love to everyone.xx
Hi Barbara, pretty artwork, thanks for sharing. I like it before you lift the stencil too, but I'm sure it could be done like that as well. Sorry, but I did laugh picturing poor Dave and the man/men trying to get your cupboard up your stairs. And I thought men always measured things bigger than they actually are!!!!!! 😉 Hope you're good at plastering too Dave!!! Seems to be a recurring theme, Dave must now dread you saying anything about wanting to buy a new piece of furniture!!! That song must have been written just for you and Dave. I never knew it was Bernard Cribbins who sang it. Glad you had a good day picking orders. I assume that means poor Pete drew the short straw in checking all the discounts had come off the orders!!! Hope the next cupboard measures up, love Brenda xx
Hello Barb, oh dear, what a nuisance, would it help to remove a window ;-). Love your artwork, the stencil is really lovely, and the colours on black card really do pop. Loved the song, we actually heard it in the car a while back, and both just laughed out loud. Have aa great day. Bx
Hi Barbara love this tutorial, will have to wait to get it though as my next item on the waiting list has to be the light panel!! I have been using a crayola one I bought cheap at Christmas after my daughter bought our granddaughter one, it does work but yours looks fab and if you can emboss card as well that's amazing. Its my birthday this month so here's hoping…..
A shame about the linen cupboard, we had a king sized mattress that we couldn't get up the stairs and the song brought back memories of trying to move a piano!! Hope you have a better day today! xx
Morning Barbara
Love this stencil and the colours you've used too
What a farce with the dresser! So that's two events you had in less than a week, better snap a matchstick in half so there won't be a third!!!
Crafty smiles
June x
Barb how I chuckled. Not really funny I know but it brought to mind when I bought a settee that was seven foot long and I couldn't get it into my living room. My ex husband thought it was ok to cut off two foot with a saw. Note I say my ex husband! What a banana but my fault for not measuring properly too. Such is life it all adds to the spice and we can laugh about it later. Much love Jayne
Our story is of a made to measure bookcase 9 feet long by 4 feet high. Unfortunately the only door into the house was down a narrow side passage so it was impossible to turn the bookcase through a right angle; besides, there were also 2 more corners in the hall between the front door and the lounge where it was made to go. OK, pass it through the deep window? Errm, window measured 3 foot 11. Solution – saw through all the uprights and remove top shelf, pass it through window, replace shelf. Stand in place – oops! decorative toe board now hidden against wall, room is too small to turn bookcase, ceiling too low to upend it. Solution – husband climbs into case and swings it round, almost demolishing clock (a wedding present) off the fireplace. Success!….Until we moved house 3 years later….
Can you hoist it up outside nd go through a window , that's what they do in NYC . Hahah
Love this work Barbara it's beautiful thank you for sharing
Love always June Horrocks. Xxxxxx