Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! A Harbour Canvas Step by Step
Happy Thursday
Thanks for popping in.
Here’s another step by step project for you to try….
I am on a roll this week!
Actually, I have had a lot on my mind,
and the arty interludes have been like a real tonic.
Which just goes to prove that Craft is a real mindful therapy;
just stick at it until the pain or the panic fades.
Remember a couple of days ago I did a Goosey canvas?
And in between layers of colour I was rolling the brayer off onto scrap?
Well, say hello to the scrap!!
Yep, today we are going to do
A scrap-wrap!!
There you go!!
Just made that up!
I’ll copyright that and slap an injunction on the first person
who claims it as their own!!!
……. J o k i n g …..
Ooooh… she’s in one of those funny moods…..
Right. Let’s get started.
Mod Podge. Great stuff. It’s a glue sealant.
Decide which scrap you wanna wrap.
(I can feel a tune coming on…)
Brush some Mod Podge over a little A6 Canvas Board
then lay it down on the scrap of your choice.
Trim the corners off with a craft knife,
add more Mod Podge to the back,
and wrap the scrap around the little board.
Tuck in the corners
and make the edges nice and crisp with your fingers.
Notice I have laid it on a sheet of copy paper, to minimise mess.
Now we have a really cool paper background,
which is easier to stamp onto than canvas direct.
Let’s make a blue sea scene…
These are some of my favourite little Melanie Stamps.
Remember the Harbour Set?
Talk about Clarity Classics!!!
Stamp the row of houses in black Archival ink
across the canvas board.
Add a little life. A couple of sea gulls.
I can’t repeat what Dave calls them,
but it makes me laugh every time.
backwards = skwahetihs
The kwahetihs at the front looks like he’s walking on water,
so we had best anchor him.
By this I mean put something underneath him,
so he isn’t levitating..
I do not mean nor did I ever even imply that you should attach something heavy like an anchor to his feet and throw him in!!
There we are.
Could be a scene in Cornwall.
Could be up the road from Brighton, in Hove actually.
Colouring pencils at the ready.
You really want a GOOD white colouring pencil.
If you have a Faber-Castell Polychromo, you are in luck.
If not, treat yourself. I use it so often.
Time to build a wall….
Use a black Micron Pen to draw thin horizontal lines.
Then add the bricks.
If only it were that easy!
Let’s change the colour of the brickwork. Mask off the area
and dab Squeezed Lemonade Distress ink into the gap here and there with a make-up sponge.
Let’s throw a little bright white at the skwahetihs
using a White Pilot Fineline Pen
We need a little cloud in the sky…
did you know you can use pencils with our masks too?
Landscape masks – ideal
A little pencil shade here and there around the boat
and the thingamejigs.
Time to attach to an A5 Canvas Board
(Also in the Paint and Canvas Sale until Midnight Friday)
And it all started with a scrap wrap.
Oh my.
There could be something growing under that lot!!
I really ought to have a clean up….
Or not!
Walk through the bluebells Vs. clean artroom…
How about a little bloggy offer on the Harbour stampset
9 stamps
£24.99 £14.99
How about a little bloggy offer on the Harbour stampset
9 stamps
Have a lovely day
love & hugs,
88 thoughts on “Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! A Harbour Canvas Step by Step”
That's just what it is A Classic Set and I love it.
What a fabulous piece of art. I simply love your colours. My scrap never looks that good!! I have been playing with mod podge and board just the other day….to be revealed on the 1st. Great stuff to work with. As for the polychromos pencils, they are a dream to work with….mind you my set isn't as big as yours. Have a great weekend and enjoy the weather. Hugs xx
What a fabulous piece of art. I simply love your colours. My scrap never looks that good!! I have been playing with mod podge and board just the other day….to be revealed on the 1st. Great stuff to work with. As for the polychromos pencils, they are a dream to work with….mind you my set isn't as big as yours. Have a great weekend and enjoy the weather. Hugs xx
Beautiful piece as usual ! I keep my scrap but don't think I've used any yet!
Today, I've started a bit of a clear out and tidy up of craft stuff. The charity shop will be pleased I think ! Also thanks for the pic of your desk although I think my hubby will say it doesn't count LOL !! I've been catching up on the Archers omnibus while doing it so was well away with that ! x x
Love it! My friends in Weymouth call them the same thing He He ! Thanks for sharing Barb, enjoy the Bluebells xxxx
Just been down to Weymouth for the weekend. First time I have ever seen the water in the bay completely white over, and I struggled to make headway against the wind walking up the side street onto the Esplanade, but I felt great afterwards. The wind just blew all the cobwebs away, and the gulls were kind enough to leave my car alone. xx Maggie
Lovely canvas picture. I have thought about about buying those stamps and now I think you my have persuaded me! Can the postman sneak them here without Hubble knowing? He still doesn't know about the paints I ordered earlier this week. Hope he is out when they arrive!!! But, he probably will find out as I will need a bigger box to store them! Hope you have a good evening. x
It helps to keep them guessing if you take deliveries for other family members but my husband finds it strange that I am on first name terms with the DPD man, UPS and Hermes, the God of speed who looks at least 80.
What a fab scene…my scrap never looks like that…go and enjoy the bluebells
The mess will still be there to tidy on a rainy day xx
Very very cool awesome.
Beautiful artwork. We call the seagulls by the same name in Scarborough lol, we have lots! Go and enjoy the Beautiful weather, tidying up is a rainy day job xx
This is wonderful – definitely Brighton inspired. Amazing what can be done with scrap and a fab stamp set. I share Dave's opinion of gulls. They turn up in our garden from time to time and we're nowhere near the coast. They're HUGE!
Tonbridge Sue
Damn it! I was trying to resist that set as I saw it on offer last night but after this I have to have it. Yes, my husband calls seagulls the same thing. We do get quite a lot up here and when there babies are wandering around they get really vicious. They are well know for swooping in at you and aiming their poop at you, dirty little buggers. We have one who sits on our neighbours roof, my youngest calls him Cliff. I hope all my blog mates have had a good day. Been lovely up here again today and I've had a very lazy day.
You are so right! They can aim really well, why it is considered lucky I will never know. XX
Wow Barb £10 off the price of the stamps that is really generous of you. Love your scrap wrap. I live close to the sea so hear gulls a lot round here. I love to see them paddling for worms on the round a bouts it always makes me laugh seeing there little feet going up and down like billy-o (who ever he was). Cold wind off the sea here today but warm and lovely in the shelter. Had to laugh at "fabulous fiona's" comment about hoping her hubby isn't in when things are delivered. I always try to time any orders for a weekday delivery so my purchases remain undetected and my craft room is so stuffed to the timbers that he would never notice anything new! Enjoy your walk in the bluebells. Much love Jayne
Could even be Aberdeen! Just back from another walk by Aberdeen harbour and the houses could be from Footdee (or 'Fitty' at it's referred to locally.) Plenty of Seagulls and Artic Terns but no little rowing boats, however we did keep pace with a rather large supply boat sailing out into the open sea which was no doubt on its way to a distant oil rig. Great canvas, great scene. Love the idea of the shell for the sea-wall. May just have to break my spending embargo for the seaside set but I'd better check I haven't already got them. ;~}
Sheilagh I can picture your walk along the harbour in my head as I read your comment. Emma says the seagulls in Aberdeen are huge and very noisy at all hours of the night and day. Funnily enough they like to sit on the bedroom window sills of the student accommodation and cry especially loudly at about 8am!!! Xx
Hi Diane,
There were thousands in the sea just off the beach yesterday – perhaps a ship had disgorged some debris out at sea and the swell was bringing it in. Who knows? ;~}
This is a fantastic scene Barbara and I love the way you bring all the pieces together and make one unified and beautiful piece. I like the very apt name Dave has for seagulls. I know it is supposed to be lucky but I had some land on my head and shoulder once, not sure if it was a seagull, but I had to get my DH to try and get the worst of it out of my hair…yuck!!! Personally I call that bad luck…lol. x
Hi Barbara – yet another stunning piece of artwork! I think that I will have to claim it as in Cornwall – it could even be Mevagissey – which is just around the coast from where I live! That has little cottages on a hill, behind a wall! So good to hear that you are on a roll! Hope that you enjoyed your walk amongst the bluebells! No contest between that and tidying up! Hugs Gilly x
I would put it in Cornwall too, my very favourite county. I love sitting on the rocks watching and listening to the sea crashing on the rocks. So good for bringing peace of mind. xxx Maggie
Hi Sheila, Morag, Donna, Alison, Diane, Pam, Dot, Brenda, Pen, Jackie, Sue57, Julia and Chris M – Hope that you have had a good day. Still been resting in bed today – but slowly feeling the benefit now. I did do a little sorting of some of my craft goodies (whilst in bed) and my daughter will be receiving those! Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Hi Gilly. I'm so pleased that you're feeling a little better..but that doesn't mean you can get up yet!!! We had a holiday in Cornwall a few years ago, and visited Mevagissey. You are right, Barbara's art does look familiar!. Hugs my friend xxx
Resting starts to get harder when you feel better. Don't overdo things. Rest, rest and a bit more rest. XX
Gilly you keep resting, we want you fit and well again. A little light tidying a good book and some craft tv should do it. Xxx
Hi gilly hope you having a restful day sending lots of restful hugs xx
Stunning Barbara and thanks for sharing the step by step. I think a walk in the bluebells, you can clean up any time!
Linda xxx
"E" for exquisite. So lovely and glad to be going to the sea soon – Hunstanton. Not sure why you had a strange name for the kittywakes? Or am I being stupid. Deciding over the next few days whether to hand in my notice. You prompted me yesterday. No point in making oneself ill, especially for the MOJ! Shrouds have no pockets and a lot of people in the graveyard who think they are indispensable. On that happy note, I leave you.
Best wishes to you and all at Clarity and all the lovely bloggers.
Anne (Reading)
I hope you are able to make the right decision for yourself Anne. I know it's not easy giving up a career. I struggled long and hard with my decision, but I've never regretted retiring. Missed my colleagues and clients of course. But that's only to be expected. There is sure to be something much better around the corner for you. xx
Anne, I am sure you will make the right decision for you, but remember you are a long time dead, and maybe it is time you lived for your own joy rather than for a job. When you finally decide to retire, you will soon wonder how you ever had enough time to go out to work. xxx Maggie
thank you Maggie, such encouragement and you are so right. Are you the Maggie who went to the retreat?
As always, lovely artwork, Barbara. Sadly, I've already spent too much this month so the set will have to go on my wish list. Enjoy the sunshine whilst it's there! Mxx
Ditto what Morag and Maggie said Anne. I'm just coming to the end of my first year of early retirement and haven't looked back. The only thing I miss are the people and the buildings but as I see them often it's not a problem. The biggest thing I miss is my keys – I have to make sure when I do go back into College I plan the route to avoid the doors I used to be able to get through and can't now ! Lol , good luck with your decision, I'm sure you will make the right one xxxx
Anne I hope you can make a decision soon, I'm sure another dreadful day of rudeness will help you decide! If you can retire in the summer so you have bright days and warm sunshine to potter in the garden rather than wet dreary days and dark nights that will help. Xxx
Hi Anne think of yourself and your health that will help you make the right choice hugs xxx
You are so talented Barb..that's a real work of art which you make look easy when I know full well that it isn't. Keep mindful and creative. Thanks for sharing your talents xx
Oh I wish my scraps looked as good as yours! Beautiful art work, certainly one to hang in your Gray Gallery. I would choose a walk through the bluebells over tidying any time. There's a thought, how about a bluebell stamp or stencil (or both!) XX
I so love bluebells. They always take me straight back to my childhood. I hope you've had a good day Donna. Hugs xxx
Fantabulous! It's amazing what you do… I really admire your work and enjoy looking at what you make. Ps I quite agree with Dave the skwahetish are even inland these days. We can't put bread out for the birds but the big bu….s are right in there and eat the lot .lol x
Afternoon Sheila, Diane, Pam, Dot, Morag, Gilly and Alison. I am planning a paint session later, little art therapy session for myself. I didn't see The Jungle Book as I had guessed but instead we saw Eddie The Eagle. It was such a great film, funny and touching. Well worth a watch if you get the chance. XX
Well, the good thing is, you've still got The Jungle Book to look forward to! xxx
Hi Donna
I've heard that film is good. My husband and daughter went to see jungle book whilst I've been away and they both loved it. I wasn't sure about it as I didn't want to spoil the original but I've been told I will love it, and hubby would like to see it again!! Xxx
Hello Donna crafting hugs xxx
What a stunning piece of art Barbara. I love it. My hubby has the same name for seagulls heehee! Whenever I see any I go straight back to a holiday we had touring Scotland. We visited Oban and I parked on the quayside to eat some sandwiches while enjoying the view. Hubby very kindly opened his window and put a sandwich on the roof for the seagulls!!!!!! ( he obviously thought that we would get dear little sparrows and such as we have in the garden haha!)The car was totally covered! He simply refused to get out to explore, so I had to drive off, seeing nothing of the little town!!!
Oh well, I'm off to buy some stamps..thank you for this generous offer. I'm lifting my 'buying ban' just for 10 mins! Hugs xxx
Lovely artwork Barb. I'm so tempted by this set and your fantastic offer – reminds me of Mousehole in Cornwall where my dad was evacuated to during the war. Hope you enjoyed your walk in the sunshine? Susan x
Hello, Sheila Alison Dot Brenda Diane Pen and Lynne, and everyone else. I hope you've all had a good day. I've just been and made a sneaky order. I couldn't resist £12.odd for those stamps. I thought I would finally make a start on a word chain collection too….just while I was there, heehee!
Can anyone tell me please if the Butterfly Tree stencil will fit onto a 6×6 card? For future reference you understand!!!
Love and hugs to you all. xxx
Hi Morag oh I did laugh at the thought of your husband and the sandwich- I hope he cleaned the car!!! I might just have to go and look at those stamps, just look of course 😀. I think I've got the butterfly stencil, I will check it out and get back to you, my brain is thinking yes but I will definitely check. Xxx
Thank you Diane I would appreciate it. I'm hoping to still have space for a border! xxx
Hi morag hope you put your cushions down hugs xxx
Hi Barbara
Lovely artwork and a classic Clarity set. My scraps never look like yours but my craft space is in a similar state. I should really say craft spaces as I do tend to spread myself around the house. I am off to "Groovi corner" shortly as my Geisha and Waterhouse plates came today. I do quite a bit of groovin in bed!!! Have a lovely walk while the sun is shining.
Hugs from Chris X
That is a wonderful piece of artwork, all from a scrap-wrap. I like Dave's name for the seagulls had to smile as we heard one the other day and it sounded like it had a bad throat. Did sound weird. My desk looks similar at the moment, I have been making so many Birthday cards this week. Hope you got that walk it has been so lovely last couple of days. xx
That is the sort of place I would like to live and be able to watch and listen to the sea every day. It is only my family and friends that keep me here, and, of course, the sheer terror of having to pack all my crafting stash, especially my Clarity goodies. I love using mop up sheets for backgrounds and stamping. Thank you for sharing. xxx Maggie
Your sounding more your fun loving self today glad your feel happier I must start keep some of my scraps looks so good what you done have a good evening xxx
Lovely art work and really like the scrap wrap, somehow mine never look quite like yours!
Such a lovely time of year hope you saw lots of blue bells they're my fav ……. X
Love the harbour scene, and I always have ModPodge, the children love doing tissue pictures with it and they like peeling serviettes apart to use the pictures. Last ones we did had pirates on them arrrrr xx
Brill ! I wish I could see things as you do but you do give me a lot of inspiration on your blog and I do try very hard ! Love this set but will have to go on my wish list , I am already waiting for an order to come.Bluebells are lovely hope you enjoyed your walk. Xx
Maybe one day I will see a scrap like you ( no ,sorry I didn't mean you were a scrap ) and then I too could do a wrap ,in a snap without a flap of the sh——ks. Now I'm on a roll .lol and joy jan
Hi Barbara,
what a great harbour scene…
Using the shell as rocks is so clever.
Rolf xxx
Hi Barbara, This is stunning, a definite 'work of Art', and to think it all started with a 'scrap' piece of paper, only you could have this 'foresight' haha.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
a classic with a modern twist. fab. who would have thought a little scrap paper would make such a fab background! hugs xx
Ha ha love Dave's terminology…lovin' the 'scrapwrap'too!
Hi Barbara – best thing about being away for over a week is I get to look at all your fantastic blogs when I get back! So many beautiful ideas and inspirations. Thank you! I love every one of these.
Worst thing about being away? My lovely niece went into labour two weeks early and I was half way up a Spanish mountain with no internet access and dodgy mobile phone reception. And it was a difficult birth, with ambulance rushing between hospitals… anxious! I was twitching like a demented grasshopper! So your blog the other day, Barbara, where you talk about priorities, and hassles, and being ready to walk away (please don't), I completely understand. The priority for everyone during that long hard labour was the birth of a beautiful wee boy – who had to be cut out of his mum to stop any more distress to either of them. They are both doing very well now, thank god! Out of hospital and home. His name is Finn. And he is so beautiful I could cry. Thank god it all ended well.
So I applaud your decision to stick to your priorities, Barbara, and not grow massive and outsource. So what if we have to wait a few days extra for an order. Yes, I get impatient if I'm waiting ages, but tough luck! It's not the end of the world – it's not like someone has to take a scalpel to my tummy to get the delivery out, is it! 🙂 And I don't even notice when my monthly envelope is late, so don't go killing yourself for any ungrateful customers. It just isn't what's important.
There's nothing like thinking you might lose someone you love to make you realise what does and and doesn't matter. And late orders are nowhere on that priority list. Thank you for all your hard work, and beautiful designs, Barbara. I really appreciate it. All the best, Kay xx
Congratulations on becoming a great aunt, I'm due to be one in Sept ! Xx
Congratulations on becoming a great aunt Kay I hope your niece is ok and baby Finn too, what a worry for you and them. You are quite right, in the scheme of things waiting a few days for craft goodies isn't life threatening is it xxx
Thanks, Jackie and Diane! All seems to be going well now, thanks. xx
Congratulations so pleased all went well and they both doing well now hugs xxx
All from a scrap, amazing. Wish I too had your foresight. You're seriously breaking down my willpower with all these offers. I won't have anything to buy when I come to the Open Day at this rate. I'm not sure if I have all these stamps but I know I definitely have some of them. Hope I didn't buy some in one of your sales if so I'll be in stook. Hope you decided on the bluebell walk, tidying you can do anytime. Love Pam xx
Hi to all my blog friends, hope you've all enjoyed your day. In a hurry tonight as at my Son's house at present. Will read all the comments later or tomorrow. Glad you're still resting Gilly, please keep it up. Love to you all, you know who you are. Love to all you bloggers too. Love Pam xx
Hi Pam. Sending you a hug xx
Hi Pam sending you a hug, you know if you've only got a boat or the cottages you could kind.y give them to a friend and treat yourself to the full set. That would be an act of kindness that deserves a reward 😀 xxx
Hi pam crafting hugs xxx
Hi Barbara
Brilliant what a small piece of scrap can be turned into,not quite sure if it was my piece of scrap it would turn out as great as this.
Hi Barb
You always amaze me what you do with a plain canvass or paper or card. Then poof you have created a masterpiece X. X X
Evening Brenda, hope you are OK. Sending hugs. Xx
This is gorgeous Barbara, I love how you make a scene out of nothing but scrap. This is just wonderful xx
Hi Barb, really lovely artwork, and a good laugh too. Yep seagulls can be a real pain in the…. Thanks for the ongoing inspiration. Take care. Bx
Love Dave's name, it's what my OH called one if his badges in the RAF too.
Your scrap always looks like a work of art before you even start! Great descriptive name..
Love these stamps,temptation temptation xx
Ooh offer not working for me,must have been yesterday only,shucks
Yay, working now. Thankyou x
Barbara, love how you keep going back to soe classics. The seaside stamp set is my first Clarity set I bought, just lovely and another fave of mine 😊 That reminds me, will there be new on air workshops? Would be fab! 😃
Hi Barbara
Oh I like this and love the name ScrapWrap ( copywriter Barbara Gray 😂). When you said you were doing a harbour scene I thought oh yes sea and sky if you turn it landscape but oh no you did it portrait and oh boy does it work! The seagull at the front looks like the one that eyes up your fish and chips as you sit admiring the view munching your dinner! Love Daves name for them too. I hope you went and enjoyed that bluebell walk, the weathers not so sunny this morning, just right for a small craft room tidy!
Love Diane xxx
Hi Dot Hi Brenda hi Alison and all the lovely blog friends hope everyone is ok. Sending hugs all round xxx
WOW Barbara, and 'just like that' a bit of scrap-wrap is born and a wonderful creative design appears
June x
Hello Barbara didn't get to blog yesterday love what you do with your scraps this is a beautiful set and another great blog sale but I've got some of them it's a little set otherwise I would have bought this set offer beautiful art work too xxx
Hello dear blog friends didn't get to blog yesterday so sending you hugs for yesterday and hugs to all on this wonderful blog xxx
Sorry I am late, did not get to comment on your blog yesterday. But here I am thinking this is just lovely….it reminds me of the coast near to us.
Sending you all big hugs and love
crafty hugs Pen x
Fantastic Barbara – what a great way to use 'scrap'. Hope you enjoyed your walk. Hugs xx
Another fabulous piece of artwork Barbara. I can hear those skwahetihs from here. Lol. Good job there is no-one sitting on that wall with their fish and chip dinner or those skwahetihs might be even more of a nuisance than usual. xxxx